#05-3831 Exhibit A-1 (Beck Disaster Recovery, Inc.) EXHIBIT A -1 Contract Amendment 05.3831 lIFEl\[A ACCEPTABLE i\IONlTORlNG DISASTER DEBRlSMANAGEl\IENTlt This amendment, dated "2- . 2008 to the referenced agreement shull be by and between the parties to the ori nal agreement, Beck Disaster ReC'o\'cr)' Inr. (to be referred to as IIContraclorlt) and Collier County, Florida, (to be referred 10 as "Counf)'''). Statement of Understanding The following change to the above referenced Agreement has been mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the County: The deletion of the existing language in Section 19 of the Agreement is sllO\\'11 herein by stribtl-..mughs. 19. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Collier County encourages and agrees to the successful proposer extending the pricing, terms and conditions offhis solicitation or resultant contract to other goyernmental entities at the discretion of the sllccessful proposer. THe Centraetef lH~reb) fuFlher agrees tnat fer eaeh entit) gi. ea ..ritteR a~f.Ire\'allly tRe CSUrlt}' te Htilke this aptian, the CeatFaetar/C9flsa'taRt akall pnn ide the CeHllt)' ft sReel! iR tRe f\RleUR( sf th"ee )3ereeflt (3%) af tRe tetal EiRRHal J3Hrehaaes fflftae 8R8er seeR entity's eeRtraet. Centraetef shall 1:le reEJHired fa. )3re.ia6 year~' doeU81entatien sf sueh entities' tetal emma! purehases iF! a farm Bl'3J:lreveEl(1) the ~ All olher tcnns and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and (he Count)' have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date{s) indicated below. Accepted: , fc~ 11 f: 2" .2008 By: ",. OWNER: o.c.... By: Approved as to fonn and Legal sufficiency; O~m~ Assistant County Attorney EXHIBIT A -1 Contract Amendment 05-3831 "FEMA ACCEPTABLE MONITORING DISASTER DEBRIS MANAGEME!\'" This amendment, dated 1..t.(, 2008 to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the ori iolt) agreement, Post Buckley, Schuh, Jernigan, Inc., (to be referred to as "Cootractor"') and Collier COdDly, Florida, (to be referred 10 as "County"). Statement of Understanding The following change to the above referenced Agreement has been mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the County: The deletion of the existing language in Section 19 of the Agreement is s.hown herein by strihetluEltlgk5. 19. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Collier County encourages. and agrees to the successful proposer extending the pricing, terms and conditions of this solicitation or resultant contract to other governmental entities at the discretion of the successful proposer. The CSRH'a.eter Heree) fwther agrees that f'flf eaeh eati~) gi, en '..TitteR afl]3rs\al b) the CaWl!) te HtiliZ8 this eptiefl. the Cent:raeter'CeRsultant shall fife lide the CaURl) a eheek in the WR6Wlt sf three ~ereeRI (3Q<') af the tatal fli.fiwH flurehases maae HRder eaeh eRtil) 's eeatraet. Ceatraeter shall ae retll:lirea te flFe. ide ) early 8e8\:HRentatian sf sHeh entities' tatsl annl::lal ~llfehases in a feFffi aflprtl.ed e) the ~ All other terms and conditions of the Agreemcnt shall remain in force, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Contractor and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set thcir hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. Accepted: ____J~J..f)6- z'-l ,2008 Wa'l~",J. Ovprmcln C;~'n;nr Ifice Presidont PriJ1l Name and Title ~ATTEST:. ' .. ' ... if. igJitE.Broek, ~ Attest 1~<'~1"'Mll . . s 1911ltUl"f Oft 1 . OWNER: BOARD O~' CO TY COMMISSIO RS COLLIER TY. FL By__~15r1...---- _ Approved as to fonn and ~1t1~ Assistant County Attorney To: 941-379-0946 05/02/08 08:53 AM from: DeLeonDiana Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A~l Contract AmendmentOS-38Jl . FEMA ACCEPT ABLE MONITORING DISASTER DEBRIS MANAGEMENT" Thls. anae-cdment, dated G., { 2t.f --11008 to the referenced agrt4!blent shall be by and betweetl the parlles to the original agreement, Solid Resources, Inc., (to be referred to as "Contractor-) and Collier County, Florida, (to be referred 10 as. "CtJUllly.). Sbternel1t or UndenlAnding The following change to the above rtlferencoo Agreement ha.i been mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the County: The deletion of the exi5ting llUlguage in Section 19 of the Agreement is Jhown herein by lllrikgtRl911gm 19. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Collier County encourages and agrees to the successful proposer extending the pricing, terms and conditions oftffis solicitation or resultant contract to other governmental entities at the discretion of tho successful proposer, The CeRReta! hereby fw1:her agrees that fer eai:lh eatity gi':en ":<AttaR 6f1prs'I.'91 tly f,fte Cel:ull,'S' \8 ldHliel! UHll epkEi'R, ~e ~eRQ:ee-hrJC9H~tdtBBl sRalI pre R81!lhe C8\iSt.} 8. 9RIlllli: iR the ilDl8YAt 9f w(J1) FilfG.f1t (::H~) gfY:le fetal allIlual pllF9Aano made unaer lllWlI IIRti~'G lHlRtfllQi. CeHtlaGtLJf GRail us FSEj,Ylrua t8 Ff9"ith ~'nr-ly ae1l1:lft11f11M.l!!B ef BReit entitilD' te1el flOflLlW pttnhaeer. iR & foFftl appre sa ll} t+1.e ~ All other te.nm and condition! of the Agrume.nt .hall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the County have each, respectively, by lUl authorized pelion or agent, hereunder Get !heir handll' and eea.ls: on Ille date(a) indicated below, Accepted: .... Ic l n '-' Z. 4 ,2008 CONTRACTOR, ::"~I Authorized 19natol)' t:.4z"f:. 5Pi-A/~OVIC I( ~~ S';;I~'NT Pnll~ N'aml\ and Title .., -, ATTESt\., .:' ~~l~c sttnatvrt 0111. OWNER Approved as to fonn and ~ A"iOtim,ColUlty~ By, CONTRACT Pt,fffiLlliT By~~rg.,~7 OiannaPerryman .- .U. ..---