CAC Minutes 06/12/2008 R
June] 2, 2008
Naples, Florida, June 12,2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
Herein, met on this date at I :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at
Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government
Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
Murray Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Jim Burke
Dr. David Buser
Ted Forcht
Victor Rios
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples
Collier County: June ]2,2008
Page] of2
June 12, 2008
THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2008 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. May 8'u21!l:H~
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpil1
2. Project Cost ReR!!'"-t~-Gilr\'~cAlpi!1
VIII. New Business
1. S~mmej"Schedul",
2. Work order P-"!SJ~"f='l1_5_3=IlS=!aC!i1m_!I~~YEstYj!ry ~b!LTIde S_b!!j!LAn"~Ysls
3. Work Order CPE-FT-08-03 Doctors Pass II< Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging
4. Work9rd",r CPE-FT-08-04 Wiggins Pass Hydrographic Surveying
IX. Old Business
1. Wiggings Pass Modeling Work Group Update-Verbal
2. Clam Bay Navigational Markers-Verbal
X. Public Comments
XI. Announcements
XII. Committee Member Discussion
XIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
To Be Determined - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIV. Adjournment 7
June ]2,2008
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at ] :00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with a quorum established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Gary McAlpin stated that under item VIII.A, a revised summer schedule has been
submitted to the Committee.
Mr. Hendel moved to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Mr. Rios.
Carried unanimously 7-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval ofCAC Minutes
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the minutes of the May 8,2008 meeting subject to the
following changes:
Page 6, paragraph 5, line 4 "that the solution is for the 3' draft..." to "that the solution
will be for the 3' draft..."
Page 5, paragraph 5, line 7 "affects" to "effects"
Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 7-0.
Dr. Buser arrived at 1:07PM
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
The updated Tourist Tax Revenue Report for FY- 2007-2008 was presented.
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
The updated FY 2007/2008 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects
was presented.
VIII. New Business
1. Summer Schedule
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Determine summer
schedule for CAC meetings" dated June ]2,2008. He noted that the only
business upcoming is a contract to perform all required county beach, inlet and
biological monitoring.
The RFP process has identified 3 consultants qualified to complete the work.
He requested the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) recommend award of the
lump sum consultant based on lowest pricing.
June ]2,2008
Mr. Pires noted that the document states "A finding by the County Attorney is
not required for this item." however wants to ensure the County Attorney has
found the process to award the Contract appropriate.
Colleen Green, Assistant County Attorney stated the purchasing policy for
the item is in compliance with the CC&A and has been processed through the
Purchasing Department. She noted any purchasing issues are reviewed by the
County Attorney's Office.
Gary McAlpin stated that the main issue for the Executive Summary (ES) is
whether or not to hold a CAC meeting in July.
Mr. Pires disagreed and noted the ES states under the Section
"Recommendation" to "Discuss and make summer schedule recommendation
and approve award of a lump sum contract per lowest bid to perfonn all
required beach, inlet and biological monitoring per BCC approval on Ju]y 22,
Chairman Sorey noted the Executive Summary has two parts, the meeting date
and any business upcoming. He requested a motion for Staff to move the
Executive Summary forward and not hold a CAC meeting in Ju]y.
Mr. Burke moved to approve Staff moving the Executive Summary
("Determine summer schedule for CA C meetings'~ forward and not hold a
July meetillg. Secolld by Mr. Hendel. Motion Carried 7 yes - 1 no. Mr. Pires
voted no.
2. Work Order PBSJ-FT-4153-08-01 Clam Bay Estuary Ebb Tide Shoal
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommend approval of
Work Order PBSJ-FT-4] 35-08-0] under Contract 07-4 ]53 with PBS&J for
Clam Pass Ebb Tide Shoal Ana]ysis and Dredging Pennit for time and materia]
not to exceed $25,060.00 (Project No. ] 95-90060 I)" dated June ]2,2008.
He stated there has been disagreement between consultants (Humiston and
Moore and Coastal Planning and Engineering) over whether mining the ebb tide
shoal will destabilize the north end of Clam Pass.
The proposal is for a 3'd party perspective for professional guidance and expert
review of documentation for Clam Pass sand bypassing as well as preparation of
a pennit application, for dredging and hydraulic flushing and emergency stonn
support ofC]am Pass.
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group noted this is a contentious item.
