Resolution 1997-301802 IU!SOI.U'I'ION NO. 97- 301 RF,SOLUTION AMF,NDING TI IE COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEI'ARTMENT FACILITIES AND OUTDOOR AREAS LICF. NSE AND FEE I'OLICY; ALSO I(EPI~ALING COLLIER COUNTY RESOLU'FIONS NOS. 96-364, 96-467 AND 96-556 WIIEREAS. the P, onrd of Counly Commissioners on August 13, 1996, adopted Resolution No. 96-364 and thereby adopted the Collier County Parks and Recrealion Deparlment Facilities and Ouldoor License Fee Policy WI IEREAS, the Board of October 15, 1996, adopled Resolulion No. 96-467 and on December 3, 1996, adopted Resolution 96-556 to amend various pads oflhe policy and W11EREAS. the P, oard of Counly Commissioners finds that Ihe adoption of the attached (£t,rll~er revised) Parks and Recreation Fncililies License Fee Policy is in the best iutcrcst oflhe citizens of Collier County. NOW, TllEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIFAt COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: The Parks and Recreation Facilities License and Fee Policy attached as Exhibit "A" is hereby adoplcd. SECTION TWO: Thc License and Agreement Fom~ attached as Exhibit "B" is hereby approved. SECTION TI IREE: The Standard Form Concession Agreement attached as Exhibit "C" is hereby adopted. SECTION FOUR: Resolutions Nos. 96-364, 96-467 and 96-556 are repealed and superseded by this Resolution. This Resolution adopted after molion, second and majority vote favoring same. Dated: ',' .O '; ;' · AqWEST: I)WIGII'F E. BROCK, Clerk Approve,'t as t'o' form and legal, sufficiency: ThoMas C. Palmer Ass~z~,",nt County Attorney P, OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITIES AND OUTDOOR AREAS LICENSE AND FEE POLICY pl. l R POSE Thc purpose of this policy is to ensure maximum usc of facilities, outdoor areas and programs in Collier County and provide equitable fees and charges collected from users of such thcilities, ouldoor areas or programs. !I. LIMITATIONS Thc [)arks and Recreation Director. or designee, may waive enforcement or application of an.,,' of these regulations or restrictions with respect to any thcility, outdoor areas, or program provided such waiver does not interfere with public safety or enjoyment. No fees may be waivcd~ ..' . ~ . No non-government entity shall charge an admission fcc Io an)' out of doors event including_.4_quatic Facilities. The Board of Count.,,' Commissioners shall set fees and charges for all facilities and programs. Consistent with (._7oilier County's policy of ensuring all citizens equal opporlunity to participate in programs, any resident requesting special consideration must substantiate to the Parks and Recreation Director proof of financial need. All information provided is not confidential but will be used only for the purpose of establishing reduced or waived program fees. Rates and chargg!.can be modified on a case by case basis ifa~the Director of Parks and Recreation for s~romotional sales and advertisements. III. CLASSIFICATIONS A. Facilit35I. icensc Definitions and Uses Outdoor Areas: Open space or land owned or leased by thc Parks and Recreation Department. Such outdoor areas shall include, but not limited to. sports fields. playgrounds.~ools and/or other park and recreation land areas, excluding Golden Gate Community Center. (As to Golden Gate Community Center. refer to Section M, O herein). Outdoor areas shall be used for those purposes designated or implicit in their character. Any deviation from normal appropriate usc shall require express prior permission from the Parks and Recreation Director or designee. Facilities: Buildings and dwellings owned or leased by the Parks and Recreation Department. Such facilities include, but arc not restricted to, community center areas and rooms, gymnasiums, ~mk'~g-,~, pavilions, shelters, and other areas located in thc Parks and Recreation structures, excluding thc Golden Gate Community Center. (As to Golden Gate Community Center, refer to Section M. O. herein). Facilities shall be used for those purposes designated or implicit in their character. 