Resolution 1997-411Ii¢OtOD tn the OffICl~ tl¢OItDS of COLLXlIt CG~, L*I, 411 RESOLUTION NO. 97- 120 6 RESOLUTION RENAMING 8th AVEtJUE S.W. TO "SYCAMORE DRIVE", WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNITS 32 AND 34, IN SECTIONS 9 AND 16, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized pursuant to authority of Chapter 336.05, Florida Statutes, to name or rename streets and roads, except for certain state roads; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has been requested to confirm the renaming of 8th Avenue S.W. to Sycamore Drive. This street is located in Sections 9 and 16, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, Golden Gate Estates Units 32 and 34, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Pages 21 and 60, of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida; WHEREAS, there appears to be no street in Collier County with this name or any similar sounding name; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for identification purposes to confirm the name of this street, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The name of this street is hereby changed from 8t~ Avenue S.W. to Sycamore Drive and is confirmed as such. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and noted upon the maps of the street and zoning atlases of Collier County, and notations made on the referenced Plat. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1997. ATTEST: '.; .I/ ~' ~' -' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /~fGHT%E?~BROCK~ Cler~ BY: THY ~ ~A~OCK, Chairman ,AP~'ved..acsc~ Form and Legal Marjo~e M. Student Assistant County Attorney f/SNR-~7-9 10/23/1997 22:25 9414553478 M~IblqIS 61 Mrs. Robert Mc~ $9f~0:2:2nd Ave. $.W. Naples, Fl 34116 ea. comm. rec'd copy October21, 1997 Dear Mr. C_.om~tine and all offer Comn'~onen: This is a rc~:~me m you~ letter dated October 8, 1997, re~ street name cl~ange~. When re~d abo~ t~ ha ~he Napes Daily N~¥s I called your o~ to voice my d~belJcf thai wi~ all need~ the~¢ m'e for "OUR COUNTY" the coi-c~,~ioners would even allow ,such a w~stc of tax doll~ mad ~t~ff time on a matter that i~ so un/mpor~t Yo~ re,pome at that time wa~ there not enough peoplo behind ~ i~ue. Now I ~ee fl~at on Octobea' 28, I997 ~ maxler will be before the Board of County Comm~ner~. I hope after reading my letter you will vote there no need to change~ ou~ al~'ee~ name~. I already have a ~ of oommun~ in Golden Gate F~tate~, everyota~ know~ when you ~-y tho~e worth for th~ mo~t l:~xrt, you haxe qulet ~ree~ md large wooded Io~. When you t~Ik abo~ ~ d~rectiom for ~ and emergency p~rsom~l I fred ma~ problcm~ fir~ wh~ sora~,o~ ~ a~k where these new named ~'eets ~rc no one w~l lmow becau~ people have better tlfir~ to do with their time th~ watr. h ~ the n.arne of a ~ acrotts town has be~ ~cd to. Second, ~ pe~onnel no~ be able to loca~e · home. I l~e to ~ ~ ~ happen if you ~ everyone's street name to be chartged. Reco~Jfion also come~ from pride. When th/s matter came up wi~ ~e ~ Wooas .~ano one h,~l a ~ wi~ it lxx:~ ~y abated no common road~ with my othea- p~ of ~he Golden O~e ~ ~rea. Also you could n~ tell by l~ll you where a homc is ju~ ~ hearing ~ house number and street nazz~ because ~nce you budget. Th~ i~ why I am ~o m6n-i~ that tiao county wo~ rather please a few people then take 18/23/1997 22:25 9414553478 HCGII~qIS PAGE 82 ¢~rc oft~¢ ~ffct7 of children. In ~¢ ncw~papcr da¢ people bchJa4 ~ ma~cr ~mid they could not get ~ ri~t price for there prOl~rty b~u~c ofth~ arc. ct namc~. 'racy had ao l~'oblcm when thc), bought ~¢ propc~ fo~ $35,000.00 donmm and built thcir homc~ on thc~c namcd ~trcct~. Now b~v. au~ Q~cy axe unable to ~II ~c~¢ home.4 for ~ h~g¢ profit they bl~m¢ thc name of ~¢ grccts, may~ thc problem in that a fcw door~ down th~rc is a cew grazing. I hope thi~ letter h~ ,hown you that many people in tl~ a~ca di~appro~: of these changc~. I will not b~ able to attcnd thc mt~cting on October 28, 1997, this is way I try ~ covcr Io ~o m~0' of ~¢ po~m o~ this ~c in this lctt~. 1%~r~cimcd you notifyin~ mc that th~ issue to be: before the Board this month. One ~ point, most of Naplcs has street narn~ that arc numb,~m, so if tl~ ~ g~t~ pa~e,d in a way you will I~ ~owing u~ to knc paxt of your ¢ounti~ /'hank you fo~ u~king lh¢ time to hear my input. Plcaac lct mc know of your votc. Sincerely, ~%' N~ncy McGin~ to: C. omn~ioncr Norris Comufi~oncr I-hncock C. oaunis~ioncr Ma~'Kie Commi~on~ Ben-)' 12C3-~ Issue T~clct (_*c ~:x:x-a5 <}ia ~-,-~t 3,53 q Issue:,¢, ~0/27/1997 17:51 941-353-23~§ CA~1'~¢ INC Sam SpounJas 5231 2nd Avenue S.W. Naples, FL 34119 353-1017 hx 353-2365 10/27/97 via tax only-4 pag~ Including this cover-T74-360:Z Dear Ct mm~ssmner Timothy J. Constantine, Following this cover arc 22 signatures in favor of your 8 street Logan Woods proposal contained in your 10/8/97 letter. Thank you for your efforts in this matter. Sincerely. Sam Spounias 10727/1997 17:51 S41-3§3-23~§ CA~0TEC );NC PAGE ~2 Dear ('ommissioncr Constantine. Wc the undersigned rapport your elTon to crca~¢ a nci.~hborhood identity f'or the eight strccts compnsin~ "Lo,an Woods" Thank you for your leadership on this issue thai we bdi¢,.'c will h.p,'¢ !on?lasting benefits In our community NAME ADDRESS DATE /o-;/-77 ~0/27/~997 17:51 941-353-2365 Pt~GE 83 Dear Commissioner Constantine: We the undersigned support your effort to create a neighborhood identity ['or the eight streets comprising "Logan Woods." Th~nk you for your leadership on this issue that we believe will have long-lasting benefits to our community. NAME 4' '~. -, ~}'"Y. ' I' ' '/' ";':: " · 'F'. '''::"~,:' .~.-r. ~..'~ ,, . ~' .2; ''J L'z ' o ? :~,';~-- ' .: ':.: 'd- ,. , .f~....,:....~ ADDRESS DATE ,.., c] I~ /t. z fq 7 ./ u - ',:.Y-S) 10/27/1~7 17:0~ ~l~]~B2 WILSON ~ILLER Steve and Sandy Means 4841 8th Avenue S,W. Naples, Florida 34119 Commi~sione~ Timothy J. Constantine FAX Board of Collier County Commissioner~ 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 774-3602 Subject: Petition SNR-97-9, Street Name Change - Sth Ave SW to Sycamore Drive Dear: Commissioner Constantine: I am in receipt of your letter dated October 8, 1997. Thank you for taking interest in our neighborhood. Please enter this letter into the BCC record when the referenced petition is heard on October 28, 1997. I am a resident on 8th Ave SW and I am in favor of the BCC granting the petition along with the others for 2nd, 4th, and 6th Avenues. I have no objection to the street names. In addition, your suggestion to accomplish the street name changes in an all encompassing manner has merit and is worth discussion. However, I believe this ta~k would require considerable consensus building which would undoubtedly mite months or years with no certain outcome. Let's move forward with the referenced petitions while there is a majority in favor. Sr~-vc Means cc:Fred Rei~chl 643-3266 10/27/97 12:10 F..L.~ 9413522900 WOLII~R CLAPS 3301 EaSel Trail · Mapt~, Florida 34112.4977 k~he C. No,'~s ~,41) 774-8097 * F~ ~1) ~3~2 '. ~, , ~to~r 8, 1997 Ms. S~Iy Woliver ~s~nd~nee i~ ~ mqu~ for info~on ~m yom ~mm~W. 1 would li~e y~r in~ ~ w~ll~ -~ ' input ~m all of~ ~iden~ of~e "Log~ Wood~" n~i~b~h~ on ~ p~s,d s=~l ~e eh~g~. A ~oup of~ ci~ ~ve pro~s~ ~ 2nd Ave~ SW, 4~ Aven~ SW, 6th Av~ue SW ~d 8~ Avenue SW su~t n~es be c~ged. ~me Mve ~ p~d ~t ~e ~ Avenum be ch~g~ ~ well. Should it ~ ~e desi~ ofyo~ comm~i~ for~e me c~g~, I ~lieve it would ~ f~ more pmferable m do h N m ~1 ~omp~Ng m~ner m~er ~ ~ ~ge~ge ofindMd~l chmg~. There are clear benefits. A sen.se ofcommunily c~n be eslablished. A recogniz~ neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alil~. CommurdD' cohesion usually so,rs with a recognized label as well. ~]01 u 3-'0 :::. There ate also some delrimental issues. The initial cl~nge could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with b~,~dng accounts, utilities and credit card notification, -'lc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urbm convenience with tm'al living and I am told the proposed name c~:,~ng~s are meant to be another ~:ep towards creating ~ even g~at,~' sense of neighborhood. It is one method thc petitioners have pu~ forward for carving ot~ an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the proposed strict name changes. 1 would like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed change~ md I wo~ld appr~:i~e your a&4sing me of any o,.her concerns or sugges*ions you may have for your community. Specific street nm-ne suggestions are welcome as well. The isle is scheduled to come befor~ th~ Bo~d of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt res'pome is appreciated. 1 look forward to hearing from you soon. Th~mk you. With b~,~~, Timotl~ J/Constantine Commi.~ontr, Dist,'ict 3 TJC/cb T'~-no~ L Co~,s~nUne ~ 8. Be~ry D~r~ S 3301 East Tarniarni Trail · Naples, Flodda 34112.4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Ms. JoAnn Remington 4931 8th Avenue, SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Ms. Remington: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 0CT-25-1~ 13:23 '?'743F:~2 P. 01 October 25, 1997 Mr. Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 Re: Logan Woods Dear Commissioner Constantine: Thank you for your letter of inquiry of October 8"~, it is a coFn[ort to know that this subject is getting your personal ~. I did sign the petition for renaming the initial four streets and at that time did question the sensibifity limiting this proces~ to four streets rather than considering doing the entire stretch off Logan. My pref~ra~ is to including all streets off Logan rather than isolating four. In my opinion, this would create the sense of 'community" you mentioned in your letter and would be mom beneficial to eme~lency operations. In any case, I do not have any objection to changing my records, stationery etc. If this proposed change occu~ I would like to see the 'neighborhood' incorporate amora active Neightxxtmod Watch program. Since moving thera I have never been approached about lhe program, have been robbed and replaced my mailbox so often I stopped doing so. If you wish to discuss my thoughts am/further, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Jo Ann Remington 4931 8t~ Avenue, S.W. 455-4880 (h) 261-5300 (w) TOTRL P.01 3301 Ea.st Tamiatni Tr'~l · Naples, Fk:x'ida 34112-4977 Cgull) 774-8097 · Fzx (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. Arthur L. Sheldon 655 Logan Blvd. Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. Sheldon: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr _ .... ~ ,~-~ ....... . .... you approve or disapprove the proposed ch~ne~ sod I woutd apprcc{ate you adv~$1ng me of nny olhcr concerns or suggestions you may have for your c~muul~. S~ific s~t ~e su~lto~ ~ wckomc as well ~ i~ is sc~ul~ to como ~fore lM B~d of~unV Commtssio~ on ~r 2~, 1997, so your prompt res~nse is app~iat~. ll~kfo~dtoh~fromyousoon. ~ankyou. ff i aC~ .~ Com~io~, D~ct 3 Ti~cb P.el 3301 East Tamlaml Trail * Nafdes, Flodda 34112-4977 '~'"" 7 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 . .,. October 27, 1997 Mr. Thomas A. Torrella 790 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, Florida 34112-4977 Dear Mr. Torrella: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28a is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 790 Lo,In By. N. Nap~l. FL 34119 TIIIT3ho~i (941) RECEIVED Tim Constantine, Collier Commissioner 3301 E. Tamlami Tr. Naples, FI 34112-4977 Commissioner Constantine: Thank you for your diligent efforts regarding our commun/ty and the opportunity to address the issue of Logan Woods. I appreciate the information we received requesting our input. For the record, this is the first time we have been approached regarding this matter. We selected this neighborhood nine years ago for it's location. Describing this area, I have informally referred to it as the "Vineyards Estates" rather than Golden Gate Estates. The following concerns need to be addressed: A. Extreme care must be gNen not Io use street names which already exist in the county, in order to minimize dispatcher confusion for our Fire, EMS and CCSO emergency responses. B. As Logan Blvd. does extend south Io Green Blvd, will that area also be considered as Logan Woods? C. Will this lead to a 'Logan Woods' community association, fire hydrants, speed enforcement, a traffic signal at Vandeft)uitt or sidewalk lighting? As for the changing of the street numbers to names, I disagree with the Fire Chief; in time emergency c~ews will be able to learn the new names just as they do in our many new developments; perhaps even impmving their response times by having a community identib/. Considering the many benefits, I strongly support the ~ of o,.a- subd~ and street names all along Logan Blvd. However, I would like to see some oplk)ns of these titles. If this is to irma.se the community cohesion, we as neighbors ~ all wo~ together to pmvfde input. This leads everyone to take ownef~tp of these ct~anges thus creating an even greater sense of Board. Please encourage further ~ to unify this pm<ess, suca as at our nearby community park in the Vineyards, rather than allowing a h<Xchpotch approach. Thanks egainl Your community commitment Is Nncerely appmc~ed! Thomas A. Towella John C. NOrris Dis~c~ 1 1~mo~y L. Hancock. AICP Dis~ct 2 Tirnc~ I. Co¢~,stan6ne Distrk~ 3 P'~neta S. ,'vtac'lGe Distr~ 4 Barbara B. Berry Districts 3301 East Tamlaml Trail ,, Naples, FIc~ida 341124977 '~, ,.- .. . ~ {941) 774-fl007 * Fax (9411 774-3602 ,x . October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Toole 5170 3rd Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timotl~ J. Constantine Commissioner, Dis:riot 3 TJC:vgr RECF__.]VED }CT 2, ]ohn C. hkxris D~c~ 1 Timothy L. Hancock. AICP Distfic~ 2 T;m<xhx ~. Co~One Pamela S. Mac'lGe Dis~ct 4 8ad:~ara B. Berry D~strk:t 5 3301 East Tamiami Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941] 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Manzelli 730 Logan Blvd. S. Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Manzelli: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input fi.om citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. TJC:vgr Commissioner, District 3 RECEIVED OCT 2 !oaro of ¢oun~.y r. cmmfssloners ehiclcg ManzalR ~ 720 gouth Logan glvd. ~apl~, Iq. g4.11§ (g4.11 4.gg-74-gg' k~n C Non~ C~m~ct 1 T~rno~ L H~ A~ Pamela S. ~'~e D~ ~ D~ 5 3301 E,ut 'ramL~ni Trail · Naple~ Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-80~7 · Fax (941) 774-3602 ' October 27, I997 M.r. and Mrs. Gar,/' D. Lytton 4971 8th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lytton: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timo~y J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr ,~hn C. Non'is D~mc~ 2 T'~7 I. Con~min~ Bezb,~ B. I~rry 3301 East Tamiami Trail · Naples, Flodda 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax ffJ41) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Felix Martincic 775 E. 254th Street Euclid, Ohio 44132-2430 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Martincic: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 T.tC:vgr '--'IREC EEIVED )ohn C.. Nonis I~strk~ 1 lin~ L Hanox:k, A~CP P~nel~ S. M,~'Kie 3301 East ~ Tm'l · N~es, Flodda ~4112-4977 (941) 774..8097 * Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. George C. Schmelzle 4811 gth Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. Schrnelzle: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input fi.om citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it ail into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assis'~ace to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr : .. 10/23/97 TAU 07:11 FA,T, 941 $49 ?933 Insuraace& Risk M~nc. ~o01 October 22, 1997 Mr. Timothy J. Contantine Board Of Collier County Commissioners Fax: 774-3602 Re: Logan woods Dear Mr. Constantine: Thank you for your letter of October 8, requesting input on the proposed changes for our community. My wife and I are 100~ behind the changes proposed in the petition we signed some tine ago. We see the changes as an improvement to an up and coming area of Collier County. Please don't let the people complaining about such major issues as address change requests and stationary changes complicate what should be an easy issue. The majority of the people tn our neighborhood have already approved the changes by signing the petition. There are no real 'negatives' to the changes proposed. ~hope that you will support the majority and help approve the next week! See you / ~oposed changes. Iohn C. Norms i'imolh,/L H~nccx:L ^ICP 3301 E~s~ T~mi~i Trail · N~ples, Floeidz 34112-4977 {941) 774-8097 · F~x (941)774-3602 October 27. 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burkhardt 4961 6th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119-2827 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy'J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr October 23, 1997 Laud and Ted Burkhardt 4961 6th Ave SW Naples, Florida 34119-2827 941-353-1716 RECEIVED 0CT 2 3 1997 ~oaro of ,County Commissioners Timothy J. Constantine Commisioner, District 3 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 341124977 Dear Mr. Constantine, Thank you so much for responding directly to us, the residents of Unit 32, and asking for our input. Please be advised we are in tremendous rapport of the street number change from 6th Ave SW to the name: Tamarind Ridge Drive. We think that name is just fine. This is a subject that has been tossed around for four year~ on our meet specifically. Our praises are extended to Carrie and Samuel Spounias and the others on 2nd Ave SW for their tenacity and dedicatedness in implementing the process for the street name changes for Unit 32. We think it would a/so be advantageous to continue the street name changes on up to Vanderbilt Beach Ext. It makes perfect sense to refer to "Logan Woods" as the area bound by Pine Ridge, The Vineyards, Vanderbilt Bch. and the canal. We cannot think of one detrimental issue that would arise due to a street name change. However there are countless reasons why the proposed changes wood positively and profoundly affect our neighborhood in highly desirable ways. Attatehed is a copy of the letter we had written previosly indicating some of those points. I'm sure you have in your hand numerous other lei'ten from residents who have their own reasons for wanting the changes ofthe street names. As you indicated in your letter to us, the pros far outweigh the cons. Thank you once again for addressing us personally and your interest in a subject that has absolutely no environmental ties and will do nothing but enhance an already beautiful part of Coilier County giving it an aura ofdistinctioa that it wel/deserves. We also look fowazd to seeing you on Tuesday, October 28th. Lauri and Ted Burkhardt John C. Norris I:~suict ~ Timo(hy L. Hancock. AICP Dis~c~ 2 'nmochy I. Common,ne Dtsu'ict 3 P~rneh S. M~c'K~e DisU'kz 4 Barl:~ra B. Berry Dis~c~ $ 3301 East Tamiami Tr;JI * N~ples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Ms. Nancy J. Dixon 6960 Sable Ridge Lane Naples, Florida 34109 Dear Ms. Dixon: Thank you very. much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy)'J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr Timothy L. Hancock. AICP D~'ic~ 2 llmc~hy l. Cc~ntine D~,:ka 3 P'~u'neLa $. Mac'lGe Dis~ric~ 4 l)~bara B. Berry D~rict 5 3301 East Tami~ni Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 ,, Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Ms. Shelly Dixon 6960 Sable Ridge Lane Naples, Florida 34109 Dear Ms. Dixon: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Publle Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr RECEIVED OCT 2 2 1997 Mr. Tim Constantine Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 Dear Mr. Constantine, In response to your letter of Oct. 8, 1997 concerning the name change to Logan Woods, It is my desire to have the name changed. We own a lot in Livings/on Woods esta_t~ and appreciate you pa.