Resolution 1995-056 RESOLUTION NO. 95-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY 8 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FORM OF A FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THAT ADMITS TWO NEW COUNTIES TO THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. H 2 BE IT RESOLVED ny THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, An FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR THE RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, Part I, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2. FINDINGS. The (the "Board") of Collier county, hereby find and determine that: (A) Collier County, Florida, Brevard County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida (the "Original Commission Members") have previously entered into that certain Interlocal Agreement, dated as of February 19, 1991 (the "Agreement") pursuant to which the Florida Local Government Finance commission (the "Commission") was created and charged with the structuring, administration and execution of a pooled commercial paper loan program. Board of County Commissioners Florida (the "County"), does (B) Osceola county, Florida and Lee County, Florida (the "New Commission Members") have expressed a desire to become members of the Commission. (C) The County deems it in the best interests of itself and the Commission to admit the New Commission Members as members of the Commission. (D) In order to document properly the admission of the New Commission Members to membership in the Commission it is necessary and desirable to supplement the Agreement. SECTION 3. APPROVAL OF FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. The form, terms and provisions of the First Supplemental Interlocal Agreement, submitted to this meeting and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Supplemental Agreement"), be and the same hereby are approved. The Chairman of the Board and Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Supplemental Agreement in the name and on behalf of the County, with such changes, amendments, modifications, omissions and additions as approved by the Chairman. Execution by said Chairman shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of approval of such changes. SECTION 4. RECORDING OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. The Clerk is hereby directed to file the Supplemental Agreement with the 8 H 2 Clerk of the Circuit Court as required by Section 163.01 (11) , Florida Statutes SECTION 5. GENERAL AUTHORITY. The members of the Board and the officers, attorneys and other agents or employees of the County are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by this Resolution, the Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement, or desirable or consistent with the requirements hereof or thereof for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained herein, in the Agreement or in the Supplementa 1 Agreement, and each member, employee, attorney and officer of the County and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers and instruments and to be and cause to be done any and all acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out the transactions contemplated hereunder and under the Agreement and under the Supplemental Agreement. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY AND INVALID PROVISIONS. If any one or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions and shall in no way affect the validity of any of the other provisions hereof or of the Agreement or the Supplemental Agreement. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. DULY ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1995. (SEAL) . COLLIER Bettye. J . ATTEST: :Dvight E. Brock *~?f~~~;~?'~t?" Commissioners unty APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ~..~&.~ County Attorne 2 EXHIBIT A 8 H 21 FORM OF FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 8 H 21 EXHIBIT A PIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS IS A PIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, dated as of December 1, 1994 (the "Supplemental Agreement"), entered into by and among a limited number of local governmental units executing this Supplemental Agreement, each one constituting a county or municipal corporation located in the State of Florida, and constituting a "public agency" under Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, lihich local government units shall be Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida, Sarasota County, Florida, Osceola County, Florida and Lee County, Florida as evidenced by the signatures of their authorized representatives; . I THE SSE T H: WHEREAS, Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida (the "Original Commission Members") have previously entered into that certain Interlocal Agreement dated as of February 19, 1991 (the "Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit 1, pursuant to Which the Florida Local Government Finance Commission (the "Commission") was created and charged with the structuring, administration and execution of the Pooled Commercial Paper Loan Program (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the Original Commission Members desire to admit Osceola County, Florida and Lee County, Florida (the "New Commission Members") as members of the Commission and the New Commission Members desire to become members of the Commission; and WHEREAS, the New Commission Members each constitute a Public Agency within the meaning ascribed thereto in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.01 of the Agreement, the New Commission Members have applied to become members of the Commission and the Original Commission Members have agreed, pursuant to a unanimous vote, at a duly called meeting of the Commission held on October 27, 1994 to admit the New Commission Members to membership in the Commission; and WHEREAS, in order to properly document the admission of the New Commission Members to membership in the Commission it is necessary and desirable to supplement the Agreement; HOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties to this First Supplemental Interlocal Agreement agree as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct in all material respects and are hereby incorporated into this 8 U II 2 Supplemental Agreement by this reference. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto by the Agreement, except to the extent such terms are defined herein or the context clearly indicates another meaning. SECTION 2. The New Commission Members are hereby admitted as members of the Commission and each shall have all of the rights, benefits and obligations of a Commission Member under and pursuant to the Agreement. The New Commission Members each shall be a .Commission Member" hereunder and under the Agreement and all of the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall apply to such New Commission Members accordingly. SECTION 3. The initial Representative of each of the New Commission Members is as follows: Osceola County: Doug Martin Lee County: Donald Stilwell, or his designee SECTION 4. Except as otherwise specifically provided to the contrary in this Supplemental Agreement, all of the representations, terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This Supplemental Agreement shall be effective upon its execution. 