Resolution 2008-138 RESOLUTION NO. 08- 138 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS JT'S ISLAND GRILL AND GALLERY, AND DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "An, AS A HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT SITE, PURSUANT TO THE COLLIER COUNTY HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION REGULATIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County adopted Ordinance No. 91-70, the Historical and Archaeological Preservation Ordinance, on August 7, 1991, and subsequently incorporated this Ordinance into Section 2.03.07.E., Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 04-41; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County seeks to recognize the importance and significance of Collier County's historical heritage, and to this end has enacted regulations to protect, preserve, and perpetuate Collier County's historic and archaeological sites, districts, structures, buildings and properties; and WHEREAS, Section 2.03.07.E., Land Development Code, provides for official designation of particular sites as historically significant and Section 2.03.07.E. provides regulations to maintain the historic character of officially designated properties; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Historic and Archaeological Preservation Board reviewed and considered the historic designation of JT's Island Grill and Gallery at a public meeting held for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the Preservation Board voted to nominate JT's Island Grill and Gallery to the Board of County Commissioners for official designation in recognition of the importance and significance of this site in the County's historical heritage; and WHEREAS, the Preservation Board hereby forwards said nomination to the Board of County Commissioners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: In recognition of its important and significant place in the historical heritage of Collier County and South Florida, the property commonly known as JT's Island Grill and Gallery and legally described in the attached Exhibit "An, is hereby designated as an historic site. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that JT's Island Grill and Gallery shall hereafter be subject to the Historic and Archaeological Preservations Regulations of the applicable incentives and restrictions. Land Development Code as they pertain to historically designated property, including all This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this / S ~ day of ATTES~:,y,. '-"1", ,.:, ,- .G. 'IGH - E. B LERK . ... '. ...-:' Attnt II ~ ,l;IWt~ . ~.._..-to~ ' and Lega~.Sl,lffic~iicy: ~ Je E. gilt Assl t County Attorney HD-2008-AR-12980IMZlsp rr? rr ,2008. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER ~TY, F DA. BY: :J'rJ1.-- TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN / EXHIBIT "An Commencing at !he SE com of tho NE 1/4 of tha NE 1/4 of S8clion 315, Township 53 SOuth, Rango 29 Eas~ run N 89'32' Walong th SOUth line 01 Lot 5 of Smallwood's Subdivision es recorded in Plet Book 1, pago 27, of the Public Record of CaDler County, Florida, a diatanoe at 290 feet more 01 Ie.. to e 1-1/4" iron pipe; said pipe being the mmon comer of lot 4, 5. 6 and 8 of Smallwood'e Subdivision, thence continue N ag.3t W for 27. feet mora or \ess to an iron pipe, thence continue N 89"32' W along the North line of said Lot 8 a dista 01278.19 feet to a concrete monument being set on the Easterly right of wey of a public County Road, ance S 12'32'04' Walong said right-of-way a distance of 50.00 feet to an Iron pin and Point of Beginnln : thenoe conllnue S 12'32'04" W IIong aaid road right-of-way a distance of 50.00 leet to an Iron pin, the S 89'52'25" E e distance of 128.59 feet to an iron pin, N 17'14' E a distance of 5O.n feet to an i pin,thonce N 89'42'30" Wa distance of 133.18 feet to e iron pin on the Easterty right-of-way of ""id unty Rood and belng the Point of Beginning: Commencing at the NE com of the SE 1/4 01 tho NE 1/4 of Section 38, Township 53 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. Chokoloakee liInd run N 89D32' W along the South line of lot 5 of Smallwood'. Subdivision of S tion38, Township 53 SOUlh, Range 29 East, a distance of 289.00 feet 10 a 1-1/4" iron plpa: said pipe bel g the common comer of Lots 4,5,6 and 8 of Smallwood's Subdivl$lon of Section 36, TownShip 53 SOU h, Range 29 Eas~ Collier County, thence continue N 89'32' Wfor 27,22 feet 10 an iron plpa, said plpa bel the NE comer of tho North 1-1/2 acre. of the North 4-1/2 acres of Lot 8 of Smallwood's SubdMslon of S lon 36, Town.hlp 53 South. Range 29 East on Chokotoskee. Collier County, Florida; Thence continue N 89032' W said pin being the Point of B distance of 137.73 feet to a Northwest comer of said Lot 12032'04" Walor'lg said road distance of 133.16 feet to an Point of Beginning. long the North line of aforesaId Lot 8 a distance of 140.46 feet to an iron pin, inning; thence continue N 89"32' Walong the North line of aforesaid Lot 8 e crete monumen~ said monument being 25.69 feet S 89"30'58" E of the and set on the Easterly right-of-way of a public County Road, thence S Ight-of-way a di5tance of 50.00 feet to an iron pin, thence S 89042'30" E a n pin. thE!nce N 17041' E II dIstance of 50.77 feet to an Iron pin, being the . I I I I I i i I I I , ! ~