Resolution 1997-239 RESOLUTION NO. 97- 239 16A RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADI'IA Y, DR,IINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN PELICAN OA Y UNIT SEVENTEEN, RELEASE OF TilE MAINTENAIKE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING TilE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIOII.lTY FOR THE ROAD\V,\ Y, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TIIAT AilE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED OY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION \VHEREAS, the Board ofCcunty Commissioners of Collier Courly. Florida, on July 21, 1992 approved the plat of Pelican Oay Unit Seventeen for recording; and WHEREAS, the dcvdopcr has constructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, Willer and sewer irnprovement.~ in accordance with the appro','ed plans <lnd specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier Counly Ordinance No 91-102, as amended); and the Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Co1Jicr Coullty Ordinance No 97-17))and WHEREAS, the developer has now r('qu('~tcd final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his maintenJr.cc y,ccurity; and \VHEREAS, the Compliance SCrY'ices Section of the Development Services Department has inspected the roadway, rlrainagc. water and sewer improvements <lnd is recommending a:ceptance of said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, OE IT RESOLVED OY THE lJOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COl.LlER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that flOal acceptance he granted for those roadway, drainage, water and se\vcr improvements in Pelican Bay Unit Seventeen, and authorize the Clerk to release the maintcni1Jlcc security. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the County accept the future maintenance and other attendant costs for the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements that are not required to be maintained by the homeowners association. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vole favoring same ~ATE ~/Iu<j 2~ ,f? 7 ATTEST' iJ DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 2/' L l~hU#;, j (' OOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Oy. ~~/~ TI~10THY L HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: if L J, () . ~~ /1 \ Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney 4