Resolution 1998-381 8A 1""' . RI'SOLU I 10:-; ')8. _381_ RI'S(J[ FriO;'; elF "1l1E IUMI{Il OF COl;:"'IY CO:\I:\IlSS/0SERS. ('ell.I.ILI{ ('{n;~'d\'. n.OKI!)A. J;:\I}(JRSIS(j rSCORI'()RATlOS (IF " S(1t~TIIWr:ST n.C)!{I!'" Fl~J\SIIIlI.lIY sn:llY IS TilE J'h\SIl1I1 IT" RIJ'ORT ,"OR TilE C'<:SF COMI'RElJESSIVE RISH:\\" S'II!()\" (~ESII:J)Yl. 'llllS sotHIIWEST I'LORlDA "EASIBII.nY snrn" \\'11.1. IlE. ('OSfJUCTED Asn FliSIJJ:O J()I~TL\' II\' "JIIE 1'~lIn) STATES ARM\' ("ORPS OF I-SCj[:'\ITRS N\"I> THE SOUTII fLORrnA W,\TER '\!ASNi[.\IEST IHSTRIlT WHERE,\S. the ("entral ;Hld Snulhcm Florid;:1 (C&SF) Project. which was lirst :1ll1hnri/cd hy ('ongrc~s ill 19-4S. is ,I r11\Jlli-rurposc project Ihat rro\'jdcs flood control: \\;111".'( ~lIrply (or I1lll11icip.a1. industrial ;lod OlgriclIltur.l! uses; pn:vcntion of s,i!twatcr Irllnlljjon; \\ater supply for Everglades i'alional Park~ ;mu protection of fish ;mJ wiltllife rl'soUrl.:l'S; .11111 \\'lIun,\s, .11 il)l)2, Congress authnri/eu Ille C&SF Project Comprehensive fh'\'ll'W S1\Jdy Ifh'SltulyJ In n:C\:1I11iIll' tIle ('enlr:lI ;I/1U Soulhern Fhlrida Project to dl'lCnllilll' lllc fl';lsihility or stnJl:lUr.i1 ,Illd operation,ll nlodificatinns cc;scrllial 10 fI.'Slor~l[iOlJ of the Ln:rg,"lllc~ ,lI1d ~llllh Florid~ ccosyslems whilc pro\'iding for other v,ah:r.n:bled nceds of the region such a!1i urh:m .md agricultural waler sLlpply <Jlld nond l'llfllrnl; ;md WIIERE,\S, in Su\'crtlhcr I'N4. the lJniled Slntes Anny Corps of Engineers (t :S,\('LJ cnmplt.:ll'd tIll: rl'COnrllliJtis~II1'1.' ph;asl' of the Restudy which set forth rcs(or~lion ISSIIl'S allt! SIX <.lltl.'mali\c pbns rnr consillL-ration l1y I~K'al cOllll1lunities ano participating ,1}!l"H,'ll'S: and \\'J IEREAS, III 11)1)5, lhl.' (,'S,\CE and the South Florida \\'nter Management District I Dislricl). ill p;u1m:rsh,p. hl.'gan the fcnsihilily phase or the C&SF Restudy, dl'l,lilill~ till': SCl.lpC ~lh\ork .lJId Ihe: pnH:I:SS IlccJed to select a pre/erred ahcm;uivc for the (l';l"lhillty ..IlJl.1y; and Wlll:RE,\S. SouthW<"SI FloriJa is ,I critic.ll component nf thc South Florida 1.'\.'OsYS[I..'rrl; ;lfIll \\"IlERE,\S, the c.linosahOltchl'e Rivcr is the only ponion of the Cenlr<.ll .Intl Snulhern Florid~ ((,&SF) Project in Soulhwesl Florida and therefore the only hasin illl"ludcd illlhal ~Ire~ included in the C&SF l{cstudy; and f, 1) ... \ WIIEREAS. there: j~ a lal.:k of d.lta Oil, ;lJ1d Jnalysis of. many of the water r("~()lIn:l.."S ;lIld related cOl1dilion~. prohlcms. orror1unitics and needs of the olher waler h;lsin~ of the SOlllhwl!st Florida region. :IIlU WIlEREAS. " rcasihilit)' stud)' !'ipccilically for all of Southwest Florida would in\'C~liga(c long term needs. prohlcms and potential solutions pcnaining to water n,'sources which arc critical to the future oCthe region: and \\'hcrC~IS. Ihc Rcstud)' prnpos,,'s 10 provide ;ldditi(ll1af water !'itoragc curacit)' and n..'I\UCC llnmling l:'\.l.:'nl~. Itl cnh;lIlcc w;llcr supply sources in limes of drought. to improve W,lIef quality hy reducing occurrences of freshwater :mJ sallwater intrusion. ::md to rl,."slorc Ihe Florid;1 HolY :lrld En:rgJadcs ecosystems; nod WIIEREAS. tin: sotuhwcst FloridfJ feasibility study ,,'ill havc no direct fiscal impact 011 Collkr ('ounty. ;md the ohjcclin:s of Ihc rcstuJ)' :uc intended to improve the quality llf life for the: cili/cns or Collie:r ('()uIlIY; :-;011' TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY ("O\I\IISSIO:-;EllS OF CO\.I.IER COl;:-;n', FLORIDA,lhal: The Board ofCuunl)' Commissioners luppor15lhcjoinl cfrons oflhe USACE and tilt.' Dislrict in dndoping the southwest Florida feasihility study <lnd the C&SF Restudy ProjccL "hi~ Hl,.'solut;oll adoptctl4llkr million. sccOIhl and m;Jjority vole favoring same, IJ..II I'IJ, .' : / ( ATTEST: IJII'I(;IIT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI.LlER COU;o..;TY. fLORID/. / ...:) /)/ (.7 - ,r,,; ./:.;;-.'/f~-7hr/ c'. ( " Atv,b ;, to O>4I.....".s sjgn4t"rt onl,. By: .., _ '\ .. '-:J :c -,,-~A:\::'\\.\.~'-:,~c-..L~~ l1un;ara B. lkny. ( h.i1~n . -. C::'--,\ :\ rrlllh.,j .1\ III rill III ;and k~;!l \\Iln~'I\."n'>" Il~.t~