Resolution 1994-135 IlSOLUTIOS SO, 94 . ~ /lARCH '. 1994 1I:IOUItIC* Al1T1IOUZIJIG TdI FLOUllA STATZ: D!:FAIlTllVlT OF HIClllIAT unn AJII) II1I'OI VlBlCUS TO lTTIUZl A POnIO" or UJl1) AT THE ,....... n AIU'OIT III oV.coaDAIICE lJITB A LlASE ACUDllllT IlCAllDIJIC ..... ~r~. Collier County has certain vacant land (.VAc~nt I~nd-) ~t the T bl.. Airport. and uawwr~, che Florl4a Staee Daparc.ent of HI&hvay Safety and /lotor Vehicles ,~ ~,18 dat1roua of enterin, Into a Laase A&r....nt vlth Colll.r County to lease the ..,.. ty~ t....s for a JNlrlod oC !lve (5) years Cor the sole purpose oC operating a bur.au. and c.nr.u, che Collier Count,. Transportation Suvlc.. Dblslon AdlIllnlstrator reYiewcS C1d approve the P':9ru and conditions (or the use of the vacant ,....r ,'~, prop.rty, a. outl1...d on tha ..ttAChad Laue Agree..nt. '.~' . ~. "' ~.;~~ 'iI![ KN, 'tHDLFORl, BE IT RESOL'/[O BY THE BOARD OF coulm COIl.'1ISSI0~ERS, COLLIER :"". ~.ll, FUaIDA that: ;.'\. , ". 1. n.. Board oC County eo-l"s1onars is utlsfled that the Vacant Land Is ~;!: . .",. DOt Duhd for County purpo... ..nd Is required Cor the Florl4a State Department € of Illp..y Safaty and Kacor Vehlcl.. use. 2. Collier County .hall enter Into the Lau. Agreement vlth the florid.. ltata Deparc..nt oC HI&hva,. Safat,. and Kotor V.hlcles. and the florIda Stote Drparc.ant oC HI&hvay SaC.ty and Ilotor V.hIcl.s Is h.reby authorized to us. the Vac.Dt Land Cor the purpo.a oC op.ratIng a State &overnraent ofClce In accordance with tbe taraa and conditione .tat.d In the tease Agreement attach.d hereto. 3. The rent Cor the !lve (5) year term shall be One Thousand Five Hundred Twwuty Dollar. and 08/100 Cant. ($1,520.08) to be paid In annual Installmenrs. !hi8 a..olutlon adopt.d aC:.r .otIon, s.cond and aaJorlty vote. JJAtll/' . Dat..t:~ ~rch "'161/1994 - .... i :',\0' " (' , .,. ... "4o (, '. ..... . AtTEST" , . ",' ~..; ; wiQir 1.-IIlOClC:. Cl~<< . .::,. j.'~ "'..' ~. , -,";" ~(L'" ~ ~. ,;&(l. '''' n.'lk It #.;. '.' " " ....pu y C ar " ", .' . I'~~~I.~'. . Asbton As818tclt County Attorney 80ll( (Je.(J Fj',' 31 /lARCH I, 1994 EXHIBIT "A" That part of Lot 1, Block J, Ed Scott Iamokalee Airport, Unit '2, accordinq to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 68, of tbe Public Records of Collier county, Florida, located section 2, TOVNIhip 47 South, Ranqe 29 East, being lIlore particularly cSescribec1 as follows: ~ rnce at the Southwest corner oC said Lot 1; thence run South 88' 24' 04" East alonq the South line ot said tot 1 for a distance ot 70 (eet to the POINT OF BEGI.xtNG: thence run North Q1' 30'00" East (or a distance of 80 (eet: thence run South 88' 24' 04" East for a distance of 80 teet: thence run South 01' 30' 00" ....t a distance o( 80 Ceet; thence run 1I0rth 88' 24' 04- W.st a distance of 80 Ceet to the POINT OF BEGINlfING. aOCl OCO ""t 40