Resolution 1994-019 JANUARY II. 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-12- RELATING TO PETITION FDPO-93-4 FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 87-80) AS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THE COLLIER COUllTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (ORDINANCE NO. 91-102). WHEREAS, the Petitioner, Baypoint Development Ltd. ~ires to build pool bath tacility located at Bluebill Avenue upon property IIOre particularily described as set torth in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and u~.vurated by reterence herein; and WHEREAS, said pool bath tacility is to be constructed at an elevation ot 6 teet (NGVD), thus necessitating a request tor a variance trom the 2inimum base flood elevation ot 13 teet (NGVD) required by Ordinance Xuaber 87-80, as incorporated by reterence into the Collier County Land DeveloplMnt Code (ordinance lIo. 91-102); and WHEREAS, the Board at Zoning Appeals has held a public bearing as required by law; has reviewed Petition FDPO-93-4 in accordance with Subsections 18(5), (6) and (7), Ordinance BUaber 87-80, as incorporated by reterence into the Collier County Land Development Code (O.-dinance 110. 91-102) and has ..de a finding that the granting of this petition complies with the intent and purpose ot ordinance Number 87-80 as follows: (1) The 7 foot reduction ~ the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRK) 13 toot National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) requireaent ~ 6 teet National Geodetic Vertical DatUm (NGVD) is the minimum variance necessary, considering the tloed hazard, to at ford reliet. (2) In passing upon this variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals has considered all technical evaluations provided to it, all relevant factors, the standards specified in Ordinance No. 81-80, especially those ! contained In Subsections 18 \7) (a-n). JANUARY II, 1994 . 1fOIf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Petition FDPO-93-4 is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The variance shall be tor the reductIon of the Minimum Bas. Flood Elevation required by Ordinance No. 87-80 ? ~ 13 teet NGVD ~ 6 feet NGVD. 2. The Chief Ad.inistrative Official shall mail a copy of this Resolution to the Petitioner by certitied mail return receipt requested and such mailIng shall constitute coapliance with Section 18, (10) at Ordinance 7 ..1-, , . -j , Ita. 87-80. 3. The granting of this variance by the Board at Zoning Appeals does not make or imply any assurances that the subject property or structures are not subject to flood ~( :1 t( 4. dallllge. The granting of this variance shall not create liability on the part of Collier County or by any officer or '. r,. ,~ employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on this varIance or any administratIve decIsIon lawtully IllIde thereunder. 5. In accepting this variance, the petItIoner assumes all responsIbIlIty for any property damage resulting tram its application. The grantIng of this variance has been predicated principally on the engineering data and Information provided by the Petitioner and a revIew of same with respect to the considerations required by Ordinance No. 87-80. BE IT RESOLVED that thIs ResolutIon relating to PetitIon Nuaber FDPO-93-4 be recorded In the mInutes of this Board. ~a: ~;> ~;- eoo( 000 w" 42 i-:.. 6. JANUARY II, 1994 eo.aissioner Voloe ottered the foregoing Resolution and lIOVed for its adoption, seconded by eo.aissioner Saunders and upon roll call the vote vaal AYES: cc-1seiawc Volpe. Caaoiseionee Saunders, Carmissionee Matthevs and l"..-I....iawc ConstantIne JlAYS: ABSEIIT AND NOT VOTING: Caaoissioner Neeris ABSTEIITION: Done This 11th j~AI/(J ..... ~;:,. .1}/ .:rr.. ., ";", (' (:I..~(... ~ ;'.~ . .E;.-1l., Clerk ~': . ;f~.:\'- . _; . ..:tii..~.. - . I,.-!. ~, - .-. , .'.r ,'.;~: ',' .'. "4" ...... ~ . ~\AS TO FORK A.'fD LEGAL st1FFICIEXCY: ~ A_~' i "In, era <( I .u.J:. MARJOJgE M. STUD ASSISTANT COI....d ATTORNEY day at. January , 1994. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLL~, FLORIDA >Y'{Jif.