Resolution 1997-250 .. "~,,,- ~;-j ,.~. ;~'i 'J;"!_~" ~'. i :;.fi;:r.;i-~j~:.:\} ':.i'=j~ '(i'h~"',:.... .,..-,!......:""-*,, ,"'il ..I<.~t - ~r,,:.i,~C,~; ..t..(.l~.jr'.q . 1-!m~Ji.;\,;~., :".'-'n_~I:f~:;~:t H~i~~'~'~';;;\' . 1/' _,..~ : (.. '.,~ ~;L V: ~:: :f::',L'w~ '1':V"1:1~,)~',.~, t'~I':lk.;~-J':"!t, ,'" "~" "l~'''' ?~;~~.<t~f,~~~~~t,.~ -f.. ~ ~"" "". :r:Yt.~- '}l~'.i~!~."{. '\ '-~".- Yl, ~'_',.'~., .. ~~ 'l't ,:~. "", ':.. .:~~ -l.,~.~~ I'.'~'.) '~';:',;~~.t f"';i:'f',; ;:. ~t~ \;~ ~'l J!4 ~y! ~:;i~:';4 ;(: .-t''''......::,:r',.,''-, :/,il~;Mi:~,:t <"'f"';r-."!!~~~ ;) 'L:'.~':.";;(\l!.j, "::.~ ';'~}";tl ~.,"'.,\ ~,(j <=t..{,\,:+:~,~: /, '; ~{..:.L~,.\;.~",.\.! :;';n~t:f'~;';~ ~ i,> \';t'-:~>'!i ;:;\hLix:iri1 .rl:,' l"r"'Yi~"I'" . 'P:\Y"~1~'~\ . '\'."l"$.,/~.~ \\;t2;~t~~,:; !\....,..v."~., "'\'y-,,'rr.';';' l ~"-4i-.'ll', ..l.... ""':+,~.j.,,<....~.\ ~l'i"i-.?>,trl\ <:'/j:Vtt.,~I{": I ""'(1}" ~'.", ~~f~ '-'\i'-''''~ '''''''',,' '~:.~:/~r.{r;~~~:/ "', "'-:h"1;..1 :t~i1i '......,.,\,........".:1. ~, !. .: ...~I.'-h1r' ,. ~ ~','. :, l~;j"~ 1~~~~ ;. . ,,","'" . ;;;)~j~ > RESOLUTION 1"0.97.250 A RESOLUTION EXTENDING TilE TERM OF TilE LAKE TRAFFORD RESTORATION TASK FORCE AND APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO TilE LAKE TRAFFOHD HESTORA TlON TASK FORCE lOA WHEREAS, (he Bnard of County Commissioners or Collier County. Florida adopted Resolution No. 96-215, establishing the Lake Trarrord Restoration Task Force for a pcriod of one year; and WHEREAS, in ordcr to IlniJ.li7.e the work m:cessary to restore Lake Trafford. it will be necessary to extend the lcrm of this ad hoc committee for a period of onc Yl'ar; and WHEREAS, the Chairm3.11 of the Lake Trafford Restoralion Task For~e pro',idcd the Board of County Commiss.ioners with a list of current Jnd suggested new members 10 he appointed to this committee; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that; 1. The Lake Trafford Restoration Task Force is herehy extended for a period of one (l) year. said tenn to expire May 7, 10n. 2. The following memhers me herehy appointed or reappointed to the Lake Trafford Restoration Task Force: Barbara B. Berry, Vice Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Ed Carlson, South Florida Area Manager, N<llional Audubon Society Dr. Eric Flaig, Senior Engineer, So. FI. Water Management District Dr. Gail G. Gibson, Senior llydrogcologist, Pollution Control Gene Hearn, Rex Propcl1ies lohn M. Iglehart, Environ. Mgr., Dcr!. of Environmental Protection Frank Morello, Biological Admin" Game & Fresh Water Fish Comm. Edward "Ski" Olesky, L2.kc Trafford Marina, Inc. Thomas M. Rosegger, Bioi. Scientist, Game & Fresh Water Fish Camm, Miles "Rocky" Scofield. Scofield Marine Consulting Michael Simonik, Environmental Policy Facilitator, The Conservancy Jackie Smith, Regional Biologist, Dcpt. Environvironmcntal Protection Clarence Tears, Director, Big Cypress Basin. So, F1. Water Mgml. DisL Fred N, Thomas, lr., Greater Immokalee Chamber of Commerce This Resolution adopted after motion. second and majority vote. DA TJ::P: May 20, 1997 ~ rtEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK ,- new appointment reappointment. new appointment reappointment reappointment reappointment reappointment l1e\var;pointment reappointment reappointment reappointment reappointment new Jppointmcnl reappointment BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA /-';; // /./ By b;;l;;f1'~1i:p('/~-- TIMOTHyt. HANCOCK, Chairman ~. . ~' ! /". .--4., " / . . I ..~,-/ '. Approved as to Coirn and legal suffiCIency: If d...iJ..a e: OJ.; /J tL_ David C. Weigel "0'- County Attorney OCWl1cn