Resolution 1997-238 ~_..- ~ - _..- .. ~ .. -~ ~---".~~17'~ RESOLUTION NO, 97- 238 16A 3 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN QUEENS PARK AT LAGO VERDE, PHASE EIGHT, RELEASE OF TilE MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTINCi THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TilE RO,\IJ\V A Y, DRAINAGF, WATER AND SEWER IMPROV1~MENTS TIIAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO flE MAINTAINED BY TilE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. on March 23,1994 approved the plat of Queens Park at Lago Verde for recording: and WHEREAS, the developer has con~tructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance woilh the arprovcd plans and spccincJticns and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordin{\ncc No. 91-102, as amcndl?d): and the Utilities Standards and Procedure:; Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-17) and , WHEREAS, the devck)per hlls now requested final acceptance of the roadway, oirainagc, water and sewer improvemenls and release of hi:: maintenance security; and WHEREAS. the Compliance Services Section of the Development Services Department hJS inspected the roadway, draini\ge. water and sc\...'cr improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities NOW, THEREFORE, flE IT RESOLVED flY THE flOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOj'o,'ERS OF COLLIER COUl'<TY, FLORlIJA, that final acceptance be granted for those roadway, drain<1ge, water and sewer illll'rOVCrlll'n!5 if' Quecns Park at Lago Verde, and authorize the Clerk to relc(lse the maintenance security BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED AND ORDERED that the County accept the future maintenance and other attendanl costs for the roadway. drJinage, water and sewer improvements that arc not required to be maintained by the horncov../Ocrs association. This Resolution adopted ancr motion, second and majority vote favoring samc I DATE: /;~ ;2.. l-', / '( 'r ,7 ATTEST: .(:;r DWIGHT E BROCK, CLERK {J ,{J,,/~,,-___J,(' v flOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA fl', ~/~~/ ) 1'IoIOTm L HAl'<COCK, CHAIRMAN I~II . // Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: JLr), '1 Arl~~ Heidi F, Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney