Resolution 1997-247 8 A RESOLUTION 97-~7 A RESOLUTION EST ADLlSlIlNG PERMIT FEES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS SIGNS AS RFfERENCFD IN SECTION 93 Of THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND LOCATED WITJ1IN PUBLIC RIG I ITS-Of-W A Y. PROVIDING FOR A SIGN REMOVAL REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT; PROVIDING AN EFFECT I VE DATE WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance Number 93~64 provides requirements for a permit for work within public rights-ofwway; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance Number 9J~64 is intended to establish a set of standards to regulate and require consistency and quality ofworkm:\nship and materials for activities within County Rights-of- Way; and WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance Number 93-64 recognizes that cenain permit fees are adopted by resolution oreallier County to defray the County's CDS! of permitting work within public rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, said costs are to be pJid through permit fees by or on behalf of each applicant who requests to perform work within any public right-of-way, and WHEREAS, existing permit fees were eSlflblished by Collier County Resolution Number 93-386; and WHEREAS, a permit fee needs to be est;jblished for special events signs as defined in Section,3 of the Land Development Code and located within public rights-of-way to offset the costs incurred by Collier County. NOW. THEREFORE BE tT RESOLVED. DY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Collier County. Florida that SECTION ONE' A non-refundable fee for pcrmiuing speci;,,1 e....ents signs \vilhin public rights-of-w::lY in tk amount ofS75,00 shall be due and payable upon application of permit. SECTION TWO: A refundable deposit in the amounl of $15.00 for the lirst sign and $5.00 for each additional sign shall be due and payable upon application of permit to assure removnl of all signs by applicant within 5 days after event. Failure to comply \1,';\1 forfeit deposit SECTION TIlREE: This Resolution shall become efTective immediately upon its passage -1- 2' :~.. '. T~~'l~';..;~':-"," ":J'P; ,-,'J' ,,11,,1. '-t"l'. ':"~; ~''''~i'~:.'''~~:f''~' :'" ,::::fl ~"::'~" ;:~' l'!~'~r; .:F:l \"~ (:;.; ;_~ ! i., ~ ~~I ~.~~ "..' ~I.~" ......'.. \'""."1" '~::';:, ,:r~~:\;;:.'~~.. -t~;~, :1 .".'.'_ _",f''i{..,. "'/"" '~::'i~" r;~;~.~\i;\ ~1:!~. ~:'~': l ,,'~~,,~ 'll' :~,:;::I..:,~,:~~ i -~,,;j:: :. ',:- \'\~;,' ,',~,;!y,~:. .". ....1..' "1'" "1'<'11 ,,:~.::. ""1:::' .... ,', I "~_I .,f..", "\")"."\' }/;::: :,..:;r;'I: ;}/t~.:,:~,. ., ,.,1,',_' f(Il..,. 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ITEIDrASIITON ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR,'<EY SIGN REMOVAL FEE RESOLlJrlO:-:lrnd IlOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ,/-; . :,/ / // / / . :C0/''";' ' '/j/ . ./ BY'. //.'/;//. ~ / '., //:?/--- ,,1.__ /~,._r.(~., TIMOTHY LHANCOCK. CHAIRMAN / -2- (j:,'E}.;}ia~'?I{ .t.X~ '~':,-1. :,:.>.~~~\ '1:\:,:0; ""1'-' , .." ""h~.\'.,\., . ;':11; ~.~ ". It,::;~."),,I"~';~' 11 '.'. '. i.. . . t t '. ~ ~... j'. ., ;.it ~ .\;:'( ,l'~/~'L',:~',:~" ,t.ll .t,T~".,I,y:",..,. '.: :'t~:II'" :""~'i\r;,-;.j;,;. ;\:. ;;: ':~':~';',?','::n;':,.o:.~.;', ." I :(";"'." '.' L.""." '~'~; ~ ~~~{'rl'.~'.~~~.l;.r J:!, ,(,..,....... ::;i~jJ ~:.>i,f.WX:: '. i, t ,'.~,: '.' i :,l J.~ 'JL '::;1\ '-:"":~: I>'f'l\"'.' '. " ~". .~ ':', '; l. '" 1. 0'.' .~~ .; ':;, ,j <?';ij-'::;'.f;~:'I:;"L ~'., 1:;i"~';}1..~ '~'I' "'-~>~II"Htt I ..!t.,.,~. 'Ctl'l '.':"."' ~';l' ~ArlH\!:;'rrl:{ .~~~~ t? ':.'1; -:.) 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