Resolution 1994-185 RESOLUTION NO. 94- ~ KARCH 22. 1994 U80LtlTIO. TO A~ A LETTER BY THJI EXJlCllTIVB DIRECTOR OF TD COLLIJlR COl1llTY AIRPOR'1' AtlTBORITY PJlRXITTIIfG THE 1l'fILUATIOIf OJ! A PORTIO. OJ! THJI AIRBPACl: ABOVE TaE IJIIIOD.LJIlI AIRPOR'1' POR AJf UROBATIC PRACTICB BOX J!OR ONE (1) RAll. WHEREAS, Collier County has been requested by the members of the Everglades Aerobatic Group to permit the utilization of a portion of the airspace of the Immokalee Airport for an aerobatic practice box; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Airport Authority has recommended to the Board ot County COII1Iissioners that the me1llbers of the Everglades Aerobatic Group be permitted to utilize the airspace tor .erobatic practice only, as shown on Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration owns and controls the airspace above the IlIIIOkalee Airport, and Coll ier County's consent is requested to maintain a spirit of cooperation; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration, Flight standards District OfUce 19, has issued a CertiUcate of Waiver or Authorization to the Everglades Aerobatic Group to utilize the llIIIOkalee Airport airspace upon permission being granted by the Executive Director of the Collier County Airport Authority of Collier County; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards District Ottice - 19, has requested that the Executive Director of the Collier County Airport Authority submit a letter permitting the aerobatic practice box at the Immokalee Airport: and WHEREAS, the letter ot peraission is being requested pursuant to the Federal Aviation AdlIinistration quidelines (8700.1 ClIG 4) vhich requires that the holder ot the Certiticate ot Waiver or Authorization .ust obtain, and hold on a continuing basis throughout the duration ot use ot the aerobatic practice box, the peraission of the Airport Manager (or landowner it over private property) over which the aerobatic flight is conducted; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration guidelines are a suggested matter ot practice and not required by law; and WHEREAS, a copy ot the Certiticate of Waiver or Authorization is attached as Exhibit "B;" and WlIEREA5, a copy of the proposed letter of permission to the Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards District Office _ 19, is attached as Exhibit "C;" and WHEREAS, the Risk Management Department has determined that Collier County is adequately protected by its general liability and insurance and the insurance ot the members ot the Everglades Aerobatic Group. HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIOHERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board ot County COII1Iissioners approves the attached letter to the Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards District ottice - 19, granting peraission to utilize a portion of the airspace ot the Immokalee Airport by members ot the Everglades Aerobatic Group for the practice of aerobatic maneuvers only. 2. The Board of County commissioners authorizes the Executive Director ot the Collier County Airport Authority to execute and deliver the attached letter of permission to the Federal Aviation Adainistration, Flight Standards District Otfice - 19. Of"n H::O KARCH- 22 1994 This Resolution adopted atter motion, secondnand mAjority vote. . DATE01':"'j. :<. /7""(/ A'l"l'ES'l's . .'. : DlfI~ B.BROCIt, Clerk '-8y:7-)~~-, .~~~,Atle ". :". .' y Clerk Chairman ~II ..~:..,~: : : ... ~ Approved .. to tora and legal sutticiency: . Ashton Assistant: county Attorney lOll( 000 ...., 159 j ._~- , Ii II il IIDii' r ;,j ~ IIr Jim 11~j~ u"lIn: "A" P"e 1 or 1 f f l : . : , . ; J :~ U:!I:W, i:' r. ~la liil, ~l if Ie', ~i'l' +, ~! 'g if !:if,j I' 'I ;:..~ .:,,1' ,',!J/ ,IiI IIi,,' 'j"" !of '.l o' .:.j:f"q'!!JIi li;j ~~,~ :!, h:, (' I'....J;'~.. .j I lllOC ()Q(hd60 KA1CI 22, 1994 , Ild'l "q ~ , I I ! I I I I , I . , I I , , ~ KAICB 22, 1994 EIHIBIT "B" Page 1 of 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAl AVlATlOH AOMINl5TRATIOI'f CERTIFICA TE OF WAIVER OR AUTHORIZATION _10 EVERGLADES AEROBATIC GROUP - C/O DAVID L. EBERSHOFF 4450 YACHT HARBOR DR.. NAPLES. FL 33962 Thill t'ntitka'e;,. tMt,ftJ (or the oJX"Oltinn' treriRatl,. clekril.N"11 11('rt"jn:l(r~t. ~() pt!ntm ~h:tll ~nnduct any "J'ft1I'Jon puna_ne. ft) 1M lUllhority nf thif; tntifkatft C!