Resolution (CWS) 1994-01 ~ JlUOLU'1'IOJI .0. CWS-U-l A RESOLOTIOJI SUPPLEMENTING A RESOLUTION DTITLED "A RESOLOTION AMENDING IN CERTAIN RESPECTS AND RESTATING IN ITS ENTIRETY RESOLOTIOJI NO. CWS-S5-5 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, ADOPTED ON .JULY 30, 1985, AND DTITLED: 'A RESOLOTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE COLLIER COON'I'l WATER-SEWER DISTRICT OF NOT EXCEEDING $82,500,000 IN THE ACGRECATE PRIJfCIPAL AMOUNT OF WATER AND SEWER REVEIfUE BONDS, SERIES 1985 TO FINANCE THE COST OF Rtru~OING CERTAIN OUTSTANDING OBLIGA~IONS OF THE DISTRICT AND CONSTRUCTING AND ACQUIRING CERTAIN ADDITIOJIS, U.l'UtSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DISTRICT'S WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM; PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES AND SYSTEM DEVELOPJfE]fT FEES TO SECURE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS RESOLUTION' AND PROVIDING AN EYTECTlVE DATE;" AUTHORIZING THE REFUNDING OF CERTAIN OF THE DISTRICT'S OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $24,225,000 COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DI3TRICT TAXABLE WATER AND SEWER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 19941. AND $40,320,000 COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1994B; PROVIDING CERTAIN TERHS AND DETAILS OF SAID BONOS, INCLUDING AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF SAID BONDS AND THE EXECtlTION AND DELIVERY OF A PURCHASE CONTRACT WITH RESPECT THERETO; APPOINTING THE PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR FOR SAID BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE DISTRIBUTION OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND THE EXECOTION AND DELIVERY OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT WITH RESPECT THERETO; AUTHORIZING THE EXECtlTION AND DELIVERY OF ESCRCY,", DEPOSIT AGREEMEMTS AND THE APPOIHTMEMT OF AN ESCROW AGEMT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. n 1'1' aUOLVED BY ft. BOAJI.D 07 COUJITY COJDII.8IOJID8 or COLLIER ~~., n.oRIDA, ACTI.G U n. n-OFFICIO GOVZJtJfI.G BOARD or THE COLLID C017MU R'l'D-8na DI8'1'J1IC'l'1 ... oeo n~! 84 '1" :1' ,~ JAMOARY 26, 1884 .M.""&"~0If 1. FDlDUGB. It is h.r.by found .,and d.terlllined ., ~t: '.. ~ ,~,~ ~'.:" , (A) On July 30, 1985, the Collier Countywae-ei:'>Os_er District (the "Isll1:lar") duly adopted Resolution No. CWS-85-5, as amended and r.stated by Resolution No. CWS-85-13 duly adopted on D.cember 26, 1915, a. aaended and suppl...nt.d (collectively, the "R.solution"), the title of which Resolution No. CWS-85-13 is quoted in the title of this SUppl...nta1 Resolution, for the purposes described ther.in, authori:dnq, aaonq oth.r thinqs, the issuance of the Issuer'. Colli.r County Wat.r-Sever District W~ter and Sewer Revenue Bond., Seri.s 1985 (th. "Seri.s 1985 Bonds"). (B) Th. Issu.r curr.ntly has outstanding on parity with the S.ri.. 1985 Bond. pursuant to the R.solution its Collier County Water-Sev.r District Wat.r and Sever R.venue Project Bond, Series 1917 (th. "1987 Proj.ct Bond"), its Collier county Water-Sewer District Water and Sev.r R.venue Bonds, Series 1991 (the "Series 1991 Bond.") and its C011i.r county Wat.r-Sewer District Water and sever Revenue Bonds, Seri.s 1992 (the "Series 1992 Bond."). (C) Th. Issu.r has det.rlIIined to refund allot the outstandinq S.ri.s 1915 Bonds, allot the outstandinq 1987 Project Bond and a portion of the S.ri.. 1991 Bonds (the "R.funded Series 1991 Bonds"). That portion of the S.ri.. 1991 Bonds which are not refunded, toqether with the series 1992 Bonds, shall be referred to es the "OUtstanding Parity Bonds." The Series 1985 Bonds, the Seri.s 1987 Project Bond and the Refund.d series 1991 Bonds are collectiv.ly r.f.rred to h.r.in as the "R.tunde-:1 Obl1qation.... (D) The R.80lution provid.s tor the issuance ot Additional Bonds, payable on a parity with the OUtstandinq Parity Bonds, for the r.fundinq of the Refunded Obligations, upon m..tinq certain requir...nts s.t forth in the Resolution. (E) Th.re is h.reby authorized the payment and refunding Ot the Refund.d Obligation. in ord.r to achieve debt s.rvice savings, .11 in th. aann.r as provided by this Suppl..ental R.solution. For th. pa)'1Mnt and refundinq of the Series 1985 Bonds, the Issuer shall, as provided herein, deposit part of the proce.ds derived froa th. sale of the Issu.r's Collier county Water-Sever District Taxable Wat.r and Sever R.fundinq Revenue Bonds, Series 1994A (the "Seri.s 19941. Bonds") in a special .scrow d.posit tru.t fund, to pv.rcba_ dir.ct U.S. Treasury obl1qations (the "Refunding SecUIiti....) Which shall be suffici.nt, together with investment e&rninqs th.r.frOll and a cash deposit, to pay the Series 1985 Bonds .. the sa.e becoae due and payable or are redeemed prior to aatttrity, all as provided h.r.in and the hereinafter described Seri.. A Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt. For the paym.nt and refunding of th. 1987 Proj.ct Bond and the Refunded Series 1991 Bonds the ISll1:ler shall, as provided h.r.in, deposit part of the proceeds derived fro. the sa1. of the Issuer's Collier County Water-Sewer 2 aODIl oeo rA~! 