Resolution 1994-059 RESOLUTIOIIIIO. 94-'~l'9tf-)q) FEBR[ARY 8, 1994 ~ESOLUTION SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION 93-413 AND ESTABLISHINS THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR USE Of CJUIITY SOLID WASTE FACILITIES PURSUAIIT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINMICE NO. .)4-31. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners through County Ordinance No. 84-31 has implemented the user fee system for sol id waste to all publ ic and private users. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOIIERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that SECTION 1: SECTION 2: Resolution No. 93-423 is hereby superseded in it,s entirety. The following fee schedule is f\pproved for all users of the Collier County Solid Waste facilities: Landfill Fees: All fees are based on actual certified scale weight, per' cubic yard fee, or per tire fee. No rounding. Mixed loads of biomass (land clearing, plant tri~lings and grass cutting) and other wa~te shall not be accepted. General 'w'astei: S2S.00/ton. Soecial Wastes: S20.00jton for ConstructionjDemo1ition Debris. S25.00jton for tires cut into 8 equal pieces. S85.00/ton for whole tires. Car or truck tires: S4.00/tire 16" or larger size. Car or truck tire,: SI.00/tire 15" or smaller size. Large tractor or heavy equipment tires on per ton basis only. S13.S0/ton for Biomass. S6.75jton for processed Biomass 2" minus in size. No charge for clean fill material suitable as daily cover 1-?5s than 6 inches in size. Naol es Landfi 11 : S4.00jton for clean material suitable for use as backfill greater than 6 inches in size. Jl1YJ1okalee Landfill: No charge for clean material suitable for use as backfill greater than 6 inches 1n size. Transfer Station Fees: S4,2S/use/automobiles and station wagons both full-size and compacts (less than 1/2 cubic yard). lOOt 000 PI',[ 52 S8.S0/cubic yard/trucks, trailers, vans (volume rounded to nearest yard) - Car or truck tire,: 14.DO/tire 16" or larger rim size. Car or truck tires: II.OO/tire IS" or smaller rim size. FEBf.VARY B, 1994 Large tractor or heavy equipment tires accepted only at land! ill. RESIDENTIAL COLLECTIOH AHO OISPO~~~ ilncludes Collection of RecYclaQJ~~ ~ervtce Area Number One: Backdoor Once/Week \83.19 31. 00 1. 44 \ 115.63 Backdoor Twice/Week S106.35 31. 00 1. 44 \ 138.79 Curbside Twice/Week \71. 93 31. 00 1.44 1104.37 Collection Fee Di sposal Fee Pppraiser Pnnual Fee Serv1ce Area Number Two: Backyard I:tilL~~ S99.03 31.00 _1M 1131. 47 Collection Fee Disposal Fee ~ppraiser ~nnual Fee Curbside Twice/Week \74.28 31. 00 1. 44 $106.72 (nee weekly separate yard waste collection - S7. 10 per month. limit 10 bundles, bags, or cans. Iddltional service for all Collier County residents w,o pay the annual special assessment for Solid Waste Disposal to address the need for additional yard waste disposal. runch cards to be issued at all Transfer Stations and Landfills for three free disposals per month for residential llnit customers. EecycllnQ Bin Fees Each residential unit provided initial bin at no chilr~le by the (ounty. feplacement of bins due to normal wear to be provided by the Franchisee at no charge to the residential unit. Unsl!rviceable bin must be presented in exchange for replacement b~n Replacement of bin due to loss or negligence of the r('sidential Lnit to be paid for by the customer at a cost of 55.0C) per bin. COMMERCIAL COLLECTION AND OISPOSAL FEES ~ervice Area Number One: - Mandatory multi-family rec)'cl1n9 collection fee is $,92 per unit per month. (ommercial Disposal Feec: See ^ttached Schedules (4 pi.geS). gruON 2: The effective "Ole of this Resolution shall be February 8, 1994. ...~"Q1;,~Jesolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. ";'~,.., 0/ .', ..:;.:....r, ". (. . . Di'.TED'::.7,!6i~f;8, 1994 . ATTEST:' , y DWIG,~! E. BROCK,:':CLERK . -.By;_':"~k~'~:Ji.Y+~.