8'C 2 Any deviation frtml these ir, ended normal uses shall require express prior permission from thc Parks and Recre.'nion I)ireclor. or Designee. Pr_l[!2grams: Recreation actMties conducled on land or in facili,ics owned ~r I,.';,sed by Collier ,Ct'~unty. Such activities include, but ,are not restricted to. athletic, clinics. instructional, interpretative, seminars - preschool, youth, aduh. senior and s!m.'cial populations. Any devialion from tl~cse intended normal uses shall reciuire express permission from the Parks and Recreation Director. or designee. Vehicle Parking. Fees_: Parking Iols at Collier County b,.'ach parks and access. inchlde, but nm limited lo. thc ft*llowing: Tigcrlail Beach. Barcl'ooi Beach Access. Barefoot Beach Park. ('lam Pass Park. Vandcrbilt Beach. (it,Il'shore Access. and South Marco Beach Access. Boat Vehicle Parking Fees: Parking lots al Collier County owned and c, pcrated Ix~at launch facilities lo include, but not limited lo. 13ayvicw I'ark. Cocc, l'mtchee River Park. Caxambas Park. 1½. USER CA'FI:.(i()RII'~S - AI'PI.ICABI.F. TO Al.l. INDOOR AND OtYI'I)()OR ARI'~AS Governmental entities arc not subj.cct to, I'ees. All c~ther facility users shall have their fees determined bv thc cate ,or,,' of'tl~c entity. The two cale~ories are: 8 C ;:, ('ATI!(i()RY I - Federal Income Tax Excm~istered Charities N~-For- A. I:edcral hlconle Tax ~titics. ~~c fee ~ich arc exempt from taxation under any :'¢ubsection of Scction~ internal r~.'x'erlt~¢ code. 13. S_.pecilScd Sales Tax l:'xen2.LEkJ.;nlilies. 'g~ur license tee Those entities which arc~Florida salcs~rsuant to Subs_.___cction 212.08 7_8_8_8_8_L~,~lorida Statutes as a_~home for the ~ I~ne Ires ice or as an ~ whose~pzimarv r~umose is to mvidc s cial educational cuhurall rccreatic, nal or sc, c~d benchts to m~nors or is arch ,inu~bl,..,~ educational or veteran's or~ation. ('. l.ocal NnI-I:nr-l'rnlil (;mtl~ hmfr license fi:¢ 8 C 2 I';mitics irrcs ¢cllvc ~d' lax cxc~~ which ar,ff ~itms ~r -thor n~d-l~r-~rol]t entities that :irc ~1' C'ollicr Iheir~cadon in Collier Cotllltv at least fifty e~enl IllCJllb~ ;irc rcsidcms ~t' (',llicr ('OlltllV with ~~~vic~ st~cial services 1o olhers or Io~inlcresls Oulsiclc of ll~c ,rou ~ ~vimnmen~ cndan~rcd anima~ disadvam~somc off,er similar external imcrcst. ~rimarv l~CtlS ol' IJlCSC ~oulward Io(~kin~ and aWa~crs~ma[ interests of tl~c~cmbcrs. I). ()thor l,~cal N~t-For-Prol]l (;r(~ $5.00 per h<~ur license fcc Tho.sc cnlilic~xc~ ~ t.slaltls which arc not-f'or-~ ~~n,s tlr olhcr nol fl~r rofh cnlific~ that arc oJ' C'ollicr County ori fin ha~' ll~cir ~ Iocali(m in ('oilier [~t~ll ' ~~/~ ,Hhc ,rou s mcmbcr~,nls t~2~Hicr Counlv but thc ,rou ~man' u oscds L~rovidc social services to individuals xvh(~ arc m~l btma licit members of Ih~roti or ~rolccl intcrcsl~ outside of Ibc ~s cate ,on' includes ro oxvners' associafi(m~ical 'rou s and all olhcr ~~ed clubs such as hobbvisl~s chess clubs radio clubs~untcrs and fishermen clubs coin. and other collcclors' club~ardcn club~~ar clubs ~mizatit~ns. Thc ~riman' fi~cus al' fl~csc ~nward reward die ~'s members. F.. ~ Fund r-R-aisin, ~Activities 'mc4.u~: Each C'a~c_gorv I individu~zadon or cmitv invnlvcd in acli'vitv llltlSl ~ ~'~es. Fun~ilies inchlde._.___~ I. Ch:lrginLz in advance fi~r an admission lick¢l or requiring any langiblc lhing o1' value fi~r admission m. or lo pa~icipalc in. any activity al any ('Otlllty parks fi~cilily. 2. Requiring any donalion of money or any other ~angiblc lhing of moncla~' value, or. 3. Selling or bartering any tangible thing of monelaD, value I:tmd~ acli'~'ilics do not include: I. ."-;casnn sign up IL'cs I't~r persons lo oin ]cagt~c tls 11 [c;1111 member or team participant: 8 C 2 The Ssale of educational materials for use as study materials for students attending class conducted at the park facility. Such sales must be at or below the seller's actual costs. 