Resolution 1995-008 , ( ~ '2 .\.. 'J t-\ RESOLiJTIOl1 1l0. 95-_~_ RESOLUTION Of THE BOARD Of COUIlTY COMMISSIOIlERS, COLLIER COUNTY, fLORIDA, AUTHORIZIIlG PAYMEIlT Of LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT fEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL fACILITIES IMPACT fEES, ROAD IMPACT fEES, EMERGENCY I1EDICl'.!. SERVICES I!1PACT fEES r..riD EDUCATIONAL fft.CIl.ITIES SYSTEi'I I!1pr,CT fEES fOR OIIE HOIJSE TO BE COI1STRtJCTED flY 111110KALEE NON-PROfIT HOUSIIlG, IIlC. Oil LOT <0, EDEN PARK 1ST M)[JITloti SUBDIVISIOtI, I!111OKALEE. "HERET..S, Collier County has recognized and attempted to address the lack of adcqu~ltc and affordable housing for moderate, 1 or,.; I and very-Io'lf inco;ne households in the County and the need for creative and innovative programs to assist in the provision of such housing by inclu'Jing several pro\,'lslons In the Collier County Gro',/th HC'ln'FjODcnt Plan, including: objectjve 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objccti'1C 1.'), rO~l.cy 1.:1.2, policy 1.5.J, policy 1.5.4, policy pol LCY objective pol icy 1 .5. (); 1. 6 I 1.6. J ; 1 .5. ~) I Objective 2.1. POllCY 2.1.1, pollcy 2.1.2, poliCY 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of the Housing Element; and \~tlERE^S, Collier County has received funding pllrsuant to the State Ilousing Initiativr's Partnership Program set forth 1n Section 420.907 ct. seC!. , Florida Statutes ilnd Chapter 91-37, Florida Administrative Corje; and i.JllERE1'.S, in accord.J.r:ce ':lith Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, the County Ie- authorized to use funding from the State Housing Initiatives Filrtnership [SHIP] Program for waivers of Co] lier County imp("lct fee:;; and WfIEREAS, Im;-;,okalce rion-Profit Housinq, Inc. is seeking a vlaiver of impact fees; and 'ivllEREl\S, Imno~:alcc ';on-Profit Housinq, Inc. v;ill construct one (1) three-bedroom unit (the lID'vlelling Unitll) on Lot 8, Eden ParK 1st Addition SUbdi\'ision, Immokalee 'v/hich is proposed to sell for forty Thousand [Jollilrs ($40,000.00); ilnd THE REMAINDER OF THIS RESOLUTION CAN BE FOUND ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER