Resolution 1998-443 1 6 A 3 .. RSSOLUTION NO. 98 - 44) A RESOLUTION OF' THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt-tMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT or PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47, WHEREAS. as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abateme~t of c~rtain nuisances, including prescrib~d administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREhS, ~~e cost ~he~eof to the Co~nty as to each parcel shall be calcul~ted a~d ~~po~ted ~o the Board of County Commissioners, together with a d~5~ription of ~ald parcel; and WHEREAS. ~';ch ass~zs~ent shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upo~ :h2 property against which made un~il paid; and W~ER2AS, the a66essm~nt shall become due and ~ayable thirty (30) days after ~~e ~ailing of ~otice of Assessment aft~r which interest shall accrue at a rate of Lw~lve percent (12.0%) pp.r annum on any unpa id port ion ther":!of. NOH, THEREFORE, tE iT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as fc~lcw5, ~~d h~ving be~n abated cf a public nuisance after due and proper ::~:ic~ rh~r~of to the o~ner of sdid property, is hereby assessed the to:1cw:~n c~s:s ~~ ~~ch abatement, to w~r: ~ LEGAL DESCR~PTION: s;Q,tl Claude E La Rue 7012 Chadwell Rd SW Huntsville, AL 35B02 Lot 9, Block 4, NAPLES MANOR $245.00 ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, on file and recorded in plat Book 3, Pages 67 and 68 of the p,wlic Records of Collier County, Florida. REFERENCE: 80605-027 H62092120004 The Cler~ .;! the ao~rd shall mail d notice of ,Jssessment of lien to ::he cwner 0'::- cv..nerS cf the above desc~ibt":d property, and if such ow~er fail5 t~ pay 9UC~ assessment within t~lirty (3C) days hereof, a certified copy ~! this R~solution shall be reco~ded in the c!ficial records of Coll:~r Ccunty. to constitute a lien against s~ch property according to law. unless such direction is stayed t)" this r-.)ard upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resol~:i~n adcpted lft(~ nctio~, second ~nd maJority vote. DATED, NOV I ,; 19~' ATTEST, DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLE~K BOARD 0:" COtn~TY COMMISSIONERS COLLISR CCu1JTY, ?LQRIDA BY:(~~m!~ ~ BARaARA B. BERRY,Z CHA ~: ~,,'?,;~dYf -./!J.(!, A test d$ to Chafr~Qn's sfQnatur. onll AP~ROVED AS ~O FORM ANp LEGAL S~FFrC:ENCY: I 2407136 OR: 2490 PG: 2364 HCOlGU In OlPIelAL J:1COI~3 of COLLIll cOUln. n !?/:llH !~ ~::O!?II OilGh'l 1. UJXI, (LIt[ RlC lJl copns DAVID WEIGEL COUNTY ATTORNE'~ ]UO 1.00 CSc,= 11 - 1/98 ::.:::; C~H' ~o Till 30A?D IUnC!lICI H3. l~OOi: !ZT 12H