2. CATEGORY II- All Others A. F. ach individual, group, organization or entity that is not within Category I. IV. FEE STRUCTURE - (All fees are exclusive ofsales taxes). A. Cate~ -~. Facility Rates cxcludin, lea ,uc raclice and S ccial Facilities i.c. Swimmin, ool etc. Facili~, Type Type of Usage · Ag Indoor Facilities ~ G 'mnasium an size General - A.44 Outdoor Facilities & Pavilions General Athlcti___._~c General Rate Per ltour FUND RAISING RATES 20.00 ADDED TO HOURLY RATE ABOVE B. ~11 * User Fees I. FACII,ITY RATL:S (L:xcluding Special Facililies i.e. Swimming fools etc.) Facility Type Area in Sq. Ft. Base iiourly Fee Indoor l Jnder 1500 Deposit Required $25.00 $ 30.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 100.00 Indoor 1500 - 3000 Indoor 3000 & Over (}vmnasium ()utdoor ~ ~ small area 10.00 Outdoor 4400--34:kqo ~ ~ ~ 20.00 Football/Soccer/Softball/Baseball 45.00 l.ittle League/Sports Pavilion/ Roller Hocke. x Basketball/Racquetball/Volley ball -14M¢0-12.00 Tennis Court 12.00 10.00/hour :UND RAISING RATES.S20.00 ADDED TO I IOURLY RATE ABOVE C. Additional Fees: Catel~ries I and I! 25.00 35.00 50.00 Description Rental during non-business hours (hours lhat are not normal departmental operation) Additional non-security staff members l.ight fees (where not specified) Additional securi!.y staff members Special requests or additional clenn up required Additional Fee Per flour $20.00 4-0,00 15.00 per staff member ~ I 0.00/hour 20.00 per hour fee determined by de artment based on co~ Per hour fee determined by dcpnrtment, based on cost I). Vehicle Parking Facilities 8 C 2 Beach and heat parking Ihcililies. including but not limited to. Barefoot Beach Park. Barclbot Beach Access. Vandcrbilt Beach Park. Clam Pass Park. Gui f Shore Access. Tigcnail Beach. South Marco Beach Access. Cocohatchce. Bavvicw ['ark. and ('axambas Park have a [be. inclusive of sales tax. at n rate of $5.O0 per day. Collier ('ounty residents with beach parking permits will be exempt I>om thc 53.i)O per day fcc. ('oilier County residents may obtain a beach parking permit at no charge. Vehicles wid~ permits will not be charged n fee. Boat vehicle parking pen'nits may be purchased by all residents or visitors ['or an annual fee of$60.OO. Pcmfi~s are available at all Collier ('ount.v Parks and Recreation community centers. 1!. Concession Fees Concession Booth/I.ocation in con'unction xvith Rental A $25.00 fcc per day or 20% of gross revenues per day. whichever is greater, for each concession booth or location. Conccssionnircs conlractcd by thc County lo serve Ihe general public will pay a ncgt~liatcd fcc in lieu iff' thc general ['acility usc fee schedule. 3. {_~anizations o cratin, concessions for Ica ,uc~r,ed 3.00 er hour ~cration. F. M;~rkctin.u Fees 1. Marketing fcc o1'$5.00 included in. hut not limited lo. Ibc following. instructional classes meeting more lhan once. special instruclional programs. Aflcr School Camps. County Athletic Leagues. 2. Pay per class programs. ~ ~ pay a marketing fee ~ person G Inslructionnl Fees I. Programs Fee Assessment: per hour or per participant basis. 2 .Non-Staff'Instructor: marketing fees and an)' costs for supplies and equipment ,,rill be subtracted from the'class fee and the balance of the funds will be split between thc non-staff instructor and the Counl.v on a 70% (non-slaff instn.]ctor) - 3[')0/o (Courtly) basis. !I. Afldctics 8 Collier Count Parks and Recreation' Lea ,ues Program Minimum Registration Fee per Participant per League Play Adult $28.00 Youlh 28.00 Colli~x Coum Parks and Recreation Co~ Fees applicable to Category I users only League Type Fee Per Participant Per League Play/Per Seaso__.._.___._._.~nn Adult $28.00 Youth ~ ~~~ er week oflea,ue la includes la offs or all-star la 3. Toumament._s Description Fee Non-Refundable Deposit OR Cancellation Fcc $25.00 All Cate,o I ,rou swill bec~ With~ )o.oo~ 15.00 ~crhour Minimum overall fee per da)' . . Ail Cate o II ,rou s will be char ed With~ Clinics: I. 70%-30°~ or individual and Count 30% 2. ltourl rate forfacilit fund raisin, 8 C I. Collier County ~ue! Centers I. Court Fees (fees exclusive of sales tax) ~'rennis ~ ~ Indoor Racquetball 6.00/1.5 hour per pcrson l.ights .'