~ing the name ch~ge in that dcvelol:nnent' There were no dett/mental hsues w/th this change., only good. Thank you for taking the time to write and ask our opinion on this issue. Sincerely, Shelly and Nancy Dixon John C. Timothy L Hancock. ~2 Timo~y J, Cons~n~ne Pamela S. Mac'Kie Di~.rict 4 Barbara 8. Berry D~str~ct S 3301 East Tamlami Trail · Naples, Florida 34112.4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tozzi 5380 1st Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tozzi: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public fonarn. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. ery ~' truly yours, tl~ J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr ---- zo- 5'7 /- Dear htr. Constantine: In mspon,~ to yom' letl~ aborn the ch~n~,.~ Of n~mes of the streets on Ioga~ blvd. I am a reddeut ot' I U zv~ N.W. lvly husb~xl m~l I m'e ia favor o{' tl~ ~ cban~:,. We t'eel alz, o tim it would be ~ ~z, et to _beco__me ~ ~u'~ Imow *~ l.x~a~ Wo<x~ ratlm- ltum C~ Gate Estates. I love lh,'ing in this az~a. we ~ been here since 1990, ~nd am rai~nS four children. We ~dso feel thai the name chang~ would giv~ the peopt¢ in this ~x~ a ~r~er ~ of neigblx)rlxx~ Thank you for your letter, and have a g~at day. Sincerely, lyE'. and lvl~. Gerald Tozzi RE.C. .=_iVE. D OCT ~. ~ t997 John C Norris Timott~' L. Hancock, ^ICP Distrk:z 2 T'u~XJ~, J. DeO'k~ 3 Pamei~ S./vtac'KJe District4 Bad. fa 8. Berry 3301 East Tamlaml Trail · Naples, FIo'ida 34112--4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax {941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 12 c Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Oarbe 5280 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Garbe: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 10-I8-97 Mr. Timothy Jo Constantine Commissioner, District 2 3301 East T~aiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 Jeffrey and Tamera Garbe 5280 2nd Avenue S.W. Naples, Florida 34119 455-1603 Dear Tim, Thank you for cooresponding with us and our neighbors regarding the proposed street name changes. From the content of your letter it's clear to us that you understand the benefits and the issues that street name changes would create. It is our feeling that the benefits greatly outweigh the issues while acknowledging that the issues are in fact real. BecauSe we believe the benefits are greater, we look forward to investing what we feel is a small amount of effort in order to make a significant improvement to our community. We know you understand that when people and families invest a little effort into their community, it makes a safer, more comfortable, and prosperous place to live. The majority of residents in this community have demonstrated that they' are willing to invest & reasonable amount of time and energy to preserve and improve their neighborhood We know we are. * Thank you for your representation. Sincerely, Jeffrey and Tamera Garbe 3301 £a~t TamLlmi Ti'iii · ~ Fbib 34112-4977 (941) 774.a097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Ms. Kathryn J. Postelle 5770 10th Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Ms. Postelle: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of'the Public Record. Again. th,~nk you and ifI may be o£ further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. tantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr (941) 774-~097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October g, i 997 5770 10thAve. NW OCT 9. ? ~97 ~ ~__.yz~~, ~c.. Naples, FL 34119 ~is co~ndence is a ~u~t for info.at' ' mn Imm your commum~. I woul~l~e your input ~ well ~ SW s~et .... ~ .~ ..... ~ . . ~ ~ ~w, 4 ~ SW, 6m Avenue SW ~d 8th Ave it ~ ~e desire ofvour c ...... :-., ...... ? ~"~ ~ NW Avenu= ~ c~ged ~ well. Should ~e~ ~e also some de~men~l issue. ~e initi~ c~ge could prove con~ing to ~me individ~ls. S~tion~ would need to ~ ch~g~ along ~ ~ng ~o~m, militim ~d c~it ~d notification, etc. Log~ W~ h~ succe~fu]ly combined urb~ convenience wi~ m~ living ~ ! ~ told the pro~sed ch~g~ ~ me~t to ~ ~o~er step tow~ c~t~g ~ eyre ~er ~n~ of~i~~. It is one meth~ the ~titione~ ~ve put fo~d ~or c~i~ om ~ identi~ for ~e comm~i~, ~icul~ly since it is one of the nicest in ~e ~ Ple~e let me kn~w ~o~ th~u~ on ~e pro~ ~t n~e c~ng~. I would like your inout ~ to whether you approve or m~pprove ~e pm~s~ ch~ ~d I would ~pmci~ yo~ ~vising me of~y other concerns or ,u~e~io~ you may have for Yo~-;~gmuni,. S~ific ~ n=e ,u~tions ~ welcome ~ I I~k fo~d to he,rig ~m you s~n/~ yo~ TJC/cb John C. Norris O~Uic~ 1 Timcxhy L. H~n¢oc~ AICP O~st~c~ 2 Timothy I. Constantine Dis~,-t 3 I~mel~ S./~c'lOe Oistxict 4 Barbara B. Berry Di~ict $ 3301 East Tamiami Trail * Naple, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774.8097 * Fax (941} 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. Robert Miller 5385 4th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. Miller: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence. October 28m is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr John C. Norris o~z~l Mr. Robert Miller 5385 4th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 3301 East Tamlarrd Tr'~l" Naples, Flodcla 34112-4977 (941) 774.8097 ,, Fax (~¢1) 774-360:2 October 8, 1997 I.)~ar Mr. This correspondence is a request for information fi'om your community. I would like your input as well as input Imm all of the residents of the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed sm:et name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Av~nu~ SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have fi~-ther proposed that ~ NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far mom preferable to do it in an ali ~ncompassing manner rather than a hodg~:xxlge of individual changes. There arc clear benefits. A sense of'community can be establish~. A recognized neighborhood can cas~ directions for visitors and emergency l~rsonnel alike. Community cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards crealqng an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one ofthe nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the proposed sleet name changes. I would like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific rat'et name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board of'County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. / I I I~ok £orward to hearing fzom you soon. Thankyou. ~ 3301 E~st Tami~mi Tr~'l · ~ ~ 34112.4977 (941} 774-8097 · F~x (941) 774-36,02 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Healy 5361 5th Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Healy: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy~, Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr C°u~ts' £o~. ~ai:, letter is in response to.your request, for input £rom r~ident~ Woods' neighborhood oa pro~aed street name ckanges. As ~sid~;;ta ~f ~th Ave. N.gV~ ~'e would like to al~o be included in street name changes. We believe as you do, that rather than individual changes, changes sh~,uid be encomo:issina We betieve that the benefits outweigh any detriments. ,k g~ater ~en~e community is ve~, appealing and any contusion wo,atd be easily overc~me. m~or co~ce~ ~o us, i~ notification oteme~en~ personnel Consuiting fi~ a~d po!~ce depa~ments prior to an~ ehange~ ma~ be a ronsideratien. .Xs to specil'.:z sir,--et name sug;estions, we would like to suggest, Ch. er.-'ywood Court, Magnolia Drive or' Cedar~'ood Court. We thank you for requesting Our input and Lisiertia~ to oar suggestions. Sincerely, 3301 East Tamiami Tr~ · Na~ ~ 34112-4977 (941) 774.8097 · Fax {941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson PO Box 51 Naples, Florida 3410l Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. ~ Ve~ truly yours, Timothy~ . Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr {k:tober 22, 1997 Commissioner Tim Constantine Collier County Government Complex 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 SUBJECT: Logan Woods Dear Commissioner Constantine: Per your letter of 10/8/97 requesting input on "Logan Woods", I feel that all streets including Logan Blvd. should be included in the d~ignation of Logan Woods. Splitting streets would only disrupt the continuity of the community. As long as the only inconvenience would be changing mailing address etc., I would be in agreement with such a decision. If you would keep me updated on this development, I would appreciate it Very truly yours, Mrs. James R. Johnson '~mo~ L Har, coc~. ~J' D~trk~ 2 3301 Ea. st Tamhr~ Trail * Nal:~e~ Florida 34112-4~77 (941) 7748097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 8, ] 997 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson PO Box S! Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and M.'s. Jo,~,son: This correspondence is a request for information from your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW slreet names be changed. Some have further proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be established. A r~.ogni~, neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion'usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has success~lly combined urban convenience with rural living; arxl I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards crealing an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving; out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the a~ea. Please let me know your thoughts on the proposed street name changes. I would like.your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I ~ould appreciate your advisir~ me'of any other concerns cr suggestions you may have for your commur, ity. Specific street name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. -'- Cc~gssioner, District 3 TJC/cb )ohn C. Norrl.. D~ct 1 Timothy L. Hancock. A)CP Disb'k::t 2 llrnoth¥ ). Constantine District 3 Pamela S, Mac'~e Dis~c~ 4 ~arb~a 8. Berry Disuic~ S 3301 Eas~ Tamiaml Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~c (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. Mark McCabe c/o Gulf Coast National Bank 3838 Tamiarni Trail N. Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. McCabe: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 3838 Tamlami Dali North, Naples. Florida 34103 · RO. Box'4i 3040. Naples, Floflda 34101-3040 Phone: (941) 261-426z · 1-800-648-4262 Iohn C No, tis Dis~c~ 1 Tirno~y L H~'~cock. D~u'ic~ 2 'timothy I. Com~ndne D~zic~ 3 ~ $. Mac'Kie B~rbar~ 8. Berry D~U~c~ S 3301 E~st Tamiami T~il ,' I~ples, Floric~ 34112-4977' (941) 774-8097 * F~ (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jarrell 536l 8th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jarrell: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28ts is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. ~~j. c~mly yo~u's, nstantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 0 C T ~ .3 October 22, 1997 ?O~r~ 3f Coun:y r.o,r~is$iOners Mr. Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34i 12-4977 Dear Tim: Thank you for requesting our input regarding the community of Logan Woods and the proposed street name changes. As you can note from the lack of letterhead, I have been waiting on this change to be approved before reordering stationary and favor the neighborhood and street name changes. However, I would like for us to "get on with it". It was my understanding that we had near unanimous approval on all four streets. We have received numerous letters from the county telling us of hearing dates which were wrong. I call Mr. Robert Selvaggio, the signer of one of the letters and asked if we needed to be there since our understanding was that it was a "sure thing". Mr. Selvaggio informed me their was a lot of opposition. ......... from whom he would not say. I know the county staff usually opposes street name cbang~ dues to the amount of work which results. This is the reason I have a reluctance to now allow those other streets mentioned in your letter to join in since we were told ifa majority was not received in favor of the changes then the change would not be approved for any streets. I wonder if adding these additional streets is merely an attempt by those who oppose the street name changes to defeat the community spirit and designation we are tt~ing to create. I would welcome those other stree~ on Logan to Vanderbilt Road in our community of Logan Woods if our streets and community are approved as the residents on the original four streets want regardless of how the additional streets feel on the subject. I do not think it is fair now to start changing the original petition unless we on 8th, 6th, 4th, &: 2nd Southwest can be assured that Logan Woods with the subsequent designated street name changes will be approved for our area regardless of whether additional streets should be added to the community. My suggestion is as follows: 1) Let the Commissioners approve the petition from Stix, 6ttL 4th, 2nd Southwest to become the community of Logan Woods with fix: slreet names which have already been designated. (8th Avenue S.W.-my address was to become Sycamore Lane). 2) Hold the decision in abeyance for 60 days to allow those on the other streets to circulate a petition to see if those residemts also would like to join our community even though it would require si~ei name changes. 3) If those streets wished to join us, then they should be included in the final designation. If not, then the Community of Logan Woods should be designated as originally petitioned Ivy those streets know as 8th Ave. S. W., 6 Ave. S. W., 4th Ave. S.W. and 2nd Ave. S. W. Tim, we believe this offers a fair solution to all concerned, except I guess to County Staff personnel who I understand almost always oppose these changes. Also, I am sure it does not make the Postal Department happy either. But the advantages far outweigh the added work in the short run. Our community will have a real sense ora neighborhood feeling if we can receive this designation and subsequent street name changes. In summary, the proposed street name change process has been aggravating due to the lack of accurate information and the amount of time it has taken to be either approved of disapproved. However, I reiterate my strongest support and hope you will lend your voice to help us achieve our designation as Logan Woods. I will be out of town on the date of the meeting and will be unable to attend. Please allow my letter to convey to you our feelings and support for the Logan Woods Community. Again, we appreciate your contacting the residents to find out their thoughts on the subject. Keep up the good work as Commissioner, you have our support. Sincerely, Icy Jarrell enue S. W. 34119 glj/tim/logan woods/10-22-97 Iohn C.. Norris Did. riot 1 TimoO~t L. Hatx:ock. Dim'ict 2 T'~nc, chy J. District 3 Pamela S. Mac'~ie D~ll4ct 5 3301 E~s~ Tami~ni T~ · ~ Fiodd~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * F~x (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Junkroski 5391 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Junkroski: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. TJC:vgr 13:06 FAX 9415983868 K{I,I~HLIN(~ INDUSTRIES ~00! )ohn C. ~ Timothy L Hancock, AICP ~mot~ I. Co~t~cin~ Pamela S. ,'v~c'lGe Oisuict 4 B~oara B. Berry Di~i(:t $ 3301 Eas~ Tamiaml Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097, Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. Thomas A. Junkroski 5391 6th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34 t 19 Dear Mr. Junkroski: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence. October 28'~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you. please don't hesitate to contact me. Ve yo . P Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner. District 3 TJC:vgr Io-~z-q7 Hmothy L Hancock I:~str~ct S 3301 East Tamiamt Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (9.41) 774-3602 October 22, 199'/ 12 3- Ms. Nan H. Sula 5311 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Sula: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it ail into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 25~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, g,4flease don't hesitate to contact me. Very ~y yours, TJC:vgr Boar~ of count~ 3301 East Tamtami Tra~l "NapleL Fk)rtda 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097" Fax {~J41) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Berman 5361 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Berman: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic ofsu'eet name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thar~k you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very TJC:vgr Afatthew D. & Carrie L. Berrnan 5361 3rd Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 941-455-9698 october 17, 1997 Timothy 3. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 RE: 'Logan Woods' proposed s'o'eet name changes Dear Mr. Constantine: Thank you for your letter dated October 8m regarding the proposed change in our area. Ny husband and ! have both been discussing this matter and do agree with your outlook that if there is going to be a change it should encompass a larger area than just 4 streets. As 'Golden Gate Estates" is such a large area we both feel that it would only be a benefit to have some distinction as to actually where ones community is within 'Golden Gate Estates'. We also feel that the name change would make things less confusing, espedally for our mail carriers. We would gladly welcome a name change and feel that'Logan Woods' should encompass all st]-eets off Logan Blvd., including Logan Blvd. from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Extension. Should you have any questions, or need b3 discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us. I am,/f (~e L. Berrnan Iohn C Nc~$ l"imo~ L. Htr~:x~k AICP DisU~ 3 3301 E~.s~ Tami~nt Tr~JI * N~oles, Fior~ 341124977 (941) 774-8097" F~x (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. William G. Stelzer 5091 8th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ma-. Stelzer: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of'street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout thc Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 280, is the date for the public forum. I will make sum that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to~ase don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy~/Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr WILLIAM G. STELZER Certified Public Accountant 301 North Airport Road Naples, Florida, 34104 941-643-1622 Fax: 941-643-1657 October 17, 1997 I cannot imagine emergency ser¥ice people such as fire, police or ambulance with trouble pin-pointing a location such as "Sycamore Drive, Logan Woods" any differently than" 8th Avenue S.W.". In fact, since 7th, 5th, 3rd, 1st Avenues S.W. is off of Rte. 941 and not Logan and are not directly accessible from 8th Avenue S.W. or 6th Avenue S.W., the new address would be much less likely to cause confusion. We understand that the individuals who took the initiative to request the name changes have spent a great deal of time researching available names and have attempted to fairly select the names to be applied to each street. We think they should be congratulated for their efforts and we are satisfied with the name which has been chosen for our street. The area already has an identity of it's own. When asked where we live, we find that most people identify "off of Logan" rather than 8th Avenue S.W.. I think this recognition of location is true whether it be the pizza driver, service man, real estate person, delivery driver or any one familiar with Naples. Mr. Timothy J. Constantine Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 :£.