Resolution 1994-190 RESOLUTION NO. 94-1~ /lARCH 22. 1994 RELATING TO PETITION FOPO-94-2 FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIKUK BASE FLOOO ELEVATION REQUIRED BY THE FLOOD DAIlAGE PREVENTIOK ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 87-80) AS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (ORDINANCE NO. 91-102). WHEREAS, the Petitioners, William and Ellen Lawrence desire to build a pool side bath and shower located at 408 panay Avenue, Isle of capri, Collier County, Florida, upon property ~re particularly described as set forth in Exhibit -A- which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference bc"ein; and lIlIEREAS, said pool side bath and shower is to be constructed at an elevation of 6.5 foot (NGVD), thus necessitating a request for a variance from the minimum base flood elevation of 10 feet (NGVD) required by Ordinance ~r 87-80, as incorporated by reference into the Collier County Land oevelopaent Code (ordinance No. 91-102); and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals has held a public bearing as required by law; has reviewed Petition FOPO-94-2 in accordance with Subsections 18(5), (6) and (7), Ordinance ~r 87-80, as incorporated by reference into the Collier County Land oevelopaent Code (ordinance No. 91-102) and has ..de . finding that the granting of this petition complies with the intent and purpose of ordinance Number 87-80 as follows: (1) The 3.5 foot reduction ~ the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 10 foot National Geodetic Vertical Datu. (KGVD) requirement tQ 6.5 foot National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) is the .iniaum variance nec...ary, considering the flood hazard, to afford reli.f. (2) In passing upon this variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals has considered all technical evaluations provided to it, all relevant factors, the standards specified in ordinance No. 87-80, especially those contained in Subsections 18 (7) (a-n). I_ OOOPA~l 9~ -1- MARCH 22. 1994 1IOIf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEAI.B OF COLLIER COUllTY, FLORIDA, that: Petition FDPO-94-2 i. hereby granted .ubject to the following conditions: 1. The variance .hall be for the reduction of the Minimum as.e Flood Elevation required by Ordinance No. 87-80 txga 10 feet NGVD tQ 6.5 feet NGVD. 2. The Chief Admini.trative Official .hall _i1 a copy of this Resolution to the Petitioner by certified _il return receipt requested and .uch _ilinq shall con.titute compliance with Section 18, (10) of Ordinance .0. "-'0. 3. The granting of this variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals does not aake or imply any assurances that the subject property or .tructures are not subject to flood da_ge. 4. The granting of this variance .hall not create liability on the part of COllier COUnty or by any officer or eaployee thereof for any flood daaage that re.ults from reliance on this variance or any admini.trative deci.ion lawfully _de thereunder. 5. In accepting this variance, the petitioner a..ume. all re.ponsibility for any property da_ge re.ulting from its application. The granting of this variance has been predicated principelly on the engineering data and inforaation provided by the Petitioner and a review of .... with r.~pect to the considerations required by Ordinance No. '7-80. 6. The owner .hall build the .tructure with aaterials that would not adver.ely affect the aain building in the event ot a hurricane. All electrical outlets .hall be po.itioned above the required elevation of 10 feet, MSL. lDOC lXJO'''A 95 KAICH 22, 1994 .. THEREFOU, BE I1' RESOLVED that this Resolution nlatiD; to Petition IfIDIber FDPO-94-2 be recorded in the aimrte8 of this Board. eo.aissioner ~rfJl oftered the toregoing JIesolution ancs aovecS for its acSoption, seconded by CC-iuloner ~t:ttwvlo vas: and upon roll call the vote AYES: ec-i..ionec Nocris, r.--I-ionec Plat~, CQqaiaaioner Saunders, r.-INionec Volpe MId CaaIi..loner Constantine JlAYS: ABSD! UD 110'1' VCl'l'IJIG: Dlnuu.lOll: Done This 22nd day of PIacch , 1994. .... Ji~~JUI' A:In..,.r . ;-.&- ":',DlfIGB'r I"~~J\, Clerk ... ,. . ~.' "'" . . . . ~~ . ."'1 . ......,,~_ ';:~~':;r;.a..;~' r - ~e . ." " .. . ,. ; ~"'.'. .. . '. '# ., . ~.~,-:.# AI',.....v&U AS '1'0 FORII UD T~'\L ljuI'I'ICIDCY: By: PDPO USOW'l'ION _/11256 -...~_____.___>_.~,~. u._. "M~__._,._..~.._._