%C'rpl in lK'corcl:\nr.e with the ~t~n(lard nnd ~I pn:n-icion'l tnnl:lined in this ('rrtitkate. .nd Iltch nthrr rt"f]uirt'nJr.nl!i o( the J-"eder.al A,'i:uiofl Rqalations not specifically .:alred h,Chis C'trtific:alr. QrfI.AfJONS AUfJ<)ftZ1O AEROBATIC FLIGHT KANEt1VERS AlIO SEQUENCES PERFORMED BY THE AEROBATIC GROUP ACTIVE MEMBERS WITHIN A 3,300 X 3,300 BLOCK OF AIRSPACE FROM GROUIID LEVEL TO 5,000 FEET AGL. SOUTHWEST CORIfER OF THE BLOCK IS LOCATED AT THE NORTH END OF RUNWAY 18; (26-26.14N/81-24.20W), IMMOKALEE AIRPORT, COLLIER COUNTY . FLORIDA. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS ATTAClIED. usr 01 WMYID IlGU.AfQft IT MCl10N MfO Trf\1 FAR 91.303(C) r. (D) STAHDAID 'IOVISIONS 1. ..\ Mpf or the .ppln....,. ml..), (M Ih~ C'ft1ilkare _hall IIf' ;atf;lrh...1 tn lIntl I~me ft Imn he-reor. !. This ~t1jfk-.ff" "'IAn 1... Itfl'oomf,cI (",. it't"1lf'C"don upon rhe rt'tJtI~ ,,( ::IM.f Illlthnri7.fd nprt'Wnlnlirc of .he .\dmini.AtNltnr n( rhe ':tfWr.J .\,..i.rHm .\dnlinj~nltintl. or III JlIlY :-;'"fe nr muniC'jpnl offiC'inJ cha~l ..i'h lh.. dut,. or rnr,,",in~ IM,,'I.... tJr M":''1I,..lilJlI~. :l. The hold" of rhi1l C't"nillnur """IIIif' rH~ihle tor llt,- IIric1 ',(,*"n"..n,'e IJf Iht" (tnn. and prm'j"iolls rontlined br~jn. .f. Thi. N'rfi~,,. j,. "O"'N,"(rn"''', :<orx. n.. nortlh,,. ~"...... . ..h,.,. n{ ,,,,- Fro,,""-. nil""" (tf' n"':lIlnllfH'~ MfW"",ln....II' rrl....,..,1 10 ,.100..,,..... It.l<X"'l .... ('ltfMflta,,.. ..1,.."" ~ ..,. ~'.r... In. ttr __I """......... S'fOAL 'IOVlSIONS 1 10 Sr<<1,a1 rrrn'j"i^"1 XO!\. __ In ___ indu~if"C", :Ire" ~'l forth on Ih.. ""'''tr~ sicle htrcoC. =: MIA ""', "oDert~:~~oug:"':'Y;"''' "".1, uIC", r.mnauser This cer1iR<.,. i. .rr....i.. Irom FEBRUARY .;!8, 199410. FEBRUARY 2 1?~::!Ill,ive. .... , -';~ " --,",~ " '" 'm. .~ -.. '" ",. .","".,,,... i["'M"" "." ......11<0. ~' / " Do""r '... 100M..;;;:;! . ...,..,.... ,- '- SOU'l'IIERN THOMAS C. INGLI~ t.....) - PUpal "I a/A OPS GEOG~IC SUPERVISOR ,I..", ,TII"', 'AA 'enn 7711_1 "_,.. 100( 000 PiGriG1 KAKCH 22, 1994 Page 2 of 1+ Special Provisions Aerobatic Practice Area The name of organization, EVERGLADES AEROBATIC GROUP, and name of responsible person, DAVID EBERTSHOFF, hereinafter referred to as "Certificate Holder', hereby agree as follows: 1. This waiver is not valid if the visibility is less than S statute miles or the ceiling is less than 3,000 feet AGL. Aerobatic maneuvers shall be conducted at least 1,000 feet below clouds. 2. Each pilot using the aerobatic practice area shall: A. notify Ft. Myers App/Dep Control at (S13) 768-1377 at least 30 minutes before operation begins and again when the flight activity is completed. B. advise Miami Flight Service Station at (JOS) 233-2611 before commencing aerobatic flight operations of the duration of the activity and request that a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) be issued. .' J. ""robatic flight shall be conducted between the hours of official sunrise and sunset. 4. Each pilot using the aerobatic practice area must be briefed by the Certificate Holder before use on the confines of the waived space and the terms of the waiver. 5. Each pilot using the aerobatic practice area shall use two way radio cOlMlUnications; and, appointed officials shall alert that pilot of other aircraft in the vicinity of the Immokalee Airport. 6. The Certificate Holder is responsible for the conduct of all aerobatic operations within the operating area; and, shall also maintain a record of pilots and aircraft using the practice area, indicating name, certificate type and number, and aircraft type and registration number. 