Resolution 1997-314120 3 RESOLUTION NO.gT., 314 PETITION APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS PETITION CCSL-gT-1B, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK UNE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A HANDICAPPED BEACH ACCESS RAMP, IN-FILUNG OPEN AREA~ WITH DECKING, ROOF COVERINGS OVER DECKING, RESTAURANT EXPANSION AND ADDITION OF NEW DECKS, LOCATED AT THE PEUCAN BAY SOUTH BEACH FACILITY, PELICAN BAY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (SEE EXHIBIT A FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION), SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FL. WHEREAS, Brett D. Moore. PE. of Humiston and Moore Engineers. representing the Pelican Bay Foundation. Inc., requests a variance from Ihe Coastal Coflstrucfion Selback Line (CCSL) as required by Collier County Ordinance No. g1-102 Division 3.13, as amended to allow construction of a handicapped beach access ramp, in-filling open areas wilh decking, roof coverings over decking, restaurant expansion and addition of new decks (See Exhibit B): and WHEREAS, the subject property is located at the Pelican Bay South Beach Facility, Pelican Bay Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS. the proposed structure will extend approximately one hundred fifteen (115+) feet seaward of the adopted CCSL for the proposed handicap ramp, and between fifty (50) feet and one hundred thirty (130+) feet seaward of the adopted CCSL for new decking and construction over existing decking; and WHEREAS, the petition is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code DIvfsion 3.13. as amended; and WHEREAS. the petition is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan - Conservation and Coastal Management Element. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that: Vadance Petition CCSL- 97-1B be approved, subject to the following condiUons: AJI proposed improvements shall be designed in accordance with the standards of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Divfslort of Beaches and Shores and an approved FDEP permit shall be obtained, and copies provided, prior to issuance of a Collier County Building Permit. Construction activities shall not occur within one hundred (100) feet of the sea turtle nesting zone. defined by Collier County Land Development Code Division 3.10, between May 1 . October 31, sea turtle nesting season, without first submitting and obtaining FDEP and Collier County Construction in Sea Turtle Nesting Area Permits. 12C Petitioner shall notify Current Planning Environmental Staff one week prior to commencing work seaward of the CCSL and shall again contact Staff within ore week following completion of work seaward of the CCSL. Outdoor lighting associated with construction, or development within three hundred (300) feet of the high tide line, shall be In compliance with Division 3.10 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Petitioner shall utilize only native coastal dune vegetation for all orr-site landscaping beyond the 1974 Coastal Construction Control Une. Petitioner shall re-vegetata the dune where the dune is devoid of coastal dune vegetation (appropriate to that specific area i.e. fore-dune or back dune). The re-vegetation shall be completed, according to a plan submitted to and approved by Collier County Current Planning Environmental Staff, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. In addition to re-vegetating the devoid areas of the dune, this plan shall include mitigation for areas of vegetation removed to construct decking and romps. 7o o o Petitioner shall install appropriate signs tn the re-vegetation area indicating that beach users are requested not to intrude into this re-vegetation area. Petitioner shall submit a Gopher tortoise survey (and if necessary a plan to barricade the work area or a Gopher tortoise mlocatiorV management plan) to Collier County Current Planning Environmental Staff for review and approval, prior 1o any site improvements or obtaining any building permits. Petitioner shall submit copies of all necessary agency permits (i.e. FGFWFC for Gopher tortoise) prior to any site improvements or obtaining any building 10. Petitioner shall field locate handicapped ramp to avoid or minimize potential Impacts to existing Gopher tortoise and their burrows. 11. Petitioner shall remove all exotic vegetation from the boundary of Itm South Beach Facir~ in accordance with The Collier County Land Development Code Section 12. Minor revisions to Coastal Construction Setback Line Variance CCSL-97-1B (including changes in siting and structures) may be approved, in writing, by lhe Planning Services Director or his/her designee. This Resolutiort adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DONE AND ORDERED this ~ ~''( day of ~,~,~'~, 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA tIMOTHY I~-IANCOCK, Chairman AFl'EST: '..i, '; DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk .Approved ~s to Form and Legal s~: Heldi Asht0n .... ~ Assistant County Attorney ccM.9?.l B RESOCUTION I~D~SC~IPTIO~ PELZCAH BAY - SOUTH BEACH All that part of Section 8, Township 49 South, Range 2S East, Collier County, Plorida and being described as foll~s: C~ncing a~ the northwest co,er of Parcel "D", Pelican Bay UniC One according ~k ~2, pages 47 ~h~ 52, Collie~ C~n~y ~bl~c Records, Col~ie~ County, said Pa~ce~ "D", $~h le]g,00- Eal~ 167.00 feet; ~ence S~th ~'45'59. Wes~ 1866.52 feet to a ~int on the Florida Depart~nt of Natural Res~rces Coastal Const~ction Control Line and the ~Z~ OF B~I~I~ of the parcel herein described; thence continue alon9 said Control Line S~th 4'll'lS.7- East 6~8.31 feet; thence c~tinue along laid Control Line S~th 5'52'49.9- East 425 feet ~te or leis to the Mean High Water Line o~ CI~ Pass: thence northwesterly alon9 the Mean High Water Line o~ said Clam Pass and northwesterly alon~ the ~an High Water Line o~ the Cul~ o~ Mexico, 1150 feet ~re or less to a ~int which lies on a line that bears S~th 89'26'00. ,elf fr~ the Point of Be~i~ing; thence sion9 laid line North 89'26'00. East 181 feet ~re or less the parcel herein descri~: subject to eas~nts and restriction of record. PELICAN BAY - NORTH BEACH Co~encing at the Northeast coz-ncr of the Northwest one- c~Jarcer (]~1/4) of said Section 4, Township 49 South, Range 25 East; thence North 89'38'59- west, along the North line of said Section 4, a distance of 26¢2.02 feet Co the Northwest corner of said Section 4 and the Northeast corner of said Section $; thence continue North 89'38'59, Welt, along the North line of said Section 5, a distance of 1283.47 feec to the intersection with the Florida Department of Natural Resources Coastal Conacz~ccion Control Line, as recorded in COASTAL SET BACX BOOK I, Pages 13-25; thence Southerly along said Coastal Construction Control Line the following courses: South 11'23'55.5, EaIC a distance of 142.75 feet to a point on the Coastal Const~uccion Control Line, said point being South 38*49'24.3- East, a distance of 322.15 feet form P.R.M. 64-78-A-07; thence South 10'39'14. East, a distance of 1027.72 feet; thence South 08,23.14.$. East, a distance of 1007.78 feec to a point, said point being South 86'54'27- East, a distance of 68.13 feet from Pe~anenc Reference MOnument Ro35; thence Sovch 08'09'45- East a distance of 419.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel described herein: thence continue South 08*09'45- East along said Control Line for 562.00 feet; thence leaving said Coaltal Construction Control Line, proceed due West for approximately 228 feec Co the Mean High Water Line of the Gulf of Mexico; thence proceed Northerly along the Mean High Water Line for approximately 562 feet; thence proceed due East for approximately 225 feet to the Point of Beginning on said Coastal Construction Control Line. AS PROVIDED BY CLIENT EXHIBIT "A" 11 EXHIBIT ,!