Resolution 1997-375 .------_.~-_.__..__.._-- .--------.. - ~_. ~ 12C-l RESOLUTION NO. 97- 375 RESOLUTION RENAMING VILLAGE WAY TO "GLEN !1EADOW LANE", WHICfi STREET IS LOO.TED IN TRACT 7 OF VILLAGES üf' WYIWEMERE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SE~TION 19, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RMIGE 26 £:Þ,ST, COLLI ER COONTY, FLORI DA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Comrnissioners IS authorized pursuant to authority of Chapter 336,05, Florida Statutes, to name or rename streets aDd roads. except for certain state roads; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has been requested to confirm the renaming of village Way to Glen Meadow Lane. This street is located in Seccion 19, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, Tract 1 of Villages of wyndemere, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 9, of the Official Records of Collier CQunty, flo;:id.:¡; WHEREAS, there appears to be no street in Collier County with this name or any similar sounding name; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for identification purposes to confirm the name of this street, :;0..1 THEP,EFORS, I3E IT RESOLVED 8Y THE BOÞ.RD Of' COUNTY CO~It1!SSIONERS OF' COLLIER COUNTY, fLORID~: The name of this 5creet lS hereby Chdl19<:;d :r'Jm Village ~ay to Gl~n Meado'l Lane and is conf:r!1',ed as suc!;. ß8 IT FURTH~R ?SSOLVED tha~ this Resolution be re~crded in the Public Rpc0rds ,)f CQllip.f Co)~n\:y, flúrida, and rioted upon the maps of the street a",rJ zon':'r.q atliJses of C01lier: Cou:¡ty, and notations r:1ade on the referenced rbt. This kesolution acnpted after motIon, ser;únd and majority ·"ote. oJ :> ,~..-./ j --/- / D0ne thl.s O<J______day of~~. 1997. \~Ùl~.:¿, / " ,,': AT''l'E-ST ~_, . ,'., ",,' f( ,. -~ ·i'·ff.·r~·~~~; :. 3' "~¡'~:"~ ....'Vl~~., j¿, (', ~OfiT'-Ë. ROC,' Clerk-"-- - t, ". .~.. 't¡ .~~\ Appro~ed~àลก to form and Legal Sufficiency: f , BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~;?~ TIMOTH~c'è , aHman *tt 2229749 OR: 2349 PG: 2975 ttt UCOIJID 11 ornCI1J, oeom ot co~ml COøm. n n/2\/!1 at n :52P1 DV1G1'! I, &IOCI, CUll oem COPU$ -n~.Ll. '")-h. ~.J- Marjo 'e M. Stuaent Assistant County Attorney tlSIIR-91-10 RF.SO!.UTrON! 6.00 1.00 leU: CUll TO TO !\OW IITuom CJ IT! 11.ûO. lIT 1240 --- ,~-,--"