85 r. , , , ! i I I I I J~~_ 1 ~~. f' ,! District Water and Sev.r Refundinq Revenu. Bonds, s.ri.s 1994B (the "Seri.. 1994B Bond.") in a special .scrow d.posit tru.t fund, to purchase Refundinq Securiti.. which shall be sufficient, together with the inv..taent .arninq. th.r.frOll and a cash deposit, to pay the 1917 Proj.ct Bond and the R.fund.d S.ries 1991 Bonds as the .... beco.. due and payable or are r.d....d prior to maturity, all a. provided h.r.in and the h.r.inafter described Seri.s B Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt. Th. S.ri.. A Escrow Deposit Agreement and the Seri.. B Escrow Deposit Aqre..ent are herein collectively referred to a. the "Escrow Deposit Agreement.." Subs.quent to the d.f.asance of the R.funded Obliqation., the Refund.d Obliqations shall no lonq.r be payable frOll or be secured by any portion of the Pledged Funds. The Seri.s 19941. Bond. and the S.ri.s 1994B Bonds are h.r.in co1l.ctiv.ly r.f.rr.d to a. the .Series 1994 Bonds." (F) Th. Issu.r d.... it to be in it. best interest to issue its Seri.. 1994 Bond. to r.fund the R.funded Obliqations. (e) Due to the pot.ntial vc.latility of the mark.t for Obligation. such as the S.ri.s 1994 Bonds and the cOlllpl.xity of the transactions r.lating to such S.ri.s 1994 Bonds, it i. in the best inter..t of the Issu.r to ..11 the S.ri.s 1994 Bonds by a neqotiated sa1., a110vinq the Issuer to ent.r the market at the .oat advantag.ous ti.., rath.r than at a specified advertised date, thereby pe~ittinq the Issu.r to obtain the best possible price and int.r..t rate for the S.ries 1994 Bonds. Th. Issu.r acknowl.dges receipt ot the inforaation required by Section 218.385, Florida Statute., in conn.ction with the negotiat.d sal. of the Seri.s 1994 Bonds, includinq a "Truth-in-Bondinq" Statement. A copy of the letter of the s.nior IIanaqinq underwrit.r for said Series 1994 Bonds containinq the aforemention.d inforaation is attached to the her.inafter d..cribed Purcha.. Contract a. Exhibit C. (8) Prior to the adoption of this Suppl.mental R.solution, Saith Barn.y Shearson Inc., William R. Hough' Co. and Al.x. Brown , Sons Incorporated (collectiv.ly, the .Underwriters.) have offered to purchas. the S.ri.s 1994 Bonds frOlll the Issuer and has submitted a Purcha.. Contract attached hereto a. Exhibit A (th. "Purchase Contract") .xpressing the t.ras of such offer, and the Issuer does h.r.by find and d.t.~in. that it is in the best financial interest of the I.su.r that the t.ras .xpr.ssed in the Purchas. Contract be accepted by the Issuer. (I) The covenant., pledg.s and conditions in the Resolution ~1l be applicabl. to the S.ri.. 1994 Bonds herein authorized and ..id Seri.. 1994 Bond. shall be on a parity with and rank equally aa to the li.n on and .ourc. and s.curity for payaent from the Pled9ed Fund. and in all oth.r r.spect. with the Outstandinq Parity Bonds, and .hall con.titut. a "Bonds" within the m.aning of the Resolution. 3 .. COO n~! 86 "' (J) Tbe Resolution provides that the Series U~.fl.Bonds shall _ture on IlUch dates and in such a.aunts, shut. ~al1..su~h rates of interest, sball be payable in such places and shall be subject to IlUcb red.-ption provision. a. shall be deterJIined by Supplemental Resolution adopted by the Issuer; and it is now appropriate that the IslIUer deteraine such teras and details. '_;&"~0If 2. DU~.~'l'IOJIB. Resolution, the teras defined in _aninqll therein stated, except bereinafter __nded and defined. When u.ed in this Supplemental the Resolution shall have the as such definitions shall be 'M.""&"~OJI J. Tbi. Sapp1...ntal of the Act. Al7'l'KORITY !'Oll nIB BVPPL!JaJI'l'AL USOLl7TION. Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions .~;&" ...011 <<. AD'l'1IOJlID'l'IOJI 07 a..'u....I.O. The Issuer hereby authoriZe. the refundinq of the Refunded Obligations pursuant to the teras of the Resolution and the Escrow Deposit Agreements. ~OJI 5. Al7'l'KOllUA'l'IOJI AJI1) DI!:SCRIP'l'IOJI 07 'l'JI1!: SERIES ltt. suau6. The Issuer bereby authorizes the issuance of a Series of Bonds in the aqqregate principal amount of $24,225,000, to be Jtnovn as the "Collier County Water-Sever District Taxable Water and Sever Refundinq Revenue Bonds, Serie_ 19941.," for the principal purpose of refundinq the Series 1985 Bonds. The Issuer hereby also authorizes the issuance of a Series of Bonds in the aggregate principal aaount of $40,320,000, to be known as the "Collier County Water-Sever District Water and Sever Refunding Revenue Bonds, s.rle. 19948," for the principal purpose of refundinq the 1987 Project Bond and the Refunded Series 1991 Bonds. The Series 1994 Bonds sball be dated as of January 15, 1994, shall be issued in the fora of fully registered Bond. in the deno.ination of $5,000 or any inteqral .ultiple thereof, shall be nWllbered consecutively from one upward in order of aaturity preceded by the letter "R", shall bear interest fro. January 15, 1994, payable semi-annually, on July 1 and January 1 and of each year (the "Interest Oates"), cOllllllencing on July 1, 1994, at such rates and aaturing in such amounts on July 1 of such years as set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto. Interest on the Series 1994 Bonds shall be payable by check or draft of First Union National Bank of Florida, Miaai, Florida, as Jte9istrar and Payinq Agent, _de payable to and aailed to t.he Bolder in whose naae such Bond shall be registered at the close of busine.s on the date which sball