~:': ;T :.0unt~ .~.m ..... -- · Dear Commissioner Constantine: Thank you for your letter of October 8th requesting information on the proposed name change for the area in which my wife and I reside. We were not contacted by the circulators of the petition for the name change and our names are, therefore, not on the petition but we strongly favor the change. Our home at 5091 8th Avenue S.W. was completed in 1995 and consists of approximately 6,000 square feet under roof, five bedrooms and 4 1/2 baths. We have been residents of Naples since 1975 so the area was familiar to us and one which we felt would ap. preciate in value. As you point out, the community is unique an that it offers rural living with urban convenience. The name change would further enhance a section of the county which is attracting so many fine new homes. Thank you for your concern. William Stelzer Dist~ ~ TinxxJ,./L Ha.cocY. AL"P D~k:t 2 3301 East Tamlami Trail · Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-0097 * Fax ffJ41) 774,.3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. John Brinkman 5238 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. Brinkman: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further asslstance t~please don't hesitate to contact me. / Timoth~ J/Constantine Commis~oner, District 3 TJC:vgr c,'c i~e. Lc.~x,--, ¢..A$ E.. .A& L~- RECEIVED 0C! 2 0 1997 ¢oard o¢ Countd Co~tsstoner$ 3301 Eza~ Tamlami Trail ,, N~:des, Florida 34112..4977 (941) 774-8097" Fax (9411 774-3602 October 22, 1997 -¢ Ms. Joyce E. Horton 5075 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 341 !9 Dear Ms. Horton: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout thc Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making procc~. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance tg~o~ please don't hesitate to contact me. Commi~mner, District ~ TJC:vgr _ ~EcEtVED John C. N~x~ri$ D~c~ ~ Timothy L Hancoc~ ^~CP D~U~2 Timothy J. Con~t~ntlne Di~ric~ 3 D~ct 4 D~u~ct $ 33(~1 East Tamtaml Trail · N~p~ Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · I:~x (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. James Ebert 4860 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ebert: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the dec,ion making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence. October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of f-arthg assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very tm ~ Tkmoth Commi . C~onstantine oner, District 3 TJC:vgr CO~ $CI-I~L OF NAFLE$ P. 1 ~ OF ~DL~ SCHOOL Mr. Ttm Constanttne Commissk)ner, Dtstdct 3 Fax & 774-3602 13 Oct. Dear Mr. Constantine, My husband and I are deeply in favor of the Logan Woods proposal. Although somewhat a hassle, changing the names to a more commtmity-orlented designation offers all of us who llve In this area the chance to get to know one another and watch out for each other in a neighborhood set0ng. We would ail appreciate some sweet lights! Sincerely yours, 4860 6th Ave SW . .,//~ 3251 PI:NE RIDGI~ ROAD ' NAPLES, Iq, ORIDA 34109 (941) 597-7575 FAX: (941) 598-2973 3301 East Tamiami Tr~ · ~ FIot~ 34112-4977 (9.41) 774.809? · F~x ~il) 774-3602 Ck:tober 22. 1997 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Donaldson 4980 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 280. is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to yo,/~l~ease don't hesitate to contact me. Very~ur~, rimotl~. Constantine CommiSsioner, District 3 TJC:vgr October 12, 1997 Mr. Timothy J. Constantine Board of' Collier County Commissioners 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 Re: Logan Woods Dear Commissioner Constantine, I was encouraged when I received your letter of October 8, 1997. In response to your request for our input on the name changes, we are in _flail suppo~.~ of the proposed street name changes and neighborhood name change to Logan Wood.t With ail ofthe gated communitie~ completed or underway, I think the Livingston Woods, Logan Woods "neighborhoods" provide an excellent b~nee. The~ type of neighborhoods instill community and ~ of ownership, in the l~t five ye~r~ w~ have lived on 6th Ave. SW, I have seen nothing but improvements to every home and landscape along our street. Changing the name to Logan Woods will only further this trend. Regaxding your thoughts on including the NW streets, I was under the impression they did not w-a~t to partlcil:~te, even though I agr~ ~ all of the streets along Logan would make the most sense. However, I would hate to delay approv~ ~t the October 28 meeting resulting in an effort to incorporate unwilling pm'ties. I feel that the NW meets could easily be accommodated in the future in that the "Logan Woods" design~tioo is ofpdrm~ importan~ and once the NW residents become accustomed to the benef~ their chosen street nam~ could be added later. Please don't delay the momentum the majority ofthe SW residents have gained by signed petition. I worry that delays have a way of creating fixrther delays ~ we become "bogged down", then accomplish nothing. I look forward to your help in getting this positive change approved on October 28 and thank you for your ~upport of "Logan Woods". Sincerely, David A. and Diane L. Donaldson 4980 6th Ave SW., Naples, FL 34119 ce: Bob Salvaggio \ Community Development D~.kt 3 Pameb $. Mac'~ D~str~t S 3301 E~t Tamiam4 Tr~ * ~ Fk~da 34112-4977 (941} 774-8097 · Fax (9.41) 774-3602 October 22. 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Crowley 5231 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Crowley: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistanc~ ~please don't hesitate to contact me. Very y yours, Timo · Commiss¥oner, District 3 TJC:vgr Timothy $, Coastantine Commissioner, District 3 Board of Collier County Commissioner~ 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Fl. 34112-4977 Dear Mr. Constantine: 5231 4th Avenue S. W. Naples, Fl. 34119 O~tober 12, 1997 This is in response to your letter concerning the proposed street name changes of' the "Logan Woods" neighborhood. We ar~ very much ~ of the changes as proposed. The benefits ['ar outweigh any minor inconveniences or expense that may result. Several residents of the neighborhood ( Caroline Spounias for one) have already invested much time and effort [r~o researching acceptable ~ue~t names. All residents were given the opportunity to vote on these names, and I see no reason to look for any additional names at this point. We would like to see this proposal passed as written, which does not include the NW Avenues. However, ii'you feel that acceptance is dependent on thek inclusion, we would be willing to go along with this to expedite the matter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Gerald A. Crowley ~,~ John C No~'b Pameb 5. ,~:'K~e 3301 East Tamiami Tra~l * Nal:des, Flo~da 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 ,. Fax (941) 774-3602 Octo~r 22, 1997 12C3_O' Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bailie 141 Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bailie: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will lake it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 25~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to ~a.se don't hesitate to contact me. Very tr~ yours, th~onstanti Timo ne Commi~bner, District 3 TJC:vgr 3301 Ea~ Tandami Trail · Naples, FtoHda 34112..4977 (9al) 774-8097" Fax (941) 774-3602 October 8, 1997 12C3- Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bailie 141 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bailie: This correspondence is a reques~ for information from your community. 1 would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have fi.u~er proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be established. A recognized neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually so,trs with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities a~l credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined mban convenience with rural living and ! arn told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards creating an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the pro~ street .'~me ch~g~s. I would h'ice your input as to wh~her you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your communky. Specific ~ name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissioners on October 28. 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. y ~ Wi Comffr[ssiorer, District 3 TJC/cb (~2 P'~M4a S. ~ D~st~:t 4 3301 Ezst. Tamia~ Tra1 · Naples, Iqorkla 34112-4977 (941) 774-~097 · Fax (~41) 774-3602 October 2:2, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Sincavage 5340 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sincavage: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may b~ of further assistance t~ please don't hesitate T'moth , J Con.caatine Commi~Sner, District 3 to contact me. TJC:vgr 3301 E~t T~m~mt Tr~l * ~ Florid~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-a097 · F~x ~941) 774-3602 October ii. 199'/ Mr. and Mrs. A~ 5340 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 RECEIVED f Count/ Co~mi~sloners ~ Mr. az~d Mrs. 'v'clopulos: This correspondence is a request for i~nformation f_q;~ your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents ofth~)neighborhood on the proposed street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed-"d;~-2nd Ave~t~ SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have further proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be established. A recognized neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards creating an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. Please let me Icnow your thoughts on the pm0osed street name changes. ! wnuM like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific street name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. i look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. ~ ) With Timo/y ~ Constantin~ Core. loner. District 3 TJC/cb 3301 East T4mlan~ Tra/l · ~ Flork~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLuca 4920 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. DeLuca: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic ofstreet name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy~ J. Constantine Commis~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr Linda DeLuca 4920 7th Ave N.W. Naples, FL. 34119 RECEIVED 17 1997 ,~f C,3an~ Commissioners October 12, 1997 Board of County Commissioners Timothy $. Co~tamirm Naples, Fl. 34112 I received your letter of O~tober 8, 1997 and I am very interested in the changes that are .occurring in .m..y co.~mmunity~ I read, in ~ newspaper a few months back about the ~nterest m calhng 2 ave, 4'" ave, 6= ave, and 8= ave Logan Woods and could not understand why this would happen just to those s/xeets and not the rest of Logan. I do not understand how you could separate the streets out like that. I feel out streets are just as nice and desirable as the "even" streets. I would like to have a say in this matter and I would like the opportuaity for our neighbors to express their feelings on this matter. Both my husband and I would like to atteM the Meeting on October 28, 1997. Ifthat is not possible than I would appreciate you adv/s/ng the Board that all of Logan should be consider a community and incorporate the same guide lines for all the streets. Thank you for you letter and for informing u~ of the changes going on in our commurfity. Looking forward to heating from you. Sin~rely, Mr. And Mfs. Charles DeLuca ~4 3301 East Tamlami Tra/I · I~l::~es, Flor~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stall 5090 2nd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 D~ar Mr. and Mrs. Stull: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of sar'et name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'" is the date for the public forum. I will make sur~ that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistanc.~ ~.tHaase don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~/J.,Comantine Commi~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr o0 RAY ANO JUOY ~. be an instant improvement over the seemingly impenetrable soup of numbers, streets, avenues, places, courts, northeasts and southwes~ that comprise the current sy~em. You could sit a chimp at a b~pewriter and have it randomly peck keys, place the word "street" and the end of iL and come up with a system that is easter for the layman to decipher than the one that's there now. ("! live on BgHt&2% StreeL" "No kidding I'm just two block~ over on !gfp~z.") The existing Golden Gate street identification system was put in place by the original developer of the area. . The people who have to deal with the system every day say there's a method to the apparent madness and once you get used to iL it makes a lot ofsense. "People don't take the time to learn the sy~em," say~ Golden Gate Fire Chief Don Peterson. Intersecting Golden Gate and Wilson boulevard~ form quadrants that are designated northeast, southwe~ etc. Equipped with that information, the s~xeet name and the ~ two numbers of an address, it is e~y to get where you're going, Peterson s~id. .In fact~ Peterson says n~vigat/ng the intricate system of numbers i~ so much better than finding the way around a bunch of s~a'eets named after vegetation that he would weigh in on the Logan Wood~ quest/on -- if anybody would ask. So far, no one [corn the county staff ha~ The st~T, which has recommended that county comm/~.~ioners grant the name changes, does not routinely consult the fh'e department over street names or name changes. #We get notified after everyone has adopted the change," the chief g~id. l~eterson ~ that can lead to confusion and extended re~pon~e fime~ later on. So when commissioners tak~' up the subject on Ock 28, the ~'~les will probably t/p in favor of. the majority over the objectt~ of the remainder of resident~ who don2 want the ha~le of an address change.. One wonders whether the outcome might be different if the fire chiefs thoughts are given any weight. ' ' IohnC Norris D~trk~ 1 r~q, L H,~a:~ A~CP Dil~cl 2 ~ I. C~n~ ~ S. ~'~ ~m 4 ~S 3301 Ea~. Tamiami Trail · Natdet Florida 34112-4977 (g~l} 774-&0~7 · Fax (~41) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. Russell J. Wright 4600 Enterprise Ave. Suite A Naples, FL 34104 Dear Mr. Wright: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to yo~ do hesitate to contact n't me. 'rim y J. :onstantine Com~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr MEMORANDUM Russell J. Wright (941) 434-.61 O0 (941) 434-0100 FAX 3301 East Tamiamt Tr~l" Naples, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 ,, Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glist 4821 2nd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Glist: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance~ don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~ J...Constantine Commi~j/oner, District 3 TJC:vgr Io~n C. Norris Dis~c~ 1 Dis~ric~ 3 3301 E~s~ Tami,~'ni Tr~ · N~oles, Flodd~ 34112-4977 (~11) 774-8097 · Fa (941) 774-3602 October g. 1997 Mr & Mm Ray Glist , _ De~Mr.~ - ~"-" This correspondence is a request for information from your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of'the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and gth Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have further proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of'your community for the name changes, I believe it would be tar more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be established. A recognized neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove contusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed nmne changes are meant to be another step towm'ds creating an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an idendty for the community, particularly since it is one of'the nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the pro.rinsed street name c,hanges. I would like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of any other concerns o.r sugg..estions you may have for your community. Specific street name su~ggestions are welcome as well. The ~ssue ~s scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissionj:a,~n~Octoher 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. ~ [ look forward to he.a.,'ing from you soon. Thank you. ~ Timo~y; C~nstantine Comlbissibner, District 3 TJC/cb Timothy L. Hanc~ AICP Disb-~ 2 T',t~Xhy I. Cc~s~nt~ne Pimeli S. ,'vtac'l~ Dish~ 4 Dislric~ 5 3301 East T~T~i Trail * Na~, Florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (~,11) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. Douglas M. Voss 405 Logan Blvd. Naples, FI, 34119 Dear Mr. Voss: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance~ease don't hesitate to contact me. Co~ioner, District 3 TJC:vgr 33ol ~-t ~ Tr~ · ~ ~ 3411~-4g~ (941} ?74-~097 · Fax {941} ??4-3602 October 8, 1997 Mr. Douglas M. Voss 405 Logan Bird Naples. FL 34119 Dear Mr. Voss: This correspondence is a request for information from your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of'the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the propos~cl street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6~ Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW s'U'~et names be changed. Some have further proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of indiyidual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense ofconununity can be established. A recognized neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel ah'ke. Community cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards cre~fing an even greater sen.s~ of neighborhood. It is one m~hod the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the proposed street name changes. I wculd like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of'any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific street name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before ~ Bom'd of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. ~ · Iofln C. Norris D~2 Timo~ I. C~n~ 3301 Eas~ Tamiarni Trail ,, Naples. Flodda 34112-4977 (941) 7744097 ', Fax (941) 774-3602 Octob~ 22, 1997 Mrs. Ma~ccn Oreschnick $132 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mrs. Oreschnick: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic ofsu'eet name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of thc Public Record. sumc~n't hesitate to contact Again, thank you and if I may be of further assi me. Timothy--~I' C~nstanfine Commission?r, District 3 · TJC:vgr October 12. 1997 Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board or Collier County Commissioners 330[ East Tamiami Trail 'Naples, FL 34112-4977 Dear Commissioner Constantine: Thank you very much for your letter concerning our neighborhood "Logan Woods'. I agree with you that if we agree to change the street names it should encompass all SW and NW streets. I would also like to propose that we place attractive wooden signs saying "Logan Woods" on the corners of Pine Ridge Road and Logan Boulevard and Vanderbilt Beach Extension and Logan Boulevard. Here are a few suggestions for proposed street names: Logan Woods Drive Sugar Maple Drive Old Pine Drive Cabbage Palm Drive Pepper Hedge Drive Maleluca (sp?) Drive Cypress Knee Drive Cypress Marsh Drive Oak Trail Drive I look forward to hearing the outcome of the October 28, 1997, Board of County Commissioners meeting. In addition, graciously await your correspondence regarding other District 3 issues. Sincerely, Mrs. Maureen Oreschniek 5132 ?th Avenue NW Naples, FL 34119 'nmo~ L 3301 E~ Tami~'ni Trail · M,t~, FIo~d~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~x (941} 774-3602 October 22, 1997 12c3-G Ms. Margarite Dean 410 Logan Blvd. S. Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Dean: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it ail into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistan~ ~~1~ don't hesitate to contact me. T'mo Co--tine Commiksloner, District 3 TJC:vgr Pam~ S. Mac'~e 3301 East Tamiami Trail * Naples, Flex'ida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941)774-3602 October 22, 1997 2 C Mr. and Mrs. John J. Micklos, Jr. 5140 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Micklos: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"~ is the date for ~ public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistant= ~/~lease don't hesitate to contact me. TimoOxy 1. Constantine Commoner, District 3 TJC:vgr ~'~'~,/I. Come. ne P~neh S. M~c'IGe D~zic~ $ 3301 Eas~ T~mlamt Trail · Na~ ~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 8, 1997 Mr. and ~ John J. Micldos Jr. Naples, FL 34119'" Dear Mr. and Mrs. Micidos Jr.: This correspondence is a request for in£ormazion from your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed su'eet name changes. A group of ar~a citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6~ Avenue SW and 8th Ave~,ue SW street names be changed. Some have furttm' proposed that the NV/Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire ofyour community for fl'e name changes, ! believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather tha~ a hodgepodge of'individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be estabiLshed. A recogniztd neighborhood ca~ ease directions for visitors znd emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually soa~ with a recognized label as well. There are also some detrimental issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accounts, utilities and crodit card notificaIion, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards creating an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. ~. Heasc le~ me know your :hough~ cn ~hc propo':,ed ~ na:~: chugs. ! ~.,~utd like yeLV inpm a~ te whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advising me of any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific street name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board or'County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. ~ with _~ /~ . .~. ~om i~oner, District 3301 E~ Tamlaml Trag · Naples, Flc~da 34112-4977 (941} 77~097 · F~x (a.41) 77~.-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Palcisko 5371 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Palcisko: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistan.//t°Y~ T'maothyIJ. (~onstanfine District Commks~gfier, 3 don't hesitate to contact me. T$C:vgr 3301 Eut T~ml~d ~ e Na~ Flodda 34112.4577 (~11) 774-00~? .* Fa~ (941) T74.~o02 Oct~t~r 8, 1997 1 2 Mr. & ]vita. l:&dwud J. P~lclsko 5371 6th Ave SW Napi~ FL 34119 ~ Mr. ~M~.' P~c~o: This corresponden~ is · r~ue~t for inf~ti~ f~ ~ ~munlty. I wou~ ii~ your In~ es well ~ ~ of~ dd~ h,~ pm~ ~,t 2~ A~ SW, 4 A~ SW, ~ A~ SW a~ gm Argue SW s~t ~m~ ~ ch~. Some ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ c~ ~ ~11. Should ~ B! ~~1~ m~~~ a ~~ of~ ~ There Are clear ben¢lits. A seT,sc ofcommunity can be eftab .H~..'. A rccq::~AJz~ nc4ghborhood can dimcttom for visitors and emergenc7 personnel altko. Community cohesion usually loin1 with p. I~1 a~ w~ll, Them ~re n/so some detrimental issues, The init~ r, ban~ could pro~m, eonf~ln8 to ~ome lndh4dua/r~ Stationary would need lo be change~ along with 1~gdn8 ncco~nls, utgide~ md ca~d~ ced noUflcaflo~ etc. Los;~ Woods has succe~fulty combined urt~ ceev~ience with tm-al llvtng md i am told the pmlXts~d neme changes are meant lo be another st~p mwa~.~ crcadn8 an even ip~t~ sense o£ ncillhlxx4wod. It is otto meO'~ the pctiLton<~ hav~ put forward for carving out an tde~tity for the commun/ty, pa~ticularly slace h h one of the nicest in ~e a~ea. you approve or dis.q:q:n'o~ the proposed change...a~ J w~u. Id apl~ecla~, your .,advtstn8 me ofany o~!~' ' ~ or ~ul~.~,~don~ you m~y h~r~ fo~ your cemmu6~. ~ec~fle ~ mm~ ~uS~s ~r~ w~c~rne m w~U. The isaue is scheduled to come before the Bom'd of Coun(y Commhalone~ on October 28, 1997, so your prompt reqx~ ia ~:~ecLat~. ] look focwmxl to beadrt~ ~xxa you Joon, Thtnk you. TEL .Tun 18,72 17 P.02 33Ol F.,ut Tm, daml Tra~l * ~ I~ 34112d~7 {941) 774.~7 * ~lm (~41) 77~.3~32 0<4o~ 8, lC~'7 Mr. F~dw~d P~lclskc $3'/1 6th Avenuc SW 'N-pica, Flori(la 34119 Dear Mr. pal.ciske: This co~r~spondcnc~ is a . .~ ~ ~ec~s A lnp~ f~ ~l of~ ~sl~ afro L~W~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~p of m ctfi~ ~ve ~ ~ 2~ A~ SW, 4~ A~ SW, ~ A~ SW ~ 8m A~ SW ~ n~ ~ c~. ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NW Av~ ~ ~ ~ ~11. SMuld it ~ ~ d.t~ di~io~ for visilo~ ~ Woods has successfully combined urban convenle~a wlth rural HYing and I am told ~ proposad namc ch~m~es are meant to be tnoth~ step towards cre~ng sn even gre___-s~__ sense ofnsi~. It IS one me0~xl the potiiioners have put forward for ca~ o0t an id~nt~ roi' ~e community, ptrflcularly since It is one at'the nicest tn tho ar~a. T$C./cb Please let me know your th'ou~t~ on tho propeeed street nm~e chaages. I would lika your inl~ u to whether you approve or disapprove ~e ~ cbangm and I would sppt~ ),our ~ ma ofany other conccms or suggcsttor~ you may have for your commtmJty. Specific ~ r'~ma SUl~.rtk3~ a~ welcome as well, 'i'r~ i~ is s~bedul~d to como befo~ ~ Board ofCoum7 C~t#ion~s on October 2l, 1997, so your promp< rcspons~ Is nppe~clamd. ~ I loot forwa..d to I~artng fi'om you soon, Thank ~ 3301 East T~'niarni Tr~l * ~ Fkxida 34112-4977 (941) 774~097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 Octol~r 22, 1997 Mr. Donald Boultbee 4820 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. Boultbee: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to ~ea~don't hesitate to contact me. Timothyt J. ~onstantine Commis~aer, District 3 TJC:vgr Boull~)ee 4~B20 SIx~ Avenue SW lY~le~. FL 34119 USA 3301 East. Tamiami Trail ,, Naples, Ylodda 341124977 (941) 774..8097 · F~x (941) 774.-3602 October 22. 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stevens 3 Esther Street Naples, FL 34104 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stevens: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the deck4on making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance t~~ase don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth2[ J.)Constantine Commi~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr Gary and Judy Stevens 3 Esther Street Naples, FL 34104 941-643-1768 October 14, 1997 Timothy J. Constantine, Commissioner Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Dear Commissioner: Thank you for your note of October 8, 1997. We wanted to write to let you know that we are enthusiastically in favor of the name change of our property located on 2nd Avenue S.W. We are trying to sell our present home in order to build a new home on 2nd Avenue S.W. property. We understand the need to change our address with banks, utilities and credit card companies and will need to do that anyway when we do move to that address. We do understand that there will be a charge to the owners for the new signs and we are willing to pay our fair share. Obviously we are in favor of the benefits especially the ease for emergency personnel as well as a "recognized label" for our new community. Please support the residents of Logan Woods. Sincerely, 'a~ Juoy~Stevens 3301 E~st T;mi~ni Tr'~l · ~ FloricLa 34112.4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~ (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. Joseph A. Funigiello 5423 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. Funigiello: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further a~istanc~ to yo~ don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy J/Con~antine Commislrdroner, District 3 TJC:vgr October 13, 1997 Mr. Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-3601 5423 1st Ave. N.W. Naples, Fl. 34119 Dear Mr. Constantine, I would like to share with you my feelings on the renaming of the streets in the "Logan Woods" area of Golden Gate Estates. As a homeowner on 1st Ave. N.W. and a property owner on 4th Ave. S.W., my wife and I have a considerable interest on any changes proposed for the area. We strongly feel that the changes as proposed are conducive to dividing the community and separating an area that has a de- fined boundary with Pine Ridge Extension to the south, and Vanderbllt Beach Road to the north. If "Logan Woods" is to be adopted we feel that all streets in the area should be included to avoid the Civil War mentality of the Northwest against the South- west. Division will foster envy and contempt, a situation that I feel you as an elected official would not want to be a part of. By encompassing all streets off Logan north of Pine Ridge Ex- tension, I can envision the homeowners coming together with a sense of unity. Entrance signs might be in the future identifying the area helping to create our own identity. This will help to separate us from the vast area known as "The Estates.', We also feel the one mile long dead end streets are more like "lanes" or "ways," as opposed to "roads." We appreciate you looking into this situation, and feel sured that you will vote and recommend what is best for all your constituents, as opposed to a few on selected streets. as- ~J~seph A. Funigiello .Iohn C. No.~ D~II~:Z 1 l',,z)d~y L Ha~coc~. Diltr~ 3 3301 E~st Tamiami T~! · Ni~ F'k~da 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22. 1997 Ms. Nancy L. Reed 51 O0 2nd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Reed: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic ofstreet name chaages in Logan Woods. I am taking input fi.om citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the Public forum. I will make sure that your leuer and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance~~'/flease don't hesitate to contact me. Tim~y tiae Co ~ioner, District 3 TJC:vgr Mr. Timothy J. Constantine 3301E. Tamiami Trail Naples, F1 34~18-3602 Nancy L. Reed 5100 2nd Ave SW Naoles, Fi 34119 October 14, 1997 Dear Mr. Constantine: This is in answer to your request for information regarding the proposed street name changes. I reside at the above address at the present time. Although I have sold my home and will be moving shortly, I have .just purchased property on 5th Ave NW. This is three streets north of my present address. We intend to build our home within the next year. The benefits that you listed are some of the reasons that I am in favor of changing the names and becoming part of "Logan Woods." I am in favor of extending those streets included in the area. Of course, some of the reasons are personal, but as a twenty year veteran with the Sheriff's Office ! see other reasons. For purposes involving the fire department or law enforcement, to have all the streets in that area part of "Logan Woods." would be easier than just the original four. Many times in communications, officers and fire personnel are dispatched to an address off of Logan Blvd. adding that the street is either "off of Logan," or "three streets north of Pine Ridge Road." This would be no different than saying in "Logan Woods." I hope that you would see the benefit of this to our community and vote in favor of it in the near future. Thank-you for your attention. Sincerely, Nancy L?Reed 3301 Ezst Tzmlami Tr~l · N~pE, s, ~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~c (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Ms. Jacqueline Reich 5075 6th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Reich: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to y~fl~.ase don't hesitate to contact me. Very 7;our~, Timo~h tantine Com~sioner, District 3 TJC:vgr October l 3, 1997 Timothy J. Constantine Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Horida 341 I2 RE: Logan Woods Dear Mr. Constantine: I was one of the original residents of 6th Avenue SW who petitioned the Board for the name changes of 2nd, 4th, 6th, & 8th Avenues SW. It has taken us over a year to research street names, vote on the names that were not already in use, and gain a spot on the agenda of a Commission meeting. I believe that all of the streets north of Pine Ridge, offLogan Blvd. Should be included in "Logan Woods", but I feel that 2nd, 4th, 6th, & the Avenues SW should be changed now since it will take at least another year to get the other streets/n the area between P/ne R/dge and Vanderbuilt to the point where the streets can be named. Why should we have to wait for them to catch up? We have been on the Commission agenda and continued to later dates two times and now this issue is scheduled to come before the Board again on October 28th. Will we have to wait 5 more years to get this done? S incerelf, ~~ · Jacque[ine Reich 5075 6th Avenue SW ' Naples, Florida 34119 3301 E~t ?~miaml Tr'41 · Napl~ Florida 3,1112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~x ;941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 12C3- Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor 5181 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to y/~lease don't hesitate to contact me. Very tx ~ly yours, Timo( [y J./2onstantine Comrr 'ss~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr P=C, EtVED OCT 2 ~ 1997 of ¢Oun~ Corr~s:f~ner~ /&,~,.,, ,e-~. &zam 3301 Ea~ Tamlami Trail * Naples, Iqorkla 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax ~dl) 774-3602 1203 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Horan 5337 1st Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Horan: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and ail others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistan~ to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very Timoth2q J.~Cormantine Commi.~ner, Dim'ict 3 T$C:vgr Mr. and Mfs. James M. Horan 5337 1st Avenue N.W. Naples, FL 3~.119 1 Mr. Timothy I. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board o£ Collier County Commissioner 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 Dear Mr. Constantine, I am writing in regards to the proposed street name changes for the NW Avenues off Logan Blvd. inconveniences a.s you mentioned in your h,'tter, the long term benefits far outweigh those temporary issues. We arc defmit~ for any changes such u this which we feet can only have a positive effect on community ~ as well u a positive effect on the primary ' S~'eiy, l~mi¢ and Km'y Horan RECEIVED OCT 2 1 ~7 .~oard of Count~ Comisstoners 3301 E~t TarnLtmi Tr~ * ~ ~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · F~x (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Ms. Nancy Phillips 4891 3rd Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Phillips: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan of the Public Record. assistance to please don't Again, thank you and if I may be of further ~ Tirnoth~ J. (~onstantine Commi~/~er, District 3 TJC:vgr hesitate to contact me. October 15, 1997 Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 Nancy Phillips 4891 3rd Ave. N.W. Naples, Florida 34119 .RE: Proposed "Logan Woods" Neighborhood Dear Mr. Constantine, I am writing in regards to the proposed street name changes in our neighborhood. This would be a definite improvemnet. There are too many streets with the same name and this leads to much confusion on the part of service persons, acquaintences, delivery persons and emergancy personel. By having even numbered streets on the lower end and odd numbered streets on the upper end, the confusion is sometimes nearly impossible to overcome. We are in a unique position as to location as we do not fit into the urban catagory as indicated by our address nor do we fit into the rural catagory as to the close proxi~ty of shopping and other conveniences. It would be extremely helpful to be able to give a neighborhood rather than to say off Logan, north of Pine Ridge and behind the Vineyards. I have lived 'off Logan' first on 6th Avenue SW and now on 3rd Avenue NW for the past seventeen years and this has been a problem the entire time. I fully endorse the proposed name change for our neighborhood and will assist in any way possible for the betterment of our ccm~unity. As a name for my street, I would like to propose Cypress Shadow or Cypress Shadow Way. Your efforts to bring this proposal to fruition is greatly appreciated and immensely welcomed. Best Regards, Nancy Phillips Homeowner 3301 East Tamlami Tr'~il · Naples, ~ 34112-4977 ('941) 774.8097 * FA {941) 774-3602 October 22. 1997 12C3- Mr. Timothy R. Lux 585 Club Side Dr. #303 Naples, FL 34110 Dear Mr. Lux: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance ~,0~ don't hesitate to contact me. Very ! 4aly yours, TJC:vgr Timo Coma~ ~nstan~e ncr, District 3 585 Club Side Naples, FL 341 Phone: (941) 514-3022 12C3-(.0 October 19, 1997 Ma'. Timothy J. Con~antlne Commis,~ior~r. District 3 Board of Collier County Commi~ioners 3301 East Tamiarni Trail Naplea, FL 34112-4977 RE: Property located at 4960 3~ Avenue NW, N~ ~ 34119 Dear Commissioner Constantine: Thank you for your letter of Octo~er g, 1997. We beth wish to expreu ou~ desire to have our property, locale razret We feel the same as you. that there are many increased be~-fi~ that will come 'e,~h this chan~. Please consider this our APPROVAL Further, we would ~joy the opporttmity in voting for specific meet name change, but have no submissions at this time. Michde C. Dim' p cI IVED OCT .