2 8 H 2 I. WITNESS WHEREOF, this First Supplemental Interlocal Aqreement has been executed by and on behalf of the commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Clerk 3 8 H 2 IH WITNESS WHEREOF, this Supplemental Agreement has been executed by and on behal~ of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Clark 8 H 2 IX WITNESS WHEREOF, this Supplemental Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Clerk 8 H 2 I. WITHE88 1flIEREOF, this Supplemental Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Clerk 8 H 2 I. WITNESS WHEREOF, this Supplemental Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) LEB COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Clerk 8 H 2 EXHIBIT 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 8 H 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ~IS INTERLOCAL ~GREEMENT, dated as of February 19, 1991 (the -Agreement-), enterod into by and among a limited number of local governmental units axecuting this Agreement, each one constituting a county or municipal corporation located in the State of Florida, and constituting a "public agency" under Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (the -commission Members"), lihich shall initially be Brevard county, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota county, Florida as evidenced by the signatures of their authorized representatives; WIT N E SSE T H: WllEREAS, each of the Commission Members have the power to borrow funds, contract loans and issue obligations for public purposes pursuant to section 125.01, Florida Statutes (in the case of counties), section 166.021, Florida statutes (in the case of municipal corporations) and Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (collectively, the "Act"); and WllEREAS, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (the -Interlocal Act"), permits the Commission Members, as public agencies under the Interlocal Act, to enter into interlocal agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority lihich such commission Members share in common and which each might exercise separately, permitting the Commission Members to make the most efficient use of their power by enabling them to cooperate on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best liith geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of such Commission Members; and WllEREAS, section l63.0l(7) (d), Florida statutes, authorizes the Commission Members, pursuant to an interlocal agreement, to create a separate legal entity to exercise the common power of the Commission Members to issue obligations for the purposes of financing the cost of financing or refinancing capital projects pursuant to the Interlocal Act; and WHEREAS, Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida, pursuant to resolutions adopted on February 19, 1991, February 12, 1991 and February 19, 1991, respectively (collectively, the "Resolutions"), have determined that there is a substantial need to create such a legal entity to issue obligations in the form of commercial paper notes to provide loans to "pUblic agencies" (as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes), including the commission Members, to finance or 8 H 2 refinance capital projects within said public agency and to finance such other governmental needs as may be permitted by the Act; HOW, '1'llERErORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein, it is mutually agreed and understood by and among the Commission Members that now or may hereafter execute this Agreement, that the -Florida Local Government Finance COm1llission", . legal entity and public body corporate and politic and a unit of local government for all of the privileges, benefits, power and terms of the Act (the -com1llission"), is hereby created and charged with the structu.ing, administration and execution of the hereinafter described Program as follows: ARTICLE % DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall govern the interpretation of this Agreement: "Act" shall mean, collectively, Section 125.01, Florida Statutes (in the case of counties), Section 166.021, Florida Statutes (in the case of municipal corporations), the Interlocal Act, and other applicable provisions of law. ""dminiatrator" means the Florida Association of counties, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation, or such other program administrator selected by the Commission in accordance vith the Indenture to administer the making, originating and administration of the Loans or any portion thereof and to act as the Commission'S agent as set forth in a Program Administration Agreement between the Commission and the Administrator. "Agreement" shall mean this Interlocal Agreement, including any amendments or supplements hereto, executed and delivered in accordance with the terms hereof. "commiaaion" shall mean the Florida Local Government Finance Commission, a legal entity and a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and the Act. "commiaaion Xeml:>er" or "commieaion Xeml:>ers" shall mean the member or members of the COm1llission, as shall be provided in the Agreement. The Commission Members shall initially be Brevard County, Florida, Collier county, Florida and Sarasota county, Florida. "Indenture" shall mean a certain Indenture of Trust to be entered into by and between the Commission and the Trustee, inclUding any amendments or supplements thereto executed and delivered in accordance with the terms thereof. The Indenture 2 shall be in such form and contain such provisions, represent~tions and restrictions as sh~ll hereafter be the commission. 8 H 2 covenants, approved by "Interlocal Act" sh~ll lIlean Part I of Chapter l63, Florida Statutes. "Loan" lIleans an amount equal to the outst~nding oblig~tion under a particular Loan Agreement. "Loan Aqre.lllel:lt" or "Loan "qreement." shall mean the loan ~greements, inclucling the exhibits att~ched thereto, Which the Public Agency shall execute prior to participating in the Program, which Loan AgreelLent shall be in the form prescribed by the Commission. "Notes" shall mean the commercial Paper Notes issued by the Commission pursu~nt to Section 4.0l of this Agreement, the proceeds from the sale of which shall be deposited and disbursed pursu~nt to the terms of the Program Documents. "Proqra.m" sh~ll mean the Pooled Commerci~l Paper Loan Program of the Commission created and structured pursuant to the terms ~nd conditions of this Agreement and the Program Documents. "proqra.m Document." sh~ll me~n, collectively, the Indenture, the Loan Agreement, the reimbursement agreement or agreements with the credit enhancer for the Notes, and such other agreements, opinions of counsel and certificates as the Commission shall deem appropriate. "Public "qencie." shall lIlean any "public agency", as defined in Part I of Ch~pter 163, Florida St~tutes, which shall receive a Loan pursuant to the Program. "Representative" sh~l1 mean that elected or appointed public offici~l or officer appointed by a Commission Member to serve on the Commission. "Resolution." shall lIlean those resolutions duly adopted by the Commission Members authorizing the p~rticipation of such Commission Member in the Program pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. . "Btate" shall lIlean the State of Florida. "~ru.tee" shall lIlean such entity to be hereafter selected by the Commission to act as Trustee for the Program in accordance with the terms hereof, the Indenture and of the Loan Agreements, and any successor or assigns. 