Resolution 1994-150/CWS 94-3 KARCR 8, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-150 RESOLUTX~ .0. cws_94-3 A RESOLUTION AMENDING A RESOLUTION ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION AMENDING IN ITS ENTIRETY A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT ADOPTED 011 APRIL 17, 1990 AND ENTITLED: 'A RESOLOTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT OF NOT EXCEEDING $15,960,000 IN AGGREGATE PRIlICIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS SEWER ASSESSHEl/T BONDS, SERIES 1990 (EAST !UID SOUTH NAPLES PROJECT), IN ORDER TO FIN!UICE THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS SEWER IHPROVEKENTS WITHIN THE DISTRICT; PLEDGItIG THE KONEYS RECEIVED FROK SPECIAL ASSESSHE1ITS UPON PROPERTY BENEFITTED BY THE AFOREHDlTIONED IHPROVEKElITS TO SECURE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS; PROVIDING A SUBORDIlIATE LIEN ON AND PLEDGE OF CERTAIN REVElIUES OF THE DISTRICT'S WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SAID BONOS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFYECTlVE DATE FOR THIS RESOLUTION;' AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE". ~~~, the Colli.r county Water-S.wer District (th. .I.suer.) has h.r.totor. is.u.d it. Colli.r County Water-Sewer Di.trict Sewer ".......nt Bonds, Series 1990 (East and South Naples Project) (the "Bond.") pur.uant to its R.solution No. CWS-90-11, adopted on July 24, 1990 (th. "Resolution"); and WJIEJlDB, the Bond. w.r. s.cur.d principally by a pledge ot and lien upon certain special assessments (the "Special Assessments") levied upon property benetitted by improvements retinanced trom proceed. ot the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Is.uer is required pursuant to the terms ot the Resolution to coll.ct the special Assessments on a timely basis; and ~~, the Issuer deems it is in its best interest and the intere.t. ot the citizens ot Collier County, Florida to initiate a hardship d.t.rral program pur.uant to which individuals who are livinq below the poverty lev.l and are at risk ot losing title to their hoae. a. a r.sult ot coll.ction ot special assessments such a. those associated with the Bonds may defer payment ot all or a portion ot such .p.cial assessments; and WHY.D~, the Issuer hereby determines to amend the Resolution to allow tor .uch hardship deterral program as it relates to the Special As.es.ments; 1* 000 '.~r 37 KARCR 8, 1994 JIOlJ, TKDD'OU, BB IT RESOLVED BY TBE BOARD OF COUNTY ~l(rBBXOJrEJl8 OF COLLIER COtJJl'lY, FLOllIDA, ACTING AS TBE EX-OFFICIO Qyv JUUI.u14 BOARD OF TBB COLLIER COO1lTY WATER-SEIfER DISTRICT, 1.S FOLLOI'B s BBC'1'ZOJI 1. Section 5.05 ot the read as tollows: AkLau~t TO SECTION 5.05 OF TBE RESOLUTION. Resolution is hereby amended in its entirety to BBC'1'ZOJI 5.05. D70JlCEHD'1' OF PAYKEJIT OF SPECIAL ASSESSHENT ~~~. The Issuer will receive, collect and enforce payment of special Assess.ent Proceeds in the manner prescribed by this Resolution, the Act, the Assessment Resolutions and all other resolutions, ordinances or laws appertaining thereunto, and will pay and deposit the proceeds of special Assessment Proceeds, as received, into the Assess.ent Account of the Revenue Fund, except as otherwise provided herein; provided, however, the Issuer may, at its option, establish a hardship deferral program wherein individuals whose property is subject to an Assessment and who are living below the poverty level and who are at risk of losing title to their h01lle may have all or a portion of their annual assessment payaent deterred. The Issuer agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, it will collect the Assessments pursuant to the Tax Roll Collection Kethod. In the event the Issuer is unable to collect the Assess_nts by the Tax Roll Collection Kethod, the Issuer agrees to collect such Assessments in the manner provided in the Act, inclUding initiating foreclosure proceedings against properties which are more than 60 days delinquent in the payment of an Assessment installment. Absent a default or delinquency in the payaent of any Assessment, nothing herein shall require the prepay..nt ot any installment due on an Assessment prior to its due date, except as otherwise provided by the Act. SECTIO. 2. RESOLUTXOJI TO BTAT IX Fl1LL FORCB AND EFFECT. Except as a.ended hereby, the Resolution shall remain in full force and etfect. BECTIO. 3. EFJ'ECTIVE DATE. This resolution sha.l'l:' become ettective immediately upon the adoption hereot. . , '1 (SEAL)' . : . <. COL~;~~ COO1lTY iTEJl~i"1"J""" ,. By:'.. ". II'. -- /': .i/;; / . ' ~ CCha;rllan\ (? ',' I . , :.. ATrEST: / :.PfIQJ1' E. lIAOCItF;herk ... ....tI/. .,,:.~ O;J~ J . i;>tc ~"f) a. Clu~,. . . APPROVED AS TO LECAL FORK AXD SUFFICIENCY: ~t~~:\~~O~y Q lOOC OCO 'J~r 38