Resolution 1994-056 FEBRUARY S, 1994 RESOLUTIOI/ I/O. 94-56 A RESOLUTI011 SUPPORTII/G LEGISLATIOH TC AMDIO CHAPTERS 27 AlIO ]9, FLORIDJI STATUTES, TO PROVIDE FOR A F!I/DII/G OF II/DIGEllCY PRIOR TO THE APPOII/TMEllT OF COURT-APPOII/TED COUllSEL AllD PROVIDIllG FOR "'SSESSMEI/T OF COUllTY-PAID ATTORI/EY FEES AlID COSTS AGAIllST pARD1TS OR LEGAL GUARDIAIlS WHO RECEIVE THE SERVICES OF COURT-APPOII/TED COlnlSEL. WHDU:AS, State Representat i'les Mary Ellen Ha'",Jdns and Julie McClure have p::-oposed House Bill 101 pro'tiding for changes and amendments to Chapters 27 and 39, Florida Statutes, in order to clarify and require that a finding of indigenel is necessary before the appointment of County-paid counsel for parents and legal guardians in depe~dency and other juvenile cases; and WHEREAS, proposed HOuse Bill 101 '",ould further provide continu ing jur isd ict ion to assess attorney fees and costs against the parents or legal guardians '",h::> receive County-paid legal services in juvenile matters; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board cf County COMmissioners deems it in the best interest of the State of Florida and its political SUbdivisions to encourage the passage of House Bill 101 as a cost-savings neasure to b<lne!it the citizens of the State of Florida a:1d Collier County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIOI/ERS OF COLLIER COlnITY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Collier County supports the passage of House Bill 101 and recommends to the legislature of the St~te of Florida that said bill be approved. 2. The Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the memb<,rs of the Collier County Legislative Delegation. FEBRUARY 8. 1994 This Resolu-:ion adopted "fter motion, second and majority vote favoring same. O"'TED: February 8, 1994 .... .... .A 1'TES'r : .~ftIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ~../-:. _ C!J () 4./ ~yh/:'dr. . r ,. ,. -' -' /"If ,I\pproye<!'. as to forr.1 and 'lega~'sufficiency: ~ /. ~ , /'-':. ~ /, ,~:;-:;:~~U-/ ~RaEiro Mafialich "'ssistant County ~ttorney "'"/bolI'K11 OF lTY COI'U':ISSIOI/ COmiTY, FLOF.IOA /. RS ycons..te ntHTe