3 40 . 8 H 2 ~~enever any words are used in this Agreement in the m~sculine gender, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the feminine or neuter gender in all situations where they would SO apply, and whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the singular form, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the plural form in all situations where they would so apply. ARTICLE II '1'1lE COlOlISSION SECTION 2.01. CREATION. The Commission Members hereby create the -Florida Local Government Finance Commission", a legal entity and a public body corporate and politic and a unit of local government for all of the privileges, benefits, power and terms of the Act. SECTION 2.02. PURPOSE. The purpose of the Commission is to enable the Public Agencies to (a) finance or refinance capital projects and other governmental needs permitted by the Act at the lowest interest cost possible and (b) benefit from the economies of scale associated with large scale financings which may otherwise be unrealized if separate financings were undertaken. SECTION 2.03. POWERS. (a) The Commission is authorized for the purpose of carrying out the Program to exercise all of the privileges, benefits, powers and terms of the Act in connection with the authorization, issuance and sale of the Notes pursuant to Article IV. Such powers include, but are not limited to, the power to make and enter into contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its duties under this Agreement, to employ consultants, advisors, experts, attorneys and such other employees and agents as may, in the judgment of the Commission, be necessary, and to fix their compensation; to sue or be sued in its own name; to receive and accept any aid or contributions from any source of money, property, labor or other things of value; to adopt a seal; and to adopt a place of its official meetings. (b) No enUllleration of powers herein shall be deemed exclusive or restrictive, but shall be deemed to incorporate all implied powers necessary or incident to carrying out the purposes of the Commission. SECTION 2.04. ~ERSHIP. The Commission consist of those Public Agencies which have been such pursuant to Article III hereof. SECTION 2.05. DURATION 07 COlOlISSION. The Commission shall exist 50 long as any Notes of the Commission or obligations of any Members shall established as , 4 8 H 2 participating Public Agency under the Program remain outstanding. Upon termination, all assets of the Commission shall be allocated among the Public Agencies in accordance with the terms of the Program Document5. )J\TICLE III XlKEERSBIP AND ~EPRESZNTATION SECTION 3.01. XEXEERSHIP. (a) Membership in the Commission shall consist of those Public Agencies selected pursuant to this Article. (b) County, Florida. The initial Commission Members shall consist of: Brevard Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, (c) TO the extent permitted by the Interlocal Act, the Commission may admit any Public Agency to membership upon application of such Public Agency and the affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the Representatives at a duly called meeting of the Commission. (d) Commission deliver a Interlocal As a precondition to membership in the Commission, each Member shall constitute a Public Agency and shall duly authorized and executed counterpart to this Agreement. SECTION 3.02. shall appoint one or the Commission. REPRESENT),TION. (a) Each Commission Member more Representatives to act on its behalf on (b) The Representative or Representatives of each Commission Member shall have an aggregate of one (l) vote on the Commission. If a Commission Member has more than one Representative at a meeting of the Commission, all Representatives of a Commission Member must vote in a like manner or the vote of such commission Member shall not be counted. (c) In the event all of the Representatives of a Commission Member shall resign or be removed, such Commission Member shall appoint a new Representative or Representatives within thirty (30) days. (d) Each Commission Member, in its sole discretion, may remove its Representative or Representatives at any time and may appoint a new Representative or Representatives to the Commission. 5 8 H 2 (e) The initial Representative or Representatives of each Commission Member are as follows: Brevard County: Collier County: Sarasota County: Doug Martin Ron McLemore and John Yonkosky Gene Schiller and Pete Ramsden BECTION 3.03. ACTION. (a) The affairs, actions and duties of the Commission ",hall be undertaken at a duly called meeting pursuant to Sectio~ 3.09 hereof. (b) At any meeting of the Commission at which any official action is to be taken, Representatives from a majority of the Commission Members shall constitute a quorum; and a majority vote of the Commission Members present shall be the act of the Commission except as provided in sections 3.0l(c), 3.l0(b) and 5.05 hereof. (c) A certificate, resolution or instrument signed by the Chainnan, Vice-Chainnan or such other designated person of the Commission as !Day be hereafter selected by the Commission shall be evidence of the action of the Commission and any such certificate, resolution or other instrUJ:lent so signed shall conclusively be presumed to be authentic. Likewise, all facts and matters stated therein shall conclusively be presumed to be true. SECTION 3.04. ELECTION OF OFFICERS; ELECTION OF EXECOTIVE DIRECTOR. (a) Once a year, and at such other time as Ir,ay be necessary to fill a vacancy, at a meeting of the Commission called for the purpose thereof, the Commission through its Representatives shall elect a Chainnan, a Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer to conduct the meetings of the Commission and to perfonn such other functions as herein provided. Said Chainnan, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer shall serve one (l) year terms unless they resign sooner pursuant to Section 3.06 hereof or are otherwise removed pursuant to Section 3.l0 hereof. (b) The Commission shall enter into a Program Administration Agreement with the Administrator with respect to administering and managing the Program. The Commission may also enter into such other agreements as may be necessary to establish and maintain the Program, including, but not limited to, employing bond counsel, employing a dealer for marketing the Notes, and obtaining a credit enhancer for the Notes. SECTION 3.05. l.U'TBORITY OF OFFICERS. (a) The Chairman and the Vice-Chainnan shall take such action and sign such documents, including the Program Documents, on behalf of the Commission and in furtherance of the purposes of this Agreement and the Program as shall be approved by resolution of the Commission. 