Resolution 1997-357 1 6D . 2 ., RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 357 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CERTIFYING THAT THE APPLICATION FOR ANO USE OF EMS TRUST FUND MONIES WILL IMPROVE AND EXPAND PRE-HOSPITAL EMS DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES AND WlLL NOT SUPPLANT ALLOCATIONS. WHEREAS, EMS Department Paramedics provide basic and advanced life support care, a unique and highly tectlnica! service to the citi2ens and visitors of Collier County; and WHEREAS, trle pLifchase of equipment shall greatly enhance the effectiveness of pre- hospital eme.rgenGY medicnl c.are. NOW, THERF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THAT the $52,583.64 in the EMS Trust Fund will be used to purchase equipment and these monies will not be lJsed to supplant existing EMS Department budget allocations. f' This Resolution adopted this / c,,;t:L day of ~./J-<:' , 1997 after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATE: ~.p.'l((':/ lJ7 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK,.Clerk ~ : ?:t;~~~ ,IJ), r& Approved ns to form and legal sufficiency: State of FLORIDA County of COLLIER sJwi~ A~.l/l A-. Heidi Ashton Assistant County Attorney I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT this is a true and correct copy of a document on file in Board Minutes and Records of Collier County. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of DV..'IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF COURTS By: D.C._ r--- I j ~- 1 6 D ,., 2. .,; EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION STATE OF FI.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF EMERGENCY MED/CAL SERVICES 1 ~ GRANT NO. C 97-11 .. -..- rBU4'rd of County Commi:.csiOil'iB-(grant96) Identification: I IName of COlJrlty:~OL~___ (USi~eSS Address: 31Q L!L.Jarn i ~m i TJ' i I Nap1esn Florida, 33962 PI10ne # ( 9411 7~4-8~~ ______~UNCOM# 1/2. Certification: /, t.fle undemigned official of the previously named county, certify thai to-I 1'0 the best of my know/edge and belief all information and data contained in this EMS County Grant Application and its attachments are true and correct. My signature acknowledges and ensures that I have read, understOOd, and will comply fully with the Florida EMS Grants Program Handbook October, 1996 77tle: Cha i t'man Name.'.J.1j rll~" R f.' 1 rt ~ III ,.~~-,.:J i , ft- . '- ':. r X ~ ;~7 ~~ ", " . '.., -~ ,.., ..~- ~ .~ g -.;;.... ~ ~- .....~"'. C ~ .lQ ~~ Title: Chief I I I l L Business Ado'ress.~_'L1ill..-.E~ TallJiami Trail, Sui Idinq H Naples, flo~ida" 34112 (City) (State) (Zip) Telephone:( 941)_774-8459 SUNCOM: County's Federal Tax Identification Number: VF _ 5 96000558 HRS Form 1684, October sa 22 ~. ---,r9$oIutJon: Attach II reBiilution from the Biiard of County Comrnissionel'S cerliIyiijjj:! monies from th6 EMS County Grant 'w;!I improve end expand the county's prehospbJ EM ~~~ that ~ grant monies will nat be used to $Upplanl exi3tMJfI ~ EUS. b j Q ~: , ~ ~ ~ 4 4 C . ~ C ~ 4 t . . t t . . Wo'* Activities: Time Frames: Bid, purc~ase and distribute equipment Six (6) ~onth~ after contraC't begin.s. L 23 160'1.. " JIo . . I ~ i I . ~ f- ~ ~ l . . . l i Ul II mi -;- i~ ~ ~ -.J i' it 7.l - . I . t. 0 0'::) ~ ~d If ..... 3- 1 ,.J Q, 4 1 If I 0 i <C: 4 ... /l) ~ I' 4 ~ ~ I ~. I ,11 3 OM 4 ..0 It> 01.0 c:: 0.. ("f'r:; 4 .~ ...... 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APPUCA710N (RfKlulros Signature) REQUEST FOR COUNTY DISTRIBUTION (ADVANCE PAYMENT) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EIdS) COUNTY GRANT PROGRAM In acr;ordance wfih the prov/sJot1S of Srtction 401,113(2)(8), F.S., the unders/gled heroby requests all EMS county award distribution (advarx:e payment) for th8lmp"O'~ment and oxplmsJon of prehospitsl EMS. Payment To: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NameC5n.1oard orCOunty l,;ommissloners (l-'ayee) 3301 East Tamiami T~ail, ---~ Naples, F.lor.1.da", 34112 (Glty) (~tate) (Lip) Federal Tax ID Number of county: VF .2.1. ~ Q... ..Q..9-..2 2... L SIGNA TURE: -_u Date: Printed Name: Timothy L. Title: Cha i rman " ,. ! :,.' sr(iNAND RETURN WITH YOUR GRANT APPUCATlON TO: . ST: . ',. ',.'~ DrJ/,artment of Health !OO E. B~CK/, CLERX Bureau ~k~J.~~g%~;~:'::~rervic~~Drp'0~ as to form &.. le9~1 s~ffici(:r,t - " /j __ South Tower 912-d d-' ( 1.( " ( I ,_.- . .~..... ::;z:.;~~--:--~ Orlando Florida 32801-1782 ~ l < LU-," .J , '- ""DePUty Cl erk' .' Ass ista:lt County AttcrneJ ./~ . . Below this point for use only I:!y Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical services Amount: $ 53,583.64 Grant Number: 97-11 Approved By: - ~/gnature, ~tafe EMS"G'fan1 C;ffscer - Date: Fiscal Year: Orqanization Code l:f()..~U-6U-JU-1 uo Federal Tax 10 V F Amount: $ EO. r=rR Ob~Code f 60 Beginning Date of Grant: Ending Date: 25