Resolution 1994-170 KARCR J 5. J 994 RESOLtrrlON NO. 94. 170 RESOLUTION MODIFYING COLLIER COUNTY I'UIlLlC LIIlRARY POUCY REGARDING nNK<; ANO FEt~<; WHEREAS. the Collier County Publie Library policics of November. 1993. provide ror fines and fees to be esl2blishcd for the wle of Collier CounlY Public Library; and WHEREAS. Collier Counly Ordinance No. 93-86 providcs thatlhe Collier County Library Advisory Board shall furnish budget recommendations 10 Ihc Collier County Board of CounlY Commlssionets for the forthcoming liscal y= for the operation of lhc Collier County Library 'Y'- lem; and WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 93-86 provides that the Collier County Library Director shall prepare the annua1 budget of the library syslCm in accordance with the recommenda- lioas of the Collier County Library Advisory Iloatd; and WHEREAS. 1he Collier County Library Advisory Boord has recommended the Collier CowJly Iloatd of County Commissioners modify library fees and fines; and WHEREAS. Collier County Publie Library now circulates materials not included on pre- vious list of fines and fees; and WHEREAS. the Iloatd of County Commissioners has adopted 1he Fiscal Y= 93-94 gener- al fund budget of 1he Collier County Publie Library; and WHEREAS. 1he revenue projections of the Collier Counly Public Library considered lhe imp""""""";on of a revised rme and fee schedule; and WHEREAS. Collier County does incur certain costs and expenses in providing facililies and services to the library patrons of Collier County. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF COLLiER COUNTY FLORIDA. lhal: ~ ~ t'I ~ ~ I I. The following line and fee schedule is hereby approved and required for all users of the Collier County Public Library: .. Overdue fines for books and eompact disks shall be 10 eenls ($0.( 0) "'... day. with a maximum chal'lle of five dollars ($S.(Xl) per book or compact disk; Overdue li"es for videocassellCS ,hall be reduced to one dollar ($I.(Xl) per day from IWo dolla" ($2.00) per day. and adding a maximum chartle of live dolla" (SS.lXl) per video ca,- selle kept overdue; Overdue lines for Ia.<er discs. "i"lcndo gam<... eompuler ""rlware and filmstrips "hall he one doll.... ($1.00) per day wilh a maximum charge of live dol- Ian ($5.00) per item; OV<'1'<lue fines for films borrowed from lhe Stale Library shall be one dollar ($1.00) per hour. with a maximum charge of twenty-live dollars KARCR 15. J 9 94 ($25.00) per lilm; Overdue Iiocs fur RcCercncc M.tcrials shall I", u,'" dull,,. I'> I.lXII per hour; The fee cha'lled for. lost or damaged Ii\m hurrowed fmlll Ihe St;,le I,j. brary shall be betw<"Cn one hundred lwenty-Iive doll..... ($125) 'lI1d Iifteen hundred dollars ($1500). which i,lhe actual co.! to repair or replace Ihe ilem ,I' delcrmined by the Stale Library. b. TIle fee for. replacement or dam.ged library c.rd .h.1I be of1C dollar (~I.OO); The fee for a fOl'llollen c...-d shall be lwenty-Iive ($0,25) eenl_; The fee fur re- placement processing shall be two dollars.nd lifty ccnl_ ($2.50) per ilcm; The fee associated with the sending of overdue notices and bill5 for non-returned m.teri.15 5ba11 be fifty cenlS (SO.50) for each overdue notice or hill. e. The fee eharged for a photocopy or laser prin!cr oulput,hall be ten eenl, (SO. I 0) per page; The fee charged for a mierolilm printout 5hall be twenty-live cents (SO.25) per page. d. The charge to reserve maleria1s shall be twenty-live cenlS (SO.25); The charge for video cassetteS which have not been rewound by the patron shall be fifty cents (SO.50) per caslClle; TIle cost of data base searches exeeeding twenty dollars (520.00) shall be paid by the patron requesting the search. e. Sctvice shall be denied to patrons owing a minimum of live dollan ($5.00). f. The fee for non-residentlibrary cards shall be six dollars ($6.00) per quarter. twelve dollars ($ 12.(0) per six months. twenty-four dollars ($24.00) per ye..... .nd adding the fee for a nine month non-residentlibrary c...-d of eighteen dollars ($18.00). 2. This Resolution repeals Collier County Library Fines and Fees adopted by Resolu- tion No. 90-52 on January 30.1990. 3. The lines and fees addressed herein shall be effective on Ihe day following the adop- tion of this Resolution. This Resolution adopted after motion. ICCOnd and majorilY vole by Ihe Boord of County Commiuioners ofCoUier County. Aorida.this /,..-u., day of '7), ...L-<A...- . 1')<)4. . ,,'),/J /.' 1/ . .DATED: "7'?~):'" /~/??;/ . ArrEST' , .' . DWIGHT BROCK. Cleric .' " . .'. -, " / AJ"! ~'/I:J~-r"14 .' . I,', BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIEI!J:OUNTY. R.oRIDA ,/ , , ,/' / I . ]' -- BY: -.: ItlII. I, G. fr,,,'/':. :'#1\0, LTL\tOTlln:ONS Mo'TINE.CII^IR~IAN .&.(!. Approyed as to form and legal ,urneicncy: ji,{]....~(. ~ }00l Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County AlIorncy 000 ,.~! 116 "",,,~._-~_,--"'-'-- -