Resolution 1997-230 - .}: .;,~;:' :: ~,~";"": ,"1',~:..:' 1111. RESOI.\JTIO:< :<0. 97-2}O A RESOLUTIO~ APPOI:<Tl~G MglBERS TO TilE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRO~,\1ENTAL POLICY TEClI~lCAL AllVlSOllY BOAHO. WHEREAS. Collier County Ordip.<lncc No. <)1 -26 creating the Collier COtl:lty Environmental Policy Tcchnic<ll AdvisOl) Board provides tlUI the Board shall consist of nine (9) members; and WHEREAS. the Board of Count)' COn1miss1('Inos, on June 18. 1991, adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 91-46 which amend:; On!;nancc ;\0. 91-26 by proViding that the Col1i<.:[ County Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Bo;m\ sh:Jll consist of c\even (11) members; and WHEREAS. there arc currently three (3) vacancies on this Board; and WHEREAS. the Board of County CJrl':il1i: stoners previously rrovidcc1 public notice soliciting applications from interested parties: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOl.VED BY THE BOARD OF COllNT Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FI.ORID..\. 111" l. Steven H. Bigelow mects Ihe prerquisilcs for appointment and IS hereby appointed to the Collier County Environmental Polic:,. Tcchl~ic,11 !\d.,;sory Board to rill the remainder of the vacant term, said tcrm to expire on September ~O, 190,S 2. Jan M. Stevens meets the prerequisites for ;lf1i'ointlllcn\ :md is hereby appointed to the Collier County Environmental Policy TechniLa\ Advisory Board to rill the remainder of the vacant term, said term to expire on September ::,(1. 1999. 3. Byron 1. Meade meets the prcrcq\lisllCS for C1ppf1intrrlCllt <Inri is herehy .1Ppointed 10 the Collier County Environmental Policy Tr::chn:c:al Advisorj Board to fill ~he remainder of the vacant term pIllS an additional fOllr yt:ar ;:.:ml, <;;lid term to e;-(pirc on Seplember 30. 200 I. 4. Brenda C. Fogel meets the rrcrcquisiles I(\r ,lppolntrlll:nt and is hneby Jppoin!cd to the Collier County Environmcntal Policy TechnIC": Ad\isory Bn;ud to fill the remainder of the vacant term plus an <ldditional four year !wn. $;Iid (c~m \0 c:xrirc on September 30. 200!. This Resolution adopted ancr mol ion, ::,..:eo:1d ~,pd ll1a;ori\y vole. DATED: May 6. 1997 ATTEST: . DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK [lOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLJ..IER COIJI\TY. FLORIDA - C / /' // ~ __"..c~"~~,L~/~::; :L//~':---- TINIOTHY L:. ;r,\NCOCK. CHAIHMAN t?17~ ,. >' ./,' Ily. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~fl iJ-,~ David C. Weigel County Attorney DCWlkn Pll!IM".~"'_~."",_~,,~___ ." .tn_1 "'.. ..~'~ '~'.:, t:"?::,:;'h,~ ;.'. -~,o~J';;~~.kl:J-~I~J~~.?'':'::~f! .~:t.:1o .,' ~1' ,I ~-.r~...,.... , '~I(~, ,:h~.'\;J ~fi:.'(');:.~.. t.:,< ,q'~"l'Jf,C:".j."I!-'~I-j': lit. 1',,,,- .'..t,,(":.... -t"., '."',~,....~. ".".11."".;c1'~'.\, :;~, .{{~r{'.'''...~tiIH~, ':'~i ..:.~ ;': '.. '.' ..\ ~ ~. :... 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