~t Lc~nty Commissioners .,3. Iotm C.. Nc.'~s D~I Di~2 r, mcx~ I. ~ D~) Dis~c~ 4 D~5 3301 East Tamlami Trail · Na~ FloH~ 34112-497'7 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Crites 01846 Rt. 15 Bryan, OH 43506 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cdtes: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28" is the dat~ for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistane~/~please don't hesitate to contact me. Very flaxly yours, Timot~ Comrr $.~onstantinc kner, District 3 TJC:vgr -( I (~'~ ~ ~:~' ?'~ ...... RECEIVED - OCT 2 1 1997 B~c,~ B. Ber~ C)~r~ S 3301 E~Ut Ta'nla~l Tm1 , ~ Floada 34112.-4977 (cj41) 774.-80~7 ' FIX FJ41) 774-3602 October 22. I997 Mr. Sam Spounias 5231 2" Avenue S.W. Naples, Florida 34119 Thank you very much for the courtesy copy of your October 21, 1997 ~xfespondcnc¢ to Chief r o t. Comz~ioner, DLstHct 3 TJC/cb ,I. 6:25 941-363-23G5 Sam Spounias 5231 2nd Avenue S.W. Naples, FL 34119 353-1017 fax 353-2365 10120197 via fax only-2 pages including this ¢over--455-7917 Chief Donald R. Peterson Golden Gag Fire Control & l:bzsctg District 4741 Golden Gate Parkway Golden Gate, FL 34116 Dear Chief Peterson, Thaak you for meeting with Rick Parlante and me this afternoon. I understand your concerns regarding tl~ 4 street name petitions. Commissioner Constantine had concerns similar to yours when w~ met with him in August. I understand you were aot aware that Commissioner Constantine seat a request for feedback to the residents of Units 32 and 95, proposing that Logan Woods include all 8 streets along Logan Blvd. between Pine Ridge Rd. and Vanderbilt Beach Rd. Extension. Commissioner Constantine's proposal to re- name all 8 streets resolves concerns of having a hodgtlxxlge of individual changes. I am sending you a copy of Commissioner Comlantine's letter as I promi.~ed. As we discussed this afternoon, Commissioner Constamia~'s proposal encompasses a geographic area with clear boundaries-Pi~ Ridg~ Rd. on the south, Vanderbilt Beach Rd. Ext. on the north, Vincyards on the west and tl~ canal on the east. Changing these two units to Logan Woods would better mirror what was done succesfully in Livingston Woods several years ago. You can fax me a copy of the letter you am wrifing~ to 353-2365 or mail to the address listed above. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or cone. cms you may have. Sincerely, Sam Spounias Commissioner Timothy I. Consmm~a~ via fax 774-3602 Rick Parlante via fax 353-5229 · .,.: 1-0/20/1997 .1.6:25 941-353-2365 =' ~"=?:!'~" CAROTEc Ir'lC I,o~n C Norris Pu~da $. Mac'Xie D~ct 4 Barba'a tL Berry Districts 3301 East Tamiaml Trail * Na~ Flodda ~41124917 (941) 7748097 · Fax (9411774-3602 October $, 1997 PAGE 82 1203- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spounias 5231 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Spounias: This correspondence is a request for infom:~on Q'om ~ community. I would like your input as well as group of area ciuzem ttave proposed that 2 Avea~e SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and Sth Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have furfller proposed that the ~ Averlues be changed as ,,veil. Should it be the desire ofyour commtmity for the name c~ I believe it would be far more preferable lo do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodg=podge of i:xlividual changes. There nrc cie. ar bencrns. A sense ofcommunit7 can be established. A reco~lzed neighbortxxxl can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually soars with a recc~i~ label as well. There arc ~Iso some detrimental issues. ~ initial change could prove confusing to somc individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along wtlfl bankin& accounts, utilities and credit card notification. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban ~ with rurd livin~ and I mn told the prol:x:scd narc changes are meant to be another step towards c~ati~ tn evu3 gru~ sense ~nei~borboo~ It isone method the petitioners have put forward fro' car~ out an Ideat~ for the eommmity, ~ siace k is one of the nice:st in the area. PI~c let me lmow ym~' thot~ht~ ~fl t.% pm5'o,~ ~ ~ c~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ m m ~ ~orsu~~ ~ ~~. S~~~~~~~ well. ~e i~ ~ ~u~ m~ ~f~ ~~~~~~ l~,~ your prompt ~ ~ ~~ I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. TIC/cb 'F~etd (..sc ccr~ -.,.4'.333 · i ' ' ! ~''t Illl IIII II II I I I 3301 Ea~ Tamiaml Trail · Naples, Florkla 34112-4977 (941) 774-a0~7, Fax {941) 77~.3602 October 8, 199'7 Golden Ga~e Impor~ Expor~ Inc. 6781 Sable Ridge Lane Naples. FL 34109 Sirs: This con~spondence is a request for information ftora your community. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of the "~.~L~or~ooc~ ~igh .~___ 0o the ~ street name changes. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2 Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have ~ proposed tha~ the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepod~ of iadividual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of'community can be embiLr~d. A recogni~ neighborhood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel ah~e. Community cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There are also some deizimen~ issues. The [nit~ chan~e couki fa-ore confusin~ to some individuals. Stadonazy would need to be changed along with benki~ ac~:out~ utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan WoocLs has successfully combined ud~an convenie~:e with rural livin8 and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards creatir~ an even ~rea~r sense of neighbodxxxt. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving; out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one of'the nicest in the area. Please let me know your thoughts on the proposed street name chad, es. I would tike yom' input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed cha~ges md I would apl~ec~ your ~"vising me ofany other concerns or suggestions you may have for your commuaity. Specific stre~ name suggestions are welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board ofCoumy Commissiooe~ on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. Comdl.~ioner, District 3 TlC/cb LOGAN BLVD, NAME CHANGE LI~;T Sirs Golden Gate Import Export Inc. 6781 Sable Ridge Lane Naples, FL 34109 Mr. and Mrs. L. Darrell Addison 210 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Alander 5245 5th Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Mx. and Mrs. Donald E. Alderman 4910 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. John Alspach 722 S. Washington Van West, OH 45891 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Amburgy 5090 NW 7th Ave. Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Adrienne Amen 51 Hawkins Lane Brook Haven, NY 11719 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ames 5281 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. A. Eric Anderson 350 5th Ave. S., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34102 Mr. and Mrs. Daryl E. Anderson 4681 Dorando Dr. Naples, FL 34103 Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Anderson 5171 3rd Ave. ~ Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Eric A. Anderson 350 5th Ave. S., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34102 Mr. Scott R. Andrews 5130 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Antonacci 4930 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Domonick J. Appezzato 5180 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Marlo Arcari 5770 10th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ma'. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Atldnson 5419 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bagley I 1796 N. 152 St. Jupiter, FL 33478 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Bailey 4881 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34~ 19 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bainter 570 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Bardsley 80 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Yolande N. Beckers 267 Silverado Dr. Naples, FL 34I 19 1203- Mr. and Mrs. David B. Beekner 5248 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Joan E. Beley 280 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Bender 2660 66th St. SW Naples, FL 34105 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benoist 7052 Mill Run Circle Naples, FL 34109 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berggren 4880 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ma'. and Mrs. Matthew D. Berman 5361 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Ann M. Bertucci 15 Appleton St. Somerville, MA 02144 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bieniek 5237 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Carol Boslooper 5131 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Richard C. Bowman 5330 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Terrylyrm Brimmer 5261 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. John W. Brinkman 5238 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Jeff M. Bronsdon PO Box 11278 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. Javier Campos 5404 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Andimo K. Cangiano 19055 Middlebelt Livonia, MI 48152 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Cannady 5045 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Sandra Carden 5281 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Cecil Jr. 5060 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Celeste A. Cermeno 11121 N. Kendall Dr. #Al06 Miami, FL 33176 Mr. and Mrs. Aaton B. Cipri 5140 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cleaver PO Box 24504 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307 Mr. and Mrs. Dayne E. Clemmer 7621 SW 169th St. Miami, FL 33157 Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Colp[tts 5345 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cooper 336 Live Oak Dr. Veto Beach, FL 32963 Ms. Lynn C. Craig 5020 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Cresswell 5051 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cdss III 4803 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Criss III 4803 First Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cdtes Rt. #1, 01 846, RT 15 Bryan, OH 43506 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Crux 803 108th Ave. N. Naples, FL 34108 Mr. Jeffrey J. Curtis 5330 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Curtis 461 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Czobor PO Box 4222 Wilmington, DE 19807 12C3-" Ms. Sandra Dalesio 5110 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Linda Giebelhouse De Luca 4920 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. DeCarlo 7930 SW 58th St. Miami, FL 33143 Ms. Margaret M. Dehler 5211 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Nancy Marie Delp 5035 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Defy 60 10th St. N. Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Donna DeSanctis 510 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Vincer John Di Giovanni RR#1 Byron, IL 61010 Mr. Alexander Diaczynsky Jr. 460 First Ave. S. Naples, FL 34102 Mr. Frank J. Difabbio Jr. I 18 Colonial Place New Rochelle, NY 10801 Ms. Michele C. Dirr 4960 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Carol Ann Dondorfer-Yontek 5090 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Eleanor M. Doss 770 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Diana Dozier 509 ! 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Michelle Drawdy 500 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Dupuy PO Box 9562 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. James Duvo 4585 Lakewood Blvd. Naples, FL 34112 Mr. and Mrs. Kotton Dwyer 4840 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Israel Eisenberg 24 1st Ave. Spotswood, NJ 08884 Mr. William H. Elett PO Box 575 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. Stanley Earl Emig 5050 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Carl England Jr. 5311 5th Ave.NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Erickson 5211 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Ursula M. Ervin 4921 I st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Duval Evans PO Box 856 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. Paul IL Evans 5060 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. Faerber 2335 Tamiami Trail #505 Naples, FL 34112 Ms. Isabel Fagan 4971 5th Ave. Nw Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Thomas Fallucca Jr.' 6 School House Lane Tumersville, NJ 08012 Mr. Luis Figueredo Sr. 9003 SW 102nd PL. Miami, FL 33176 Ms. Dana E. Fischer 5350 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Fiscus 5230 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Heidi Fleer 5281 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Nicholas B. Ford 5111 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Il Illll ' Ms. Marjorie Fornshell 141 W. Central Camden, OH 45311 Ms. Mary Louise Fox PO Box 8837 Naples, FL 34101 Ms. Mary Louise Fox PO Box 8837 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Fredeen 5181 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Doris R. Freidman 3822 N. Parkside Village Ter. Beverly Hills, FL 34465 Ma'. and Mrs. Russell W. Fricke 5231 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frostad 4930 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Robert Fulmer 5131 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Funigiello 5423 1st Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Jerold F. Fuson 5370 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Oaffney 4911 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Lisa A. Garber 511 l 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Christine M. Oarlinger 17622 Conquistador Dr. Sun City West, AZ 85375-5116 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gan'is 5110 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Michael L. Garvin 4970 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geiger 5390 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Keith A. Geiman 701 93rd Ave. N. Naples, FL 34108 Mr. and Mrs. John Oiglio 1856 W. Galbraith Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45239 Ms. Debra D. Goldie 371 Warwick Place Naples, FL 34104 Mr. Douglas S. Oonering 2123 55th Terrace SW #3 Naples, FL 34116 Mr. and Mrs. Jenaro M. Gonzalez 681 East 40th St. Hialeah, FL 33013 Ms. Sandra ¥. Green 5081 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Grooms 5280 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guillen 5270 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Tomy O. Guy 5160 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Donna Marie Hall 2644 Fountain View Cir.//107 Naples, FL 34109 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Haney 5160 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Harkleroad 15642 Sunflower Ln. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Ms. Cheryl Kipp Harris 5160 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Don Hartley 1310 Logan Blvd. Naples, Florida 34116 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Healey 5361 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Henderson 170 Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hennlnger 5915 Prince George Dr. Springfield, VA 22152 Mr. and Mrs. George Herbst 1061 Logan Blvd. Naples, Florida 34116 Mr. Benito Hemandez 5061 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Orestes Hemandez 680 # 32nd St. Hialeah, FL 33013 Mr. and Mrs. Griffith G. Herriman 5060 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 341 I9 Mr. David J. Hill 5330 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Edward J. Hill 5330 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Barry F. Holes 9621 Cresent Lake Dr. #20 Naples, FL 34109 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Horan Jr. 5337 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Joyce E. Horton 5075 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Housman 6974 Seawolf Ct. Naples, FL 34112 Mr. and Mrs. Olgie Lee Houston 5790 10th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs..tohn Hub I011 N. Main St. Naperville, IL 60563-2633 Ms. Lisa A. Hunter 4931 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Larry T. Hurst 5125 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. J'une A. Hutton 5270 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Darvin 3ackson 5341 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jackson 540 Logan Blvd. NW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jarbo 5043 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson PO Box 51 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kautz 4743 Independence Dr. Bradenton, FL 34102 Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kelly 4961 I st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 12C3- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kerskie 4991 5th Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kinney 4881 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Royle J. Kipp Sr. 5160 1 st Ave. NW Naples, Fl 34119 Ms. Giselle Kirton 4970 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Suzanne Kirton 4970 3rd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Kissell 5047 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Annette Kohlmus 5271 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 341 I9 Mr. Denford A. Kratt 5260 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Raymond A. Kraft 5260 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Krolczyk 760 Gist Rd. Westminster, MD 21157-5723 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kugel Jr. 136 Cypress Way E #2 Naples, FL 34110 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kuhns 5131 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Edward J. Kumik 5090 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Kurtz 4860 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Sylvia Lagace 5120 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langbauer 5240 I st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Lausterer 5334 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Leather 35 Collettes Grove Rd. Derry, NH 03038 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Leben 5010 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Joseph J. Leiti 5310 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Robert W. Leiti 5310 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lewis 4820 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. William tL Lindsay 1555 Mullet Ln. Naples, FL 34102 Mr. and Mrs. Kurke Lindsey 5270 8th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs..~oaquin Llano 9950 SW 42nd St. Miami, FL 33165 Mr. and Mrs. Mirth B. Lu 4931 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Timothy Lux 4960 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Timothy IL Lux 4960 3rd Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Ms. Wanda O. Lyles 710 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. David $. Macalister 4910 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Michelle D. Mace 4861 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. GIerm M. Macon 5121 3 rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mahoney PO Box 100 High St. Milmay, NJ 08340 G, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maine 70 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Vincent Mansell 730 S. Logan Blvd. Naples, Florida 34119 Ms. Linda Maran 4910 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marcelli 5252 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Felix Martincic 775 E 254th St. Euclid, OH 44132 Mr. Mark M. McCabe 5190 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Michael T. McDonald 5130 3 rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mrs. Nancy McGinni~ 5960 22nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Ms. Elsie M. McIntosh 5091 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Vicki L. McKixmey 5140 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Mci(new 4930 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. McMullen 5230 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Michael R. Mergen 5136 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Messinger 14914 S Kedvale Midlothian, IL 60445 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Methe 4588 Shearwater Lane Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Taxi S. Met. her 5440 1st Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Rose L. Michelson 12 Woodstock St. Hartford, CT 06112 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Micidos Jr. 5140 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Patricia R. Mikelson 5440 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. John Mikulic 5335 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Millan 5131 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Robert Miller 5385 4th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. Fred E. Mills 555 South Kelsey Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mills 327 Waverley Ave. Royal Oak, I~H 48067 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mine 77 Bywood Islington, Ontario, Canada M9A I M2 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Miner 5080 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Moeller 1842 Linneman Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45238 Ms. Nancy M. Molloy 701 93rd Ave. N. Naples, FL 34108 Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Molter 5256 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Marie Montz 437 SW 19th St. Cape Coral, FL 33991 Mr. Todd R. Mowry 5120 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nadeau 5041 2nd Avenuw SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nadeau 5041 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 1 2 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Nalefsld 5024 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Jonathan Mark Nash 500 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Nelson 264 Burning Tree Dr. Naples, FL 34105 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Newman 4975 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Norona 9501 SW 82nd Ave. Miami, FL 33156 Mr. John E. Norris 7423 West Madison Forest Park, IL 30130 Mr. and Mrs..lames P. O'Connor 5181 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Stephen O'Connor 220 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. O~Neill 2922 Kevin Lane Houston, TX 77043 Ms. Shawneen O'Neill 5131 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Oreschnick 5132 7th Ave. N Naples, FL 34119 Mr. George H. Ortegon 4971 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Norbert Oswald 1095 Continental Ave. Melbourne, FL 32940 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 1. O'roole 5170 3 rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Edward Paleiske 5371 6th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. Gary IL Papas 40 S. Main St. Shrewsbury, PA 17361-1523 Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Pate 5258 5th Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Patino 5221 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson 480 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson 480 N. Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Pattyson 590 Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Perry 2734 Fountain View Cir. #10g Naples, FL 34109 Ms. Margit Petri 1688 West Ave. #1201 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Petrik 5247 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer 2018 Stapleton Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45240 Ms. Nancy Phillips 4891 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Juanita M. Posada PO Box 10656 Naples, FL 34101 Ms. Kathryn J. Postelle 5770 10th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Douglas Potter Jr. 5060 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Prewitt 5161 lstAve. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Deborah M. Pritchard PO Box 990028 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. Terry W. Pritchard PO Box 990028 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Provep?ano 1281 Logan Blvd. Naples, FIorida 34116 Mr. and Mrs. Larry 5231 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Rigley Ms. Irene Pit'ten.house 06353 Evans.port Rd. Rt. I Defiance, OH 43512 Ms. Lynn B. Rittemhouse' RT 1,06350 Evansport Rd. Defiance, OH 43512 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Ritter PO Box 10622 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rivard 5121 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Glenn A. Roark PO Box 7766 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. Greg S. Roark 5081 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. James E. Roberts Sr. 437 SW 19th St. Cape Coral, FL 33991 Mr. Denis A. Rocchio P. O. Box 716 Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Rodriguez 319 Pirates Bight Naples, FL 34103 Mr. Thomas Rodriguez Jr. 140 NW Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Rosenberg 721 Logan Blvd. S. Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos H. Roubicek PO Box 1268 Marco Island, FL 34146 Mr. Anthony M. Rubino 5031 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Rusch 2760 Westmoore Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 Ms. Nancy A. Sabatini 5080 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro J. Sanabria 69 Cobbleston Dr. Groton, CT 06340 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schindler 989 Hidden Te,ace Naples, FL 34104 Mr. Karl M. Scholnick 116 Cypress Way E. #G-4 Naples, FL 34110 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Seidler 5191 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Walter tL Sellers 9041 Floyd Rd. Jonesboro, GA 30236 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shackleton 6473 Conning Tower Cir. A-2 Naples, FL 34112 1203-G Mr. and Mrs. Samir Shafei 5711 West Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Mr. Ziad Shahla 5281 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Thomas E. Shankie 43805 Arlington Canton, MI 48187 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N. Shepherd 5388 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh D. Sheth 224 Cambridge Dr. Geneva, IL 60134 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Shipley 4470 Bartholomew Rd. Sykesville, MD 21784 Mr. John H. Shober 538 S 18th St. Reading, PA 19606 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Singer 5339 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Skogsberg 2902 Ambergate Winter Park, FL 32792 Mr. and Mrs. David James Smith 6660 Ilex Cir. #5-A Naples, FL 34109 Mr. and Mrs. David Smith 410 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, Florida 34119 Ms. Mary B. Smith 1125 Logan Blvd. Naples, Florida 34116 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin tL Smith Jr. 5099 I st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Alda M. Sola 5158 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Sewell Solock 129 S. Keystone Ave. Sayre, PA 18840 Mr. Randale N. Sparks 5360 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Margie S. Speicher 408 Penwood Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20901 Mr. Jim Spounias 5237 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mis. Sam Spounias 5231 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stafford 1310 Jeronimo Dr. Naples, FL 34103 Ms. Eileen C. St Amour 1548 Center St. #A-1 Munising, MI 49862 Mr. Adam Stevens 5120 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr./ames W. Thurner 5191 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Ronald L. Tinsley 5440 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Torrella 790 Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Rene B. Torriente 5141 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Torrisi 4870 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34112 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Tortora 428 Welchs Point Rd. Milford, CT 06460 Ms. Anna Mae Tosko 8449 Doll Ave. Garfield Heights, OH 44125 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tozzi 5380 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Trapp 5343 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Trapp 5343 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. William tL Trembath 4921 5th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs, Leo H. Trot'tier 551 Staples St. East Taunton, MA 02718 Ms. Sherry L. Turnpaugh 952 South 400 W Russiaville, IN 46979 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tuttle 2199 Pebble Beach Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34606 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Ulrich 5097 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Valentin D. Valdez 4980 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Carol Valentine 5237 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Velez 150 Logan Blvd. N. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Velopulos 5340 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Venturini 1521 Independence Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11228 Ms. Evelyn Vichot 853 105th Ave. N. Naples, FL 34108 bis. Ronney R. Virgillito 410 SE 2nd St. #225 Hallandale, FL 33009 Mr. Kenneth G. Waugh Box 1332 APO Miami, FL 34002 Mr. and Mrs. Norwood W. Weiss 22365 Natasha Lane South Lyon, MI 48178 Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Williams 260 Logan Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Thomas R. Williams 6900 Airport Rd. Naples, FL 34109 Dr. Jack Wingate 5511 Bdan Circle Hinesville, GA 31313 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wingate 558 Briar Circle Hinesville, GA 31313-3300 Ms. Diane A. WoodnnT 5240 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. David T. Woods 1117 Shady Rest Ln. Naples, FL 34103 Mr. Robert Worrell 514 Bailey Ave. Greenport, NY 11944 Ms. Jennifer Edwa.,ds Zito 231 Pleasant Grove Rd. Long Valley, NJ 07853 LOGAN BLVl), NAME CHANGE LIST Boston Safe Deposit & Trust One Boston Place Boston, MA 02108 The Lee County Jewish Fed., Inc. 6237 Presidential Ct., Ste E Fort Myers, FL 33919 Mr. James P. Albough 5560 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Vittorio Alessio 7776 Tara Ct Naples, FL 34104 Ms. Adrienne Amen 51 Hawkins Ln Brook Haven, NY 11719 Mr. & Mrs. David Applebaum 5230 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Augustyn 5111 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. J'ames Aveno$o 5461 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Baili¢ 141 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Angeline L. Baldwin 5401 2nd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Margaret Batcher 5461 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34I 19 Mr. & Ntrs. Peter J'. Baxter 5320 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bell 1527 Happola Ln Naples, FL 34105 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bell 5312 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ~Mrs. Roger Bergmann 5310 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Juliet E. Bowman 4583 31st Ave SW Naples, FL 34116 Mr. Matthew D. Berman 2000 Pine Ridge Rd, #2059 Naples, FL 34109 Ms. Alessandra Bertolu~4 710 Logan Blvd S Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Gene Bertolu~'~4 710 Logan Blvd S Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Mildred B. Boles 125 W. Greet Ln Tucson, AZ 85704 Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Bos 5731 26th Ave SW Naples, FL 34116 Mr. & ,Mrs. Donald E. Boultbee 4820 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Boyd 5340 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mrs. & Mrs. Michael S. Bradley 5180 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Darlene Brian 5179 8th Ave Sw Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Anthony W. Brisson 3106 Seasons Way F. stero, FL 33928 Mr. & ,Mrs. Ronald B. Brock 5455 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Brower 5090 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Brown P.O. Box 413005 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. Michael Bugnell 5090 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Barbara M. Burchill 5271 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Burkhardt 4961 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Bums 5305 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cahoon 5181 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Carlton 5281 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 ~Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Carpenter 5370 5th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Carroll 1306 12th Ave N Naples, FL 34102 Ms. Deanna G. Cash 1146 20th St. Manhatten Beach, CA 90266 Mr. & Mrs. William Cavin 4214 3 Ist PISW Naples, FL 34116 Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Champe 5330 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Pauline M. Christie 2706 Scarlet Sunset Ct. Sugar Land, TX 77478 Mr. & Mrs. Jame~ P.O. Box 10023 Naples, FL 34101 Ciano Mr. & Mrs. Same~ F. Ciano 5341 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Heney 4890 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 C. Clemmensen Mr. & Mrs. John 490 Logan Blvd Naples, Fl 34119 Close Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph R.. Colosimo 27477 Pelican Ridge Cir Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Mr. Charles T. Cormor 540 10th Ave S Naples, FL 34102 Ms. Jacqueline R. Conrecode 4921 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Joyce L. Cordell 5291 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Creel 5175 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs. Gerald A. Crowley 5231 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34I 19 Mr. Homer C. Crumley 341 Kathy Lane Margate, FL 33068 Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. D'Agostino 5440 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Marvin D. Danford 5191 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Davis 5061 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Margaret C. Dean 410 Logan Blvd S Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale DeCesare 5331 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Ida Dilonardo 605 F2 Grove St, Williamsburg South Clifton, NJ 07013 Mr. Robert A. Dimodica 5111 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Nancy .l. Dixon 6960 Sable Ridge Ln Naples, FL 34109 Ms. Shelly L. Dixon 6960 Sable Ridge La Naples, Fl 34109 Mr. Travis F. Doering 5010 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Donaldson 4980 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Robert L. Duanc 4880 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ebert 4860 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ebert 5270 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Eckhardt 4186 Berrybush Dr. Gahanna, OH 43230 Ms. Marjorie A. Ekman 5140 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Enerfeld 13020 SW 69th Ct Miami Beach, FL 33156 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Euler 4875 6t Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Barbara Faber 4980 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Faulkner 5230 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Douglas F. Feeney 5360 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ferguson 5380 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Finn 4941 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Fo~ller 4921 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Jeannette L. Foresman 672 92nd Ave N Naples, FL 34108 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Foresman 1040 6th Ave N Naples, FL 34119 1 2C3-' Mu'. & Mrs. James E. Frectrickson 5235 8th St SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. William Fmecht 4265 19th St SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Funig;,ello 5423 1 st Ave NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Todd O. Fyke 5260 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34199 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Gallman 4940 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Gambaccini 510 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Gaxbe 5280 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Richard Gardiner 4980 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Ray Glist 4821 2nd Ave Sw Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gonder 5400 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs..~ames T. Goodard 6600 Ilex Cir. Naples, FL 34109 Ms. Valerie/vi. GHmm 5310 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Linch D. Gustafson 4870 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mm. Richard tL Gyorkos P.O. Box 3126 Naples, FL 34101 Ms. Clara L. Hagarty 7910 SW 15thSt Miami, FL 33144 Mr. & Mm. Thomas D. Heller 52315 Tr 104 Cumk~l~d, OH 43732 Mr. Nathan Hir~hom 2020 42nd St Sw Naples, FL 34116 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hirst P.O. Box 1042 Naples, FL 34101 Mr. Edward M. Holley 5330 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs. Serald C. Holman 18 Pond Dr. Rocky River, OH 44116 Mr. Gary L. Janeil 5361 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 12C3- Ms. Claire Jessup 5400 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Grady Johnson 420 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Judith Junkroski 5391 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. John M. Kelly 4845 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. Kendall S. Kelly 5389 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Nancy S. Kelly 401LoganBlvd Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Dorlores T. Knab 3658 Chesterfield Rd Philadelphia, PA 19114 Mr. Robert E. Knudson P.O. Bo.x 212 Bonita Springs, FL 33959 Mr. & Mrs. ~ Koch 481 S. Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Kocse. s 5080 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Leon Koprovaki 5211 Harvard Ave Cleveland, OH 44105 ,Mr. Barry J. Kotek 5081 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & M. rs. Walter 5081 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 L. Kyner Mr. & Mrs. Kent J. 5131 &hAve SW Naples, FL 34119 LeBailly Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Leifi 5261 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Lewis 5098 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore LoGalbo 5111 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mrs. & Mrs. Crary D. Lytton 4971 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Magnan 5077 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Manz~lli 730 Logan Blvd S Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Markovich 5081 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Mathies 4282 Mohawk PI Naples, FL 34112 1 2 Ms. Peggy Maurer 2740 W. Sherwin Chicago, IL 60645 Mr. Thomas J. Mawn 3915 Versailles Dr. Tampa, FL 33634 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Maxwell 4871 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Dougall E. McCorkle 4961 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey D. McCormick 5455 8th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth D. M¢Intyr~ 5060 5th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Stephen A. Means 250 Timber Lake Ckir. #201 Naples, FL 34104 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Melvin 5470 6th Av~ SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. WHliam E. Meyers 5381 8th Ave SW Naplcs, FL 34119 Mrs. & Mrs. Warren S. Milkx 4960 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Morande 5385 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. J'ohn H. Mullens 4820 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mu-. & Mrs. David R. Nelson 4560 Ist Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Noermich 1541 Sol)em Ave Coral Gables, FL 33134 Mr. & ,Mrs. Henry S. Norona 5205 gth Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs. Tyler C. Norton 5300 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs. Larry D. Osborne 5061 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Charles M. Page 225 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Edward .I. Palcisko 5371 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Roney L. Patterson 5051 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Cynthia W. Perry 5040 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Daphne Pfaff 225 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 1203,' Mr. 8: Mrs. $ohn W. Poldemba 5253 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. James O. Powell 5141 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Scott Pritchard 4861 12th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: Mrs. Walfi-ido S. Proenza 811 Elizabeth Ave Elizabeth, N3 07202 Ms. Marion C. Putman 2595 Win.iff-ed Ave Naples, FL 34112 Mr. 8: Mrs. Nathan Putney 675 Logan Bird SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Rapp 5301 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34I 19 Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Rauen 8730 140th St N Seminole, FL 34646 Ms. Nancy L. Reed 5100 2nd Ave SW' Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. J'tmior C. R~ 5415 4th Ave SW' Naples, FL 34119 Ms. 3acqueline Reich 5075 6th Ave Naples, FL 34119 Ms. $o Ann Remington 4931 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. George O. Risher 5120 4th Ave SW Naples. FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. Angel R. Rodriguez 5581 Joe Wilson Rd Midlothian, TX 76065 Ms. Leona C. Rohxkaste 5560 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Mark V. Ruby 4910 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Sanderlin 261 S. Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34I 19 Mr. & Mrs. Don Santini 5250 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Savoreika 3204 Tara Lawn Ct Tampa, FL 33618 Mr. & iVlxs. George C. Schmelzle 4811 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Herberto $chultz 5530 4th Ave SW Naple~, FL 34119 Ms. Nan H. Seeba 5311 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34I 19 M.r. & ~V~-s. Ronald Selvia 325 Lo,an Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Ziad Shah.la 5281 7th Ave NW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. Arthur L. Sheldon 655 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Sheila A. Sheridan 5210 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shevlin 5094 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Thomas N. Short 5625 8th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Stanley M. Simmer 4931 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Slabaugh 5070 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Smith 5511 Hardee St Naples, FL 34113 Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Smith 4910 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Sneed 5015 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Snyder 5015 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. Ronald L. Spears 4871 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. 8: ,Mas. William SteLzer 301 N. Airport Rd Naples, FL 34104 Mr. & M. rs. Gary L. Stevens 3 Ester Street Naples, FL 34104 Ms. Carolina L. Steves 80 Logaa Blvd S. Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Sma 5090 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & 1Va. s. Thomas Surette 5070 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tagg 5261 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Talbott 5471 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Carlenc A. Thissen 5081 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Gary tL Thorsen 5230 4th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & ,Mrs. Christopher I. Tracy 4544 401 Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Turner 2735 6601 St SW Naples, Fl 34105 Mr. & ,Mrs. Howard Urbach 7672 Ponte Verde Way Naples, FL 34109 Mr. Laurens Van Troostenburg 2740 W. Sherwin Chicago, IL 60645 Mr. Joseph Velasco 8818 Hawthorne Ave Surfside, FL 33154 Mr. & Mrs. Frank $. Vitiello 567 95th Ave N Naples, FL 34108 Mr. Douglas M. Voss 405 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Danny L. Wagner 5291 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wall 5380 5th Ave SW Napl~.-'q, Fl 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Hal S. Ward 374 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. W'flliam J. Ward 4855 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mxs. Richard R. Weaver 5360 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. David M. Webb 5220 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mxs. James M. Webb 601 Logan Blvd Naples, FL 34119 Mr. David T. Webster 5092 2nd Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Wayne WiLldason 4911 8th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Ms. Sally Woliver 5370 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Wright 500 Logan Bird S Naples, FL 34119 Mr. Thomas M. Wyna 5401 6th Ave SW Naples, FL 34119 'nn~thy L ~ ~ Distrk:t 2 D~trk~ 3 Disai~ 4 Bad:~r~ B. Be'iT D~strk:~ 5 3301 East Tamiami Trail * Nal:des, ~a 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22. 1997 12C -( Mr. Stanley E. Emig 5050 Ist Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. Emig: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic ofstreet name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofth¢ Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistanee~'~ to contact me. don't hesitate Commi~i/Jner, District 3 TJC:vgr Oct. 28 1997 E)E):4E)~o/,1 P1 5060 8th Ave S.W. Naples, FL 34119 Fa Date: ~l~gq 7 Number of Pages: Remarks: / ~b c~ ~,~9~s 7-o 73~ ~ 7~m- ~a~.e Phone: 941-353-$229 or 941-353-7729 Pager: 941-566-5566 Rick 941-566-5334 Chris E-mail: Richa rdp~coldweilbanker, com Oct. L:~ 199? E~I:41~PI PI 5060 8th Ave S.W. Naples, FL 34119 Date: ?~q7 To: ~3~c/~~7-?m From: '/~e~~/~nd~ Number of Pages: Remarks: Phone. 941-353-5229 or 941-353-7729 Pager: 941-566-5566 Rick 941-566-5334 Chris E-mail: Richa rdp(~coldweLlbanker, com ~ :. RICK [ O-RIS ~ PHONE NO. : 3S3 5229 Oct. 26 1997 eG:4E~rl P2 Organization OF. u~J...pj72_ Follow,.up ~ ./.~ Phone - Bus. -- , Home 353 52L:X~ Oct. 20 lc~7 ~:41~1~1 Dear Commissioner Constandn¢: We the undersigned ~pport your effort to create a neighborhood identity for the eight streets comprising "Logan Woods." Thank you for your leadership on this issue that we believe will have long-lasting benefits to our community. ADDRESS DATE ,sa EO .~-a k~.. ~j W t 3301 East Ta~iaml Trail · ~ Florida 34112-4977 (941} 774-~097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 12C3-G Mr. and Mrs. Joe Criss, III 4803 Ist Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Criss: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. maothy ~nstantine Commissioner, District 3 T$C:vgr 941 403 7992 P.O! M/~ Joe Crtss III 4803 1st. Ave NW Naples,'F1. 34119 Tim Constantine Bd. of Collier County Commissioners 3301E. Tamiami Tr. Naples, Fl. 34112 Dear Nr. Constantine, First our area codes were changed, then our zip codes, now someone wants to change the street names and give our area a "New Name". NO! We are opposed. These streets have been recorded and named for 30 years. Don't create new problems by setting apart and dividing a community. Work on the problems that exist. People that speed on Logan and pass on double yellow line. People that don't stop at stop st~ns. (on their streets) People that don't know or don't care that their kids are out vandalizing mail boxes ets. (there were 8 on our street on the "Night Out Against Crime") The Sheriffs Dept. can not "Baby Sit" these streets when most of the offenders live in the area. We built here in 1982 and have not had trouble with deliveries or 911 or anyone else fin~ing our home. All you have to do is tell them...we live off of Logan. Re~ards, Joe C~ss John C. Norris Dis~ct 1 Timothy L. Hancock. AICP DisU~ 2 l'tmot~ I. Cor~Im~ine ~ S. Mac'l(ie Distzict 4 B~c~ra 8. Berry Disa'ict S 3301 E~st Tami,~ni Trna1 · N~ples, Flodc~ 34112-4977 (941) 774.80~7 · Fa (941) 774.3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee Thompson 5110 5th Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thompson: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of f-urther assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr Mr. and Mrs. Brace Lee Thompson 5110 5th Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. ,u',d Mrs. Thomp~,l: This corr~l~ndence is a request for informatlo~ from your community. I would like your input aa well as input from all of the residents oftbe "Logan .Woods" neighborhood on th~ proposed street name change. A group of area citizens have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6ih Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have further proposed that .h~e. NW Avenues be changed aa well. Should it be the desire of your community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an ali encompassing manner ralher than a hodgqx~dge of individual changes. There are clear benefits. A sense of community can be established. A recognized neighborhood can ease directions for visitor~ and emergency personnel alike. Community cohesion usually soa~ with a recognized label as well. Them a~ also some detrimenr~ issues. The initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking accoun~ utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural living and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towm-ds creating an even greater sense of neighborhood. It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the community, particularly since it is one ofthe nicest in the atta. i:';c~e Itt ine know :~our thoughts on tl~ proposed street ~ ~.l~,~ges. I wolgd like ),ow in~t aa to whcil,er you approve or disapprove th~ proposed changers and I would appr~ia~ your ~ivising me of any other concerns or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific str~ name suggestions am welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come b~fore th~ Board ofCounty Commissione~ on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. 'I'i~j} J. Consamtine "Cq~FYnissioner, District 3 TJC/cb 3301 East Tarniami Tral · Naples. F'kxida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Norton 5300 6th Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Norton: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timothy"& Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr Board of Collier County Commissioners Attn: Timothy J. Constantine 3301 East Tamiami Trail ~.~aples, FL 34112-4977 5300 6th Ave. %'; Naples, FL 34119 October 16, 1997 RE CEt'VSD OC'f 2 2 997 Dear i4r. Constanine: We are writing in response to your letter dated October 8, 1997. Urufortunately, from the tone of your letter, it appears as though you have already moved in favor of the proposed street name changes. This was the first time in the eleven years that we have lived on · 6th Ave SW that we have he~_-d the term "Logan ;'loods" referring to the area in which we live. Once again we must voice our adamant opposition to the street name change of 6th Ave. 3;~. (copy of letter dated September 19, 1997 attached) ;~%en we moved to the area, we did so for the "combined urban con- venience with RURAL living." We have no interest in a "recognized neighborhood" wit~ a "sense of community." We enjoy the privacy and anonymity that RUt~L living provide. If we had wanted "community cohesion" which "usual-~ soars with a recognized label", we would have settled in a gated comm%mity. ;?e agree that the area in which we live is "one of the nicest in the area", but only due to the rural nature of our property. ~e ask that Petition SNR-97-8 be denied as an unnecessary and costly waste of time and money. ~e are happy and content with 6th Ave. S~. Thank you. State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me the 17th day of October 1997 by Tyler and Constance NOrton who has produced a Florida Drivers License as identification and did not take an oath. Sinc ere ly, ~~T~ler & Constance .~o~rton~d~7~ 12C3-G. .~00 5th .~ve. ~'! Naples, 25 74119 :eotember ~'~ 1997 Community Development Services Division Attn: Robert 3alvaggio 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 33942 Dear ;.tr. Salvaggio: :'le are writing in opposition to Petition JNR-97-3. le oppose the renaming of our street, 6th .~v?. 3;'/, for the follow- ing reasons: (1) There is absolutely no significance to the n~me Tamarind Ridge. Cur street is neither in a ~s.marind grove or on a ridge. (2) :,laps would have to be changed causing unneeded time, expense and confusion. (3) Personal inconvenience and expense to have letter heads, bank checks, other important documents, magazine sub- scriptions and all correspondents notified. (4) It will cause unwanted attention to our street and perhaps create a president for other streets to follow suit. ~';e are happy with our street name the way it is. We ap- preciate this opportunity to voice our oPposition to this un- necessaz~y petition. S tnce re ly TISHYA bi ARTHL'~ NOTARY PD'~U~ ~TAT£ OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. ~jler & Constance Norton OFFICIAL."iOTAR¥ SE~L TISHYA M ARTHUI~ NOTARY FU~tJC ~'TAT[ OF FLORII~A · COMM=SS~ON NO. C¢--fg~J~ ~Y coL,~ts~. N ~xt,. OEC. ~. .. '/.,.,.-~'"' c,. '-' "-"~- ' ....-'~.- ' Io~n C. No,is District 1 Timothy I.. Hancock. AICP District 2 Timothy ~. Cons~anUne Oi~ric~ 3 D~ct 4 Disu~ct S 3301 East Tamiami Tral * N~ple, Flerida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941) 774.3602 October 27, 1997 Mrs. R. L. Cooper 5247 5th Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mrs. Cooper: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr RECEIVED Iohn C. Norris Dislzict 1 ~f'r~Othy I, C~nt~ne P"~n'ml~ S./~,~c~e D~:ric~ 4 ~ B. Berry District S 3301 East Tamlami Tra~l · Naples, Flodda 34112..4977 (941) 774-8097" Fax (941) 774-3602 October 27, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nadeau 5041 2nd Avenue SW Naples, Florida 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nadeau: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. TimothsrJ. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 TJC:vgr · ' t' Dwight & Cathy Nadeau 5041 2nd Avenue S.W. Naples, Florida 34119 October 22, 1997 Mr. T'Lmothy J. Constamine., Commissioner (District 3) Collier County Government Center, 3rd Floor, Bldg. F 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 1203- Re: Petition SN'R-97-6 Dear Commissioner Constantine: Thank you for your concern and interest expressed in your letter of October 8, in regard to thc Spotmias Petition to change our plaXted street name to "Mahog~ Ridge Drive". I agree with your contention that any change to a neighborhood's identity, including changing a street name, should b~ unified and for thc overall good ofthe neighborhood's r~idents. I am not convinced that such cohesiveness is a characteristic of the subject lx-tition. Neitlgr my wife or I were invited to comment on potential sm~.t names which wm'~ sulxnitted for approval to your addressing staff, nor were we offered the opportunity to pm'ticip~te in tI~ lX-6tion process until alter the subject Petition was filed. Further, since your letter, to my imowledg~ the~ has ~ no effort on th~ part of the Petitioner to solicit additional support for tl~ P~itioa from hex mighbo~; and if such effort was made, we were not conta~ed. It is based on the~ fac. s, that my wife's and my opinions have not changed. We maiatsia oar oppo~itioa to Se pr~po~l meet nme ch~mge. Again, our opposition is only based on the inconveai,~:~ ora chaa~ of addr~s; ~ my increa~ in property values which rn~y result from the str~-t nam~ chan~ would only b~ ~ by those who sell their real property. We intend to r~nain a r~idmts of th~ ~treet for many years to come, so we could only ro~i:e increased property taxes, il'property valu~ ino'ease. Please this consider thia correspoMenc~ when you deal with Petition SNR-97-6 duriag your October 28 Public Hearing Thank you for your axtention to this matter. Dwight Nadeau ¸7' Distrh~ 4 3301 East Tamlamt Trall* ~ ~ 34112.4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Rene Torricnte 5141 3rd Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Torriente: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it ail into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and ail others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and ifl may be of further assistance to,~e0'~ please don't hesitate to contact me. / Very t ~fly yours, Timoth' ~ C~onstantine Comrmssioner, District 3 TJC:vgr RECEIVED Pamela S. Mac'~ 3301 East Tambml Trail · Naples, Flcxtcla 34112..4977 (941) 774..8097 · Fax (941) 774.3602 October 22, 1997 Ms. Patricia A. Foresman 4830 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Foresman: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a par~ of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assista~e to yo~,,,please don't hesitate to contact me. Very Timothy(J. tine Commis~ ~er, District 3 TJC:vgr Man g , I~l: ~,oresrnan~naplesne,,t. com i FAX iDlt,~: 20 October 1997 [~: 9~1-774-8Q97 F~( P~ct~: 941-774-3602 CC: I II II III I II I D~ar ztr. Cone~aatiae~ Tn reply to your latter of £nqu~ry of O~tober B, 1~97, I ~ fo~inq a copy o~ a letter I ~ote to ~. 