Resolution 1994-149 KARCH 8, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-149 RUOLO'1'IOJJ 1t0; HWS - 94 - 2 A RESOLUTION AMENDING A RESOLUTIOn ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION AMENDING IN CERTAIII RESPECTS AND RESTATING IN ITS ENTIR.ETY RESOLUTIon 110. KWS-SS-) OF TIlE GOVERNInG BOARD OF TIlE MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ADOPTED on JUKE 14, 1988, ENTITLED: 'A RESOLUTION OF TIlE GOVERNING BOARD OF TIlE MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AtJ'l'HORIZItlG TIlE ISSUANCE BY TIlE MARCO WATER AlfO SEWER DISTRICT OF $2,500,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONOS, SERIES 1988, IN ORDER TO FINANCE TIlE COST OF TIlE ACQUISITIOII AND CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS IMPROVDfENTs WITIIIN TIlE DISTRICT; PLEDGING TIlE HONEYS RECEIVED BY TIlE DISTRICT FROM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS UPON PROPERTY BElIEFITTED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED IMPROVEMENTS TO SECURE PAYMENT OF TIlE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SAID BONOS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF TIllS RESOLUTION;' AlID PROVIDING AN E7TECTIVE DATE FOR TIllS AMENDED AlID RESTATED RESOLUTION." ..-""s, the Harco Water and Sever District (the "Issuer") has heretotore i..ued it. Harco Water and Sewer Di.trict Special ,..._---,t Bonds, Series 1988 (the "Bond.") pursuant to its Resolution No. KWS-88-5, adopted on December 13, 1988 (the -Resolution"); and PD!AB, the Bond. were secured principally by a pledge of and lien upon certain special assessments (tho "Special Assessments") levied upon property benetitted by improvements financed from proceed. ot the Bonds; and ~~., the I.suer is required pursuant to the terms of the Resolution to collect the Special Assessments on a timely basis; and PD!AB, the I..uer deems it is in its best interest and the intere.ts at the citizens at Collier County, Florida to initiate a hardship deterral program pursuant to which individuals who are livinq below the poverty level and are at risk of losing title to their howe. a. a result at collection of special assessments such a. tho.e a..ociated with the Bonds ~ay deter payment ot all or a portion at .uch special assessments; and I. OCO p.~r 34 KAICH 8, 1994 ..-...., the I..u.r h.r.by detenaines to amend the Resolution to allow tor .uch hard.hip d.t.rral program a. it r.lates to the Special ,........nt.; and "-""., .uch a..ndment will have no material adverse effect on the security tor the Bondhold.r. and i. permitted pursuant to Section 7.01(G) of the R.solution; JIOlr, ftDUou:, BZ IT RUOLVED BY THZ BOARD 07 COOJrrY "'.....I..IOJJDAI 07 COLLIIJl COtnrrT, FLORIDA, AC"l'IltO U THB a-oPFICIO ~....uuJlO ~ OF TIm DaCO OTlJl AJrI) SDER DISTRIC"l', U POLI.01ISI .~OJJ 1. AXDIlKEJrr TO SEC"l'IOIt 5.05 07 THB RESOLO'1'IOIf. Section 5.05 ot the Re.olution is hereby amended in it. entirety to read a. tollow.: .~OJJ 5.05. ..,ORCzxn.. 07 PAYXEJIT or SPECIAL USESSXEll'1' no..~. Th. Is.u.r will r.c.iv., collect and enforce the payment ot Special As..ss..nt Proceeds in the Danner prescribed by this Resolution, the Act, the Ass.ss...nt Resolutions and all other resolution., ordinance. or law. appertaining ther.unto, and will pay and d.po.it the proc.ed. at Special Assessment Proceeds, as received, into the Ass.ssment ACCount of the Revenu. Fund, except a. oth.rwi.e provided her.in; provided, h~Jever, the Issuer may, at its option, .stablish a hardship deterral program wherein individual. whose property i. subj.ct to an Ass.s.ment and who are living below the pov.rty lev.l and who are at ri.k ot losing title to th.ir ho.. may have all or a portion at their annual assessment payment d.t.rred. Absent a default or delinquency in the payment ot any Ass.....nt, nothing h.r.in shall require the prepayment of any install..nt due on an Assess.ent prior to its due date, except as oth.rwi.. provid.d by the Act. .zenolt 2. aUOLO'1'IOIt TO STAY I. Ft7LL FORCZ AJrI) EFFECT. Except a. a..nded h.r.by, the R.solution shall relllain in tull force and ettect. I" OCO,~ 35 KARCH 8, 1994 .~~i~ 3. Er7ZCTIVB DATE. This resolution shall become ettective 1aaediately upon the adoption hereof. ( SEAL) .. ;....l.l-. ........ ~~ . . " " " " iT .J__= . ......_. :? .nq~ z. !lOX,' e1er1t .. . - .... ~ . .... . . . ..~ ::;~i. ~j~: <:f~ """.trP e. qerJt ~,..., .' ... ., ....... " . ..'-:t' " ~Y~~")TO LEGAL FORK AJII) .urr....CZElfCYS :flJ...~1). -'"). ~ A..~~.D1strict Attoiney DJlCO nTlJl AJrI) SnD DISTRICT, BY TBB BOARD OJ' COOX'l'Y COKIlISS1"ClIIkxS 07 COLLIEJl COtnrrT, n.oJlIllAi?:AC"1'l:IfG; AS THE U-oJ'J'ICIO oovn.prG ,'BOARD' .OJ' THE DaC TEJl AJrI) B~ D;,~TRIC"1':". 1 =-:. ':, /,~ ;:-. . /.... " ; ,-, ,.... lOGe OCO ,,,t 36