be the fifteenth day (whether or not a business day) of the calendar .onth next preceding the Interest Date, or, at the request and expense of such Holder, by bank vire transfer to the account of such Holder. '~'rIO. a. REDZXP1'IOJI nOVISIOJIS rOll nB SERUB 1994 ......... The Series 1994 Bonds aaturing on or after July 1, 2004 _y be redee.ed prior to their respective aaturities, at the option 4 .. OCO ,,~ 87 of ~ X.suer, froa any ~s legally available therefor, upon notice .. provided in the Resolution, in whole or in part at any ti.. on or after July 1, 2003, in such .election of aaturities as the Xssuer shall deteraine, and by lot within a maturity if less than an entire aaturity is to be rede_ed, at the Redelllption Prices (~~"sed a. percentaqes of the principal amount of the Series 1994 Bond. to be redeeaed) together with accrued interest to the r"'.,,-tion date, a. follows: Redeaption Period {Both Da~.. Ynclu.iv.' Red_ption Price JUly 1, 2003 throoqb June 30, 2004 JUly 1, 2004 throuqb June 30, 200S JUly 1, 200S and thereafter 102\ 101 100 '1M Series 19941. Bonds ..turinq on July 1, 2008 will be subject to ..ndatory redeaption prior to aaturity, by lot, by operation of the Tera Bonds Redellption Account, in such IIlAnner as tbe ltecJistrar aay de.. appropriate, at a Redemption Price equal to par plus interest accrued to the redellption date, on July 1, 2006 and eacb July 1 thereafter, in the followinq principal amounts in tbe years specified: be Sinking Fund Insta lllllent 2006 2007 2008* $1,780,000 1,900,000 2,030,000 "'turity ,\ , ~; . '1M Series 19941. Bond. aaturinq on July 1, 2010 will be subject to aandatory redellption prior to aaturity, by lot, by operation of the Tera Bonds Redellption Account, in such IIlAnner as tbe Re9iatrar aay de.. appropriate, at a Redemption Price equal to par plus interest accrued to the redemption date, on July 1, 2009 and July 1, 2010, in the followinq principal amounts in the years specified : " ,..:..............' . :~ ,I; .. ,,: - be Sinkinq Fund In.tal1111.n~ 2009 2010* ...turity '1M Series 1994B Bonds aaturinq on July 1, 2013 will be subject to aandatory redellption prior to aaturity, by lot, by operation of the Tera Bonds Redemption Account, in such manner as $2,165,000 2,315,000 S a. 000 Pl~! 88 "/;'(1 "~1: 't ' r ~~t +, ti;/ ?r~ -,,;.. t- ~f li" . ~~ '\oijC ~ ""'.. h ;~' i"'~' 1)r " , ~ >~ ;~ ,', ., .' " 3~AKY 26, 1114 /; ~ lte9istrar aay d_ appropriate, at a Red.-pt1on~'$'#ce equal to par pIu !mer..t accrued to the redellption .date, . ~ly 1, 2011 and eacb July 1 thereafter, in the followinq principal amounts in the years ~cified: xux SinJting Fund Installment 2011 2012 2013* $3,525,000 3,710,000 3,905,000 *Xaturity ~ Serie. 1994B Bonc18 aaturinq on July 1, 2016 will be .ubject to aandatory redeapt:ion prior to IIaturity, by lot, by ~4rtion of the Tena Bonc18 Redellption Account, in such manner as the Jle9iatrar aay de_ appropriate, at a Redemption Price equal to par plus interest accrued to the redemption date, on July 1, 2014 and each July 1 thereafter, in the following principal amounts in the yeara apecified: XJI.A.X: SinJting Fund Installment 2014 2015 2016* $4,110,000 4,315,000 2,315,000 *lIaturity '1'be Series 1994B Bond. aaturinq on July 1, 2021 will be subject to aandatory redellption prior to IIaturity, by lot, by operation of the Tera Bond. Redellption Account, in such manner as the lte9istrar aay de.. appropriate, at a Redemption Price equal to par pIu interest accrued to the red.-ption date, on July 1, 2017 and each July 1 thereafter, in the following principal amounts in the years specified: XJI.A.X: SinJtinq Fund Installment $1,595,000 1,680,000 1,770,000 1,865,000 1,955,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* -Maturity ....-i'lOJl 7. 800Jt-BftJll'. Ifotvithstandinq the provisions set forth in Section 2.08 of the Reaolution, the Series 1994 Bonds Mall be initially issued in the fora of a separate sinqle certificated fully reqistered Serie. 1994 Bond for each of the aaturitie. of the Series 1994 Bonds. Upon initial i.suance, the 6 ",..,.,. ,.,.. ~AMUART 28, 18e. ownership of each such Series 1994 Bond shall be reqistered in the r~btration book. kept by the Regbtrar in the name of Cede' Co., a. noainee of The Depository Tru.t COIIlpany ("OTC"). Except as provicSe4 in thb Section 7, all of the OUtstanding Seri.. 1994 Bon4s shall be registered in the reqistration books kept by the Regi.trar in the na.. of Cede' co., as noainee of OTC. As long as the seri.. 1994 Bond. shall be registered in the name of Cede , Co., all payaents of interest on the series 1994 Bonds shall be ..de by the Payinq Aqent by check or draft or by wire transfer to Cede , Co., a. Holder of the Series 1994 Bonds. With respect to Series 1994 Bonds registered in the r~istration book. kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede' Co., a. noainee of DTC, the Issuer, the Registrar and the Payinq Agent .hall have no responsibility or obliqation to any participant in the OTC book-entry program or to any indirect participant (a "Participant-). Without liaitinq the illllllediate1y preceding sentence, the Issuer, the Registrar and the Paying Aqent shall have no respon.ibility or obliqation with respect to (11) the accuracy of the records of OTC, Cede , Co. or any Participant with respect