Resolution 1997-365RESOLUTION NO. 9% 365 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MILLAGE RATES 'FO BE LEVIED FOR FY 199%98. WHEREAS, Section 200.065, Florida Statutes. provides the procedtu'c for fixing the millage ra~es; and WltEREAS, Section 129.03, Flohda Statutes, sets forth the procedure for preparation and adoption of thc budget; and ¥,,rHEREAS, the Board of Covmty Commissioners has received mid examined ~he tentative budgets f~r e,u':h of th'~ County's funds; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has prepared a statement summarizh'tg all of t_he adopted lentative budgets which inc!udes for each budget, the name of each taxing authority levying millage, the rolled-back rate, the percentage increase, the millage rate to be. levicq, the balances, the rest'yes and the total of each major cla~mificafion of receipts and expenditure, s; and WHEREAS, ON July 22, 1997, the Board of Co'.m~ Corm'nip, lone'rs adopted Resolution No. 97-291 approving the County's proposed millage rotes and sett. ing the public ~.earings for adoption of the final millage rates; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sectioa 200.065, Florida Statutes, an advertised public hearing was held on September 3. 1997, at 5:05 P.M. and Resolution No. 97-345 was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners adopting the tentative millage rates and Resolution No. 97- 34___6 was adopted by thc Boated of County Commissioners adopting the tentative budgets for FY 1997- 98; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Flor/da Statutes, as amended by Chapter 96- 211, Laws of Florida, a second advertised public hearing was held on Septernber 17, 1997, at 5:05 P.M. to finalize the FY I997-98 Budget and to adopt the millage rates in accordm'm¢ with Sections 129.03 and 200.065, Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter 96-211, Laws of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY IItE BOARD OF Co~_rN'rY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNrI'Y, FLORIDA, that: Thc millage r-,~tes as set fi~rth in Exhibit "A" atlached hex~elo and incorpo~tcd herein, arc hereby adoptcxt as millage rates for FY 199'1-98, pursuant to Sections 129.(.13 and 200.065, Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter 96-211, Laws of Florida. This Resolulion adopted this .._/_fi__ day of .,..~~_, 1997, after motion, and majority vote. DATED: · · i2WiGHT' E. BROC. K, Clerk Approved 'a~' t'~ form and legal sufficiency Chief Assistanl County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIOoSIONEP,S COLLIER COLFIffTY, FLORIDA ' TIMOTH~/L.-HANCOCI~ Chairmlm f:c,Mn:aolutiooadAdogtin8 Miila~ P.a~-a FY 1997-9~ "EXHI B 1'? A" Collier Cou.b', Florida Property Tax Ra~es FY 98 Proposed (~m'r,i. F~. t~ | 3,7241 3,6074 3.6513 2.0?; Water }'nliufion Comml 1 I4 I~.(M89 I).lMT,l ().(M52 -$ 6% Total County Wide Millage Rate 3 7730 36548 3.7265 2.07'~ Road~./1 102 O. 1333 0.1305 0.1950 49.4% Road District 2 103 tL0716 0.{1708 (1.1028 45.2% R~~3 . 1~ 0.3294 03~4 0~58: 13.5% Road DisnSct 5 It)6 02281 0.2219 0.3016 35 ~ldcn Gate Communiw Comfit J30 0.3113 0.3074 (I.3189 3.~A } (lom Pa~ ~ainage 134 0.3755 0.3r~0 0.2421 -33.5% }N~lcs l~oducD~n Park 141 tl.O(}(A) i} (Rgl() O.(12g~ ~N/A ~ho~ F~c Conm)l 146 2.60*M 2.6268 2.6053 -4) 8% ]~dio Road Beautifica~on 150 O.l~0 I).l)~] 0.5(~X) gN/A j~ly ~lf ~tes B~utificafion 152 1.5~'~ 1.4597 1.5~ 2.8% iForest [akc-s Raad~,'ay & Drmm~e MSTI) __ 155 0.(K)O0 0.0OCa) (/.2457 #N/A 1.0~ 0.9999 0.9929 o.~gg Sca'ice 2(~) 0 t)583 (1.0567 0,[)535 -5.6%%, Co~ B~h R~Sh 2fi7 0.7m2 : 0,6807 0.~ -t~.~' Mtmicipal Revue 2.M 0.2[M7 0.2023 0.2074 2. L~ ':. 7~ 0,2536 0~,~ 0.2353 -5.3~ iNaptcs Product/on Park SLmct l,ighfing 7"/0 I).(YdO0 ILOO(.'0 0.(X)65 #N/A [~:. t~lmd. : ::. W~ 0.0686 0.0672 0~0564 -16.1% ~Pehctm Bay MSTBU 778 9.3012 (12929 0.2768 -$.5% Aggregate Millage Rate 4.490.3 4.3496 4.485.'7 3. i %, "EXHIBIT A" Collier Counly, Florida Property. Tax Dollars FY 98 Proposed water Pollution Control 114 Total CourtD' W[,,le ~l'xxes l,evied 6';',343.300 8g4.265 :~ T~ T~ % : !~0,~49,748 71,g92,500: %0% 925.686 R82.'700 -4 6'.a 68.227,655 71.375.433 72,775.200 20% 3 G Ro~d Disu'ic! 2 103 .116,645 442,878 613,~0 45 Golden Gate Communit~ Center 130 197.546 202,~3 209.6~ 37% Pine Ridsc ~ndu~al Park 140 19.829 20.518 0 Golden Gate Pu~kw~y Beautification 136 ! 79.6~ 5 182.(139 185,000 Naples Pr~uctien Park 141 0 0 4,9~) ~N,'A Ocho~c Fire Control !46 2~5,686 2t}9,246 296,8~ -08% ~dio Road [3cautJ f]cation 150 0 0 233.9~ e N/A ~ly Golf ~s~.tcs Bcau~fi~tion 152 98.50(, 99. 119 I01.8~ 2 Forest I~k:s R~'av & Dvainase MSTLI 155 o 0 ,.2.. ~ P~rk~ GOB [~bt Scm ~ce 206 855,575 '~2,432 851 ?,~) -5 Isles of Capri Munict~ Rc~:ue 244 29.415 30.136 30.~3 25', Naples Pr~. P~k St. Ligh~n$ 770 0 6 t.3~ ,N/A Pcli~ ~ay N~S'I'BU 778 483,~31 524,~ 496,~ - 5 Tot~ Tax~ l~t4 82,786,399 ~,62',',722 88,~.~ 2.14% Ay~rrega~e ]%l:e~ 1,1 I, 190.266