Resolution 1996-585 1 6B 6 RESOLLTIONS NO. 96-- 585 RF'.SOLUTlON APrOF'HINC AND AUTHORIZING RA YMOND W. MILLfR. p.r., I~TERIM PUBLIC WOKK~ ADMl.".ISTHATOR OF THF: I'LJOLJe WORKS DIVISION, TC' rXrCUTF. rrRMfTS, CP.ANT APPLiC\TlONS A,"iD OTHER MISCf.LLf.ANf.OliS ()()Cl.'1\H:;-.;TS FOR THF. COLUER COUNTY \\'ATER-SEWER DISTRICT, MARCO WATER A:'>in ~;[W[R DISTRICT A.'iD (;O{)DL^~D WATER DlSTRICT AS "owr..F:R"; RrPEALI,.,'(; MH> surfRSUHNC RESOLFflO:"i ~O. 95-577. \Ii) !EREAS. the H(JJrd uf Counly Commis,ioncri of Collid CountY.;1\ "nwn{"(" of \'<Irio\lS water (Inn sewer utility systems. has J Olccd for the Public Works DjvisiDn to conduct Jui~itiL'S ....hich require remitting hy local. stnle and federal Jgencics: and WlfF.RF/\S. il is rhe intention nfsaiJ AO;Jrd tn make arrlicJlions and ~lJhmit Joclimcnt~ to 1001. sIc.:;.' :\nJ federal :\geneies: :\l1d WI lFR.EAS. in order to exreditc rroces~ing. it is neces,ary 10 ofri(i~llly :\rr<'lllt ilIld have of record:\ County offici:\I authnrileJ to execule pemliLs. grMlt apr1ic.ltions ;md fJlher misccllM1COU~ dOelJmenl~ rrcviously arproved hy BOZlrd of Count:. Commission action, 10 various J~encies including the following' I: ~. Environmental r'rotec:ti'm Agency 1'lmiJ,l Dr:rJrll1lent 11f Envirnnmenlilll'roteelion South Ilori(J;1 \\.',ller Mana!'clllent District Fiorid;j Department ,)fl"atural R.e~n\Jrees Olher regu lator.' agencies having jurisdiction over the water and sewer s~'~lems l,rCI'I!icr Coullty WIII'.kLt\S. ill order \(l exredile rroces~irlg. it is necessary 10 officially ilPpoint of record i1 Counly official to execute documents wherein the Board has previously arrroved sllCh document~ 1'.'0\\/. THEREFORE. 131': 11 RFSOLVU) BY TIll: IJO,\RD or COl.,'~TY COMMISSIONERS OF COLl.lFR C()' JNTY. r"l.()RID..\. that rhe Interim I'uhlie \Vorks Administrator, Raymond \V Milkr, is hereby ilrpointed and au:horized to ex~cute the documents aforesaid for and on behalf of the !1oJrd of County C0mmissioners of Collier County. Florida, as the C,lweming !1oJrd of the Collier County \V;ller.Sewer Di~lrict, the Marco Water :lnd Sewer Dislr:ct :lnu the Goodland Water District. Silid on-leer shill I execute the documents in 5ubstantially the follnwing manner' 80-\RO OF COUNTY COM!vlISSIONERS or COLUFR COUNTY. FLORIDA Ily j <-:-;..;'" 1/ )/ // (, ,/. Raymond \\-. !\lillcr Interim Puhlic Works Administrator Per Resolution No 96- Jr.':, RcsollltiOI1 slI[lcr<,cdcs and repeals Resolution No 9,'-577 " rhis resolution adopted aftn n:ntion. second Mld majority VOle /O/:l/f~ DATED ArrEST' f)W1Gln L BROCK, Ci.ERr( BOi\f{D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD or: TIlE COLLIER COlJNTY WAtt:R.SE\\1~R DISTRICT. \,lARCO WATER Ji~'D SEWER D!STRICT. (;OODLMH) WA TER DISTRICT. COLLIER CO\j~TY. FLORJDA cl~~4-(J~ rS;pup Clerk.. \ /" ~~. ~~ /---~ ~ :"-----/./' ............-..::..; ,-"C-'-- fly: - . - _> . -J;;-<.- - ~. -- John C. NOrriS . . i' ChalfTnan Approved as to forrn and legal su.f~ciency /F~~~/J!7- Assistant County A:lOrney ...