to any ownership interest on the Series 1994 Bonds, (B) the delivery to any Participant or any other Person other than a Series 1994 Bon4bolder, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, of any notice with respect to the Series 1994 Bonds, incla4inq any notice of red8llption, or (C) the payJlent to any Participant or any other Person, other than a Series 1994 Bondholder, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, of any amount with respect to principal of, redemption pr..itta, if any, or interest on the Series 1994 Bonds. The Issuer, the Registrar and the Payinq Agent may treat and consider the Person in whose na.. each Bond is registered in the registration boOks kept by the Registrar a. the Holder and absolute owner of 1lUc:b Series 1994 Bond for the purpose of payment of principal, r~emption preaium, if any, and inter.st with respect to such Seri.. 1994 Bond, for the purpose of qiving notices of redemption and other matters with respect to such Seri.s 1994 Bond, for the purpose of reqisterinq transfers with respect to such Series 1994 Bond, and for all other purposes whatsoever. The paying Agent shall pay all principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Series 1994 Bonds only to or upon the order of the respective Holders, as shown in the registration book. kept by the llecJi.trar, or their respective attorneys duly authorized in vrltinq, a. provided herein and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satiSfy and discharqe the Issuer's ob~yationa with respect to pa}'lllent of principal, redemption pr tta, if any, and intere.t on the Series 1994 Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No Person other than a Holder, .. shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, shall receive a certificated Series 1994 Bond evidencing the obligation of the Issuer to ..lte par-ants of principal, redemption premium, if any, and interest pursuant to the provisions hereof. Upon delivery by DTC to the ISsuer of written notice to the effect that OTC has 7 nn,., _,..., J~AaY 20, lee. ." deterIlined to IlUbstitute . nev no.inee in place of <*2. , co., and .ubjeet to the provision. berein with respect. to t~~.~ers durinq the 15 days next precedinq an Interest Date or llI8i1i~ of notice of r.....lon, the word. "Cede' Co." in the Resolution shall refer to suc:b new noainee of DTC; and upon receipt of such notice, the Issuer shall proaptly deliver a copy of the same to the Registrar and the Paying Aqent. Upon (A) receipt by the ISll1:ler of written notice trOlll DTC (i) to the effect that a continuation of the requir..ent that all of the OUUtandinq Series 1994 Bond.,be reqistered in the reqistration boots kept by the Reqistrar in the na.. of Cede , Co., as nominee of DTC, Is not in the best interest of the beneficial owners of the Seri_ 1994 Bonds or (11) to the effect that DTC is unable or unwilling to discharqe it. responsibilities and no substitute depository willinq to undertake the functions of DTC hereunder can be found which is wi11inq and able to undertake such functions upon reasonable and custOlUry te1"lU, or (B) deterlllination by the Issuer, in its sole dis=etion, that such book-entry only system is barc1ensoae to the Issuer, the Series 1994 Bonds shall no longer be restricted to beinq reqistered in the registration books kept by the Jte9istrar in the naae of Cede , co., as nOlllinee of DTC, but Illay be reqiatered in whatever na.. or na..s Holders shall desiqnate, in accordance with the provisions hereof. In such event, the Issuer shall issue and the Reqistrar shall authenticate, transfer and excbanqe Series 1994 Bonds of like principal amount and maturity, in denoainations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof to the Bolders therfOof. The foreqoinq notwithstanding, until such time as participetion in the book-entry only syst.. is discontinued, the provisions set forth in the Letter of Representation executed by the ISll1:ler and the Reqistrar and delivered to DTC in order to induce DTC to act as securities depository for the Series 1994 Bonds &ball apply to the payaent of principal of and interest on the Serie. 1994 Bonds. 8ZC'1'IOJI S. Al'PLlCA'l'IOJI 07 8DIU 1"4 B01IO PROCEEDS. The proceeds derived fro. the sale of the Series 1994 Bonds shall be applied by the Issuer simultaneously with the delivery thereof as follovs: (1) An a.ount equal to tbe accrued interest, if any, shall be deposited to the Interest AccO".mt and shall be used to pay interest on the Series 1994 Bonds dUe on July 1, 1994. (2) A sufficient aaaunt of Series 19941. Bond proceeds, together with other 1eqa1ly available .oneys, shall be deposited irrevocably in trust in an eS=OV deposit trust fund under the teras and provision. of the Series A E.=ov Deposit Aqreement and shall be invested in Refundinq Securities in the aanner set forth in the Series A E8=ov Deposit Aqree..nt, which investments shall ..tare at such ti..s and in such amounts as shall be sufficient, to;ether with cash deposits, to pay the principal of or Redemption 8 onn n.. {!'. Price, if app1icabl., and inter..t on the S.ries 1985 Bonds as the .... aatur. and becoae due and payable or are r.d..m.d prior to aaturity. (3) A 8ufficient a.aunt of Serie. 