Resolution 1998-385 IbAB RUOLVrIOIf M). '1- ..1PJ A RESOLUTION or THE BOARD OP':COUNTY COIIMISSIOHERS PROVIDIJfC FOR ASSESBMEIrr or LIEN, FOR THB COST or THE AllATEMEIfT or PUBLIC HUISAlfCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE '1-47. WHEREAS, .. provided in Ordinance '1-47, the direct co.t. of ~bat...nt of cert.in nuiaance., including preacribad .dmini.tr.tive c".t incurred by tbe COUIlty, .hall be .......d againat auch property; .;and WHEREAS. the co.t thereot to the County.. to each parcel .hall be ':deulated and reported to the Bo.rd of County Commi..ioner., together .ith . de.cription of .aid p.rcel; .nd WHEREAS, .uch ...e....nt .ball be . leg.l, v.lid and binding ~blig.tion upon the property ag.in.t which Bade until paid; .nd WHEREAS. the ...e._t .ball becOlM due and payable thirty (30) iays after the mailing of Notice of Aa.e....nt .fter which intere.t c,hall .ccrue .t . r.te of t_lv. percent (12.0tl per annu. on any ,npaid portion thereof. NOW, TJfEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY ',":lMMISSIOIlfERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that th.. property described ,.s fOllawa, .nd having been .bated of . public nul8ance after due and i,roper notice thereof to' the owner of ..id property, 18 h'Jreby ......ed . he foll_inq co.t. of .ucb abat_t, .11.0 wit. IIMIJ. I' ...... ..............~I . s:gu Guy J I_d, . Ruth . :Eana.! 7 II Pad: moore Or. Apt ..25 Napl.., FL 34103 AU. d IoI.Dda Park, --.~ . 350.00 LDta ", '.,.0, .2, ., ... .., · .....unatoB d I.o~ II d DPJ.&. IDOVlI AIID ftlUCK CO" r.IT'l'LK FAIlIII 110. 2,le.. It:.u JIoad dpt-ot'.....!', _rding ~ the plat: tM~t" 1ft Plat Book ., Pap 11 ot' the Publio JIellllna d Collie2 eo-tJ', nedd.. RZ..---- ... 55101710003 1111'.014 The Clerk "-f the Bo.rd .hall _11 a notic. of ........nt of lien " '> the owner Or .,wner. of the .bove de8crib<!d property, .nd if .uch ~.,"er fail. to 1''''1 .uch ........nt within thirty (301 day. hereof, . c~rtified copy of this Re.olution .hall be recorded in tbe offici.l :"~ord. ~f C~lli..r County. to con.titute a lien .g.inat auch property .ccordinq to l"w. unle.. .uch direction i. .t.yed by thi. Board upon a~peal of the ...e....nt of tbe owner. Thi. Reaolution adopted .fter BOtion, .econd .nd majority vote. :;.,TEO. SEP 2 2 W.o ;,7TB8Ts ::>IIOHT E. BROCK, CLERK 8ClARD 0.. 00..... i OOMIIISSIOIfBRS