.--%(koJ-l-j.4~.e~ 3.00 per hour Annual Permit Fees (fees exclusive of sales tax) Annual Permit, Jtmior 50.00 Annual Permit. Adult 175.00 Annual Permit. Couple 250.00 Annual Permit. Family 325.00 , , . . · Permits sold to Collier County residents only Equipment Rental (fees exclusive of sales lax) Racquets $ 2.00/I.5 hour Ball l lopper 2.00/1.5 hour Ball Machine 8.00/I .5 hour Room Rental - Based on County Fee Policy Instruction Fees (fees exclusive of sales tax) Privalc (I hour) Private ( V, hour) Adult Group Jr. Tennis Class $40.00 25.00 40.00/participant 40.00/participant *Instructional fees include a $5.00 marketing fee. 5. Programs and Special Events Fees determined by formula: minimum 10% over cost Retail Sales Fccs Retail sales items standardly marked up 50%-100% depending on local market prices and industry standards. The minimum mark up is 50% and tile maximum mark up is 175%. Merchandise in inventory more than two years or damaged merchandise may be priced below tile minimum 50% mark up. 8C2 .I. (\filler Cmmt A~ u~li~'~,; -Na Its and b.__._Ammkalck l~c a's m uatic I'aci li_.~t v rates_. 1. Entrance Fees (includes sales tax) Under 3 yrs Youth (3-17 ),'rs) Adult Senior (60+yrs) Naples Free $2.00 $2.50 $2.00 Immokalcc Fmc_g___ 1.00 1.50 I .O__._Q 2. Pass [:ecs (cxch,sive of sales taxi Type Youth Adult Senior [:amily Naples 3 month $40.00 $60.00 $40.00 100.00 Immokalec 35.00 55.00. 35.00 90.00 Naples Annual 60.00 80.00 6(I.0(I 225.00 Immokalce 50.00 75.00_ 50.00 210.00 Swimmin, In~ctional Fccs Children's ½ hour ctasscs $35.00/parlicipant Children's DA hour classes 40.O0/parlicipant Adult 'A hour classes 40.O0/parficipant *Instructional fees include a $5.00 marketing fee 4. Pool Rental_as (exclusive of sales tax) Each pool includes one staff member. Additional staff: $10.O0/hour per lifeguard. ½ Main Pool Entire Main Pool Slide Activity Pool $30.00/hour $60.00/hour $30.00/hour $30.O0/hour Sct..__mols. Public Schools are fee exempt, hmvcver they are required to pa),' $10.00/hour per lifeguard or instructor, if not during regular operating hours. K. Collier County Fitness Ccnters_rk~_N~Na les and Immokalee 1. Entran._.~ce Feet (exclusive of sales tax) Daily Walk in tee $4.00 2. Pass Fees (exclusive ofsalcs tax) -Wq, t41- Month 3 Months Annual $4-5-g~ 35.00 70.00 160.00 (Additional immcdiate family membcrs includin, g..a!9_dents under 4-0 2,1 years) $75.00 each additional annual I0 I...Combination Pool/Fitness Annual Pass Co orate Discoun! a .lies 100 each addi6onal fi~rn'd member u to :24 ears ofa,e M. Co orate Discount on Annual Passes Discount does not apply to additional family members Based on employee participation. '~ 10-2.___~4 25 and above Discoun____._~t 20% 40% 50% Collier Count SummerCam s and After School Pro ,rams Summer Camps Naples/Marco immokalee/Ever~ First child $400.00 $300.00 Additional child (same household) 350.00 250.00 3 Week session only 175.00 125.00 · Summer Cam has no marketin, fcc. After School Camps Naples/Marco Entire school car cost ~ ~ ~ 5.00 I Day Camp 15.00 /".aster Camp - per week 55.00 Phristmas Camp - per week 55.00 lmmokalee 5.0____~o 15.00 40.00 40.00 Holiday Camps and After School Programs include a $5.00 marketing I1 (). (;o den (;ate 'ommuni ,Center I. Golden Gate Taxing District Boundaries: West Boundary: Santa Barbara Blvd. To I.ogan Blvd. To I" Ave. SS East Boundary: Canal 1 mile east of County Road 951 North Boundary: l" Ave. SW over 951 Blvd and White Bird to the canal located 1 mile east of County Road 951 South Boundary: Palm Springs subdivision and Radio Road to Santa Barbara · Organizations in classes I. II. Ill. or IV declaring themselves as district must show prool'ofat least 50% membership within the taxing district. Class I: Charitable. Nm-For-Profit organizations Class I[: Not-For-Profil organizations Class 1[I: Civic or Governmental organizations Class IV: Commercial or For-Profit organizations and an'other ,rou or individua___!. Auditorium: $200.00 All Other