Resolution 1997-249 .-:.;:~1.~-!~'~~ "~~"~iii~ . ~'.Gi .,\, t', -:"-','::.:~,""i'f" ',f ::.l;\~Bj~t~!~, ,.... ''1 4'.('" ,'r~~";d:I;.\;)I; :'~:{':~':11-.,r'j~t; "'-'..,' "; "1'1' "\'''.1.1;' :'.' \' 'r ':"":. .." 't, '<'::'~~~~.~~(,:. \. .,\\.-..~~.'/-tJ,. , ~;~\~-~;i:t::~;I'~:. i,j\;;'~~~~\:l~l .)1'/? ~,II"'!l"I(iJ .' :~"i,;'~'r;.:.. ;'~ -{::>,~i'.iJ;i{':{' ...II....t ;i.llfll ~. .\.;'~:J ll..>:;t,t~.t; ;~:!~li~ ,~,,_ ;~,~':lll~,"':r:. ll:"',)-~; _~ :t'F '-; ;~: '.~-~;.:~r~J/~~+{. ., ,\.} ~:~ ..... \ i......:f ' ;, J. }j' ,,': ~ I':: .. 1 .:~ ,if' f.... ;.l~ '; ~(+::';i;~:'II,:. :'.~ ,1.:.-*:,... ~"...1f. "~~il "p~) ~-. '..' ,..,j..~" {"liC'" {~i:~;~)~{~;11; ,. ,.f',r\""'\:,V \'::{:~~;~1.1~~11 ...L.....!,. ~11~ .,:jf~.::'? ~i"::.'l;H;~,~ ~:'-';I"~}~''';l''''i.-(,l ,,i' l.;(~ I{_ >'::(;'P:1. t, .1:...,.l.r '.' /!O,'-~ ~;:',;;.\:}rf~W.:\:::"; .. ,. ....... [, . ':"H~:{<f:l:\ ".. ;;1 ,..," -~-- 8 E 1 RESOLUTION NO, 97-~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR THE RECURITMENT AND MOVING EXPENSES OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR. WHEREAS, Seclion 410 oflhe County's Human Resources Policies and Procedures recognizes an allowance for relocation to recruit skilled professional, supervisory, and technical staff; and WHEREAS, the BO:J.rd of County Commissioners on April22, 1997 ratified the employment of Mr. Edgar I1schner as the County's Public Works Administrator; and WHEREAS, Mr. Edgar IIschncr commenced employment with Collier County on April 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, Mr. Jlschner hac:; incurred and will incur expenses for moving his family from Tyler, Texas to Naples, Florida; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners deem it appropriate and in the best interest of the public to reimburse Edgar [Ischncr for his expenses and relocation costs from Tyler, Texas. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOl VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that: 1) The expenditure of County funds in the recruitment and relocation process for Edgar IIschncr as the County's Public Works Administrator in accordance with the County's Human Resources Policies and Procedures as set forth in Section 410 is hereby determined 10 be a valid public purpose. 2) The expenditure of an amount not to exceed $6,662.00. which is the equivalent of one month's salary for the Public Works Administrator is hereby approved for reimbursement to Edgar I1schneror to the moving vendors for relocation and moving expenses from Tyler, Texas to Naples, Florida. 3) All expenses must be documented with actual receipts and Edgar IIschner shall provide a signed and completed Request for Authoriz..ation of Relocation Expenses as required in Section 410 oflhe County's Human Resources Policies and Procedures. This Resolution adopted this'" CO -r<'day of ~f'7 and majority vote. . , 1997. after motion, second ~'ATIEsT: . " DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA -//';If; / ~ .....,~/// ...../ .-, .'/-- BY: .x, .'/~/~ . /-'/7/~' ---~ TIMOTHY L HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN JJ /:' L )L k~ /;1-7 /J (' ,/ - . . Approved. as to form and legal sumci.e,!1c;::' . . ~.:~~- amiro Manalich Chief Assistant County Attorney ;ii;~~l.il:i!,.: "l,."..,.,...!.,;t :.; /'.:\!i:~"~j~k:'~~l.'''~, '~". ..'J,. ~ \ ,I"".. :~;fl- :'r,: ~~"~~;/;l.,:: t.::', ::~~ .~ 'I.-<.,"}, :.-) , ~'l. ,.:. J ~." :j:;!rrW1';~~:! ~~):,~:. "..,....>:: ~,~ ~ t,~! " r~ r~"<-;.;,.:~..:...;l '';'~1 ;':tfJ}'.H~~(; ..V.... i..".l.... ;;:!'/"-~"~~'::V.:,"..' , '..f'~1 ~ .~""';")..[.t'~,:, :'~[~\~~\";1~.~.::t~ ',., ,.. ...:- '.r.. i '.{ ,~. ,'~" t :;':- r'~',~ ;; :' .. :' 'II "1; l ' ..'qi,....Jl'o;..,_...h. <, ,"7: ;'j !';'l'~.) '~;;:-d:.!<i':" J.~r{,~. .~;~;{,' '/". :.'1 . '.1' f~'.1 ~l"l ''..:. . :~"", ~Jr..~";,'J"./ Z!'.: :~l."~};[:~-'.;! ",~-:' .. o. " l' l.~ r.) \, , . ':"::~i.;,:..-,. J..;;}: i.:' '"". t .~..~ , , ... -'.1 . l~;!A?:~.:1i;i[,:!" ~~';J}ij~i;;~t~if :-f'~J1~~1~I.j~';:I'~f'L Jij;:f.;;';~:~W, i:1'; ~. l'L'';;'':'~'r''''''''J" :;';:~-\" t: i; ! .,::: 1 ~t "~.-: ';:::::"';/;~}::It;<!/: ~:~::~ '. ,":,.,..".. .,.......,'. ~~'l~lltf~ .....i.":.,"l:,,.,.. '" ,~, '"I, t ""'f." , i~r!I~~(~~ . !:">.' i:., j '(I.......;....... . ..,.f. "J",' '. 'I .;-:',:'::j 'f.... :,i (:,~..~, ;-'/<.'11' : (~ , . .:';.~. ~'., . ) '~'-.-'~'. . ,'jit,)ilh,Ji