Resolution 1994-171 KARCH IS, 1994 JlESOLtrrIOJI 94..::! 71 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF COOKTY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF COKOOCTING THE COUKTY'S STRATEGIC PIANKING WORKSHOPS PURSUA!l'l' TO THE PROVISIONS OF COLLIER Cot1KTY ORDINANCE KO. 87-5 WHICH ESTABLISHED THAT PERSONKEL-REIATED EXPENDITURES ARE VALID AJfD PROPER FOR COUKTY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Collier county Ordinance No. 87-5 states that the Board ot County cOKaissioners ot Collier County, Florida, shall adopt a Resolution authorizinq the expenditures ot County tunds tor valid and proper purposes, and WHEREAS, the Board ot County COlIIlIIissioners recoqnizes the purpo.e ot conductinq Strateqic Planninq Workshops and intends to continue the.e .eetinqs, and WHEREAS, the Board ot County COlIIlIIissioner. has aqreed to bold the.. workshop. to develop and promote the qoals ot the eo.aission. !fOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY cotIXISSIOKERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authorize the expenditure ot tund. tor cOnductinq strategic planninq workshop.. This Resolution adopted atter motion, second and aajority vote tavorinq sa... DATED(ilJ'~GI)-l5, 1994 ,.:t1J:U)T: ~ ........"/) . ,...~ ,; :DtfI.~ BR~;.~~lerk - .- BOARD OF COUNTY COKHISSIOKERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . . -'ByS ~N,:. ::7~ Clerk :- ", ~ n'.":"" ; -~;&.e, . Approved as to torm and legal sutticiency: ~".:I~.~ x.nneth B. er County Atto ey .""."-~,,,~,._---_._....,,,,,,_.....".,,