Resolution 1997-234 108"'1 RESOI,UTION NO. 97-234 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA JOB TRA-INING CONSORTWM RESOLUTION FOR ONE STOP CAREER CENTER SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Workiorce Hxidc Act of 1996 provided a strategy to upgrade dramatically the workplace skills of Floridians, thereby economically benefiting the worJdorce, employers, the stale, and localities. WHEREAS, the Act provided for a charter process approach through the establishment of Regional \'/orldorce Development Boards to encourage local design and control of service delivery and targeted activities. WHEREAS, these Boards have memberships consistent with the requirements of federal and state law and hmp. de';eloped plans consistent with the State's worJdorce development s\rateqy and with the strategic components of One-Stop Career Centers, School-to-Work, WeUare-to-Work and High Skills/High Wages, which they will oversee. WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Worldorce Development Board for Region 24, comprised of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, end lee Counties, has been established through appointmenls by tIle chief elected ofJicials, and exists through interIocal agreement with the Southwest Florida Job Training Consortium. WHEREAS, the Florida Depmtment of labor and Employment Security has applied for and received federal funding for the est0blishment of a statewide One-Slop Career Center System in order to aSSlire access for both job-seekers ("nd employers to worJdorce development services and activities; WHEREAS, Regional Workforce Development Boards Regions may apply for funding from the State 10 develop Regional One-Stop Cmeer Center Systems which incorporate universality, customer choice, integration, and performance/outcomes; WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Work.Jorce Development Board on behalf of all local worJdorce partners involved in the One-Slop System is seenl1g an. implementation grant in Ihe amount af $500,000 to bring One-Stop services to the five-county area through the establishment of seven full service centers, with remote areas linl::ed to the same services through technological access. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA JOB TRAiNING CONSORTIUM declares through lhis document its support of this gr(mt pr::;pcsc1 and the development of the compreherrsive, accessible workforce developner:I system in Region 24 which it descnbes. -1- 11'. l:,t; .:' ;".~!; , f'~' r...~. .. .:, '" .,J ~... I , ',; ~"V'" ~, H./_,.:,J, I;: SIGNA TURE PAGE '-7l) o.y/4 /J9;7 Date ?I~ ~4I_ W lond ob Training Consortium ner Repre1enling Collier County Date Commissioner Representing Charlotte County Date Commissioner Representing Giades County Date Commissioner Representing Hendry County Date "..,:'iltj 'r .,,; U,. Commi.~sioner Representing Lee County , -1.0' ATTEST: (aa toJ:ollier rMIGIIT E, !3ROCK,:_Clerk . Gollier County, Florida County) ~ 4: ~~/'~J"~pJ. e ,I' . '."11 "'1"\"'> . Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: (as to Collier County) ~!. J4~j vid c~ We~ge Collier County Attorney -2- ,.. . ~""--"----""'~"'~'-"'---'-""'---"'-~"~'--'~"'-'~"~""~'-'-"~-"'''' 1 DB SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ,JOB TRAINlj',C CONSORTIu;\l RESOLUTION FOR ONE STOP CAREER CENTER SYSTHl WHEREAS, the Workforce Florida P.ct of 1996 provided a strategj to ,rpgrade dramatically the workpIece sblls of floridians, thereby economically benefiUng the worJdorce, emplCfers, lIle state, end localities. WHEREAS, the Act provid~d for G cr:orter process approach through the establishment of Regional Workfo,c~ Development Boards to encourage 10cc1 