Resolution 1997-236 13A 2 RESOLUTION 97-231) A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHl1ENT OF CONDITIONAL USr:. APPROVAL; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADDITION OF 1\ G':.11Nl\SIUM FACILITY; AND FOR THE ESTABLISiR1SNT OF A CHILD DAY CARE FACILITY, IN THE "E" ESmTES ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECT IONS L AND OF THE COLLIER COUNTY Ll\ND DEVELOPHENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP SO SOUTH, RANGE 26 [AST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREk~, the Legislature of the St~te of Florida 1n Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and suell business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordi:lanr.e N=,. 91-1C21 \.;hic!l lnclcdes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulation:; for the zoning of particular qeogrdphic divlSio;;s ()f thc' Courl':'j, aInonq '''';~lch is the granting of Conditional Lscs: ~~d WHEREAS, the Collier c.,')un'::'/ ?lt~:'.:-'.~:-j'J CC:T~"7lission, be:ng the G\l~./ appointed and constituted plar~:~:;.~ ~.,~:,::j :0: :he ~lrea ~je-ret/ affected, has held a Pllbljc hea~:~; ~::~: ~J:lce as in said regulations made and provided, anj !~~S ~~:~sldered the advls~bility OF Conditional Use "3" of Section 2.~.].3 l~ an "E" Estates zone to provide for the establishment of cor::!ltional cse approval [or the addition of a gymnasiu:-n facility for church use and for the establishment of a child day care facility including the COllSl~uctioll of a playground facility, on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fi:lct (Ei<hihit "[1.") that satisfactory provision and arrangement hav0 been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulation~-; and in accordance with Subsection of the I.and Development Code for the Collier County Planning Commission; and -1- .~:t ~,":{;':~~\';\.t"\~.J:,~ l..\"",' "',.;1':1" '1" ". '): ~~'L,.r~:Jq:'; ':: i .,.' I'" ""'f......,.'..t;) r ~~ /~!~/:;r~Fii~~:~.~:~ , ' . j ,",,', ~...'''' 1- I .... .. I.} " .:.~ :1;:::J~ ~:i:ll': '.1:': .~ I;,.:.f.::(:'l., ...,;.t,~,~ ',: ',{ ~. ,(:,;..(.~,;::.....~~,;~f. ,:fi .'. ,'~: "::.'~,i~ ;.')'....,~ 'i1~ :.~(,;,.,~;{(~:(.)+f l.:(,J... ....... ",'j',. ..-1:. 'l.,..,~'/; ,~'....>c~ :I~. ,~,; , :' 1:., ",., t",~, .;..~ i'n~~i~~ 'I . "'. .. '1,,1 ,~., ,. ::-.1" ~>,,;!~i~~/i::~~grttf;. ~if +':%;:):~~'J~,!~\ ...11 t,., ".., "':~ ,'f'. ,J: .(,);, :,tU~.;,':,: t~.,;: ~. }~.:~.~ ;'l'l:!i""i~:I:.,.,.j"'F iJ* ~~h~tt\J~f,;:)if ..;ii.....,-'.].....,I )n ;'i~?}j::~'~.:l \\~~;'/l i .p~~ :i(f;,!.'.t;~ ti; .~~'::;l .'~'I ,.ld,!.,': ' " ,.' ~,.. " :f;t~ 1t.;:'(~(~:,~~;{~;f;~.. 'h . ?-i' '~'.:. ~(.~.' .)..:.'.. J.' , -.:' ,,',' ~ ""l \.fl~" t.t' , ,,~{~ ~i;.i~f(~~~~!:Fl '.~' .( "', ,...."....'... '." \i" ~, !;:}::.:;:~1:::~;.~.:~ ,f .......t..,..l"ll,t!, .;:;: ~ :!,.':~~'~.;".;~:?~';, ,r.,~;I\:()"!;'l:<J t;l\ .':.\ i..t,'.".,;:", .... "I.t (. :t~ /. " '1'1''';'., l~ .:~~ ,~ : ~~:~~~:(:1k,j4 ~~:'YJ, "!f i~;~111IJt,~ ;~:'-/:.~f~'!:.t ;~~:.~:r. "':"~!'~iJ:,;.:i'.n;;r! ,:~t r;\, . ..;~;;:f:;;~:;~ ';i' ~ (~~.:', .,..In.v.""(""" 10tJ~W;~~j:}.;;;~:M,; ;:.,.~lh~,::.t-:}:~.,;~ Hll'I:'7 ."L..,':tj .".....~ ~l~J 'oli'. .::,:l~~)::;;\'l':" :.:,,:j~:~.::..f<~::':' ~ >:~: .'. 1"'".!.,.(,., '~1;i~;:\l;J:;!H;~~'~i '<I rt "':'ijl:'I~>': -:;~: :;~.h:i.:;~':}{~ ; .:ft t ~:i:; .:,j'.Jj\, ..; .." ",,\.,.-,,:.., .