19948 Bond proc.eds, toqetber with oth.r leqally available .on.y., shall be deposited irre?OCably in trust in an escrow d.posit trust fund und.r the tar.. and provisions of the seri.s B Escrow Deposit Aqreement and shall be inv.st.d in Rafundinq S.curiti.s in the manner set forth in the Seri.s 8 Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt, which inv.st..nts shall aature at such ti..s and in such a.aunt. as shall be sufficient, togeth.r with cash deposits, to pay the principal of or Red.mption Price, if applicabl., and int.r.st on the 1987 Project Bond and the Rafunded series 1991 Bond. a. the salll4l aature and becOllle due and payable or are red.eaed prior to aaturity. (4) Th. reaaininq seri.s 1994 Bond proce.ds shall be appli.d to the payaent of tha pr..i_ of any aunicipal bond insurance polici.. applicabl. to the series 1994 Bonds or reserves established th.refor and to the payment of cost. and .xpenses r.lating to the issuance of the Seri.s 1994 Bonds. ..c'l'I0JI t. .ALE 07 n. SOlES 1914 BONDS. Tha S.ries 1994 Bonds shall be sold to the Und.rwriters at the purchase prices indicated in the Purchas. contract, all the tarns and conditions set forth in said Purchas. Contract being hereby approved. The Cbairaan and Cl.rk are h.r.by authorizad and directed to .xecute said Purchas. Contract and to d.liver the same to the Underwriters. ..c'l'I0Jf 10. PRELIXIDJlY OI'I'ICIAL ITATEMDI'1'. The use and distribution of the Pr.liminary Official Statelll4lnt, dated January 13, 1994, which is attached h.r.to as Exhibit B, by the underwrit.rs for the purpose of ot!.rinq the Seri.s 1994 Bonds for sal. is h.r.by authorized and ratified. Th. Preliminary Official statcaent is d....d "final," as of the date th.r.of, within the aeaninq of paraqraph (b) (1) of SEC Rul. 15c2-12 and the rules developed by the Municipal Securiti.s Rulellakinq Board. The Cbairaan is h.r.by authorized to .x.cut. any requir.d certificate specifically d.eminq the Pr.liminary Official Statement "final". 'BCTIO. 11. OrrICIAL 8TATEMDI'1'. The Official Statement, dated the date h.r.of, which shall be in substantially the form of the Pr.l1Jainary Official Stat4aent, shall be and the same hereby is approved with r.spect to tha information ther.in contained. The Cbairaan and the Cl.rk are h.r.by authorized and directed to -x~te and d.liv.r said Official Statenent in the name and on bebalf of the Issu.r, and thereupon to cause such Official statcaent to be d.liv.r.d to the Underwrit.rs with such changes, ...ndaents, aodifications, oaissions and additions as .ay be approved by the Chairaan. said Official Stat...nt, inClUding any sucb cbanq.., amendm.nts, aodifications, OIIlissions and additions as approved by the ChairlllAn, and the inforlllAtion contained therein are 9 .. (J(X) n~! 92 't , ~ hereby authorized to be u..d in conn.ction with tti..sal. of the Seri_ 1994 Bonds to the public. Ex.cution by th.'c:bdrlllan of the Official St:at...nt shall be d.em.d to be conc1ualtla evid.nc. of app~y~.l of such chang.s. .M.""&"~OJI 12. AtJT]IOJlIJA'l'IOJI '1'0 UJ:CtlTE SDIES A ESCROW ~I'l'~. Th. Issu.r hereby authorizes and directs the Cbairaan and Cl.rk to .x.cut. the S.ri.. A Escrow Deposit Agreement (the "Seri.. A Escrow Deposit Aq'r.n.nt") and to d.liv.r the Series A .-crow Deposit Aq'r....nt to First Union National Bank of Florida, Kiaai, Florida, which is h.r.by appointed a. escrow agent thereund.r (th. "Escrow Ag.nt")'. All of the provisions of the Seri.. A Escrow Depo.it Aq'r.em.nt wh.n .x.cuted and deliv.red by the I.IIU8r as authorized h.r.in and when duly authorized, executed and d.liv.red by the Escrow Ag.nt, shall be de8llled to be a part of this Suppl...ntal R.solution a. fully and to the sam. .xtent as if incol......rated v.rbata h.r.in, and the Series A Escrow Deposit A9r_ht shall be in substantially the fOrJI of the S.ri.. A Escrow Deposit Aq'r....nt attached h.r.to as Exhibit C with such changes, ~nta, aodification., OIIlis.ions and additions, inclUding the date of IlUch S.ri.. A Escrow Deposit Agr..ment, as may be approved by lIaid Chairlllan and Cl.rk. Execution by the Chairlllan and the Clerk of the S.ri.s A Escrow Deposit Agr....nt shall be de.med to be conclusiv. evidence of approval of such changes. Th. Financial Advisor, the Und.rwrit.r., Bond Counsel and the Escrow Agent are her.by authoriz.d and dir.ct.d to .x.cut. and file all documents nece.sary to purchas. or .ubscribe to the R.tundinq S.curities on behalf of the I..u.r which r.lat. to the S.riea A Escrow Deposit Aqr_nt. .~10Jl 13. AtJT]IOJlIlA'l'IOJI '1'0 nEClnB SOlE. B ESCROW DZPOII'l' AGRZEKEXT. Th. Is.u.r h.r.by authoriz.s and dir.cts the Cbairaan and Cl.rk to .x.cut. the S.ri.s B Escrow D.posit Agr..ment (the "Seri.. B Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt.) and to d.liv.r the Series B .-crow Deposit Aqr....nt to the E.crow Aq.nt. All of the provi.ion. of the S.ri.. B Escrow Deposit Aqreem.nt wh.n ex.cuted and d.liv.r.d by the Issu.r as authoriz.d h.r.in and when duly authorized, .x.cut.d and d.liv.red by the Escrow Agent, shall be deeaed to be a part of this Supplem.ntal R.solution as fully and to the .... .xt.nt as if incorporated verbatim herein, and the Series B .