6 8 U II 2 (b) The Secretary-Treasurer, or his designee, shall keep minutes of all meetings, proceedings and acts of the Commission but such minutes need not be verbatim. Copies of all minutes of the meetings of the colllltission shall be sent by the Secretary- Treasurer or a designee to all Representatives of the Commission. The Secretary-Treasurer may also attest the execution of documents. SECTION 3.06. REBIGlD.TION. (a) Any Representative may resign from all duties or responsibilities hereunder by giving at least seven (7) day~ prior written notice sent by registered mail to the Chairman or ~ice-Chairman. Such notice shall state the date said resignation shall take effect and such resignation shall take effect on such dat~. (b) Any Representative, upon leaving office, shall forthwith turn over and deliver to the Chairman or Vice-Chairman any and all records, books, documents or other property in his possession or under his control ~hich belongs to the Commission and/or relates to the PrograI:l. SECTION 3.07. EXPENSES. The Commission may establish, from time to time, procedures for reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 3.0S. LIABILITY. No Representative, agent, officer, official or employee of the Cornmission shall be liable for any action taken pursuant to this Agreement in good faith or for any oI:lission, except gross negligence, or for any act of omission or commission by any other Representative, agent, officer, official or employee of the Commission. SECTION 3.09. MEETINGS. (a) The Commission shall convene at a meeting called by either a majority of the Commission Members, or at the request of the Chairman. Meetings shall be conducted at such locations as may be acceptable to the majority of the COlllltission. The Chairman shall set forth the date, time, location and purpose of each meeting and notice thereof, unless otherwise ~aived, shall be furnished to each Representative by the Secretary- Treasurer, or his designee, not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. The Chairman may direct the Secretary- Treasurer to send the prerequisite notice for any meeting of the Commission otherwise called in accordance with the provisions hereof. (b) Within thirty (30) days of the creation of the COllllDission, the duly appointed Representatives shall hold an organizational I:leeting in Tampa, Florida to elect officers and perform such other duties as shall be provided under this Agreement. SECTION 3.10 .ITED~WAL AND REMOVAL OF COKHI8SION MEMBERS. (a) Any Commission Member may withdraw from the Commission at any 7 Q u U I: 2 time, if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) there shall be at least three (3) Commission Members remaining in the Commission subsequent to withdrawal, and (11) a certified resolution from the cO!ll1llission Member I s governing body setting forth its intent to withdraw from the Program is presented to the Commission. Upon satisfaction of the above conditions, such withdrawal shall be effective. (b) Any commh.sion Member may be removed upon the affirmative vote of at least t~o-thirds (2/3) of the Commission Members at a duly called meeting of the Commission. AATICLE IV '.!'BE HOTES SECTION 4.01. NOTES. Pursuant to the provisions of the Interlocal Act, the cO!llI:lission may issue, from time to time, in various series, Notes to finance and refinance Loans in accordance with the terms of the Program. Such Notes shall be issued upon such terms, containing such provisions, bearing interest at such lawful rate or rates, including variable rates, and supported by such other docUl:lents as may hereafter be established by the Commission. SECTION 4.02. NOTE PROCEEDS. The proceeds from the issuance of the Notes shall be deposited and used for such purposes and under such conditions as set forth herein and in the Program Docwnents. SECTION 4.03. LIMITED OBLIG~TIONS. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Program DocUl:lents, the Notes shall not constitute "bonds" within the meaning of Article VII, Section 12 of the Constitution, which must be approved at an election of the qualified electors of the Commission Members. The Notes shall not constitute a general obligation of any of the commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public Agency thereof, or a lien upon any property owned by or situated within the territorial limits of any of the Commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public Agency thereof, except in each case to the extent otherwise specifically provided in a Loan Agreement entered into by a Public Agency. The holders of the Notes shall not have the right to require or compel any exercise of the taxing power of any of the Commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public ~gency thereof to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Notes or to make any other payments provided for under the Program Docwnents, except in each case to the extent otherwise specifically provided in a Loan Agreement entered into by a Public Agency. 8 8 U 11 2 1 SECTION 4.04. may be validated in Chapter 75, Florida VALIDATION. Prior to their issuance, the Notes the manner provided in the Interlocal Act and Statutes. AJ\TICLE V )(I8CELLANEOUS SECTION 5.01. shall be deemed to or statutory duties officers thereof. DELEGATION or DUTY. Nothing contained herein authorize the delegation of the constitutional of the State or the Commission Members or any 8ECTION 5.02. PILING. A copy of this Agreement shall be filed for record with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in each county wherein a participating commission Member is located. SECTION 5.03. IMMUNITY. All of the privileges and immunities from liability and exemptions from laws, ordinances and rules which apply to the activity of officials, officers, agents or employees of the Commission Members shall apply to the officials, officers, agents or employees of the Commission when performing their respective functions and duties under the provisions of this Agreement. SECTION 5.04. LIMITED LI~ILITY. No Commission Member shall in any manner be obligated to pay any debts, obl igations or liabilities arising as a result of any actions of the Commission, the Pepresentati ves or any other agents, employees, officers or officials of the Commission, except to the extent otherwise provided in the Loan Agreement applicable to such Co~~ission Member and neither the Commission, the Pepresentatives or any other agents, employees, officers or officials of the Commission have any authority or power to otherwise obligate the Commission Member in any manner. SECTION 5.05. AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be amended in vriting at any time by the concurrence of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Representatives present at a duly called meeting of the Commission and subsequent ratification by the governing body of each Commission Member. However, this Agreement may not be amended so as to (a) permit any profits of the Commission to inure to the benefit of any private person or to permit the assets of the Commission to be distributed to any entity, other than the Public Agencies, or (b) permit the diversion or application of any of the money or other assets of the Commission for any purposes other than those specified herein or to adversely affect the tax-exempt status, if applicable, of the Bonds. SECTION 5.06. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by Florida law. 9 --"~- _._--,---_._~-, .._-~----------- ~~ 8 H 2 SECTION 5.07. !FFECTIV! DATE. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of execution hereof. IN .ITNEBS THEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) Clerk BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA >yo A:; h4"~~ Chairman 10 . 8 H 2 IN WITNESS WHER!07, this Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~, , " ,." ~ ~,~ (i f r" ./> '(/ l' By: ~r;t~ A~~ Chairlllan ~ : - '~) r~~ r~ ~~ ..~~ th / 1. "" / . " ~ r_) .> c. ~.~ . .' ',- ." r I. .~ ' ~ as to form & I~Qol sufficl~ncy ~II' d (1: ~ County Attorn 11 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) ~~- Clerk _~r " """-" SARASOTA COUNTY, .FVORIOA ',. ,..... 7 BYr:::"~.:f --~~- ChairmaI' ~.!~ <;; ~ . r- , - . . ." . (J ..../. , . ~ M TO faU,I AND jXlNTENT' f l/ll&~UdJJ !j .11\<--.;::tt, ATTORN EY I LEGAl. DEFT. ' l2 H 2 - letn; CLIII TO THI BOAID I_TIR01IICI 5TH lLOOI mil05 1904092 OR: 2026 PG: 0320 IICOIOIO In the O//IClAL RICOROS of COLLIIR COUHTI, IL 01/31195 It 09:llA~ D~IGH1 i. BRan, CLIII IEcm cams KISC 91.50 20.00 1.00 , r r' J/.h,.: 'i 7 rSS~ FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 8 ! ! ( J 2 THIS IS A FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, dated as of December 1, 1994 (the "Supplemental Agreement"), entered into by and among a limited number of local governmental units executing this Supplemental ,\greement, each one constituting a county or municipal corporation located in the State of Florida, and constituting a "public agency" under Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which local government units shall be Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida, Sarasota County, Florida, Osceola County, Florida and Lee County, Florida as evidenced by the signatures of their authorized representatives; WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida (the "Original Commission 11embers") have previously entered into that certain Interlocal Agreement dated as of February 19, 1991 (the "Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit 1, pursuant to which the Florida Local Government Finance Commission (the "Commission") was created and charged with the structuring, administration and execution of the Pooled Commercial Paper Loan Program (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the Original Commission l.!embers desire to admit Osceola County, Florida and Lee County, Florida (the "New Commission Xembers") as members of the Commission and the Ne'. Commission Members desire to become members of the Commission; and WHEREAS, the New Commission Members each constitute a Public Agency within the meaning ascribed thereto in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 3.01 of the Agreement, the New Commission Members have applied to become members of the Commission and the Original Commission Members have agreed, pursuant to a unanimous vote, at a duly called meeting of the Commission held on October 27, 1994 to admit the New Commission Members to membership in the Commission; and WHEREAS, in order to properly document the admission New Commission Members to membership in the Commission necessary and desirable to supplement the Agreement; of the it is NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties to this First Supplemental Interlocal Agreement agree as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct in all material respects and are hereby incorporated into this OR: 2026 PG: 0321 J;4,'/ I ! :%'1 8 H 2 Supplemental Agreement by this reference. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto by the Agreement, except to the extent such terms are defined herein or the context clearly indicates another meaning. SECTION 2. The New Commission Members are hereby admitted as members of the Commission and each shall have all of the rights, benefits and obligations of a Commission Member under and pursuant to the Agreement. The New Commission Members each shall be a "Commission Member" hereunder and under the Agreement and all of the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall apply to such New Commission Members accordingly. SECTION 3. The initial Representative of each of the New Commission Members is as follows: Osceola County: Doug Martin Lee County: Donald Stilwell, or his designee SECTION 4. Except as otherwise specifically provided to the contrary in this Supplemental Agreement, all of the representations, terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This SUpplemental Agreement shall be effective upon its execution. 2 OR: 2026 PG: 0322 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this First Supplemental Interlocal Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Commission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA c~l ~tJ By: ~,,- - 7 It (~ ChaJ.rrnan 3 OR: 2026 PG: 0323 8 H 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this executed by and on behalf of authorized representatives. Supplemental Agreement the Commission Members has been by their (SEAL). . COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 1!i)?~(~.( Clerk . . ~",.. '7lnwight ~, :-:-; ll-<(L', i/ /' ) BY:~ ~ Cha i ma,.h ( J. Matthews E. Brock Apprcvec GS to fcrrn ex legal sufficiency ~.:!_d.,-t, j7.L , '" "-,.C' Ir-- 'd" . I 'q ,_.,,_ OR: 2026 PG: 0324 8 H 2;'1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Supplemental Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the COl11lllission Members by their authorized representatives. (SEAL) SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: fl. /7 ~~",." ~,!C- // (!, .,.\\;,CiJ ~>'" " / ' . 0', ) ).,.., . ~~ " '.' ? ~~- '"v.t--._ '.{/I ( ~:/h tlU0 ~7/J o/nd DEPUTY CLERK / , 'i , \'!,"'-,.) '\:.:' ., . . . . ..,~ ':)....j "";' ......,\\\' I' I" I I . -:". :'J ., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this executed by and on behalf of authorized representatives. (SEAL) " W;lA-\J ~ Clerk OR: 2026 PG: 0325 Supplementa 1 Agreement the Commission Members OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: d;; t'(/ Chairman has been by their OR: 2026 PG: 0326 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this executed by and on behalf of authorized representatives. Supplemental Agreement the Commission Members has been by their (SEAL) LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Ch."] :/i" ~It~i?;l. r ~ . Ro,crrd nf L.....(lI.j,','...' r , " ,~, ,'1, ~111 :, "" BY:~.~ """'Chairman &'r; (*~JJj.i/'j' 2" Jfl'iJ t.s' fiJt'J~ Ci~rl<:,. ,I (' 1-, ,r~. ~ ir;;," ~ _.._---,--.__.~--'._~~~'^... H 2 OR: 2026 PG: 0327 8 H 2 EXHIBIT 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT OR: 2026 PG: 0328 8 H INTERLOCAL ~GREEHENT THIS INTERLOC~L AGREEMENT, dated as of February 19, 1991 (th~ "Agreement"), entered into by and among a limited number of local governmental units executing this Agreement, each one constituting a county or municipal corporation located in the State of Florida, and constituting a "public agency" under Part I of Chapter l63, Florida Statutes (the "Commission Members"), ~hich shall initially be Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida as evidenced by the signatures of their authorized representatives; WIT N E SSE T H: WEEREAS, each of the CO!Ill:lission Members have the power to borro'", funds, contract loans and issue obligations for public purposes pursuant to Section 125.01, Florida Statutes (in the case of counties), Section l66. 