~. '. ,i.i /(" i':'h'J:;\~-i-'.,' ....li'...,,,'.:~lr ,~,tlff~~~ ,.. "~!: 1;.' '.' ,l&D\li\; ;'f.l:~';;;i'l~;, 13A 2 WHEREAS, all interested parties hnve been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEu, BY THE BOAR.D OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: The petition filed by Roger Locke representing first United Pentecostal Church, with respect to the property her~inafter described as: The West 317.5 feet of the East 367.5 feet of the South ~ of the South ~ of t11€ SW ~ of the SW ~ of Section 8, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, less a 15 foot road easement along the south edge thereof. Subject to easements, restrictj.ons and reservations of record. be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use ,,]n of Section of the ~En Estates zone to provide for the establishment of conditional use approval for the addition of a gymnasium facility for church use and for the establishment of a child day ~dre facility including the construction of " playgrou;id facility, in accordance with the Conceptua 1 Haster PlCin (Exhibi:: "8") and slibj eel to the following conditions: a. The Planning and Technical Services Manager may approve minor changes in the location, .siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by the conditional use. Expansion of the uses identified and approved within this conditIonal use application, or major changes to the site plan suhmit~ed as part 0: this application, shall require the submittal of a new conditional use application, and 51)all comply wit]) all applicable County ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, includinq Division 3.3, Site Development Plan Review and approval, of the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-1021. b. An appropriate portion of the native vegetation shall be retained on site as required in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended. c. The existing natural, native vegetative buffer along the south, east and west property lines of the site, shall be retained to its current extent, over and above the minimum native vegetation requirements of Section of the Land Development Code, for the life of the proj eet. d. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, shall be submitted to Current Planning Environlnental Staff for review and approval prior to final site plan/construction plan approval. -2- ~.\ ,:€i:;.~;;i:';~7.~;~.t,:r:;I~{:' '. .... "J,.."...I. . ,/(",:\,/!..; :r~>',';;'t':;?: .';. .11'\'., ''''.1''''. ...' ,:,.:,: ~::~~. 't;a,,:~';j.~:,.~~::t,; 1', f}1!.?;.FlW;12Vki .,/:t,r"'ir::' ~'i"""'~(."'" ~fjt.t.t<.i~~ll ."i \ .. ", ,t ~. "t., ,..1 l. ,', .~i' i":"W 3~;'~i}1: t\u~;J~l' /"'1-':,''<' ":'i(.'.r' :;i n~t :~s ;i~;. 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I' q' ~." .,p .' .",;' ,~". e:,~\\ . ;l;.....'.~.i;';~l)f: .,:-''. ,,) '..' \ i . i .', : ~,_ . J 'i\. ."..: ...:.~? i:;\1~,,~~\} 13A 2 e. Upon request by the Collier County Supervisor of Elections, any buildings de~mcd appropriate by the property owner and the County, will function as a poll site. f. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of arterial lev~l str~~t I i~htin~ ~t~ all project entrances prior to issuance of a Ccr~ificate of Occupancy for any of the structures proposed to be constructed on site. q. Access to ar.d from the site shall be limited to County Barn Road. h. Under the existing COU11ty Barrl Road two-lane condition, the project may have full tllrning movem~nts at the access drive. Under future four t)[ six-lane condj.tions, the acceS3 shall be constrailled to a rigtlt-in/rlght-out turn movement onto County Barn Road. Nothinq in any developrnent permit shall operate 1:0 vcst any ric:;hl or intcrest in FI median opening in Count'j P.arn HO,:H;' either full Dr part.':'c)l, for