Resolution 1997-436RESOLUTION NO. 97-436 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN FLORIDA'S EXPEDITED PERMITTING REVIEW PROCESS FOR SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners (the "Commission") to encourage and facilitate the location and expansion of significant economic development projects which are businesses that create jobs and offer high wages, strengthen and diversify the local economy, and have been thoughtfully planned to take into consideration the proiection of the County's environment; and WHEREAS, the Commission recognizes that such significant economic development projects often involvo activities requiring several permits and approvals and frequently trigger a series of regulatory reviews; and WHEREAS, the Commission also recognizes that such projects often involve multi-jurisdictional issues requiring review by federal, state, regional, and local government entities; and WHEREAS, the Flodda Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed into law, Section 403.973, Florida Statutes, creating the Florida Expedited Permitting Review Process for the benefit of such projects and to encourage the resulting job creation and economic diversification; and WHEREAS, staff, at a public hearing, explained to the Commission and to the public the Florida Expedited Permitting Review Process. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners that: 1. The Commission intends to participate in Florida's Expedited Permitting Review Process on a project by project basis by executing a Standard Form Memorandum of Agreement for each project with the Office of Toudsm, Trade and Economic Development within the Executive Office of the Governor. 2. The Commission agrees that at least one staff representative will serve on the Regional Permit Action Team (RPAT) established by the Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development for each Expedited Permitting Review project in which the Commission participates. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. .~DATED://- ,' .... APPPOVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: 'l'imothy/~ I-~n~ock;'Chairman Date: //-/,~'~ ~7 Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney ENTERPRISE FLORIDA PARTNER INFOP, MATION Pr b- 8-a 1' PERMIT STREAM LINING INITIATIVES BACKGROUND Significant progress has been made over the last several years to sm,plify and streamline Florida's regulatory review processes. Key to this progress has been the commitment among the state's regulatory agencies to provide quicker, less costly and more predictable permit approvals without reducing environmental standards. The processes detailed below build upon khis progress by further improving the delivery of regulatory information to Florida businesses and streamlining permit procedures for important economic development projects. KEY ELEMENTS EXPEDITED PERM1T REVIEW PROCESS: A process that allows significant economic development projects to obtain expedited review of all needed state and regional permit applications and, at the option of a participating local government, local development permits or orders and comprehensive plan amendments. Gives responsibility to OTTED for certifying a business as eligfole to use the process. recommendations on which projects should use the process may come from Enterprise Florida, any county or mtmieipality, or REDI. ,. Establishes eligibility criteria for using the process. A business must: create at least 100 jobs, o~, ,'" 50 jobs ifthe project is located in an enterprise zone, in a county which has a population of fewer than 75,000, or in a county which has a population o£ fewer 0uan 100,000 which is contiguous ~o · county hav'~g a population of 75,000 residing in incorporated and un/ncorporated areas of the county; on a case-by, case basis and at the request and recommendation of the governing body of a county or municipality in which the project is to be located, OTTED may allow a business creating a m.hairnum ofl0 Jobs to use the process. Establish~ Regional Permit Action Teams by Meraoranda of Agreement (MOA). The Governor, through OTTED, directs the creation of the~ teams. The MOA is between OTTED ~nd the heads of the Departments of Enviromr~tal Protection, Community Affairs, Transportation, Agriculture & Consumer A_ffair~, Labor & Employment Security, the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission~ as wcll as the appropriate Regional Planning Council's and Water Management Districts. The MOA accommodates participation by federal agencies, as necessary. '/ At a local govermncnt's option, a special MOA will be developed on a case-by-case basis to allow some or all local development pcrrrfit~ or orders to be covered under the expedited review. Implementation of the local government MOA requires a noticed public workshop and hearing. Qualifed projects receive the following benefits: preapplication meeting of all MOA signatories held within 14 days after eligibility dctermma:~tm at wl.uch apphcant is provided mlb.'-matlon, material:; and ~m;d.:ncc to ensure cxpeditic~us permit approv.,l and local comprehensive plan amendmct:: rcv'~cw. idcnt~ fication of all necessary pen'niB and approvals needed by the project designat:on of a project coordinator and regIonal permit action team contact:;. identifica:ton of the need for any special studies or reviews which may affect thc t~mc schedule. identification of any areas of significant concern which may affect the outcome of the project revie,,v. development ora consolidated time schedule which incorporates all required deadlines, including public meetings and notices. statement of a project's permitability w/thin 30 days from preapplication meeting. final agency action on permit applications within 90 daw from the receipt of completed applicatmn(s). ' waiver of twice-a-year limitation on local comprehensive plan amendments. exempts certain new projects from DRI rev/ew when at or below 100 percent of numer/cal thresholds. encourages the use of existing DRIs by doubling substantial dev/afion thresholds W~thout triggering additional lengthy and costly review. waiver of/nterslate highway concurrency with approved mitigation. allo',~ any challenges to agency final approvals to be funneled into a single consolidated hearing. Provides a special assistance pi'ocess for REDI counties. OTTED, working with REDI and the regional permitting teams, is to provide technical assistance in preparing pe-~fits for rural counties. This additional assistance can include providing guidance in land development regulations and permitting processes, and working cooperat/vely with state, regional and local entities to identify areas within these counties which may be suitable or adaptable for preclearanee rev/ew of specified types of land uses and other activ/ties requiring permRs. Prohibits certain types of projects flora using the expedited process. v' a project funded and operated by a local government and located within th~.t government's jurisdiction. · / a project, the primary p~ ofwhich is to: effect the f'mal d/zposal ofsolid waste, biomedical wazte, or b. azardous waste in thc state. produce electrical power (unless the production of electricity is incidental and not the project's primary function). - extract natm'al re.sources. produce oil. construct, maintain, or operate an oil, petroleum, natural gas, or sewage pipeline. F. CONONIIC DEVELOPMENT LIAISONS First enacted m 1993, Secmm 288.021, F.S., provides fl~r thc appointment of Economic Development l.iaisons m thc departments of Transportation. Environmental Protection, Labor & Employment Security, Education, Community Affairs. Management Services, and the Game anti Fresh Water Fish Commission..Each department appointee has general Imowledge of both the state's permitting and other regulatory functions and of the state's economic goals, policies and programs. This person is expected to be the primary point of contact for the agency with OTTED on issues and projects important to the economic development of Florida, including im rural areas, to expedite project review, to ensure a prompt, effective re.~ponse to problems arising with regard to permitting and regulatory functions, and to work closely w~th other liaisons to resolve interagcncy conflicts. For more information contact: Enterpri~e Florida £:rmitling Liaison Coordinator .~25 John Knox Road Atrium Building, Suite 201 Tallaha~see, Florida 32303 (904) 488-6300