02l, Florida Statutes (in the case of municipal corporations) and Part I of Chapter l63, Florida Statutes (collectively, the "Act"); and WEEREAB, Part I of Chapter l63, Florida Statutes (the "Interlocal Act"), permits the Commission Members, as public agencies under the Interlocal Act, to enter into interlocal agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority which such Commission Members share in common and which each might exercise separately, permitting the Commission Members to make the most efficient use of their power by enabling them to cooperate on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that ~ill accord best with geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of such co~~ission Members; and 1i1lEREAS, Section 163.01 (7) (d), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Commission Members, pursuant to an interlocal agreement, to create a separate legal entity to exercise the common power of the Commission Members to issue obligations for the purposes of financing the cost of financing or refinancing capital projects pursuant to the Interlocal Act; and WHEREAS, Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida, pursuant to resolutions adopted on February 19, 1991, February 12, 1991 and February 19, 1991, respectively (collectively, the "Resolutions"), have determined that there is a substantial need to create such a legal entity to issue obligations in the form of commercial paper notes to provide loans to "public agencies" (as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes), including the commission Members, to finance or 2 OR: 2026 pc: 0329 8 refinance capital projects within said public agency and to finance such other governmental needs as may be permitted by the Act; NOW, TllEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein, it is mutually agreed and understood by and among the Commission Members that now or may hereafter execute this Agreement, that the "Florida Local Government Finance Commission", a legal entity and public body corporate and politic and a unit of local government for all of the privileges, benefits, power and terms of the Act (the "Commission"), is hereby created and charged with the struct~ring, administration and execution of the hereinafter described Program as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS .The following definitions shall govern the interpretation of this Agreement: ""ct" shall mean, collectively, Section 125.01, Florida Statutes (in the case of counties), Section 166.021, Florida Statutes (in the case of municipal corporations), the Interlocal Act, and other applicable provisions of law. "A<1lllinistrator" means the Florida Associlltion of Counties, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation, or such other program administrator selected by the Commission in accordance with the Indenture to lldminister the making, originating and administration of the Loans or any portion thereof and to act as the Commission's agent as set forth in a Program Administration Agreement between the Comnission and the Administrator. "J.greement" shall mean this Interlocal Agreement, including any aoendments or supplements hereto, executed and delivered in accordance with the terms hereof. "Commission" shall mean the Florida Local Government Finance Commission, II legal entity and a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and the Act. "Commission Membar" or "Commission Members" shall mean the member or members of the Commission, as shall be provided in the Agreement. The Commission Members shall initially be Brevard County, Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida. "ID"eDture" shall mean a entered into by and between including any amendments or delivered in accordance with certain Indenture of Trust to be the Commission and the Trustee, supplements thereto executed and the terms thereof. The Indenture 2 H 2 OR: 2026 PG: 0330 8 H shall be in such form and contain such provisions, representations and restrictions as shall hereafter be the Commission. covenants, approved by "IDt.rlocal Act" shall mean Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. "Loan" means an amount equal to the outstanding obligation under a particular r~an Agreement. "LoaD Agr..m'.Dt.. or "Loan Agreement." shall mean the loan agreements, including the exhibits attached thereto, which the PUblic Agency shall execute prior to participating in the Program, which Loan Agreement shall be in the form prescribed by the Commission. "Not.... shall mean the Commercial Paper Notes issued by the Commission pursuant to Section 4,01 of this Agreement, the proceeds from the sale of which shall be deposited and disbursed pursuant to the terms of the Program Documents. "progra.m" shall mean the Pooled Commercial Paper Loan Program of the commission created and structured pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Program Documents. "progra.m DOCUlneDts" shall mean, collectively, the Indenture, the Loan Agreement, the reimbursement agreement or agreements with the credit enhancer for the Notes, and such other agreements, opinions of counsel and certificates as the Commission shall deem appropriate. "Public J.geDcies" shall mean any "public agency", as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which shall receive a Loan pursuant to the Program. "Representative" shall mean that elected or appointed public official or officer appointed by a Commission Member to serve on the Commission. "R.solution." shall mean those resolutions duly adopted by the Commission Members authorizing the participation of such Commission Member in the Program pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. "stat... shall mean the State of Florida. ..Truet.... shall mean such entity to be hereafter selected by the Commission to act as Trustee for the Program in accordance with the terms hereof, the Indenture and of the Loan Agreements, and any successor or assigns. 3 2 OR: 2026 PG: 0331 8 Whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the masculine gender, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the feminine or neuter gender in all situations where they would so apply, and whenever any words are used in this Agreement in the singular form, they shall be construed as though they were also used in the plural form in all situations where they would &0 apply. ARTICLE II THE COMMISSION SECTION 2.01. CREATION. The Commission Members hereby create the "Florida Local Government Finance Commission", a legal entity and a public body corporate and politic and a unit of local government for all of the privileges, benefits, power and terms of the Act. SECTION 2.02. PURPOSE. The purpose of the Commission is to enable the Public Agencies to (a) finance or refinance capital projects and other governmental needs permitted by the Act at the lowest interest cost possible and (b) benefit from the economies of scale associated with large scale financings which may otherwise be unrealized if separate financings were undertaken. SECTION 2.03. POWERS. (a) The