Resolution 1997-278 reu: ClI1I TO III 10ill ImlOllICl mfLOOI In'lHD 2198862 OR: 2326 PG: 0765 mOlDlDln,b,01lICIlLllCOlDS.1COLLlllCOUIT1,fL oi/H/l1 .t 1l:1I/J1 OIlGHT I. 1I0e<, mu RESOLUTION NO. 97- 278 1IC1II coms 1\.00 uo12C DOCUMENT TO BE RERECORDED BHCAUSE AfFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION WERE PREVIOUSLY RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AV 97-002 TO VACATE A OMITTED. PORTION OF TRACTS M-1 AND M-2 AND ALL OF TRACT M-3 BEING PRIVATE ROADWAYS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CRYSTAL LAKE TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16. PAGES 30-31. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS. pursuant 10 Seclions 177.101. 336.09 and 336.10. Florida Stalules. John Maloney. Wilson. MillP.r. Barton & Peek, Inc., as agent for owner, Eagle Creek Properties. Inc., does hereby request the vacation of a portion of Tracls M-1 and M-2 and all of Tract M-3 as shown on Ihe pial of Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek. as recorded in Plat Book 16. Pages 30-31. of the Public Records of Collier County. Florida; and WHEREAS. Ihe Board has Ihis day held a public hearing to consider vacating a portion of said plat as more fully described below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was given as required by law: and WHEREAS, the granling of the vacation will not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. thai the following be and is hereby vacated: See Exhibit ~A~ attached to and incorporated herein BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Clerk is directed to advertise the adoption of this Resolution once in a paper of general circulation in the County within 30 days following its adoption. BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Clerk is hereby directed 10 record a certified copy of Ihis Resolution, the proof of publicalion of the notice of public hearing. and the proof of publication of the notice of adoption of this Resolution in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and 10 make proper notalions of this vacation on said plat. This resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. ,'DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. / d BROCK. Clerk jl , '-', (' .'1 By: T Approved as to form and legal sufflcienc{. lId! J /C'L.----~ Heidi F. Asflton Assistant County Attomey flOMltmlo.t2297IRew AV97.OQ2 Crystall:Jke,doc 1 55e~ .....==!"! ~O ,,::2: i::a - o ~ ;:it: - r ~ ". u: -"-' - ~ "-' -- = ;:;~ _0....., E=~ :i::3 C) _1= "'" !l:::-- ~~~ - -""" i'i '" :=: :~~ ::;::: G"l ~ =.. n= g...,., 3...... - ....., ~ <. ~~ -- -- -- ../ ,./ OR: 2330 PG: 0514 OR: 2326 PG: 0766 '- ~I:i If\ \ I i I~ ! I i,L I"" <> l~l; I \~ & i~'1 '~h . , ':I~ 8 Ij~ , . " - . . .. -'1-10 ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ :";O':~;I' 5 I I :- I I i I I > "111,1~ll~ ... -,~ I . I"'" , ' :~'I~ii l~ ~I~ I"! ~!~ .'. -":::- ,,~_ :0 , - ~ .. < " ii, il, ii, , ~\ \ " ,. " i - , 0' 8, I :'-V,-_,",__ ':.:. ", > '" > (') -'c , ~- -" I 'I .- ,. I' . ..,.,: ~;0 ~: ~ " i~ ~ i " I" , I, II; ::' ~ 3 'C ;' . '~ , . , -,~ " -> ,...,~ " , -.)-- " : c. " , " iO " ~I ~~ i ,:1 "I I, Ill'! ,-,"' ,'" 01 101;"1::: i"l o:~ . Z'"'' >'.'- :g! ~~~ ?-' .=~;;: ;~; '~ :.~ - c - - . - - ":-', "j:~ 3'" > u:; ~\ ~ -~ .~, \~.<;p ~ d ~:.r. ;0 ~v.' ~ ~!' ,~ :J: -- - J.~ - ,': ',.'- ese - <'-0 \11 'ofl co -::'-':'. ~ ":c- Z . . 0, " :g,:;- ..:t.f' x ,...." -;: ~;-:- ,,-- _.- ;::;; :> -- ::\: '-~ ~g c > ':- ;:;:; ~~ ::: ~~ Z " ~~ ~ w ~i " z :: ~~E~;;: ,., '.;- ,~ i ~ , - c - , . - " 0 '" ~ . > (') ; :3 ,,~ '" > ., 7' n . ~ \ I 3 z , 0 ,. , - ~ , > - ? -, . .. ., ~ -. , - i - , , , , , , , 'I , . . , , , , , s ~L I - .. " . ~ -';'" ; .', " ? ,.:,: :>-,. '- :7; ;.!: .:...: ;',_ ~_ -, -~ -,;. == , > , :;-.-.:::-- ,.~ ~.,.;:-:;: ,..,.. -- t ~ :J.-,. .',' " >< :':?~ , - .... : _.*~~ - .~.. z ..;. n ':~ll~~~~ ~:~ J _ ;~: t.: (-,1- , ~~!! r ~ ;I.:i it 15 ~ ~ ~I..;: ~ I"" Q ~ ;~"~,;!g ~ . i"<;~...