Resolution 1994-161 RESOLUTIOtl tlO. 9~- 161 HARCH 15, 1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abate.ant or certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and . ~, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board ot County Commissioners, together. with a d..cription ot .aid parcel; and WHEREAS, such a..e..ment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paidi and ~, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days atter the maIling of Notice of Assessment after which interest ahall accrue at a rat. of twelve percent (12.0\) per annum on any unpaid portion thereot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUllTY, FLORIDA, that the property described a. follows, and having been abated ot a public nuisance atter due and proper notice thereot to the owner ot said property, is hereby assessed the following costs o! such abatement, to wit: IlME.l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ Bleanor 8. Fieraonti Beginning at the intersection ot $230.00 the northeasterly right-ot-way line o! U8-41 with the southsasterly line ot Dixie Drive, said corner beinq the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block One, Naples Manor Cnit No. 1 as r.corded in Plat Book 3, paqe 57, of the Public Records ot collier County, Florida; thence 1. Along the southeasterly line of Dixi. Drive, cro.sing a 25-foot .i4. ~lorid. Power' Light Co.'. utility easement H 50 degr... 53 .1nut.. 40 ..ooud. . 25.0 f.et; thence 2. continuing. 50 degre.s 53 ainutes 40 seconds B 175.0 teet; thence 3. 3'.37 fe.t along the arc of a circular curve concave to the south, radius 25.0 f.et, chord bearing 8 84 degree. 06 minute. 20 ..oond. . 35.35' to the southwesterly line ot Floridian Avenue; thenoe 4. Along the southwe.terly line ot Floridian Avenue 8 39 degree. 06 ainutes 20 .eoond. Z 135.63 teet; thence 5. 8 50 degre.. 53 ainute. 40 second. . 200.0 teet to the Dorthea.terly line o! .ai4 Florida Powsr , Light Co.'s utility ......nt' thence I. Continuing along tbe last de.cribed course S 50 deqree. 53 ainut.. 40 .eoond. . 25.0 teet to the northeasterly right-at-way line o! U8-41; thence 7. Along said right-at-way line H 39 degrees 06 minutes 20 .econds W 110.'3 feet to the place ot beqinninq. Beinq .11 at Lot 1 .nd part ot Lot 2, Dlock One, ot .aid Naple. Manor Unit Ho. 1 an4 SUBJECT TO the Florida Power and Light Co.'s utility ......nt over the .outhwesterly 25 feet beinq adjacent to and parallel with U8-41. IDDK 000 mE 89 --"""......~-- .. LU. UD ncm>'r '1'IIZRD'ltOMI co.aeuoiDq at the inter.eotion ot the northe..terly R-O-W line ot u.s. 41, with the 80utbeasterly line of Dixie Drive, said corner belnq the southwe.terly corner of Lot 2, Block One Naple. Manor, Unit .0. 1, a. recorded in Plat Book 3, paqe 57, Publio aecords of Collier county, ~lorlda, run North 50 degr... 53 minute. 40 .econds East, alonq the southea.terly line 0' Dixie Drive 165.00 'eet to the Point ot Beqinninq ot the property herein ~e.cribed; thence continue North 50 4eqr... 53 minute. (0 seconds East, 35.00 feet to the p.e. ot a 25 toot radius curve to the right; thence along the arc ot s.id curve 3'.27 teet to the P.T. thereot; thence south 39 degrees 06 minutes 20 ..oond. zast, along the southwe.terly line of Vloridian Avenue 135:63 teet; thence south 50 degr... 53 minut.. 40 ..conds West 60.00 feet; thence Borth 39 degr... 06 minute. 20 .econds West, 160.63 teet to the Point ot aeginning, being a part ot Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Naples "~or. HARCH 15, 1994 It'IrPXRDCII: 30514-0n 162040040000 The Clerk ot the Soard shall mail a notice ot assessment at lien to the owner or owners ot the above described property, and it such owner 'ails to pay such as.essment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certitied copy ot this Re.olution .hall b. 'iled in the O"ic. 0' the Clerk ot Courts, in and tor Collier County, Florida, to constitute a lien against such property accordinq to law, unless such direction is Thi~, R!,p}ijtion adopted atter motion, second and majority vote. DA=:. ..~~rch.:f~!R,..l994 .' ..... ; .,'. (' A'lTEST:.:,'" .:_..c4:"~ DllIGIl'l':E: BRocK'" ct~ ,#I. ,..; , .!, ~ . ....; ~ .... 'i.l;-'.~"''''';'~' ..: .A . .' .... ,,;...:../. r i':J1..~~'1~d/!' . ;.