Commission is authorized for the purpose of carrying out the Program to exercise all of the privileges, benefits, powers and terms of the Act in connection with the authorization, issuance and sale of the Notes pursuant to Article IV. Such powers include, but are not limited to, the power to make and enter into contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its duties under this Agreement, to employ consultants, advisors, experts, attorneys and such other employees and agents as may, in the judgIOent of the COTI\lllission, be necessary, and to fix their compensation; to sue or be sued in its own name; to receive and accept any aid or contributions from any source of money, property, labor or other things of value; to adopt a seal; and to adopt a place of its official meetings. (b) No enumeration of powers herein shall be deemed exclusive or restrictive, but shall be deemed to incorporate all implied powers necessary or incident to carrying out the purposes of the Commission. SECTION 2.04. KEXBERBHIP. The Commission consist of those Public Agencies which have been such pursuant to Article III hereof. SECTION 2.05. DURATION OF COKMISSION. The Commission shall exist so long as any Notes of the Commission or obligations of any Members shall established as 4 H 2 .,------"'--~...,,---'"~._"----..,"_._-_.,,'-,~-,,_._---,_.-. OR: 2026 PG: 0332 8 H 2 participating Public Agency under the Program remain outstanding. Upon termination, all assets of the Commission shall be allocated among the Public Agencies in accordance with the terms of the Program Documents. ARTICLE III ~~ERSHIP AND REPRESZNTATION SECTION 3.01. KEMBERSHIP. (a) Membership in the Commission shall consist of those Public Agencies selected pursuant to this Article. (b) County, Florida. The initial commission Members shall consist of: Brevard Florida, Collier County, Florida and Sarasota County, (c) To the extent permitted by the Interlocal Act, the Commission may admit any Public Agency to membership upon application of such Public Agency and the affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the Representatives at a duly called meeting of the Commission. (d) Commission deliver a Interlocal As a precondition to membership in the Commission, each Member shall constitute a Public Agency and shall duly authorized and executed counterpart to this Agreement. SECTION 3.02. shall appoint one or the Commission. REPRESENTATION. (a) Each Commission Member more Representatives to act on its behalf on (b) The Representative or Representatives of each Commission Member shall have an aggregate of one (1) vote on the Commission. If a Commission Member has more than one Representative at a meeting of the Commission, all Representatives of a Commission Member must vote in a like manner or the vote of such Commission Member shall not be counted, (c) In the event all of the Representatives of a Commission Member shall resign or be removed, such Commission Member shall appoint a new Representative or Representatives within thirty (30) days. (d) Each Commission Member, in its sole discretion, may remove its Representative or Representatives at any time and may appoint a new Representative or Representatives to the Commission. 5 OR: 2026 PG: 0333 8 U II 2 (el The initial Representative or Representatives of each Commission Member are as follows: Brevard County: Collier County: Sarasota County: Doug Martin Ron McLemore and John Yonkosky Gene Schiller and Pete Ramsden SECTION 3.03. ~CTION. (a) The affairs, actions and duties of the Commission shall be undertaken at a duly called meeting pursuant to Sectio~ 3.09 hereof. (b) At any meeting of the Commission at lihich any official action is to be taken, Representatives from a majority of the Commission Members shall constitute a quorum; and a majority vote of the Commission Members present shall be the act of the Commission except as provided in Sections 3.0l(c), 3.10(b) and 5.05 hereof. (c) A certificate, resolution or instrument signed by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or such other designated person of the Commission as may be hereafter selected by the Commission shall be evidence of the action of the Commission and any such certificate, resolution or other instrument so signed shall conclusively be presumed to be authentic. Likewise, all facts and matters stated therein shall conclusively be presumed to be true. SECTION 3.04. ELECTION OF OFFICERS; ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (a) Once a year, and at such other time as may be necessary to fill a vacancy, at a meeting of the Commission called for the purpose thereof, the Commission through its Representatives shall elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer to conduct the meetings of the Commission and to perform such other functions as herein provided. Said Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer shall serve one (l) year terms unless they resign sooner pursuant to Section 3,06 hereof or are otherwise removed pursuant to Section 3.10 hereof. (b) The Commission shall enter into a Program Administration Agreement with the Administrator with respect to administering and managing the Program. The Commission may also enter into such other agreements as may be necessary to establish and maintain the Program, including, but not limited to, employing bond counsel, employing a dealer for marketing the Notes, and obtaining a credit enhancer for the Notes. SECTION 3.05. AUTHORITY OF OFFICERS. (a) The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall take such action and sign such documents, including the Program Documents, on behalf of the Commission and in furtherance of the purposes of this Agreement and the Program as shall be approved by resolution of the Commission. 6 OR: 2026 PG: 0334 8 H 2 (b) The Secretary-Treasurer, or his designee, shall keep minutes of all meetings, proceedings and acts of the Corr~ission but such minutes need not be verbatim. Copies of all minutes of the meetings of the COllllDission shall be sent by the Secretary- Treasurer or a designee to all Representatives of the Commission. The Secretary-Treasurer may also attest the execution of documents. SECTION 3.06. RESIGN1.TION. (a) Any Representative may resign from all duties or responsibilities hereunder by giving at least seven (7) days prior written notice sent by registered mail to the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. Such notice shall state the date said resignation s11all take effect and such resignation shall take effect on such date. (b) Any Representative, upon leaving office, shall forthwith turn over and deliver to the Chairman or Vice-Chairman any and all records, books, documents or other property in his possession or under his control which belongs to the COllllDission and/or relates to the Program. SECTION 3.07. EXPENSES. The Commission may establish, from time to time, procedures for reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 3.08. LIABILITY. No Representative, agent, officer, official or employee of the CO!ll1llission shall be liable for any action taken pursuant to this Agreement in good faith or for any omission, except gross negligence, or for any act of omission or cOllllDission by any other