~,... ~ III ~ ;;~..~:;; ~ ~ ~ ':;;; - ~I '": .. - ,,~~ "'Oil::l; ~.- :=:~~;a!~ 1- .. ';'-~~IIlI::l:l ~ 'it ;:;~;~~!~ I I !;-~=I~ i 1- ~~; ti"" ~~~E~:~ ; '" . - I .0 .' .. -:~. , ;A z 0 :> ,~, '0 / co <"':/.'<. '" i' so n ~.. ::; " -< ./ ~ ~ " ~ n n , .----....' ;.....- ,,0 \"^- .:,-,.:;-'l / /' /' .12C 1 " ; ~'.. . o , , --II : I -0- OR: 2326 PG: 0767 WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. Engi:1~cr\. Planner'. SUi.n"f\. L.lIH..hCiJpC ..\rch:1CL"i\. Em 111'1\11\(:11 II (,I;huILIl1I\ &. (ol!\truclion \lan;l~cl' \\,!,,'~ 1':"!c",,.n.,J (',.. IT ,>,; , :'" ~:"'Il,":n r ."a' .,1 ,\,,~,," I!,.,,'! " 'I' 1..-,-,'" l\'j~:. ",111-l'1.4Il.Ul1.." (~T11I.ll.\'I', Description or all orTr:lc! M-3, JI'ld pan of Tr:J.cls ;-"1-1 and :-'1.2. according 10 the pbl ofCr)'s!:J.l LIke Tcrr:l.CCS al E:lglc Crc~k a..~ rccordcd in Pbt nook 16. r;lg~s 30 through 31, Public Records of Collier County, Flofllb (Portion 10 be Vac:ltcd) 12C All of Tract M-3 and pm of Tracts :-"1-1 and ~1-2, according to the plat ofCrysto..l Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek as recorded in Pial Book] 6, pages 30 through 31, Public Records of Collier County, Florida and being more particuJarly described as follows Beginning al the northwest comer of said Tract :-'1.2; thence along the boundary of said plat in the folJo\\ing two (2) described courses: 1) South 54"20'32" East 260,00 feet; 2) South 89'20'32" E:lSt 47.39 feet: thence leaving said boundary South 54020'32" East 1083.89 feel 10 the east line of said Tract M- 1; thence along said cas! line South 02c29'06" Wesl 76.48 feCI; thence leaving said cast line Nann 30"57'54" West 49.43 (ect; thence Soum 59"02'06" \Vest 15.19 f~et; thence Korth 48"30'54" West 30,20 feet; thence North 56"J 1 'JO.' \\'es! 29J, 19 fect; thence northwcsterly 95.99 feet along the arc of a circular curvc conc.:!v.: southwesterly h3.\'ing a radius of 403,00 feet through a central angle of 13")8'51" and being subt~nded bl' a chord \-\"hicn bears !\'orth 6)020'55" \\'e5195.77 fect; elence !\'onh 70"10'21" Wesl 179.":5 feet; \0 a point ofcurV~l1.Jre and the easterly boundary of Tract r.,'f-3; Ihence along the boundary of said Tr::.ct M-J in the follo\l..1ng five (5) described courses. I) southwesterly 38.18 feet along l.1e arc of a circular curve conCJve north'.vesterly having a radius of 59.00 feet through a central arlgle of85038'05" Md being sub tended by a chord which bears South 26"15']]" Wesl 80.20 fcet to a poinl of reverse curvature; 2) southwesterly 16.75 feet along the arc of a circulJ.[ curve concavc southeasterly having a radius of 17.00 feet through a central ~!lg;e of 56027'08" and being subtended by a chord '.,'hicn bears South 40"51'01" West J6.08 fee!; 3) South 12'37'27" West 17.66 feet; 4) southerly 41.41 feet along thc ~rc of a circular curve conc:1.\'c westerly h:l\lng a rJdius of 103.00 feet throug.h a central angle of 23002'0 I" ;lfld being sublend~d by a cl~orJ which bears South 24008'27" \\'esl 41.l3feel; 5) South J5"39'ZS" Wes! 50, 11 feel to thl.: south line oi said pbt; thence along s:tic.! pl::!t boundary t'orth 54020'32" West 599.06 feet thence continue along said pl:l.t boundM)" t'orth 01 "0 I '5 5" East 370 65 feel 10 the Poinl of Beginning: Subjecllo easements and restrictions of record. Containing 6.21 acres more or less. Dearings are based on thc southerly line ofsJid Tract :-"1-2 being :\ol1h 54"20'32" Wes!. WILSON, ~m.LER. BARTON & PEEK, i:'c. Registered Engineers and Land Surveyors By, mda Date 1'27.97 o P. Maloney, PSi\1. #..t41)3 \ i /~' Cerllfi ate of authoriulion #lB-4J. Not valid unless embossed wirJ~ rofession::!]'s seaJ. Ref. 2J-80 ,.,.__,__...~__.___~...__...~,~."_.,,".,_,,;_~~,"..'oy~""">' 1 C> = ...... '-" '-" = ..", "" = '-'" - '-'" <"._____.__.,~_._____,o____"... .~,~.._.._"-"""............'~._--,........._~' ~..~_....._v.,.....,._~___.____~_._ ,.,_.-