&. IE. BY ,ilJ.,/..:...... ,~ A....wJvdl ~~'iORll ,UD I.I!G}J; -SUFFICIENCY: .:~.' f.L.. d. 11f~ ~~ B. CUYLER ,.' ,',....vunry A'l"'1'ORNEY lOOK 000 PAc,[ 90 BO~ OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS KARCH 15, 1994 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN Eleanor 8. ~i.raonti 2710 Golden Gate Blvd. K. .eplea, 7L 339'4 DATE. Macch 15, 1994 R~~C. 30514-067 '62040040000 LIEN NUMllER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beqinninq .~ the inter..ction of the northeasterly riqht-of-way line of U8-41 with the aoutheasterly line of Dixi. Drive, s.id corner beinq the southwe.terly corner ot Lot 1, BlOck en., ..pl.. Manor Unit No.1.. reoordld in Plat Book 3, paq. 57, ot the Public Rlcoraa ot Collier County, I'lorlda; thlnce 1. Along the southea.terly line ot Dixie Drive, cro..ing a 25-toot wIde Florida Poyer' Liqht Co.'. utility e.a..ent H 50 deqr... 53 .inut.. 40 ..conda E 25.0 t.et; thene. 2. continuing. 50 degr... 53 minut.. 40 ..conds . 175.0 t..t; thine. 3. 3'.37 t.et along the arc ot a circular curve concaVI to the south, radius 25.0 t..t, chord be.ring S 84 d.qr... 01 alnute. 20 .econd. B 35.35' to the southwesterly line ot rloridian Avenue; thence 4. Alonq the southw.sterly line 0' Floridian Avenue S 39 deqr... 01 ainute. 20 .econd. B 135.13 t.et; thence S. S 50 degree. 53 minutes 40 seconds W 200.0 fe.t to the northeasterly line of said Florida Power' Liqht Co.'s utility ......nt; th.nce 6. Continuinq .lonq the laat aescribed course S 50 aegree. 53 ainut.. 40 second. . 25.0 teet to the northeasterly riqht-ot-vay line ot U8-41; thence 7. Alonq said riqht-o'-vay line. 39 deqree. 01 ainutes 20 .econda . 1'0.'3 t..t to the plac. ot b.ginning. Seing allot Lot 1 and part ot Lot 2, Block One, ot said ..pl.. Hanor Unit Ho. 1 and SUBJECT TO the Florida Power and Light Co.'. utility ....m.nt ov.r the southwesterly 25 t.et beinq adjacent to and parallel with US-41. LB88 AHD EXCEPT THEREFROM. Co...noing at the intersection ot tbe northeasterly R-O-W line of U.8. 41, with tho southe.sterly line of Dixie Drive, .ai4 gorner being th. Southwe.terly corner of Lot 2, Block One .aple. Xanor, Unit Wo. 1, a. recorded in Plat Book 3, page 57, PUblio aecora. ot Collier county, Florida, run North 50 degre.. 53 .inute. 40 .econds East, along the southe..terly line ot Dixie Drive 165.00 te.t to the Point of Beginning of the property herein aescribed; thence continue Korth 50 4eqree. 53 minute. 40 seconds East, 35.00 feet to the P.C. ot a 25 foot radius curve to the right; thence alonq the arc ot said curve 39.27 te.t to the P.T. thereot; th.nce south 3' a.gree. 0' minute. 20 seconds East, alonq the Soutbwe.terly line ot Floridian Avenue 135.'3 te.t; thence South 50 aeqr.e. 53 minut.. 40 aeconds West 60.00 teet; thence Korth 3' aegr... 06 minute. 20 aeconds We.t, 160.63 r..t to the Point ot Seginning, beinq a part ot Lot. 1 an4 2, Block 1, Hapl.. Manor. 101)1( 000 II',! 91 KARCH 1 S, 1994 You, .. the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the ot'ice ot the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Service. Manager, did on 5/18/93, order t~e abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereot upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited .c~l.tion ot Don-protected .ow.bIe 'Y~et.tlon in exce.. of 18ft in hei9ht in a subdivision otber than Go14en Gat. Zatatea. Prohibite4 4umpinq, .ccu.ul.tion, storaqe or burial at litter, vaste or aban40ned property. You tailed to abate such nuisance: ~hereupon, it vas abated by the expenditure of public funda at a direct coat 0' $30.00 and adminiatrative coat 0' $200.00 'or a total 0' $230.00. Such costs, by Resolution 0' the Board 0' County c~is.ioner. ot Collier County, Florida, have been as....ed against the above property on March 15, 1994 and shall beco.e a lien on the property thirty (30) days atter such ........nt. You aay request a hearing before the Board of County eo.ai..ion.ra to show cause, it any, why the expenses and charqe. incurr.d by the county under this Ordinanc. are unwarranted or exce..ive or vhy .uch expense. should not constitute a lien against the property. Such requeat 'or hearinq aust be aade to the Clerk 0' the Board 0' County co.ai..ion.rs, Cav.rn.ent Center, Hapl.., Florida 33962 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date 0' this ........nt to be valid. CLERX, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 1* 000 Pl>( 92