Rooms: 50.00 Rental Fees A. Rooms A.B.C,D. Annex 1.2 and 3 Category Golden Gale Taxing District Class I Class 2 No charge No charge No charge $6.00/hour Class 3 Class 4 Outside of Taxing District No charge Fee approved by Community Center Advisory Board No charge $12.00/hour 12 B. Auditorium Category Classes I & 3 Class 2 Class 4 Golden Gate Taxing District Outside of Taxing District No charge No charge Fcc approved by Community Center Advisor, Board $20.00/bour until 10:00 pm $40.00/hour after I 0:00 pm Fcc approved by Community Center Advisor, Board $60.O0,qmur until I0:00 pm sg0.OO/bour after 10:00 pm C. Gymnasium - Fees (;overned by the Patios and Recreation License Policy Category Class 1 Fund Raising Class 2 Fund Raising · Classes Ill. IV and-~ will General Fee $30.00 .per hour an',' size ~20.00 added to hourly rate above $60.O0/hour any size. _$_2_20.00 added to hot,r~Lr3.tc above be required to pay sales tax. Service and Sale of Alcoho~ A. Serving oFAlcoho ~ These provisions apply For any event where alcoholic beverages will be available. No alcohol may bc made available without a valid Certificate of Insurance on file at tile Golden Gate Community Center. I. riser categories Class I and Class Il. as previously defined itl Mt.. 0(2). tile user mt, st present a General Liability Policy for the date oFuse which specifically 13 includes contractual liability and host liquor liability in an amount not less than five hundred thousand'dollars ($500.000) at least fi'mr (4) weeks prior to ibc event. As determined by the County Risk Management Director. in ~l~e event of above average exposure five hundred thousand ($500.000) liability coverage shall be required. In lhc event ol'unusual or high exposure one million dollar ($1.00('L000) liability shall be required. B. ~'Alcoholic Bevcra,cs the event any user intends to sell alcoholic beverages, they will he required to meet all State requirements regarding the sale of alcohol and oblain all required pcmfits. Copies of said permits shall be filed with the Center Supervisor. The ('truer Supervisor shall contact Collier County l)cpamnent of Risk Management insurance rcquircmcnls. (" P'ui'~~i°n'~~coholic/lex'cra ,cs I. It is tile responsibility of the user that no alcoholic beverage shall be allowed outside assigned meeting room(s) auditorium. 2. Thc user is responsible to ascertain that no alcoholic beverage shall be served Itl any person under the age o1'21. 3. The user shall be responsible fi~r the behavior o/'any panics with tile user's group. 4. The user shall be responsible to assure that no alcoholic beverages are sen'ed during thc last thirty (30) minutes of'user's scheduled event. 5. The user will be responsible lbr supplying a Ccrlificatc of Insurance at least four (4) weeks prior to scheduled event (sec insurance provisions). 6. Thc user will be responsible to comply xvith Florida Statute. Chapter 562. 7. The user must abide by all other operational policies and procedures of the Golden Gate Community Center. Any violation can resuh in tcrminaticm oflbe cVell[. 2 14 Youth Sports Cost Comparison ~les Litt~ 1996-97 200 youth Fall Season 8 weeks = SS.00/child or SI.00/week Spring Season 14 weeks = $8.00/child or $ .57/week All-star's (15 youth) ~ Total 26 weeks = $16.00/child · 200 youth =53,200 about .68/week 199%98 200 youth Fall season Spring Season All-star's (15 youth) Total 8 weeks = $ .70/week · 200 youth = 51,120 14 weeks = S .70/week · 200 youth ~ 51,960 4 weeks -- $ .70/week x 15 youth --_$__.~ $3,122 Last year NNLL charged about 558 per child per season - NNLL is run by volunteers Na les Youth Soccer 1996-97 200 youth One season 28 weeks -- SS.00/child · 200 youth -- $I,600 or$ .28Iweek 1997-98 200 youth Full Season 28 weeks x S .70/child x 160 youth = $3,136' H.S. Season 10 weeks · $ .70/child x 40 youth =, ..$.~ 53416 Last year NYS charged $365.00 per child - NYS has a paid master coach *This assumes that all teams play 28 weeks--some will advance in post season play similar to the NNLL all-star team above