Resolution 1996-586 1 60 2 RESOLUTION NO. 96- 586 A RESOLUT[ON RA TIFYIN(, AND APPROVING TilE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS, FOR SPECIF[C EXPENDITURES INCURRED AT THE [996 COLLIER COUNTY EMPLOYEE PICNIC, AS SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE WHEREAS, on Oclohcr 8, 1996 the Collier County l10ard of County Commissioners approved Resolution No, 96-456, a Resolution approving the expenditure of funds for;) picnic 10 recognize Colber County Board of County Commissioners cmploy"Ccs, pursuant to the provision of Collier COLlnty Ordinance No. 87-5; and \VHEREAS, one of the slaled purposes of Collier County Ordinance No. 87-5 is to enhance County employee productivity; and \VHEREAS, Ordinance No. 87-5 allows for the expenditure of County funds to cf;cctuJtc the purposes of the Ordinance provided that said expenditures arc approved hy the Board through an implementing resolution setting forth the specifrc purposes of the expenditures; and \VHEREAS, the Collier Counly Employee Picnic took place on Octobcr 20, 1 ()SlG 31 \\.'11ic11 occasion expenses In the amount of S2,000 were incurred for the ricnic; and \VHEREAS, the Collier COU:lty Clerk of Courts oflice has conferred with the County Allorncy's office regarding the need for clarification about the specific expenditures which the BO<Jrd intended to approve pursuant to Resolution No. 96- 45(i Jnd whether such expenditures are a valid public purpose, even if the expenditures arc not covered by the exact expenditure categories set forth in Ordinance ~o 87-5, NOW, TIlFREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. The expenditures in the amount of S2,OOO for the Collier County Employee Picnic held on October 20, 1996 arc hereby found by the Board to SClY.e a valjd public purpose, and arc ratified and approvcd. The specific expenditures ratified and ::lpproved arc: Drinks, napkins, food, plates, plasticwarc, foil, Twinkle Toes the Clown; rental of cotton candy machmcs; rental of duck pond; film and developing, rental of Moon 'Vialk Bounce HOllse, charge fer additional insurance for Bounce lIouse, I painted 1 60 2 I pony mule and 2 hours cart and saddle rides; filled propane tanks for barbecue gri[1. expendit1Jrcs. The Board hereby authorizes the disbursement of 52,000 to pay for sllid This Resolution adopted after motion, second and miljority vote favoring same. .DATED: ATJEST: DWrGHT E BROCK, CLERK ~ , " -;:/' -)/.) .,( '/:;k' //~'v.//<, ~/':~'~~ /' ./ /,' . "," /. ./. ~ /J) /J ,,/, - Aprroved as 10 form 3nd legal sufficiency -~~ (~liCh . Chief Assis:ant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER <,;gUNTY, FLDRlDA /~ BY. ,-",' ~c~:::' /JOHN C. NORRIS, Chairman