Resolution 1978-135 ---- n :.rl 1 August 22, 1978 HE S 0 J. UTI 0 N H-78-135 HELl\TIrJe; TO PET I'I'J O~J ~;O. PU-7"/- 3C Fon EX'J'f:N!;ION OF l'ROVI5IO~1l1l., USE OF l'HOI'J-:J(,I'Y liP-riEl N^I"TEI~ ni':!icn.Ifn':n Ii'J COLLI En COUNTY, FLOl~I Dli. WlIEHElIS, the Lcgi[;1i'ltl1rc of th'3 Stille of Florida in Chtiptcr 125 and 163, Florida ~tfltutC~1 hnn conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate, and enforce zoning and such bu!>incss regulations as ilre ncccsBa:-y for the protection of the public; and \VfTEREl\S, the County pl1rsUi.,,1t thereto has adopted a C:.mprchcnsive Zoning Ordinance cGtabli!ihing regulations for the zoning of particular divisions of the County, ,1nlOng ""hich is the granting and extending the time period of Provisional Uscs; and WHEREAS, Section 14, Paragraph 1, Subsection D provides that the Board of County Commissinnrt.s mny grant an extension of the one U} year time period for a provisional use which h~3 not been commenced; Nm." 'I'HEREFORE DE IT R2S0I.VED by the Bo~rd of Coun ty Corl".missioner~ of Collier County, FloriiLI, that Petition PU-77-3C of Grace iliblc Church with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Tract 85, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates he and the same hereby approved for extension of the time period to , the following date: Hay 31, 1979 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Reso.lution be recorded in the minutes of the Board and in the reco~ds of the Petition for which the ,extension is granted. Commissioner t';enzel offered the foregoing Resolution and moved its adoption, ~econdeu by Co~missioner \oJimer I and upon roll call, the vote w~s: AYES: Commissioners Wenzel. Wimer, Archer, Brown and Pistor NAYS: None J\BSENT AND NOT VOTING: None ABS1:q!Jr~"'N':" None ,\,,"', ' r l'.? " , '. vi? . .'.' , DO~'.fthl.',i:...22nd '';'.' .'" .. . 'A-:': f+c,v' 043 Ptx\~ . .. ,'. ';.::; ..,::t .~ti~:;A\};}}n~~'~',<'.~r," r:,:" day of August . 19~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIEfI ;LNn r)LOIU,U9"l r~ BY: J "~ // I