Resolution 1997-233 ---------- 160 l' RESOLl:TIO~ MJ <>7. 2)) A RESOU'TIO".\I'PR()\'II'(; THE EWL,IlITURE OF FUM)S FOR A LU,CHEO, TO RECO<;,IZE RECAP (REDUCE COST OF AMI~ISTRATI\'E PERSO~NEL)EMI'LOYEES PUR"U..\NT TO Till, PROVISIONS OF COLLIER COlJ:-iTY ORIlI:-iANCE NO, 87.5 WHICH ESTABLISHED TH,\T PERSONNEL RELATEO EXPENOITURES ARE VALID X'D PROPER FOR COL:;-";TY PURPOSES WHEREAS, Collier county Ordinance No, 87.5 states that the Board of County Commissioners shali adopt a Resolution authori7.ing the expenditure of County funds for valid and proper purposes: and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognize t:1C cost eff('cti\t~ncss of the RECAP (Reduct: Cost of !...dminislrativc Personnel) PlOgrJm and the positive effects of the program III controlling rersonncl costs. NOW, THERLFOIU':, IlE IT RESOLVED BY TilE flO^I\[) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COI.I.IFR COL'NTY, FI.ORIDA, t110[ ll1e Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds in an amount not to e\eeed 550000 for a luncheon and plaque to recognize RECAP employees and the departments utilizing the RECAP staff, as follows' funds 10 the LIb Club of N;]pks no! to e:-;ceed S445.0()~ funds to Golden Gate Trophy in [hc ar:lOun! of 555.00. This Rcsolulion adopted thIS ___ _! ?-=-~___ day or MClY , 1997 aftcr motion, seca 'j and majoray \'ote ATTEST; DWIGHT E..Il,~OCK, Clerk GOARO OF COUNTY CO\1MISSI0,[RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA , .Ay:.;J!~L=t<fl(!.n /) J,.:;nj/ L BYr-i;::Z!~n:'"C"'~~~/:i.:~ TIMOTHY L. H^NCOCK, CI1alfm," Approved as to form and Icgnl sufficiency: ~~ ~(' David Weigel County Attorney