8allele ~ ~ alk~ ~or in~t. ~ vi~ re, in the In addition, ~ere ~a ~ edi~rial i~ ~e ~plea ~ily ~ r~a~dinq how the Fire ~~nt ~qht f~l a~u~ such a ~. ~* ~s ~ a~res~? There is one other item to consider. The plat of the area is kz~n as Colden Gate F~'catee. This i, · ccmmmlty unto it~l£, of which we feel a~ integral part of. Chanqinq s~reet n~z~s does nothing to ch~uge the ter~s or co~dittma under ~ich ~y ~rcel of pro~rty ~ ~ sold ~ ~lt ~. ~t ~n ~ly ~ accmplish~ I I II i i I 'THE 94 t-$s$-1987 July 20, !o97 dm ~add about m area code change md dina & zl~ eod~ ckmsfe* I d° a°t ve~t t° see a °treet Bmae ¢lmqe bra ddrd year. PATRB3A A. FO~ D~s~c~ S 3301 East Taf~ami Trail · Naples, Fkvida 34112.4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. Robert R. Finn 4941 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. Finn: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input fi.om citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further aasiztanee to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. TJC:vgr Timothy~. qonstantine Commis~.~fler, District 3 D~s:~c~ 2 B~8.~ ~5 3301 £ast Tamtand Tral · Naples, ~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berggren 4880 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Berggren: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I m taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a pan ofthe Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~onstantine Commi~bner, District 3 TJC:vgr Robert R. Finn 494t 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 October t 4,t 997 Board of County Commissioners Collier County Government Complex Naples, FL 34112 BCC 01O11O RECEIVED OCT 2 0 1997 3oard of Count;~ Comtsstoners Dear Mr. Constantine, I am responding to your letter of October 8, 1997 concerning street name changes off Logan Boulevard. r do'not want my street name changed. What is wrong with 4th Ave. SW anyway? I believe that everyone in the area was not properly informed. This recent letter that you wrote does not do this any more justice. Please inform people that calling this area Logan Woods will not put it on a Collier County Plat. To plat it, it would cost a lot of money and is near Impossible. Don't get me wrong, I like the name Logan Woods. I believe people am under the impression that to be called Logan Woods we need our street names changed. Not True. You already proved that in your letter by calling this the 'Logan VVoods Neighborhood." I~ve spoken to many people pro and con and it seems most like Logan Woods but not street name changes. Mr. Constantine lets give people the facts. Tell people there probably will not be a sign Logan Woods because I befleve, correct me if I'm wrong, that the area has to be plated as that Calling this area Logan Woods is like caang my Buick a Mercedes. What's the Point. I believe just by saying I live off Logan Blvd. gives this area all the identity it needs. Back to street names changes. If it changes I would have a lot of extra expenses and aggravation. If I had no other choice, than I would say to do all the streets off Logan Blvd. But what happens to the streets South of Pine Ridge Rd. That part would have to be called Santa Barbara Boulevard Woods. More problems Right? Hey Tim, lets get real and drop this issue. I rearranged my work sct~dule for the last two meetings which ware ~ned. Lets have that meeting and get this Issue out of the way, or better yet, ~ out petitions with the right information. "Logan Woods"is one issue, street name changes is another. Lets do it right. This issue n=cds to be dropped. Sincerely Robert Finn 3301 East Tamiami Tra~l · Nafges, Flod~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * Fax (941) 774-3602 October 8, !997 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berggren 4880 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 ~ Ivb'. and Mrs. Be~;ren: This correspondence is a request for information from your commtmity. I would like your input as well as input from all of the residents of the "Logan Woods" neighborhood on the proposed street name changes. A group of area citizer~ have proposed that 2nd Avenue SW, 4th Avenue SW, 6th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW street names be changed. Some have further proposed that the NW Avenues be changed as well. Should it be the desire ofyour community for the name changes, I believe it would be far more preferable to do it in an all encompassing manner rather than a hodgepodge of individual changes. There ate clear Ix'nefits. A sense ofcommtmlty caa be establ~ A recognized neighbo~ood can ease directions for visitors and emergency personnel alike. Commtmlty cohesion usually soars with a recognized label as well. There ate also some detrimental issues. Thc initial change could prove confusing to some individuals. Stationary would need to be changed along with banking account~, utilities and credit card notification, etc. Logan Woods has successfully combined urban convenience with rural livin8 and I am told the proposed name changes are meant to be another step towards creating an even g;reater sense of neighbodxxxL It is one method the petitioners have put forward for carving out an identity for the commtmity, particularly since it is one of the nicest in the area. Please let me know your though~ on the proposed street name changes.- I would like your input as to whether you approve or disapprove the proposed changes and I would appreciate your advisin~ me of any conctTm or suggestions you may have for your community. Specific street name suggestion~ ate welcome as well. The issue is scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997, so your prompt response is appreci~Led. I look forward to hearing fi'om you soon. Thank you. TJC, tcb ~.~.'~ C ~ 3301 E~'r~ T~il · Na134e~ I~ 34112-4977 (941) 774-~0~7 · Fmx (941) 774-3602 Octol~r 22, 1997 Mr. J. E. Carroll 2500 Airport Rd. S. #206 Naples, FL 341 I2 Dear Mr. Carroll: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods arra and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistan~,~;-please don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~, $] Constantine Commi~:~loner, District 3 TJC:vgr CARROLL & CARROLL lZC3-~ REAL ESTATE APPRAISER5 2500 AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH r206 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 PHONE (941) 77S-I'147 FAX (941) 775-2154 OCTOBER 13, 1997 COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT 3 BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY COM~(ISSIONE]KG 3301 EAST TAHIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLOR/DA 34112-4977 DEAR COKHISSIONERCONSTANTINEI THANK YOU FOR YOUR LE~-~ OF OCTOBEK 8th. MY WIFE AND I OWN PROPERT~ ON 4~.h AVENUE SOUTH NEST. 3301 E~st T~ml~nl Tr~l · I~ples, florida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 * F~x (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Clemmensen 4890 2nd Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Clemmensen: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 25* is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assi~an~ ~5~ease don't hesitate to contact me. T'urloth~ J./~2onstanfine Conmgs~oner, District 3 TJC:vgr October 13, 1997 Board of Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 3411224977 Dear Mr. Timothy J. Constantine, We live at 4890 2nd avenue S.W. and, according to the letter we received from you, the street names are proposed to be changed. We are against the changes. it is changed. For example; problem in an emergency. There will be much confusion if the Fire Department may have a We are voicing our opinion against the changes. Thank y.ou, ( He~ry and Laverne Clemmensen 4890 2nd avenue S.W. Naples, Florida 34119 3301 E~st Tam~ Trag ', N~ol~ Flogc~ 34112-4977 ..~'..' ".....," · October 22, 1997 Mr. George A. Trapp 5343 1st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119-2511 Dear Mr. Trapp: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I memioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, fimnk you and ifI may be of fuxther assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~Onstantine Commis~er, District 3 TJC:vgr Geo~e A. Trapp 5343 ISt. Avenue N.W. Naples, Florida 34119-251 l 941-352-0216 Board of Collier County Commissioners Thimothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 October 13, 1997 Dear Commissioner: Thank you for your letter daed October 8, 1997, r~g~rcl~n~ pwposed strut name changes in "Logan Woods". Al the present time without knowing more info--n, I disapprove of any street name changes. Fu"st h was a telephone area code chang~ print new business cards and stationary, then a zip code change, reprint everything again. I suggest this be incorporated into the long range pls. ns for widening of Logan to four lanes, and traffic calming plans. Perhaps then we could become a neighborhood, but unIil then w~ are just a street in the grid system. Naming streets alter trees is very common in the Naples area, and would only add to ~I~ confusion. This is not as simple as moving and charts;in~ your address. What about all of the county tax r~.ords and maps, reprinting ~ and ~xpensiv~ maps used by ~ and emergency response people. I'm sure I could list over one hundred changes thai would need to take place Are you about to open Pandora's box ?. What about the folks who Eve on 56th Terrace, Rattlesnake Hammock, Tuna Court, Cocohatchee, or Duck Lake Loop road ?. W'tll they be able to change their street names this easily too?. I hope you are not going to take any action on October 28th as we on the North West Avenues will need thne to organize a task force to take a hard look at this issue. However if changes are made, and we have to change the names of our avenues to tree names, I suggest the following; 1. Swietenia Mahagoni Lane 2. Black Snake Swamp Avenue 3. Cattley Cmava Drive 4. C~docarpus Road Thank you for taking the time ou~ of your busy sctaxlule ~o deal with issues like this one. 3301 East Tamtand Trail · Nal:~L F1~da 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 12C3. Ms. Jacqueline R. Conrecode 4921 4th Ave. SW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Ms. Conrecode: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28'" is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Again, thank you and ifI may be of further assistance m y~Iease don't hesitate to contact me. Thnothy J~ C/b~tin¢ CommissioMer, District 3 TJC:vgr October 11, 1997 Commissioner Timothy Constantine Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 RE: Petition SNR-97- (It, 7, 8 & 9) Dear Commissioner Constantine: I am responding to your October 8th letter to residents off Logan Boulevard regarding my thoughts on the proposed street name changes, as well as my suggestions. First off, I would like to thank you f~ your efforts in this matter. I can appreciate the time ~ energy you and staff have expended on this issue, as well as the costs incurred by the county to date. My thoughts regarding the renaming of the streets off Logan Boulevard are unchanged; I still think it is a waste of time and energy and I would prefer no name change. However, if it is the will of (the super-majority of) my neighlxxs to change our street name(s), then I will concede and go wffh the flow. However, to address only the first four streets seems prejudiced against the remaining four stme~ off Logan between Pine Ridge and Vanderbilt Beach Road. If we change any, we should change them ail. Additionally, the street names ~ thus far am unsatisfactory (in my opinion). Why must we copy"LMngston Woods' by trying to become Logan Woods? Why not be more creative? An important issue as well is whether we will be known as anything. (I.e., Logan Estates, Logan Acres, Vineyard's Estates, etc..) Does the ama have a chance of being named? Or is changing our street names the only chan~ fo~ identity? Will the county tolerate an area putting up signs designating themselves a sub-d'Ms/on without going through the replatting process? I believe most of the p~operty owners are receptive to the idea of naming our area, more so than renaming our streets. Commission~ Constantine P.tition SNR 97- October 11,1997 page 2 My Suggestions Before the issue goes further all eight streets off Logan should be involved in the process, equally represented. Not one street petitioning for all. When the petitions are signed, the street name change being petitioned should be dearly stated on the petition form; not assigned after the fact. Present new names, SHORTER NAMES am preferred. Possibly a topic other than plant life. Let's be creative here...would require a community effort. Look to the county for a way to name our AREA without renaming our streets or replatting. (Making items 2 and 3 obsolete). Related to item 4 above, why do we have to change our street names for a sense of identity? What difference does it make if one lives on 4th Ave. SW or Peanuthead Ave.? The stre~ remains the same, the directions to the street are the same, the area is the same, where is the/dent/ty benefit? Conclusion To conclude, I disapprove of the proposed change to my street name. I feel what is really desired is an area name for a sense of identity. If the county is able to find a way to circumvent the need to re-plat in order to name an area, the issue of identity would be addressed and no further action v~uld be required. Lastly, the area at issue should contain all the streets off Logan Boulevard from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension. Thank you again for you time and effort in addressing this issue. Sincerely, Jacqueline R. Conrecode ~ Ols~c~ 4 3301 E~st Tarnlamt Tml · ~ FIoH~ 341124977 (941) 774-8097 · F~x (~J41) 774°3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Kurtz 4860 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz: Thank you wzry much for your reccnt letter on the topic of ~eet name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28"' is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. be of further assistance to don't hesitate to contact mc. Again, thank you and if I may Very ~~r~UrS'nstan· tine Thnot~y ~ner, District Con~ 3 TJC:vgr October 16, 1997 RECEIVED Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner, District 3 Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 OCT 2 1 1997 of C,',unty Commfsstoners Dear Commissioner: Subject: Proposed "Logan Woods" We are opposed to any street name changes for the Logan Boulevard area. The Logan Boulevard Community is a beautiful area. It is the community we bought into eight years ago. We could not be happier with it. Changing the names of the cross-streets will not change the character of the are~ If people want to live in a neighborhood with pretty sounding street names they can pay more for property and move into a newer mlxtivision. We are not big fans of the way GAC developed Golden Gate Estates, but we accept the fact that it was done the way it WaS. Axe the people interested in this street name change the s~ne people that bought property on Logan, and then were shock~ ~t tbe traffic ~d speed of it st the end of their driveways? People n,~d to make these realizations before they buy into a neighborhood. Buyer beware and be educated! It should not be a chore of the County Commission to try to change the character of neighborhoods. Time spent on this issue is a poor use of the resources of the Commission. You have much more sigrfifieant issues to deal with. What's next putting some curves in the roads, County utilities - water and sewer? We agree that this should not be a piece, meal effort. If the street name changes get serious consideration please look at a minimum area of Pine Ridge Road north to Vanderbilt Beach Road. We appreciate your eommtmieation. Gerald N Ktaxz and Amy S. Kurtz 4860 Seventh Avenue N.W., Naples, FL 34119 ~n C. No~s D~uict ~ 'nmo~hy L Hanc~k, A~CP Dislz~t 2 Timod~ I. Constantine District 3 I:'ameta S. Mac'Kle District 4 Barbara B. Ben'y D~stfict S .3301 East Tamtami T~I · Naples, Fkwida 34112-4977 (941) 774-8097 · Fax (941) 774-3602 October 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geiger 5390 7th Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Geiger: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for the public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a part of the Public Record. Agalru thank you and ifI may be of further assistance to~,~please don't hesitate to contact me. Very fly yours, T'unot ~ ..~Constantine Comr~ ;~Joner, District 3 TJC:vgr o~ ., ...; :.:.- '..; .'.!.'... ~ I. Com~r~re Pamela S. Macq~ Diark:t 4 Distrk:t 5 3301 Ead. Tamlaml Tm1 · Naples, Flodda 34112.4977 (941) ?74.~097 · Fax (941) 7T4-3602 Octol:~' 22, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cresswel! 5051 1 st Ave. NW Naples, FL 34119 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell: Thank you very much for your recent letter on the topic of street name changes in Logan Woods. I am taking input from citizens throughout the Logan Woods area and will take it all into consideration as we move ahead in the decision making process. As I mentioned in my prior correspondence, October 28~ is the date for th~ public forum. I will make sure that your letter and all others I receive are a paxt of the Public Record. Again, thank you and if I may be of further assistance t~g4ease don't hesitate to contact me. Timoth~ $.~onstantine Commi~ner, District 3 TJC:vgr 5051 t~t Avenue, NW Naples, FL 34119 October t3, t997 Mr. Timothy J. Co~etanUne Commissioner, Distr~ct 3 Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FI 34112 Dear Mr. Constanf~ne: Thank yo~ for giving us the opportunity to comment on the proposed designation of "Logan Woods" and the change in street names. We understand the concern of our neighbors on 2nd through 6th Avenues, SW, that this area of Golden Gate Estates has lost its identity as a "clo~e-in" higher priced neighborhood than the outer Estates. However, if t]~ Logan Woods designation is to be implemented, it should be implemented for the enUre stretch of avenues along Logan Boulevard running from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road. We here on 1st Avenue, NW, ara also experiencing a great influx of investment into the neighborhood. In fact, there is a 7,500 square foot home being constructed now and another of ~imilar s~ze scheduled for later this year. Why should a Logan Woods designation stop at 2nd Avenue, SW? We would only support Logan Woods if it included the enUre area as noted here in our letter. The ambiance and preference of the neighborhood does not stop at 2nd Avenue, I~N - it ie all-encompassing of the area and would be rather confusing to have only half the neighborhood identJfled as Logan Woods. What would the rest of the area be called?? As far as a name change for the ~'~eets ia concerned, we believe this is enUrely unnecessary. The cost ~md irmonvenience to re~idents would be a burden. During the last 3 years, we Itmm already contertded wff~ a change in area code and a change in zip code. P~eese do not impose anoU~r change!! We can appreciate the fact that a street name change would enltance the idenUty capabilities, but the numbered streets are very ~ to find and easy to give directions for. If the Commissioners would like any further input, pl~ do not hesitate to contact us. In fact, if a personal appe~wance is ~:~, we would be glad to accommodate. Very truly youre, Eunice and Jeffrey C