Resolution 1994-134 RESOImIOIf NO. U-=1Ji MAJtC1l 1, RESOImIOIf At11'HORIZIllC THE EXECtlTIOIf AIfD ACC!:YtAlfCE OF AJf ACREEKEJrr BETWEEN THE FLORIDA OEPARTllun" OF COKMUNITY AFFAIRS AIfD COLLIER COUNTY RECARDINC EKERGENCY KANAGEKDrr PROCR.AH EHlWrcDfENTS 111114 ~, the State of Florida Departaent of C~ity Affairs bas ~ available and i. authorized to disburse such tunds to Collier County; and WHEREAs, the Stat. in Aqr....nt 194EO-4K-09-21-01-011 shall aqre. to provide up to $70,274.00 tor the it8lls ot pertol"1Ulnce aqrMeS to in said Aqr....nt; IIOV TIIEREFOU BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNfr OOIDUSSIOIrERS OJ' COLLIER COUlui, FLORIDA that the Board approves the Aq~..~nt 194EO-4K-09-21-01-011 betw..n the Stat. ot Florida Depar~nt of ~ity Affair. and Collier County in substantially the for. attached h.r.to, and authoriz.s the Chail"1Uln to execute and aco.pt the Aqr....nt with all und.rstandinqs and assuranc.s contained ther.in, and to act in conn.ction with said Agr...ent. Thi. Resolution adopted att.r action, s.cond and aajority vote. : I.; l.It}.. DAt~: '~~r~ /,~, AUc.A:r:.. .l.~f':.-~. :OIf'ICOH'l'.Jr.I'B~ Clerk .:, . A . k" .' .~. ". """';:.',. ... ?L~.t~;:~_~j . -ae ~., ,1 ~J ........... ". ~~.rn' \\".? AI>r.......'ecl a. to fora and 1~1 sutfici.ncy: A ~"Ii' ~~I, 4;1fc. q. Aniatant Coun Y Attorn.y BOARD OF COUNTY COJOUSSIONERS COLLI . UNTY, FLORIDA tOOc 000 ,.~; 152