Resolution 1997-251 13A 1 Rt:SOL:.JTTON 97- 251 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW AND USED BOAT AND AU70 SALES (SIC GROUPS 5511, 5521 AND 5551) CONDI7IONAL USE "4" IN THE C-4 ZONING DIS7RICT PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCl,TED IN SECTION II, TOWNSHIP SO SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, cor.LlER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislatljre of the State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power LO establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business reglllations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WliEREAS, the COllnty pursuant th~reto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) '_Inier. l~lc:l udes a Compreher.s i 'Ie Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particulilr geographic divisions of the Cour.~YI 3~O~g which is the gr~nt~ng of Conditional Uses: and vlI-lEREAS, the Collier County Planni:-"g Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has co~sidered the advisability of Conditional Use "4" of Section in ~n (-4 zone for new and used boat and auto sales (SIC groups 5511, 5521 and 5551) on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said reqlllations and in accordance with Subsection of the Land Develop~ent Code for the Collier County Planning Cc:nmission: and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportcnity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and tIle Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: The petition filed b~ Arthur C. Qui~nell representing Peter M. Andersen with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Lot 4, Triangle Lake and Northwesterly 98.29' of Parcel A, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 38, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, all lying in Section 11, Township 50 South I P.ange 25 Eas t. -1- be and the same is hereby approved f'_Jr Conditional Use "4" (t 3Acti~n of the (-4 zoning distric~ fo~ ~cw and used boat and auto sales (SIC groups 5511, 552] Jnd :'551, in c1(:cordance wit.h the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "B") and sllbject to the following conditions: d. The Planning & Technical Services Manager may approve minor changes i:1 the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, 3nd improvements authorized by the conditional tlse. Expansion of the uses identified and approved within 'LhlS coneiiticnal use applica'c:lon, or major changes to the site plan subnlitted as part of this application, stlall require the submittal of a new conditional use application, ~nd shall comply with all applicable COllnly crdinances in effect at the time of submittal, including Division 3,3, Site Development Plan Review and appro'",',:d, of the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance. No. 91-102). b. Approval of a 2G~ing certIficate and Site Improvement Plan is contingent lJpOn presentatio~ of an fDOT Connection Permit or Notice (If Intent to issue SllCh a permIt. c. The landscape plan entered into the record of the public hearing shall be implemented prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy d. Architectural reodi[icatiorls to tIle building as reflected by architectural pJ,ans submitted into the record of the public hearing shall be made prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, e. The quality of the fence as illustrated on the landscape plan shall be o~ the following material: plas:ic, fiberglass, wooe! 0:::- masonry, h'Jt in no event be a chain link fence. Boats may not be stored on the street side of the fence. BE IT FURTHER ReSOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the Minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted aEter motion, second and majority vote. Done this dC) i f '-,-'i/_ (ay OL ,,-LJ/ J";" 1997. BOARD OF ZONING APPEAl,S CO~~~IjP._}COUNTY, FLS-R! Yt"\' " //. .,~~;,;; "'/ 3{:~~c&e ... ;{///..:4'---~- TII.!OTHY..L. HANtOcK, CH.'IIRMAN ATTEST: D'IIGHT E. BROCK,C l~RK c~,~ APPROVED A (/-: ,/~ AND LeGAL SUFFICIENCY: i) \.(...~ ." rn ./~t u...i.u,' MARJO~IE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNU ~/ron,'C:J~97~l .2. . . I" " I , , . " , . j , , , I I . , ,'. ' \ ~ . \ ' j.~>:. \ - , : t ' , . FHiDI~iG 0: FACT BY COLLIER COU?l'i'Y PL.r.,:;~lItiG CO:'ll-lISSION FOR ", cotrDITIONl\L USE PETITIOn FOP, CU-97-1 13A 1 The following facts a~e fOUGd: 1. section 2.2.15,J,4 of the Lend Develop~ent Code authorized th~ conditional ~se. 2. Granting th~ conditionel cse will not edversely affect the public interest and ~lill not adversely affect other property or uses in the sa~e district or neighborhood because of: A. consistency with the Land Developnent Code and Growth Hanaaenent Plan: .- Yes ~_ t~o B. Ingress and egress to p~operty and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to auto~otive and pedestrian safety 2nd convenience, traffic flo~ and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress ~ e9~ess Yes 'I llo c. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, econo~ic or odor effects: ~ Ho affect or ~_ Affect mitigated by Affect cannot be mitigated D. Co~patibility with cdjacent properties and other prcperty in the district: cO~Datible use within district . Yes "- No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy 2.~~aChed) ~ShOUl. d not) be recommended for approval _ilPI)nNI~ DATE:.~~ l'o:'i;;CK:~~ FINDING OF FACT ~!EMBER/192~2 .. ',- ,~ ~ , ' .:): ~~;", 4 ;', " ".' .-,~ I{'t.';' (.." . " ,';"j t ..~ '.~ -:".; . ' ".': . . , . ~ '~ , . ~ I. ...., ; ". ., 1', FINDItlG OF FACT BY COLLIE?, COUnTY PL~.~i~ntIG cot-mISSION FO? l<. CONDITImU,L USE PETITIon fO? CU-97-1 13A < 1 The following facts are found: 1. section of the Land Develop~ent Code authorized the conditional use. 2, Granting ~hl~ conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the sa~e district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the~L.nd Developnent Code and Gro....th EanGgei71ent P ,: Yes No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety. end convenience, traffic flow and cont=ol, and access in case of fire or catastroo~e~' . Adequate ingress & e~~ess I Yes rio C. Aff~C c; neighboring p=operties in relation t.O nois , glare, econo~ic or odor effects: rlo affect or Affect ~itigated by Affect canno~ be mitigated D. Co~patibility with adjacent properties and other proper-ty in the distri:;..t: CO;'l;ntible l;SC. :tIt-hin district Yes V tlo ~.- - Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulation~;, (copy e.ttache:5.) ~.~_be reCO~~~1 ~01 appcoval --= . . DATE. ___ 1'.:'I-l8ER ~ FINDING OF FACT Wc":;-!BERj192,:2 ,..._"._-,.-._---.~---~_.._........_.,..,..._.......~-""'."....,...~-~"".,,.,---~_.~---.-....,,-