~ " ...D,pu;y.Clerk , . ? n~\Q\" Approved ~s to f m and .legal ,4 rwi.. . j1 / D'avid C. Weige ~ Assistant County Aff6rney sufficiency: 100! QOO Wi 53 FEBRUARY 8, 1994 PAGE 1 .EFFECTIVE DATE 10/1/199) RATE SCHEDULE FOR SER'/ICE AREA 110.1 WASTE KJ..tlAGEMEtlT OF COLLIER COUIITY. ItlC. BULK CONTAINER COM.."1ERCIAL RATES RATE PER ~.OlITH EXTRA COtlTAltlE? SERVICE SIZE FREQUENCY COLLECTIOtl DISPOSAL TOTAL PER WEEK 2 CU.YD, 1 $62.33 S11.97 S 74,30 2 $100.92 S23.95 $124,87 S16.20 3 S133.33 $)5.92 $165.25 PER 4 $190.50 S47.89 $238.:9 PICK-UP 5 $200.21 $59.87 $260.03 6 $234,69 $71.84 $306,53 4 CU. YD, 1 S81.32 $23.95 $105.27 2 $151.31 S47.89 $199.20 $32.39 ) $202.72 $71.84 $274.56 PER 4 $2(,3.41 $95.80 $359.21 PICK-UP 5 $319.99 $119.74 $439.73 6 $387.90 $143.69 $531.59 6 CU. YD. 1 $117.86 $35.92 ~153.78 2 $189.31 $71.84 ~,261.15 $48.59 3 $292.73 $107.77 ~,4.00.50 PER 4 $360,06 $143.69 ~,503.75 PICK-t;? 5 $464.51 $179.61 ~;644.12 6 $541.12 $215.53 ~~756.65 8 CU.YD. 1 $134,81 $47,89 (;182.70 2 $242.79 $95.80 ~;338.59 $64,78 3 $343,56 $143.69 ~;487.25 PER 4 $452.58 $191. 58 ~;644.16 PICK-UP 5 $552.31 $239.49 S791.80 6 $668.55 $287.38 ~;955.9J IOOl DUO IV,' 54 p^GE 2 FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RATE SCHEDULE fOR SERVICE ^RE^ NO.1 W^STE ~.AJI^GEMENT Of COLLIER COUIITY, Ille. BULK COMP^CTOR COI'lMERCI^L RATES EFFECTIVE D1.TE 10/1/93 SIZE FREQUENCY PER WEEK 2 CU.YD, 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 4 CU.YD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 CU,YD. 8 CU.YD. RATE PER MONTH COLLECTION $109.18 $170.86 $282.11 $279.90 $281. 77 $338.36 $196,65 $356.22 $04.81 $613,38 $742.02 $cs70.60 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 $287,27 $419.83 $676,16 $793.25 $1,061.95 $1,262.59 $316,00 $539.13 $762,31 $985,49 $1,208,62 $1,431.81 DISPOS^L $65.85 $131.74 $137.58 $263.43 $329.33 $395.16 $131.74 $263.43 $395.16 $526,91 $658.59 $790,33 $197.58 $395,16 $592.75 $790.33 $987.91 Sl, la5.~9 $263.43 $526,91 $790.33 $1,053,76 $1,317,24 $1,580,66 lOa! aco m, 55 TOTAL ~175.0) ~,)02.60 ~479.69 S54J.J) ~611.09 ~7J3,52 $328.39 $619.65 $879,97 51,140.29 $1,400.61 $1,660.93 $484,85 $814,99 $1,268.91 $1,583.58 $2,049.86 $2,'48.08 $579.43 $1,066.04 $1,552,64 $2,039.25 $2,525.86 $3,012,47 EXTRA CONTAINER SERVICE $45.24 PER PICK-UP $69.84 PER PICK-UP $104.76 PER PICK-UP $129,37 PER PICK-UP PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RATE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICE AR(A 110.1 WASTE MAIIAGEMElIT OF COLLIER COUIIT1, IIIC. ROLL OFF-SERVICE - REGULAR COI',MERCIAL CUSTOMERS EffECTIVE DATE 10/1/93 EquIPMENT 20 CUBIC YARD 30 CUBIC YARD ~O CUBIC YARD COMPACTOR ~,OIITHL Y EQU I PMEIIT CHARGE 177.35/CONTAIIIER 187.67/COIITAIIIER S97.98/COIITAIIIER VARIES WITH EQUIPMENT HAUL CHftRGE 177.)5-1113.76/LO~D' 177.35-SJ13.76/LOhO' S77.J5-IJ1J.76/LOhD' 1180.4S/LOAD .Varies depending 011 distance from dIsposal site. Roll-Off rates do not Include disoosal charges. Reinstaterrent chuge for suspended service due to non-payrr,ent - S51.57 per suspensio". Recreat1or,al Vehicle Parks, Mobile Home Parks and Mobile Home Subdivisions that contract to receive curbside collection service instead of bulK container service shall pay the comr..ercial standard container rate multiplied by the nu~ber of rented or Individually owned recreational vehicles or mobile homes within such park(S) or subdivisions. 100\ OGO PI',[ 56 PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RATE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICE ,\REA 1;0.2 IMMOKALEE DISPOSAL SERVICE CO, EFFECTIVE DATE 10/1/93 BULK COHTAIHER COMMERCIAL RATES RATE PER MOllTH SIZE FREQUENCY PER HEEK 2 CU.YD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 CU.YD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 COLLECTIOll DISPOSAL $46.41 $90.76 $113.45 $139,23 $159,86 $175.33 $11. 97 $23,95 $35,92 $47.89 $59,27 $71.8~ $23.95 $47.89 $71.8~ $95,80 $119.74 $10.69 $72,20 $1]4,08 $190,80 $242,36 $288.77 $330.03 $128.92 $190.80 $247.52 $299.09 $345.50 $386.75 $35.92 $71.84 $107,77 $10.69 $179.61 $215.53 6 CU.YD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 REST}RT FEE $51.57 PER BULK CONTAINER ~OOK 000 PIC~ 57 TOTAL 558,38 $111.95 $149.37 $187.12 $219.7J $247.17 $96,15 5181.97 5262,64 5338.16 5~08,51 $473.72 $164,84 $262,64 $355,28 5442.78 5525.11 5602.28 EXTRA PICK UPS $16,20 $32,39 $48,59