this project. The C~Ullty shall not be liatlle [or any claim of damages due to the presence or absence of any median opening at any point along any road frontage of this project. i. Prior to the issuarlce of a Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.), the applicant shall be responsible for tile construction of turn lanes il\ accordance with Ordinance 93- 64 at the project p-~tranc~. T~is requirement shall extend to the existi~9 two-lane ccndition if, in the opinion of the County, safety or operational conditions deem such turn lanes to be warranted. Prior to the issuance of a Right- of-Way Permit, compensating right-of-way for turn lanes shall be dedicated by the applicant to reimburse the County for the use of existing right-of-way. Such dedication shall be considered site related and ineligible for road impact fee credit to the applicant. j. Road Impact Fees shall be paid in accordance with Ordinance 92-22, as amended, and shall be paid at the time building permits are issued unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners. k. Road improvemerlts required for this project, both site specific and system capacity, shall be in place prior to the issuance of any Certific~tes of Occupancy for the development. 1. Substantial competent evidence shall be p~ovided by the developer to the effect that ttle project is designed to provide capacity and treatment far historical roadway runoff. In addition, site drainage shall not be permitted to discharge directly into any roadway drainage system. m. The applicant shall provide flre hydrants as required by the office of the Fire Marshall. n. The child care facility shall be limited to 50 children and shall only operate Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. -J- 13A 2 o. Prior to the establistlment of the child care facility, the property owner(s) or their authorized representative, shall construct arl architecturally designed, opaque fence, with a minimum height of six (6l feet along the entire length of the Northern and Western property boundaries. The fence may be constructed of ~ny per~itted ~aterial(s) except chain link. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Pcsolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this ~ day of 'I)} Q)k' 1997. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLI.E:~:OU;%NT> F~OR;~AL .<. ;/" / . 'P-/// //. -- B{:~i:/' tW.). ./:/ //,/> ~ TIHOTHY V. HANCOC , CHAIRHAN ATTEST' . DWIGHT'E. BROCK~ CLERK ~:~=tOQ. AP RO D AS TO' RM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ) J 1(1 MARJORlE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY tICU-91-3 RtSOLUTION -,1-- '"' ~ r- '" U '" ~ , V' 'L v " "\ :;J ", '2 )- " 2 ~ '" /'J I' d 0 ~ J -< .0 .c) I '2 - ... 0 7 '. rj t l '" - ,y J u.. I ... u. , 0 .. I '" I r .( 2 :c' c.. .. , 'I: <0 tJ. 'J r. 0. A r-J -,01 .!J ~ ~'" lI\ ~l'I' 0 bel r- J<: r- \l.>/:Q ..i ~ ~tu..~ 6- 'Z ~ /'\ :> .ll- D .J :r 4<-.) 4.. 0- 1:' <l.~ -<!32 20- ::>0 ~. -, ~,l. .c.. , J ...:.. ':....-., " I' '- .; C L. U " r.;:' ,:., J.... "-' '2 '" "' <:. ~ z. ;.- 0:: I). ,,' 1I' -' ~ J- Q .. <V - 0 ,"\. ..s "j "- 5 '" -'(,j " ...:.. -- I . ~(f\ 'J) ,-" ['I ~lt.l8 ~\ (~ .. \ \ ,j ~ ,ll u. ,~ '''' ~-1 1- ~,,- ~,Lt~~_ _ j ./ 0I,,/,1~_ ~3J:i(lJ!-I~___ ~ --- .s -:i '2. 2 ~ g, '!" iJ. <. .. ~ I~ .'3 w 2 J ..c:'X '2 ~ .. cl ';.. 'J , " :; .J ~ J ~ r-- ei L .--- J: L '? .. .!1 " "- o l I.,J\ \:. ,., )- ...9.s r oS ~,' " .~ :.J t- d of' " 'I- ,., .~.... " :-1 I ; I , , -- .Q" '" ,.. \" <u ~-:t. .. 0 .' 13A 01' '" u. u. ~ '" :I \y " J, ~, ~, "' ,. 2 2 -' )... -d '2 :..... 3