The Pelican Bay Service Division Consultant for Clam Bay is opposed to the
proposal as well as David Rollins, retired Anny Corps of Engineers who resides
in Pelican Bay. Consultants Humiston & Moore are also opposed to the
Secondly, the Contract is subject to the Loca] Vendor Preference Ordinance and
any studies should be completed by local vendors. She noted this type of work
June ]2,2008
may lead to the installation of permanent structures as is the case for Wiggins
Gary McAlpin stated that the Local Vendor Preference Ordinance does not
apply to Consultants. Further, with the reference of installations of structures at
Wiggins Pass, this is not the intent of the County, nor is it proposed at this time.
All existing documentation (previous reports by consultants, etc) in relation to
this issue (Executive Summary proposed) as well as any new data will be
reviewed by the new Consultant.
Mr. Pires asked if Staff will give any direction to the new Consultant in regards
to the objectives of the study; and if item #2 regarding preparation of a permit
application was discussed at a meeting at the Florida Department of
Environmenta] Protection Office in Fort Myers on April 30, 2008 regarding
Clam Bay Pass.
Gary McAlpin stated that as with any study contracted by the County, direction
will be given to the new Consultant; in addition the permit was discussed at that
Mr. Rios expressed concern with the wording "allow additional dredging and
sand bypassing" in Consideration #] of the Executive Summary and suggested
that the analysis should be completed first and determine if dredging is required
and a permit needed to be obtained.
Chairman Sorey noted the item is for the capability to keep the Pass open upon
a storm occurrence.
Mr. Burke noted he has been involved with Clam Bay for 8 years through the
Pelican Bay Service Division, is on the Clam Bay subcommittee, the Clam Bay
Estuary Discussion Group and Chairman of the Clam Bay Sub-committee
Group handling this issue. He is in favor of the Consultant moving ahead with
the study, and no discussion has included "allowing additional dredging" and is
concemed with the wording in the Executive Summary as it is charging the
consultant with a way to take out any sand he wants to take out. He suggested
revising the wording in Consideration #]. He noted the shoal is currently
dredged for hydraulic flushing, not sand optimization.
Gary McAlpin re-iterated that the Executive Summary is for collecting and
reviewing technical information and recommended that the results of the study
be brought back to the CAC for review.
Mr. Hendel moved to approve the Executive Summary ("Recommend
approval of Work Order PBSJ-FT - 4135-08-01 under Contract 07-4153 with
PBS&J for Clam Pass Ebb Tide Shoal Analysis and Dredging Permit for time
and material not to exceed $25,060.00 (Project No. 195-900601)" subject to
the following change:
Consideration #] line 5, from "modifications to allow additional dredging and
sand bypassing." to "modifications to consider additional dredging and sand
bypassing. "
Second by Ms. Kulpa. Motion carried 7-yes -I-no. Mr. Forcht voted no.
June ]2,2008
3. Work Order CPE-FT-08-03 Doctors Pass & Wiggins Pass Maintenance
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommend Approva] of
Work Order No. CPE-FT-08-03 with Coastal Planning And Engineering for
Doctors Pass and Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging Project Construction
Plans & Specifications for a Not-To-Exceed, Time and Materia] amount of
$99,874 (Project] 95-905221 )." He noted that these projects are combined to
reduce the most expensive costs of a dredging project which is the mobilization
of the equipment required. This will save the County between $350,000 to
500,000 by completing the work in this manner.
Mr. Pires asked if the Contract went through the County's qualification and
lump sum Contract procedure or if it was just sent to Coastal Planning and
Gary McAlpin stated it was just sent out to Coastal Planning and Engineering
and there is unified rate schedule for the work as outlined on "Revised Schedule
B - Effective May 9,2008, Collier County Fee Schedule." There may have
been some minor adjustments to this schedule which he will forward to the
Mr. Hendel moved to approval of the project (Executive Summary
"Recommend Approval of Work Order No. CPE-FT-08-03 with Coastal
Planning And Engineering for Doctors Pass and Wiggins Pass Maintenance
Dredging Project Construction Plans & Specifications for a Not- To-Exceed,
Time and Material amount of$99,874 (Project 195-905221))." Second by Mr.
Rios. Motion carried 7-yes -I-no. Mr. Pires voted no.
