Resolution 1998-379 RESOJ.UTION NO, 98- 379 ,\ RESOLUTION ADOPTING TilE AMENDED TENTATIVE BUDGETS FOR FY 1998-99. WHEREAS. Sa:tion 200.065, Florida Statutes. provides the procedure for fixing the millage rates; and WHEREAS. Sa:lion 129.03, Florida Statules. scIS forlh the procedure for preparation and adoption of the budgc:t; and WIIEREAS. Ihe Board of County Commissioners has received and examined Ihe tenlali,'e hudgets for =h of the County's funds; and WIIEREAS. on July 28. 1998. Ihe: Board of Counly Commissioners adopted Resolution So. 98-2W. appro,'ing Ihe Counly's proposed millage rales and Ic:Iting the public hearings for adoption of the final millage rales; and WIIEREAS. pursuanlto Section 200.065. Florida Statutes. an advc:rIised public hearing was held on Sc:ptemhc:r 9. 11)<)8.10 adopt the tenlative hudgets. :-';OW. TIIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY (,O~I~lISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Ihal the: FY 1998-99 Tentative Budgets as amended hy Ihe budget .ummaries allaehed hereto and incorporaled herein, are herehy adopted a. the: T entati,'e Budgcll for FY 1998.99, pursuanl to Sections 129.03 and 200.flltS. Florida Stalues. as amended by Chapter %-211, law. of Florida. Thi. Reoolution adopled Ihi, ..2:..:.... day of .L. ...:7' " , 1998, aner motion. second and majorilY vole. DATED: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA I ~ ~____,~~:: f. BY~~~ BA ARA B. . Chai . Alte- I H to Chafraaft s ~f'J('lt\Jrt onl]. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency ~A~; "'-(wi" Da,'id c. Weige County Attorney h ...""'.IUhC....'.."IpII1'f -w Inltab\'e........ fV 191"'."