7. Before performing any aerobatic sequence, level clearing turns to the left and right shall be made and the area scanned thoroughly. Every reasonable action shall be taken to assure the area is clear before executing any aerobatic maneuver. IIlOl 000 PIr,[ 162 KARCH 22, 1994 P. se 3 0 f 4 2 8. The Certificate Holder has the responsibility to halt or cancel activity if at anytime the safety of persons or property on the ground or in the air is in jeopardy or if there is a contravention of the terms or conditions of the waiver. The pilot is responsible for halting operations if unauthorized persons enter the operating area. 9. For waivers involving aerobatic practice areas, the Certificate Holder of the waiver must obtain and hold, on a continuing basis throughout the duration of this certificate of waiver, the permission of the airport manager and the COllier County Real Property Department over which aerobatic flight is conducted. 10. Aerobatics conducted under the provisions of this waiver are limited to those aircraft and pilots approved by appointed officials named by the waiver holder, Mr, David L. Ebershoff. Such appointed officials, Mr. Al Burel, and Mr. Bruce Thalheimer, or Mr. David L. Ebershoff shall assure that: A. each aircraft using the area is airworthy and properly certified. B. pilots using the area are properly certificated and briefed on the confines of the waived airspace and terms of the waiver. C. at least one approved offlcal be in position, on the ground, to observe the aerobatic area in clear view; and, allow runways 4/22 and 18/36 to remain open during the aerobatic practice; and, halt or cancel actvities as per Sepcial Provision No.8. 11. Mr. David L. Ebertshoff shall ensure that participants are thoroughly briefed on the provisions of this waiver. IIlOC 000 Pl'" 163 KAleS 22, .994 t.X"UU~ "A- I ~ ." B POle 4 or 4 : " ~ I . r I I I . I . d . , . : I r " I I: I I I .' i ..1 ,I , I J "I ~ I ,,' . , :1/ I ~ III fl · l r '. III .- ;r" . . . l H, ~. / j '-1- 1i,I 'I I~II' I :ri ~ III ~I :~ ~ H ~Ii ~l' ~ ~H;II: ft. g 'll:~ 1:;I:i II~ 'I I::: .I!, II 'i'!!Ll~Pl l!il:! ',F filII. ~l ", . '.I! ~ ~ '11.,,11 1;.,1!J p ~J 'i:ll' "it.Jim,. I,. J a* OOf).., 164 KAlCH 22, /994 EXHIBIT "C" Pale 1 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DMS10N OF AD)I]NISTRATIVE SERVICES REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARnIEl'lT 3301 E. TAMJA.\I1 TR NAPLES, FL 33962 (813) 774-8991 Karch 22, 1994 A Y.AllrJ~U B~ CHW COMMUNITY ........,1.111%) UllIU RZCBIPT aB(lllZSTBD I Mr. Phillips Moon Ceo9Taphic Unit U. S. Departaent ot Tran.portation Federal Aviation ~ini.tration Flight Standard. Di.trict ottice - 19 P. O. Box 592015 Kiasi, Florida 33159 ReI C8rtiticate ot Waiver or Authorization tor Everglade. Aerobatic Group Reque.ted by Mr. David L. Eberahott, a Meaber ot the Everglade. Aerobatic Group Dear Kr. Moore: Plea.. be advbed that Collier utilization ot the air.pace ot the David L. Eber.hott and a81lber. ot Group, .ubject to the tollovingl 1. The group ....bar. shall .ubmit to C8rtiticates ot Insurance in the amount ot coabined single limits. County will permit the Immokalee Airport by Kr. the Everglades Aerobatic Collier County $1,000,000.00 2. Collier County may revoke it. permi..ion, for any rea.on vhat.oever, and the Federal Aviation Admini.tration, Flight Standard. District ottice - 19, shall be notified in writing, by certitied or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards Otfice. 3. The Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standard. Di.trict ottice - 19, .hall allow runways 4/22 and 18/36 to reaain open during the aerobatic practice when held at the I_okalee Airport. 1001( 000 PA.E 165 - KAIlCB 22, 1994 Psle 2 of 2 JIr. Phillips Moore Geographic Unit U. s. Departllent ot Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards D~strict ottice - 19 Karch 22, 1994 Page Two It you should have any questions, plcase feel free to contact _. Thank you. Sincerely yours, John Drury Bxscutive Director ot the COllier county Airport Authority ee: COllier County Attorney's Oft ice Collier county Risk Management Department I-.okalee COllier County Sheritf's Substation I-.okalee ~rqency Services David L. Zbershott, 4450 Yacht Harbor Drive, Naples, Florida 33962 uo!( 000 PAr,[ 166