Resolution 1997-31612C ? RESOLUTION NO.97-. 316 PETITION APPOV]NG WITH CONDITIONS PETITION CCSL-97-2 REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION TO ENCLOSE THE FIRST FLOOR OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE FOR TWO MEETING ROOMS (ONE WiTH BAR), MOTEL OFFICES, STORAGE AND RESTROOMS, LOCATED AT THE VANDERBILT BEACH MOTEL, LOT 4, BLOCK A, CONNERS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES UNIT NO. 1,SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FL. WHEREAS, William L. Hoover, AICP, of Hoover Planning Shoppe, representing lhe Vanderbilt Beach Motel; requests a vadance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL) as required by Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102 Division 3.13, as amended, to allow construction, to enclose the first floor of an existing structure, to build meeting rooms (one with lounge), motel offices, storage and rest rooms (See Exhibits A and B); and WHEREAS, the proposed structure will extend approximateh/one hundrsd feet seaward of the adopted CCSL; and WHEREAS, a proposed terrace will extend seaward of that building, approximately 122 feet beyond the CCSL; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located on the west side of Gulf Shore Ddve approximately one-quarter of a mile north of Vanderbilt Drive; and WHEREAS, the petition is consistent with the collier County Land Development Code Division 3.13, as amended; and WHEREAS, the petition is consistent with the Collier county Growth Management Plan - Conservation and coastal Management Element. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Vadance Petition CCSL- 97-2 be approved, subject to the following conditions: Ail proposed improvements shall be designed in accordance with the standards of the Flodda Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division of Beaches and Shores and an approved FDEP permit shall be obtained, and copies provided, prior to issuance of a Collier County Building Permit. Construction activities shall not occur within one hundred (100) feet of the sea turtle nesting zone, defined by Collier County Land Development Code Division 3.10, between May 1 - October 31, sea turtle nesting season, without first submitting and obtaining FDEP and Collier county Construction in Sea Turtle Nesting Area Penmits. 12C Petitioner shall notify Current Planning Environmental Staff one week prior to commencing work seaward of the CCSL and shall again contact Staff within one week following completion of work seaward of the CCSL. Outdoor lighting associated with construction, or development within three hundred (300) feet of the high tide line, shall be in compliance with Division 3.10 of the Collier Count} Land Development Code. DONE AND ORDERED this 5. Petitioner shall utilize only native coastal dune vegetation for all on-site landscaping beyond lhe 1974 Coastal Construction Control Line. 6. Petitioner shall re-vegetate the beach immediately seaward of lhe existing sea wall with coastal dune vegetation. The re-vegetation shall be completed, according to a plan submitted to and approved by Collier Count} Current Planning Environmental Staff, prior to the issuance of a Cerlificate of Occupancy. 7. Petitioner shall instatl appropriate signs in the re-vegetation area indicating that beach users are requested not to intrude into this re-vegetation area. 8. Minor revisions to Coastal Cons/ruction Setback Line Variance CCSL-97-2 (including changes in siting and structures) may be approved, in writing, by the Planning Services Director or his/her designee. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majorit} vote favoring same. ~ day of : '_':.-~. ,,, . , 1997. / BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA .. ATTEST. i . ;.. . DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk .t .,.:,., . . .. ~".t, ' '~' . ~ ; / · .~ , Approved"as to'Fbrm and Legal Sufficiency: ~ei~i ~hton ' A~sistant Count} Attomey BY: T~MOTH/HANCOCK, Chairman ccsl-97-2 EXHIBIT "A" Z EXHIBIT 7 Il