Resolution 1994-154A ,'~ ~, t.=! ,." '!,,~; ,.,<~;: ,;': i:~ I!:~ ,,,.; KARCH 8, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94- 154-A A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PELICAN KARSH COMHUJI'ITY DEVELOPHEIl'l' DISTRICT TO EXERCISE SPECIAL POWERS RELATIIlG TO PARKS AND RECREATION AND SECURITY PURSUANT TO SECTIOIl 190.012(2)(a)(d), FLORIDA STATUTES. WHEREAS, the Pelican Karah Community Development District va. established by Rule of the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Ccmlliaaion; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Karsh eo-Inity Developaent District ("District") has requested the consent of Collier County to exerciae certain additional ~ial powers purauant to Section 190.012(2), statutes; and Florida WHEREAS, the District's Board of Supervisors has requested that Collier County consent to the exercise of special powers relating to parks and recreation and security; and WHEREAS, Collier County has reviewed the District Board of SUperviaors' request at a public hearing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereby consents to the Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Karsh community Development District exercising the following special powers in accordance with Section 190.012(2), Florida Statute., to plan, establish, acquire, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate and maintain additional systems and facilities for: a. Parks and facilities for indoor and outdoor recreational, cultural and educational uses. b. Security, inClUding, but not limited to, guard hou.e., fences and gatea, electronic intrusion-detection syste.., and patrol when authorized cars, by proper governaental agencies; except that the District may not exercise any police power, but may contract with the appropriate local general purpose government agencies for increased level of service within the District boundaries. aOlll 000 Fl~! 85 KARCH 8. 1994 2. Consent to exercise the above powers by the Board of COUnty eo.aissioners in no way implies that Collier County has any obligation or responsibility to ensure that these special powers are exercised by the District nor any liability in regards to the District's exercise of these special powers. Paased and duly adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring sa.. by the Board of County COJllJlissioners of Collier County, Florida, this m day of 1994. :1.,ch . ~.........~ , .. '.~ .........."".*" . . ~~~.. <::8, 1994 .QlI'I. ..~ Clerk , .. .., , ~. , ;. "Qi"'l'I...':' "~"';'~ - ~{1.. /. .-..:0: _~ _ f' '" _. '" ;:~mr~'~ fora and l . .ll -1 "icisney: g-- - ~:lnov l _ " . .:eo::ty A~torney - .' --- ~,'-"-." . ......... ~~!-..... .,...- '-" - ,-. ~.i.,...., .~.~ ".. p---', .,~..~~ .,.;..~..... ...........,.......... -~. ..... .:.. .....-~"rk \.r...~ ......'- .-.' - ,.. . i,''''' . 1* 000 r.',; 86 : .~ ~ .. .,c'