~ ANTIN!, CIlAIRI\AN FDPO RESOLUTION Jab/l07S3 eOIll 000 Fl',~ 43 , ...,.;. " , , :,I, . ~ , ~ t , ~ , .. 4! ." JANUARY II, 1994 IllUll OR BOOI<. UUIr:nl PAGE{ SCHEDULE 'A' A portion of Tract 'A' BAKER - CARROLL POINT, more partieularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southesst corner of Tract A, Bakar - Carroll Point, as recorded in Plat Boolt 8, Page 42, Public Records of COllier County, Florida, run II 89052'20. W slong the South line ot Tract A, being also the lIorth Right-of-Way line of State Road S- 846, for 302.57 feet; thence run N 00007'40' E tor 273.10 teet to a point on the property and waterway line; thence run 64.85 teet along the arc of s curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 100.00 teet, and subtended by a chord having a bearing N 71033'00' E, and a length of 63.72 feet ~o a point of tangeney; tbence " 52058'20' E for 100.44 teet to a point ot curvature; tbence run 64.22 feet along the arc ot s eurve eoneave to the Southeast having a radius of 100.00 feet, and subtended by a chord having a bearing II 7l022'10' E, and a length of 63.12 feet to a point of tangency; thence N 89046'00' E for 100.00 feet, the last 4 courses being along the waterway line; thence S 00014'00' E along the property line for 375.00 feet to the Point at Beginning; eoor 000,.,,[ 44 1o<<"'.dar-4,,,II\,, t.Of'fl(l,1 a.<....t " COUllI COl..lftiT. fl9110) 0II1"'t t. It<<<. ell'" EXHIBIT "A" .~ .JANUARY II. 1994 :01779494 COLlIER COUNTY , gl.JhN II, AH 10: 57 RECORDED 00190ll OR BOOI\ 002331 PAGE :ttc9.,~ nl\(~. r'()1_ lffT . 11IO ~ !~ , ~f;! ig ig i XOTICB OF VARIANCB TO FLOOD DAMAGJI PREVEXTIOM ORDINANCE J(otice is hereby given that the Collier County Board of co.ai.sioners did this 11th day of January, 1994, grant to: Baypoint Development LTD a variance to the Flood Daaage Prevention Ordinance (County ordinance 110. 87-80) as referenced in Resolution 110, 94-19. The property on whIch this variance was granted is located at: Exhibit "A" IlOTE : The granting of this varIance may result in higher tlood Insurance rates for this property. By: STATB OF FLORIDA ....ua.H OF COLLIER The foregoing NotIce of Variance to the FloodtRamage Prevention Dance was acknowledged before De this ~ day of ~ ,1994 by!t;-'I/CTH tv 8/'61,</.51<, , who is personally o ae ho-has to' UL,;cd . -- .-identific~ion and WhO did (did-noer.take-en-oath. c;:' ;c/ (S nature 0 Notary Pu 1 c) #x,;///> /i.dNPC (pr nt Name at Notary Public) NOTARY PUBLIC ~ Commission I ((J$Z/5f 7.'2.. My Commission Expires: ~;I)"~0 (SEAL) I ICllIMAA.x:,.- HafAS'f PUIUC irAti 01 R.OIIDA ~NO.cx::mm Katie. of Variance Form e03( OOOPI~[ 45 JANUARY 11, 1994 -- .,- . - .. .~ PAGE{ . ~ OR BOOK SCHEDULE "A" Cl A portion ot Tract "A" BAKER - CARROLL POHIT, more partieularly::O described aa follows: CD Cl Cl Beginning at the Southesst corner ot Trsct A, Baker - Carroll:::;; point, ss recorded in plat Book 8, Page 42, Publie Records of Collier County, Florids, run H 89"52'20" W along the South line of Tract A, being also the lIorth Right-ot-Way line of State Road S- 846, for 302.57 teet; thence run N 00007'40" E for 273.10 teet to a point on the property snd vatecway line; thence eun 64.85 feet along the arc of a curve eoncave to the North~est, ha'ling a rsdius of 100.00 feet. snd subtended by s chord having a besring II 71033'00' E, and s length at 63.72 feet to a point of tsngeney; thence H 52058'20' E tor .100.44 feet to a point at eurvature; thence run 64,22 feet along the arc of a curve coneave to the Southeast having a radius ot 100.00 feet, snd subtended by a chord-o having a bearing II 71022'10. E, and a length of 63,12 feet to a~ point of tangency; thence N 89046'00' E for 100.00 feet, the last~ 4 courses being along the vatecway line; thence S 00'14'00' E along~ the property line for 375.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; , . , o o ',0 a .r:- ~ o a roJ L.) L.) N ~ ,.0' - V ,/""'~lI:1o!-1 ."f "f~,1t11". , ~f 1,1,1 ~~,.,..,tl .h r....'''IH (\~I!.,I\ n'-""f\,\ _""",, .,...... ('1:.("'" l>\Il~' ,. 8001( OOOr&~! 46 l4(...I.... 1M 1vUltl .. .,"(hl ht.,41.r contll Cl)UKil. fLl)atOl. <<NIall t. IIG((. U('''' EXHIBIT "A"