Resolution 1982-031 i &OOK 068 PACE 30 '1,1rch ~. 1982 RESOLUTION 82 _ 31 A POLICY ESTA8LISHING READVERTISING RE- QUIREMENTS IN CASES OF CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Whereas, certain actions taken by the Board of County Commissioners and certain petitions require that a public hearinq be held by the Board of County Commissionersj and Whereas, due to various circum~tance8, some petitions ~r actions by the Board may be requested to be continued either by the Boord or the petitioner; and Whereas, in soree cases, the time period between the ~at. -- . of the original hearing and the continued hearing may be over an extended time: and Whereas, in order that the citizens of Collier County are kert informed of the d~tes of various pctition9 or actions to ~e taken by the Board, a policy should be established for re~dver- tising uf certain petitions and actions to be taken by the Board: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COH- MISSIONERS of Collier County, Florida: A. Any petition or action by the Board requirinQ an ~dverti.ed public hearinq shall he readvertiscd if the cont_nuance is lonqer than five (5) week~ B. The responsibility of payment for the additional cost of advertisinQ shall be determined by the Board at the time of con- tinuance. Commissioner Wenzel offered tho for09oino Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commis.ioner Pis tor and upon roll cnll the vote was: AYES: Commissioners Wenzel, Pictor, ~rU3c, Brown and Wimer NAYS: None ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: None ABSTENTION: Nono Dons th1. 9th day of f March . 1982 l!!!!! - .. ~._.~....~_. .",-, "-"-"~-'-"""_'_'<_'_'__"~'~"""'~~"N~.,'"W_'~q. _.""'"~"."~,,;.-,,_.._~______,,_,o___ "--" -...., "arch 9. 1~q2 I~ BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COt.I..XER COUNTY. rr..ORIDA ..:.. . """ &00. 008 rJ.Cl 3f ----~---_.._~.. .- '-". -"~'-'-'~'" . l.J~ C.R."RUS . WIMER Ii . ,I .~ ,- -~ -.~..__._ .~- ..__._...._.n Li7iicl ~'I':!!:;J Ea. March 9. 1992 RESOLUTION 82-31 RE POLICY ESTABLISIlINC: RElIDVERTISING REOUIREMENTS IN CASES OF CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS - ADOPTED. There being no discussion regarding this matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, sacondsd by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously that Resolution 82-31 re the polley eetabllshlng readvertlslng requlr.ments In eases of continued public hearings be adopted. -- WI (E8 f1lr 29 'age 21 I t ,. -j,' .' j 1 )