Representative, agent, officer, official or employee of the Commission. SECTION 3.09. MEETINGS. (a) The COllllDission shall convene at a meeting called by either a majority of the COllllDission Members, or at the request of the Chairman. Meetings shall be conducted at such locations as may be acceptable to the majority of the cOllllDission. The Chairman shall set forth the date, time, location and purpose of each meeting and notice thereof, unless otherwise waived, shall be furnished to each Representative by the Secretary- Treasurer, or his designee, not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. The Chairman may direct the Secretary- Treasurer to send the prerequisite notice for any meeting of the COllllDission otherwise called in accordance with the provisions hereof. (b) Within thirty (30) days of the creation of the Commission, the duly appointed Representatives shall hold an organizational meeting in Tampa, Florida to elect officers and perform such other duties as shall be provided under this Agreement. SECTION 3.10 WITHDRAWAL AND REMOVAL OF COMMISSION MEMBERS. <a) Any Commission Member may withdraw from the Commission at any 7 OR: 2026 PG: 0335 H 8 2 time, if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) there shall be at least three (3) Commission Members remaining in the Commission subsequent to withdrawal, and (ii) a certified resolution from the Commission Member I s governing body setting forth its intent to withdraw from the Program is presented to the Commission. Upon satisfaction of the above conditions, such withdrawal shall be effective. (b) Any Commi~gion Member may be removed upon the affirmative vote of at least t~o-thirds (2/3) of the commission Members at a duly called meeting of the Commission. ARTICLE XV THE )lOTES SECTION 4. 01. NOTES. Pursuant to the provisions of the Interlocal Act, the Commission may issue, from time to time, in various series, Notes to finance and refinance Loans in accordance with the terms of the Program. Such Notes shall be issued upon such terms, containing such provisions, bearing interest at such lawful rate or rates, including variable rates, and supported by such other docUlDents as may hereafter be established by the Commission. SECTION 4.02. NOTE PROCEEDS. The proceeds from the issuance of the Notes shall be deposited and used for such purposes and under such conditions as set forth herein and in the Progra!:l Documents. SECTION 4.03. LIMITED OBLIGATIONS. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Program Documents, the Notes shall not constitute "bonds" within the meaning of Article VII, Section l2 of the Constitution, which must be approved at an election of the qualified electors of the Commission Members. The Notes shall not constitute a general obligation of any of the Commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public Agency thereof, or a lien upon any property owned by or situated within the territorial limits of any of the Commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public Agency thereof, except in each case to the extent otherwise specifically provided in a Loan Agreement entered into by a Public Agency. The holders of the Notes shall not have the right to require or compel any exercise of the taxing power of any of the Commission Members, the State of Florida or any Public Agency thereof to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Notes or to make any other payments provided for under the Program Documents, except in each case to the extent otherwise specifically provided in a Loan Agreement entered into by a Public Agency. B ..._....,.""..'.~-~~._-_.._-_...~..._,.._~_.. .' .~-~._---....._.....,~-~~-~....._.~_. OR: 2026 PG: 0336 H R '- 2 SECTION 4.04. may be validated in Chapter 75, Florida VJ.LID"TION. Prior to their issuance, the Notes the manner provided in the lnterlocal Act and Statutes. ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 5.01. shall be deemed to or statutory duties officers thereof. DELEG"TION or DUTY. Nothing contained herein authorize the delegation of the constitutional of the State or the Commission Members or any SECTION 5.02. FILING. A copy of this Agreement shall be filed for record with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in each county wherein a participating commission Member is located. SECTION 5.03. IMMUNITY. All of the privileges and immunities from liability and exemptions from laws, ordinances and rules which apply to the activity of officials, officers, agents or employees of the Commission Members shall apply to the officials, officers, agents or employees of the Commission when performing their respective functions and duties under the provisions of this Agreement. SECTION 5.04. LIMITED LIABILITY. No Commission Member shall in any manner be obligated to pay any debts, obl igations or liabilities arising as a result of any actions of the Commission, the Representatives or any other agents, employees, officers or officials of the Commission, except to the extent otherwise provided in the Loan Agreement applicable to such Commission Member and neither the Commission, the Representatives or any other agents, employees, officers or officials of the Commission have any authority or power to otherwise obligate the Commission Member in any manner. SECTION 5.05. AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be amended in writing at any time by the concurrence of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Representatives present at a duly called meeting of the Commission and subsequent ratification by the governing body of each Commission Member. However, this Agreement may not be amended so as to (a) permit any profits of the Commission to inure to the benefit of any private person or to permit the assets of the Commission to be distributed to any entity, other than the Public Agencies, or (b) permit the diversion or application of any of the money or other assets of the Commission for any purposes other than those specified herein or to adversely affect the tax-exempt status, if applicable, of the Bonds. SECTION 5.06. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by Florida law. 9 OR: 2026 PG: 0337 H 2 8 SECTION 5.07. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of execution hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the commission Members by their authorized reprelientativali. (SEAL) Clerk _REVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA 'y' ~ L/(?K~4/ ChaiI"lDan 10 '. OR: 2026 PG: 0338 8 H 2 IN WITNESS on behalf of representatives. WHERE01, this Agreement has been executed by and the Commission Members by their authorized (SEAL) <;,' , " ,,\' ~ '. OJ [if/", , /> " <'/ .,' ~. ~~~~~ ' P' " Ie ~ / . ,', .-, . ., c Q.t! . .-- 't. -'. . I!I ..' ';'" ,',. Approv.d 0$ to form & legol $1Jfficlency ~". r,/ ($. ~ County Attorn COLLIER COUNTY, 7LORIDA By: r?r&~~~4 Chairlllan 11 IN WITNESS on behalf of representatives. (SEAL) ~~ .-=~ r Clerk *** OR: 2026 PG: 0339 *** 8 WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by and the Commission Members by their authorized p .1' '"'''''' SARASOTA COUNT~, FLORIOA '. . 'I'" .,') ,.' . .YCch.~i; o /' , . ~ ~ TO FaU.I AND JX>NIDIT: i lfll&"t(7\hJJ ~. '111:<-~ ATTORNEY I LEGAl. DEPT. ' 12 H 2 ----