Resolution 1997-262 1 6F - 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXTF.NIllNG UNTIL DECEMDER 31. 1997. THE COLLIER COUNTY LANDFILL CITI7.F.NS ADVSIORY COMMITTEE AS AN AD HOC COMMITTF.E. F.STABLlSIIED BY RESOLUTION NO. 95-333, CONFIRMING ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS. APPOINTEO MEMOERS. FUNCTIONS. POWF.RS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEF.. WHEREAS, the Board ofCounly Commissioners on May 16, 1995 adopted Resolution No. 95- 333. ('stabli~hing the Collier County Landfill Citizens AdvisOfY Commillcc as an ad hoc committee under the prnvisiom of Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended; and \VHEREA5, pursu(\nt Ie Resolution No. 96-555, the Collier County Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee will tcnninate on June 30,1997; and WHEREAS. the l30ard of County Commissioners deems it appropri[llc and in the best interest of the County to exlend the Collier County Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee to pennit the Committee to fin:llize its work and ~ubmit to the Board of COUlllY Commissioners the Comminee's final repor1 0n the future location(s) of the Collier Counly landfill sile. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED DY THE OOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlF~R COUNTY. FLORIDA. that the Collier County L.,ndfill Citizens Advisory Committee shall continue as an ad hue committee through December 31. 1997. DE IT FUR!/ER RESOLVED that the Board hereby confirms all Ihe terms. conditions. provisions. appointed members, functions. powers and dUlies of the Collier Count)" Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee as set forth in Resolution No. 95.333. This Resoll!tion adopted this second and m.:jority vote. ,]J doyof ()~ iJ . 1997. after motioll. A n'EST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA D~~~~/;:"; 'v.t'. Dy: , . . . , . ' . Approved as to form and legal sulTIciency: iJ'I,;.lJ11 ?1.:,_/J ~ COlmty Anomey - -. .- '''-.-- ".""-""____"~',"',".,,','",,"',~,',_""w',',' .. ',""'",._,,_,",~w,,_~___>,..__,... _.,' __'~..".._