-crow Deposit Aqr.ement shall be in substantially the form of the Seri.. B Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt attach.d hereto as Exhibit D with IlUch chanq.s, ...nd_nts, .odifications, OIIlission. and ad4itions, including the date of such S.ries B Escrow Deposit Aqr....nt, as uy be approved by said Chairlllan and Clerk. bKUtion by the Chairlllan and the Cl.rk of the S.ri.s B E.crow Deposit Aqr....nt shall be deemed to be conclusiv. .vidence of .pproval of .uch chang.s. Th. Financial Advisor, the Underwriters, Bond Couns.l and the Escrow Ag.nt are h.r.by authorized and directed to .x.cute and fil. all dOCUlll.nt. n.c.ssary to purchase or sw.cribe to the R.fundinq Securiti.s on behalf of the Issuer which relate to the S.ri.s B Escrow D.posit Agre.ment. 10 .. OCOn~! 93 IJ! ; - ""'(, " f~ .-..,,~OJI 1.. '1'RAJI87D 07 N0IIn8 'l'O UCllOW DZP08I'l' 'l'Jltl8T .ru.w.. Exce.. ~eys in the Sinkinq Fund not required by the terllls of the Resolution to be on deposit therein and which are allocated to the Serie. 1985 Bonds shall be transferred to the escrow deposit trust fund established pursuant to the Series A Escrow Deposit Aqre_nt. ExCeSS IIOneys in the Sinkinq Fund not required by the teras of the Resolution to be on deposit therein and which are allocated to the 1917 Project Bond and the Refunded Series 1991 Bonds &ball be transferred to the escrow deposit trust fund establisbed pursuant to the Series B Escrow Deposit Aqreement. .1IC'l'101f 15. APl>Ob.AUI 07 PAYI.G AQDT UD REQISTllAR. First onion National Bank of Florida, Miami, Florida, is hereby de.ignated Reqistrar and Payinq Agent for the Series 1994 Bonds. The Cha~n and the Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into any aqr~t which _y be necessary to effect the transactions ~lated by th1a Section 15 and by the Resolution. 811C'l'10J1 1'. x.stlRAX~. The Issuer hereby authorizes the par-ent of the principal of and interest on the Series 1994 Bonds to be insured pursuant to a aunicipal bond insurance policy (the "Bond Insurance policy") i..ued by Financial Guaranty Insurance COIIpany, a Nev York stock in.urance cOlllpany (the "Insurer" or "Pinancial Guaranty"). The Chairman and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such docuaents and instruments necessary to cause Financial Guaranty to insure the Series 1994 Bonds. s1lC'l'10J1 17. PROVXSIOJIs RZLATI~ TO BOXD I.StlRAXCE POLICY. Tbe follovinq provision. relatinq to the Bond Insurance Policy is.ued by Pi.~ncial Guaranty shall apply to the Series 1994 Bonds ao long es the Bond Insurance POlicy is in full force and effect and any Series 1994 Bonds shall remain OUtstanding: (A) Inforaation Provided to Financial Guarantv. Financial CUaranty shall be provided with the followinq information: (i) the Annual Budget for each Fiscal Year, the Annual Audit for each Fiscal Year, and a stat..ent of the Net Revenues for each Fiscal Year, as soon as the same bec01lle available; (ii) any Official Stateaent prepared in connection with the issuance of Additional Bonds or Subordinated Indebtedness within 30 days of the sale thereof; (iii) notice of any draw upon or deficiency due to market fluctuation in the aaount, if any, on deposit in the Reserve Account; (iv) notice of the redemption, other than mandatory .in1dn9 fund redeaption, of an)' of the Series 1994 Bonds, including the principal ..aunt, _turit1es and CUSIP nwabers thereof; (v) .iaaltaneously with the delivery of the Annual Audit: (a) the nuaber of Syst.. users as of the end of the previous Fiscal Year, (b) notification of the withdrawal of any system user c01llprising 4\ or ~e of System sales ..asured in terms of Net Revenues since the last reportinq date, and (c) any significant plant retirements or expansions planned or undertaken since the last reporting date; and 11 lOll OCOn~ 94 (vi) .ueh additional inforution as the requ4lat trOll tae to ti_. (8) Pav.ent Procedure Pursuant to Bond Insurance PoliCY. (i) If, on the third day prec:ecSinq any interest payment date for the Seri.. 1994 Bond. there is not on deposit sufficient moneys available to pay all principal of and interest on the Series 1994 Bonds due on 8Uch date, the Payinq Aqent shall illllllediately notify FiDancial CU&ranty and State Street Bank and Trust COIIIpany, N.A., ..., York, .ev York or its successor as its Fiscal Agent (the -Fi-=al Aqent") of the aaount of such deficiency. The Issuer shall notify the Payinq Aqent by the third day prior to an interest paya.nt date if it will not have sufficient moneys to transfer to the Paying Aqent to pay the principal of and interest on the Series 1"4 Bonds on 8Uch date. If, by said interest payment date, the Iasaer has not provided the ..ount of such deficiency, the Issuer abell st.ultaneously aake available to Financial Guaranty and to the Fiscal Aqent the reqistration books for the Series 1994 Bonds aaintained by the Registrar. In addition: ....,.. ....... ""t Insurer ~t reasonably -- . 'lC;;:... . (a) The Registrar shall provide Financial Cuaranty with a list of the Series 1994 Bondholders entitled to receive principal or interest payaents fro. Financial Guaranty under the te~ of the Bond Insurance Policy and shall make arranq...nts for Financial Guaranty and its Fiscal Agent (1) to aail checks or drafts to Series 1994 Bondholder. entitled to receive full or partial intere.t payments fro. Financial Guaranty and (2) to pay principal of the Series 1994 Bonds surrendered to the Fiscal Aqent by the Series 1994 Bondholders entitled to receive full or partial principal payments from Financial Guaranty; and (b) The Reqi.trar shall, at the ti_ it makes the reqistration boots available to Financial Guaranty pursuant to (a) above, notify Series 1994 Bondholders entitled to receive the payment of principal of or interest on the Series 1994 Bonds fro. Financial Cuaranty (1) as to the fact of such entitl..ent, (2) that Financial Guaranty will r8lllit to them all or part of the interest payments COIling due subject to the te~ of the InsuranCe POlicy, (3) that, except as provided in paraqraph (11) below, in the eVent that any Series 1994 Bondholder is entitled to receive full payment of principal frOll Financial cuaranty, such Series 1994 Bondholder must tender his Series 1994 Bend with the instrument of transfer in the fora provided on the Series 1994 Bond executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, and (4) that, except as provided in paraqraph (ii) below, in the eVent that such Series 1994 Bondholder is entitled to receive partial payment of principal frOll Financial Guaranty, such Series 1994 Bondholder must tender his Series 1994 Bond for payaent first to the Payinq Aqent, which shall note on such Series 1994 Bond the portion of principal paid by the Payinq Aqent, and then, with an 12 1M om fl~ 95 tt,"< $. 3AWDAKY 25, ltt4 a~ble fora of assi~nt executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, to the Fiscal Aqent, which vill then pay the unpaid portion of principal to the Series 1994 Bondholder tR\!)ject to the terJ18 of the Bond Insurance Policy. (ii) In the event that the Payinq Aqent has notice that any paywent of principal of or interest on a Series 1994 Bond has been r_\o.!ecS fro. a Series 1994 Bondholder pursuant to the United 8tates Bankruptcy COde by a trustee in bankruptcy in accordance vitia the final, nonappealable orcSer of a court havinq cOlllpetent jurisdiction, the Payinq Aqent shall, at the ti_ it provides notice to Financial Guaranty, notify all series 1994 Bondholders that in the event that any Series 1994 Bondholder'. payment is so rec::oYered, such Series 1994 Bondholder vill be entitled to payment tr~ Financial Guaranty to the extent of such recovery, and the Payinq Aqent shall furnish to Financial Guaranty its records evidencinq the payaents of principal of and interest on the Series 1994 Bonds which have been ..de by the Payinq Aqent and aube.quently recovered fro. Series 1994 Bondholder., and the dates on 1Ih1cb IlUch pa}'1lent. vere ..de. (iii) Financial Guaranty shall, to the extent it ..kes payment of principal of or interest on the Series 1994 Bond., become aubrogated to the riqht. of the recipient. of such payments in acc:ordance vith the terJ18 of the Bond Insurance Policy and, to evidence su-:h subrogation, (a) in the case of subroqation as to clatas for past dUe interest, the Payinq Aqent shall notfFinancial CUaranty'. riqhts as subroqee on the registration booltJl intained by the Reqistrar upon receipt fr~. Financial Guaranty f proof of the pay.ent of interest thereon to the Series 1994 BondholcSers of 8UCb Series 1994 Bonds and (b) in the case of sUbroqalion as to claias for past due principal, the Registrar shall not~Financial Guaranty's riqhts as subroqee on the registration boof. for the Seri_ 1994 Bonds ..intained by the Reghtrar upon recei~ of proof of the pa}'1l8nt of principal thereof to the Series 1994 Bondholders of .uc:b Seri.. 1994 Bonds. Notwithstanding anythiflq in the Resolution or the Series 1994 Bonds to the contrary, e Payinq Agent shall .ake payaent of such past due interest a past due principal directly to Finai1Cial Guaranty to the ent that FiDancial Cuaranty is a subreqee vith respect thereto. (iv) The notice address for Financial Guaranty a Agent shall be included: Financial Guaranty Insurance company 115 Broadvay Nev York, .ev York 10006 Attention: Manaqinq Counsel 13 n,....,. n,.... ~ -- < -t' t t ;z " ~." ;!< 'I.- ~ ^~ '1; - State Street Bank and TrUst 61 Broadway Hew York, New York 10006 Attention: Corporate TrUst Department .~ : ~. .' "'\ <:~pa!lyf Jt..t- (C) Additional Provisions. (i) Notwithstanding satisfaction of other conditions to the issuanc. of Additional Bonds contained in the Resolution, no such issuance .ay occur (oth.r than refunding Bonds which produce debt service savings for the Issuer) should any Event of Default have occurred and be continuing without the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty; (ii) notice of any redaption of Series 1994 Bonds, other than mandatory sinking tund redaption and exceptinq any notice that reters to Series 1994 Bonds that are the subject of an advance refunding, shall state that .uch notice is conditional, i.e., that such redemption will oc.