Resolution 1994-057 RESOLUTION NO. 94- 0,7 A RESOLUTION REAPPOIHTING CHARLES POPPE:", AUGUST W. ROCCO AND J. RUSSELL MUDGE AND APPOINTING GLEN D. HARRELL AND RODKEY CRAIGHEAD TO THE PEL[CAlI BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXIlIG AlID BENEFIT UN [T ADVISORY COMMITTEE j,1iEREAS, Collier County Ordinance 1I0. 90-111 created the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee and provided that the Committee shall consist of nine (9) members; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 91-22 ilmended Ordinance 1I0. 90-111 providing that the Committee shall consist of fifteen (15) members; and WHEREAS, the terms of five (5) members expired on January 29, 1994; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commiss ioners p,"eviously provid~d public notice soliciting applications from interested partie 3. NrJW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS:3IONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLCRIDA, that: 11 Charles Popper is hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a tour (4) year term, said term expiring on January 29, 1998. 2; August W. Rocco is hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a four year term, said term expiring on January 29, 1998. J) J. Russell Mudg0 is hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay KUIliciIlal Service Taxin~ and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a tour year term, said term expiring on January 29, 1998. 4) Glen D. Harrell is hereby appointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Com~ittee for a four y(!ar term, said t~rm commencing on February 8, 1994 and expiring on January 29, 1998. 5) Rodkey craighead is hereby appointed to t~e Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a / oJ . I /"1 / FEBRUARY 8, 1994 four year term, said term commencing on February 8, 1994 and expiring on January 2~ 1998. vote. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and lnajority DATED: February 8, 1994 A1'TEST':" J . DWIGHT E. ~iROCK, CLERK ." ........ .'" ( ~ . .~,;.., .... rOo.,' , : (' "...' 'r' c". f {. ;~t::>_:1!~.:.,;... ~.1 ,- :-' ~J~ ~~~--)./h'/,4.....:j;-~. .~ '. ' .r'-,',. ~ .....:;Approved a5-.to fOrt!, and legal ilijficiericy~ >Jl'~'} . BOARD OF COUNTY oo(:_n, BY: _ IM HY J