4. Work Order CPE-FT-08-04 Wiggins Pass Hydrographic Surveying
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommend Approva] of
Work Order No. CPE-FT -08-04 with Coastal Planning and Engineering for
Wiggins Pass Hydrographic Surveying for a Not- To-Exceed Time and Material
amount of$27,535.25 (Project] 95-90522])" dated June ]2,2008.
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the Summary ("Recommend Approval of Work
Order No. CPE-FT-08-04 with Coastal Planning and Engineering for
Wiggins Pass Hydrographic Surveying for a Not- To-Exceed Time and
Material amount of$27,535.25 (Project 195-905221))." Second by Mr.
Hendel. Carried unanimously 8-0.
IX. Old Business
1. Wiggins Pass Modeling Work Group Update
Gary McAlpin provided an update noting the following:
. The 2nd meeting of the Work Group was last week
. The Consultants are utilizing a mode] process of De]ft 3D
. The approach for a permanent solution to stabilization of the Pass is a "soft
solution" which would not utilize permanent structures
June] 2, 2008
. Initial modeling has provided a different finding in that the Pass is more
affected by the wave pattern (or flow) from a South to North direction as
opposed to a North to South direction.
. More strategic placement of the sand from dredging may assist in
lengthening the time between dredging cycles
. The next meeting will be in 2 months
. John Find]ey, Nicole Ryan and Bryan Fluech are in charge of developing a
mission statement for the Group
. The Group is generally on track to retum with recommendations to the
Coastal Advisory Committee within the time projected
Dr. Buser noted that these findings demonstrate the importance in the funding
of studies to develop new ideas in solving problems.
2. Clam Bay Navigational Markers
Gary McAlpin provided an update noting the following:
. There are two permits involved in regulating this issue, the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Army Corps
of Engineers (USACE) permit
. Both Agencies incorporate the Clam Bay Management Plan as a part of
their permits
. Lainie Edwards (FDEP) has recognized that the navigational markers are
part of their permit, however are not an enforceable item
. The USACE has noted that this item is enforceable under their permit
. He is in the process of getting an opinion from the Coast Guard regarding
this issue
. Provision of an aerial view of the proposed location of the markers
. Identifying who will bear the cost ofp]acing the markers is being resolved
by the County Manager
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group addressed the Council noting she
has had numerous communications from the Agencies involved and submitted a
copy ofan email from Joe Embres of the US Coast Guard which indicates they
have "no requirement for any entity to install aids to navigation in Clam Bay."
Further, the Army Corp of Engineers permit "attachment A" makes no mention
of the channel to be marked. She stated the navigation marking is mentioned in
the Clam Bay Management Plan and cited page 38-39 of the Management Plan
which notes the "channel is to be marked in accordance with the requirements
imposed by the United States Coast Guard to ensure that those who use the
system clearly know where the channel is ...." She noted the area is a natural
healthy system and its character should not to be modified.
Mr. Pires asked if navigation markers were discussed at the Apri] 30, FDEP
June ]2,2008
Gary McAlpin stated that the navigational markers were not discussed at this
meeting, other than that the County's position is that the channel is required to
be marked.
Dr. Buser stated the USACE came forward clarifying that the Clam Bay
Management Plan is part of their permit and is the intent to mark the channel
with navigational aids. The Management Plan had input from a variety of
sources when it was developed 9 years ago including the City of Naples and the
Seagate Community and the ability to navigate the channel (and marked
accordingly) was always the intent of the document and accepted by the
USACE. The Plan states "it will be marked."
He has reviewed numerous documents regarding Clam Bay including studies,
permits, technical data, etc. and met with numerous Agencies and individuals
and disputes the statement that the system is healthy and the numbers (data)
indicate it... Further, the City of Nap]es has passed an Ordinance regarding
Outer Clam Bay issues. He stated the channel is a navigable waterway and
should be marked so everyone involved in this issue can move forward and
work on improving the health of the system.
Mr. Burke requested clarification on the different Agencies status in the
requirement of channel marking to close out the permits.
Gary McAlpin noted the following:
FDEP - requirement of the Pass to be marked with the 5 informational markers,
this item is being resolved
USACE - requirement of the channel be marked for navigation, with the
number, amount and location to be determined by local knowledge
US Fish and Wildlife - issuance of a decree to place the markers
US Coast Guard - he is in the process of obtaining any necessary opinions
from them.
Mr. Pires noted the agenda for the PBSD for a May 2],2008 included minutes
from the Apri] 30, FDEP meeting prepared by Gary McA]pin that indicated one
of the items discussed were the number of channel markers to be placed.
