Resolution 1994-186 MAIlCR 22.1994 RESOWfION IrO. 9!.:186 A RESOWfIOII AUTllORIZIlIC f:XEctJTIOII or ^ HICl\VAY SVEEPIllC KAIPfTENA1lCF. HEMORAIIDUl1 or ACREDlDIT \lInt THE STATE or F1.ORIDA, DEPAIlTJIDtr OF TRAnSPORTATION, AIID PROVIDlIIC All EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ rf; ~; t ~ f" :4,', f ..,. " t ,"" '. ..,.;....~' ,..' f. 1IIfDlEAS. the Collier County Iloerd of COllllllinioners is concerned over the appe.ranc. of ..dl.n Is1.nd curbing vlthln the limits of Coiller County, and 1IHEaEAS, the Co111er County Ilo.rd of Co...dsslonars, after dl.cuss Ion with the State of Florida, Dep.rt_nt of Transportation, bell.ves that It can ...I.t In aveeplng those ar.... and IlHEREAS, the St.te of Florida. Department of Transportation has agreed to provlda funds In the a.ount of $6,537.18 per quarter for a total .um of $26.14'.72 per year for. period of one (1) year for Collier County to .v.ep ..Id curbing, .nd IIHEaEAS, the Collier County Iloard of COIIlIIIIssloners belleves .uch an .~e"'nt to be In the best Interest of the citizens of Collier County, and IIHEREAS, this aesolutlon supersecias Resolution 92-279; 110II THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: S.t=tfan 1: That the CollI.r County Iloard of County COIIlIIIIsslon.rs does hereby authorlu Its chelnoan to execute an agreement entitled "Hlghvay Sweeping Halntenanc. Heaorandum of Agreement" betveen Collier County and the Stat. of rlorlda Dep.rt_nt of Transportation, agreeing to .veep median bland curbing described In said Agree_nt In exchange for the payment of $26,14'.72 per year payable at the rate of $6,537.18 per quarter, for a period of one (1) y.ar. 'DOC 000 Pl',~ 167 MAIlCB 22. 1994 Saoc=~ton 2. This Resolution shell take effect Immediately upon Ita ....s.p. S~~ton J ~ All resolutions .nd parts of resolutIons In conflIct herevlth .re repe.1ed. PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COUJn'Y COOlISSIOIIERS. COLLIER COUNTY, F1.ORIDA III IlECULU SaSIOII ASSDlBLED, THIS THE~,;J. _ ~ DAY OF ~~./ , 1994. '." :./ D.\TID; ~.. ..~ h.,/>1Y ATlIST: ..' DVlQlf' I. UOCX. CI.Z!ix lTi. ~/...~-~/..~ AP.tZ F COUJn'Y COftKISSIONERS LLIER ID ApprO'ftd as to fora .nd lep1 sufficiency: k."Lt:imt/ ASSISTAIrT alLLIER COUlrI"Y ATTOIlJIEY ... 000 Pl',! 1GB