Resolution 1997-256 lOA RF:SOLUTION NO. 97-256 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CHARLES MCMAHON TO THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 87-78. as amended, confirmed the creation of the Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee and provides that the committee shall be composed of five (5) members; and WHEREAS, there is currently a vacancy on this committee; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications from interested parties; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that Charles McMahon is hereby appointed to the Golden Gale Bcautillcation Advisory Committee for the remainder crthe vacant term, said term to expire on Octo her 6. 1999. This RcsolLllion adopted aflcr motion, second and majority vote. DATED: May 27.1997 ATTEST: 'DWIGHT E. BROCK. Cl.ERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COl.LlER COUNTY. Fl.ORIDA ../,/. :{" /, "/."" " , ~ . ~, Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: t&~/^ 1~ County Attorney DCWfkn