Gary McAlpin noted there was no "discussion" regarding the markers, he made
a statement to correct a mis-statement made regarding the requirement of
channel marking.
X. Public Comments
Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group addressed the Committee stating she
was present at the previous meeting of the Coastal Advisory Committee (May 8,
2008) when Mr. Pires moved to expeditiously take steps to do whatever was needed
to be done in marking the Pass and bring the permits into compliance. She has
obtained a copy of the minutes with which omit the discussion and motion. Further,
she has obtained a copy of the DVD of the meeting and this item has been omitted
from the DVD. She expressed concem that it is not in the minutes or on the DVD.
Further, she is in the opinion that Consultants are exempted from the Local Vendor
Preference Ordinance and is concerned that PBS&J was awarded a Contract which
June ]2,2008
constitutes a conflict of interest because of their input at the Clam Bay Pass
Discussion Group.
In addition, she attended the April 30, 2008 meeting at the F]orida Department of
Environmental Protection office in Fort Myers and the navigation markers were an
item of discussion and not simply one statement by Gary McA]pin.
Also, NOAA charts show Clam Pass as "non-navigab]e".
Mr. Pires stated he reviewed the minutes and DVD of the May meeting and noted
that the motion and action was taken at the March meeting regarding Clam Bay Pass
permit (not the May meeting).
XI. Announcements
Eddie Chesser could not be present for his recognition of employee of the month.
XII. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Pires asked if a notice was given for the Apri] 30th, 2008 meeting at the Fort
Myers Office (Florida Department of Environmenta] Protection) in recognition that 2
or more members of the Coastal Advisory Committee were present.
Gary McAlpin stated the meeting was not noticed, however it was clearly stated at
the beginning of the meeting that 2 members of the Coastal Advisory Committee
were present and that no Coastal Advisory Committee business was discussed at the
Mr. Pires noted that the emergency dredging of Clam Pass was discussed at the
Gary McAlpin stated that all that was mentioned was that if the Pass was to be
dredged it would require the issuance of a Permit.
Mr. Pires noted that the minutes (prepared by Gary McAlpin) from the F]orida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) meeting indicates items were
"discussed. "
Gary McAlpin noted the word "discussed," indicates a statement made regarding the
Mr. Pires asked why there was no notice for Public Hearing given for this meeting,
and noted that Clam Bay Estuary Discussion Group meetings have been "publicly
noticed" and provide the same topics for discussion
Gary McAlpin stated the purpose of the meeting with FDEP was to gather
information on how to proceed with the Clam Bay permit. There were a number of
people who wanted to attend the meeting. He had no control over who attended the
meeting as it was a public meeting and anyone was free to attend. No "Coastal
Advisory Committee business" was discussed at this meeting.
Mr. Pires outlined Section II. D of Ordinance 200]-3, which incorporates the Roles,
Powers and Functions of the Coastal Advisory Committee and includes items in the
scope of the Committee that were discussed at the meeting.
Gary McAlpin recommended that the County Attomey provide direction on this
issue, if the Committee desires. He re-iterated that no "Coasta] Advisory Committee
business" was discussed at the meeting.
Dr. Buser noted he attended the meeting and there was no discussion of "Coasta]
Advisory Committee business" at the meeting.
June ]2,2008
Mr. Hendel noted that the Staff presence for collecting entrance fees for Clam Pass
Park has been inconsistent. ]n addition, he requested clarification on whether
Consultants are exempted from the Local Vendor Preference Ordinance.
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney stated that Consultants are exempted
from the Loca] Vendor Preference Ordinance.
XIII. Next Meeting Date
To be Determined - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3'd Floor
The next meeting will be held on August ]4,2008.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 2:32 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
John Sorey, III, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended
"Embres. Joseph" <>
RE: Clam Pass, pIes worth a thousand words
June 3. 2008 1 :35:33 PM EDT
This email is to advise you that the US Coast Guard has no
requirement for any entity to install aids to Navigation in
Clam Bay.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 4:55 PM
To: Embres, Joseph;
The following Clam Pass images were taken today 5/23/2008.
images clearly depict people other than motorboaters enjoying
recreational aspects of Clam Pass. These activities,
historically and
currently enjoyed by many people are often the very reason
they come
to the beach. Please consider strongly this valuable part
of their
beachgoing experience.