design and control of ,er,ice delivEr[ end targeted activities. ~EREAS, these Boer-cs he,'e me~::ers}-Jps cansisler;t with the req'Jir:::menls of federal and state !crYI cnd ncne developed plans consistent with the State's worJdorce development 't1oteg[ a"d with the strategic components of One-Stop Career Centers, School-toO-Work, Ws!k:re-to-Work and High Skil]srHigh WGges, which they will overseE. WHEREAS, the South'.,est floridG Viorkforce De',e!opment Board for "legion 24, comprised of Charlotte. Collier, Gloces, Hendry, and lee Countks, hus been established through cppoOintments c/ the chief elected officials, ond exists t)-cough interlocal agreement '-"'\:1 the Soute",es! Florida Job Training Consoriium. WHEREAS, the Florida Deportment oi labor and Employment Secusity has applied for and received !ede,c! j'JJ1ding fo, the estaoiishnlent of a statewidr One-Stop Career Center System i:o crde, to a"ille access for both job-seekers and employers to workforce de"eiopme~,t ser,~ces and activities; WHEREAS, Regional \'/c.!:icrce De"'2Iopment Boards Regions may apply fa; funding from the Stcte ;0 develop P,egioncl One~Stop Career Center Systems which incorporate uni\iSrsc]ity, cus'~cmEr choice, integration, end performance/outcom e s; WHEREAS, the South....est FloridG Workforce Development Board on behalf of all local workforce partners ir.volvea in the One-Stop S/stem is seebng an implementation grant in the amount of $,500,000 to bring One-Slop services to the five-<:ounty area through the eslabJis0JTIent of seven full service centers, with remote areas linked to the same se;-.-ices tI-Jough technological aCCESS. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TH,\ T THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA JOB TRAlNlNG CONSORTIUM declaces though this document its support of this grunt proposal and the development of the comprehensive, accessible workforce development system in Region 24 which it describes_ -1- - _NtM ....-- -'II_iIllfllillWlllllll:l""qII'-~"IIIMI_ait1II. {~Y-14-'S7!..ED 11:11. JD":-(c(Li"ERi]j-tLERK FRX l-lO:9417'(~e40S 1::059 F'03 108 SIG:lATURE PAGE "-JJ) ""7/.1., /J9/' Date Date Commissioner Representing Charlotte Count] Date Commissioner Representiog Gladts Couot] Date COlnmissioner Represeoting Hendry Couot] Date ". _, , .\\'ml1-'~ . '';.~{'f.~ot:'.'!f/. ~.. ~ .loot,.., ""...~ .' ",',. .~o>~)\% :'~,.. ~ollior Ccunty) '. ~~' ;:1:1e<k ;:;:~\fi:' '. "~orida :-. ~1J~' :.t' ~J:l" ""\" ~d~ .:: .' ~ . ,"'T _ 4'- ~ " j. .: ,j:!\'.." 'J..t' #(.f' ~,"'\~:-:#~;' 'i:~'f~..' ;.... -'. .:. .'- AwrOf~ '<iiI.;,to fonn and l09al;~~ficiency: (ao to Collier County) IItit. !.~. j. d C. WQlgel~ Collier County Attorney Commissioner Representing Lte Count] -2- .. .''"--"-'"~'--''-'''''.'"_..''~-'---'-''---'-''' '""'" ", i...... .,. ~'t\.t.i'.."""'~:,s.'. ~ifJI../.t'''\ .,"/,: :f.'Ii ,..,.. <~..'\'l~. "'!J.:.....'../..~{ '.'. .~,.H\".l' ..t:' I..,,:.. , '. ',1:>" ..,I"J ' ~"',.~ ~.' .>,j ;o.,...t:""t ~ ; ~,,", . .';1' A~B;''''I. ,\r v /' ./", ", ,!.,'tI" "\1'" , 1'''-,. . i ,'I' " . ..i)" 'l.;tof .. r' -, SIG:iATURE PAGE Date Ch-;~man, SW Florida Job Training Consortium Commissioner Representing Collier County t:?fYZg/17 Date -L~ Lr7?/??K~/ Commissioner Representing &arlorte County Date Commissioner Representing Glades County Date Commissioner Representing Hendry County Date Commissioner Representing Lee County -2- ...-.--______,.._..~._'...__a...."._ 1 DB ..__._.._.~-_._-,,_.>....~.~~-_._.._-,~."--~.- ~~---_".'_".~_'.^-,......- - . -~'~",~--,-.~-,---'q-,--,-,-- "'...._-_..,--~-,.,._,~-,--_-..-.."-,,...~,-,-.._-~.~~.,-_..__..- '-"'~'.""_"__'_""_""''''__'__'______''_'~'''U~''''_'_~"'''__~___'''''~_,,_._~,,"....~~.__.._.,_