~ only if sufficient funds are d.posited with the Paying Agent on the applicable redewption date to pay the redemption price of the Series 1994 Bonds to be red....d, oth.rwis., such notic. shall be d....d rescinded; (iii) any successor paying "qent for the Seri.s 1994 Bonds .ust have combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of at least $50 aillion, unless Financial Guaranty shall otherwise approve; (iv) no resignation or removal of the Paying Aqent shall becoae effective until a successor has been appointed and baa accept.d the duties of Paying Agent; (v) Financial Guaranty shall be furnished with written notice ot the resiqnation or reaova1 of the Paying Agent and the appointment of any successor thereto; (vi) the Payinq Agent and any applicable receiver or trustee shall not take the Bond Insurance Policy for the Series 1994 Bonds into account in determining whether the riqhts of Series 1994 Bondhold.rs are adversely aff.cted by actions taken pursuant to the terlll8 and provisions of the Resolution; (vii) the Issuer or the Payinq Agent shall provide Financial Guaranty with immediate notice of any pay>>8nt d.fault and notice of any other default known to the Issu.r or the paying Aqent within 30 days of their Knowledge thereof; (viii) Financial Guaranty shall be included as a party in interest and as a party entitl.d to (a) notify the Issuer, the Paying Agent and any applicable receiver or trustee of the occurrence of an EVent of Default and (b) requ.st the Issuer, the Paying Agent and any applicable r.ceiv.r or trustee to intervene in judicial procee<1inqs that aff.ct the Series 1994 Bonds or the security ther.for; the Issuer, the Payinq Agent and any applica~le receiver or trustee shall be required to accept notice ot detault frea Financial Cuaranty; (ix) for all purposes of Article VII of the Resolution (except the qiving of notice of default to series 1994 Bondholders), Financial Guaranty shall be d....d to be the sole holder of the Series 1994 Bonds so long as it has not failed to coaply with its obliqations under the Bond Insurance Policy; (x) Pinancial Guaranty shall be provided with a tull transcript of proceedings relating to the execution of any Supplemental Resolution; (xi) in determining whether a payment default on the series 1994 Bonds has occurred, no .ffect shall be given to payaent. aade under the Bond Insurance POlicy; (xii) any 14 100I OCO m, 97 t' ., ' ;i", . SUppI_ntal Resolution adopted by the I.su.r pursuant to s.ction '.02 of 1:be Resolution shall be subj.ct to the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty (any rati"9 agency rati"9 the series 1994 Bonds shall r.ceiv. notice of .ach such suppl.mental Resolution and a copy th.r.of at l.ast 15 days in advanc. of the edoption tbereof); and (xHi) in the ev.nt of an advance refunding of 1:be aeri.s 1994 Bonds, the Issu.r shall cause to be d.livered a verification r.VOIt of an independ.nt nationally r.cognized certified public accountant relati"9 to the SUfficiency of cash and/or Refundinq securiti.s to pay the principal of, redemption pr..iaa, if any, and int.r.st on the r.funded Series 1994 Bonds, as the .... beccme due or are red....d. _....:dOJl 11. D'l'C L..udJI 07 anllUDTATI01IB. Th. Chairlllan Is bareby authoriz.d to execut. the DTC Lett.rs of Repr.s.ntations in ~ntially the fora attached h.r.to as Exhibit E. '....:dOJl 11. ,,~dAL Aln'JI01IITY. The lIembers of the Go"Ierninc; Board of the Issu.r, the Cl.rlc. and the officers, .ttorneYs and other agents or .-ploy.es of the Issuer are hereby .1rtborized to do all acts and thing. required of them by this SUppl..-ntal R.solution, the R.solution, the Official Statement, the EscrOW Deposit Aqr....nt. or the Purchas. Contract or desirable or consist.nt with the requir...nts h.r.of or the Resolution, the Official stat...nt, the EscrOW Deposit Aqr.ements or the Purchase Contract for the full punctual and c:oaplet. perfOrlllAnc. of all the ~, cov.nants and .qr....nts contained h.r.in or in the Seri.s 1994 Bonds, the Resolution, the Official Statem.nt, the Escrow Deposit Aqr....nts and the Purchas. Contract and .ach memb.r, eaploy.e, attorney and offic.r of the Issuer and the Cleric. is bar.by authorized and dir.ct.d to .x.cut. and deliv.r any and all papers and instruaents and to be and cause to be done any and all .cts and tbinqs n.cessary or proper for carryinq out the transactions cont.-plated h.reunder. The Chait'l1an and/or the Clerk are bar.by authorized to .x.cute such s.curity purchas. forms or aqr...-nts as shall be nec.ssary to .ffect the transactions conte.plated h.r.by. ..crI0JI 20. IZVDABILITY UD nrvALID nOVXBI0JI8. If any one or ~. of the cov.nants, aqr.ements or provisions herein contained shall be h.ld contrary to any .xpress provision of law or contrary to the policy of .xpr.ss law, though not .xpressly probibited or aqa1nst public policy, or shall for any reason w.atsoev.r be h.ld invalid, th.n such covenant., aqre.ments or prowi.ions shall be null and void and shall be d..med separable froa tbe r_ininq cov.nants, aqr....nt. or provisions and shall in DO way aff.ct the validity of any of the other provisions hereof or of tbe seri.. 1994 Bonds. 'JIC'l'IOJI 21. JlUOLV'l'IOJI 'l'O COJI'l'IJn1J' :I. roacs. Except as bar.in expres.ly provid.d, the R.solution and all the terms and provisions th.r.of are and sball reaain in full forc. and .ffect. 15 NOll 000 Pl',! 98 I.~ ,t "' )#, ~:;"".>t '1><- ~{t.' it" " <; .' . , ; .. ~.~ t ~ t Ja.QAKY 2&, 1114 '_""&"-'011 22. U"MOnwa DAn. This sUPP1.meii~~ Resolution 8ba11 beac.. effective f-tdiauly upon ita !I~~p~i9l!:'. IlGt.T al)()h&b, in Re9Ular ..asion this 25th cSay of January, 1ft4. COLLIER cq......lli DTD-8na DIBTJlIC'l' (SDL) By , county iaai of Collier County, orida,.a the Ex- Officio ChairlllAn of the COVerninq Board of the Collier County Water-Sever District .~..'_rl . .,~H.'.""I ", . _, .. '1,,, -- ~f11 '" 11..i? / Diatrict Attorn